Reviews for Harry Potter and the Founder's Chamber
Lorde Shadowz chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
To the guest reviewer Matt, and anyone else whom it concerns, may I suggest to be gentle with grammar reviews? It's considered polite to get an account and send a personal PM if you want to call someone out excessively on grammar mistakes; chances are he/she knows that he/she is making errors and just doesn't have a beta. Also, don't hide behind a mask of anonymity. If anything, get an account so people can respond properly!
Matt chapter 8 . 11/29/2019
Did you ever learn English? Because it's not evident in your writing. You use the word "betroth" in this chapter multiple times as a noun. Betroth is a verb. The noun form of the word is betrothed. To betroth is to become engaged or affianced to someone. A betrothed is the person to whom you are engaged. Your constant use of bad grammar and simply the wrong words takes away from my ability to enjoy reading the story. It makes it confusing and frustrating at times. I wish you would get a helper to fix your mistakes.
Matt chapter 6 . 11/28/2019
Why is it that every time you list Harry's titles there's a space in the middle of the name Slytherin? Every single time. It's odd.
Matt chapter 5 . 11/28/2019
Seriously? "bi-speckled"? They have dictionaries online, you know. Speckled means spotted and bi means two, so bi-speckled would be someone with two spots. Does that seem like it describes Harry? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure the word you intended to use was bespectacled (someone who wears glasses). Sometimes shortened to the slang term "speccy". Get help! Have someone read these things before you upload them.
Matt chapter 5 . 11/28/2019
The story is generally good, but some of your spelling is quite bad. Do you have a beta? You seem to need one.
Matt chapter 4 . 11/28/2019
Deathly HALLOWS, not Hollows. Did you ever even see the book or the movie?
Matt chapter 1 . 11/28/2019
"Pensive" is a word meaning thoughtful. Dumbledore was not coming out of his pensive. He was coming out of his pensieve, which is a device that allows you to review memories. Different thing. Spelled differently.
OPtifjne chapter 9 . 10/28/2019
Btw its Sites not sights just saying
Lee Worsnop chapter 9 . 7/24/2019
well that ending gave me whiplash and left so much unfinished
dumb as a door?
the wives?
would not getting lordship of 2 more houses mean 2 more wives?
its a good start and tbh i dont think you finished and got board so this is just a lazy abandoned story i mean can you imagine if JK had just given a list of plot point then said there you go make the rest up yourself
Hardy chapter 6 . 7/10/2019
I know that this is rather late but I am just now getting to these fanfic

I really have been enjoying this one

In this last chapter that Harry has his eight brides without Ginny who designed to eat and blew her chance

I had to laugh
PGHammer chapter 7 . 7/5/2019
I get that - last year, I underwent back2baCK surgeries. While neither was of the emergency sort, surgery is pesky to recover from; emergency surgery is typically worse. (colon and prostate in my case - despite the non-emergency nature of mine, I was STILL four days recovering - so NOT fun)
PGHammer chapter 4 . 7/5/2019
And *THIS* is why Ragnok is the Chief Goblin - he takes his lumps when he deserves them. Bigger surprise - Griphook has a connection to Family Potter - not just Harry.
csheila chapter 2 . 6/17/2019
Like the story very much. It shows Harry at his best but keeps him human
ZianaSue chapter 8 . 4/9/2019
patil (?Gryffindor

I think I got them all straight now. my that's a lot of wives.
benrobbins77 chapter 9 . 11/12/2018
Yikes, what a mess this story is. Tropes galore, spelling/grammar errors all over the place, and the mary sue to end all mary sues. Terrible.
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