AN: This is the end of this Fic! The first multi chapter one that is finished (I plan to finish the others, rest assured!)

A couple of things.

First ALL of my other one shots have been reuploaded after my BR checked them. (So you can read them again without so many problems)

Before anyone curses me for what i did with Sirius, i want to say this: He's a character that failed Harry a lot in the books. I think that even as a fugitive, he could done much more for him, like standing against Molly and Dumbledore during the fifth book. But i like him a lot, so you won't see me bashing him in all the fics, But on this one, i do!

For the end, let me remind you that Rowling did the same: the kids taking the train and just that! So i do a bit of the same!

Enjoy and review!


Ten years later

A decade had passed since the day that Harry Potter and Hermione Granger left England, with no desire to return. In all those years, life continued for all of their friends and not so friends.

Number one: Remus Lupin

After the deal that he had made with Minerva to be the co-head of Gryffindor and the professor of the younger students at the school, the werewolf finally settled in a long-term job and in a life without worrying about losing it. Anyone trying to get him out of the school would be facing Minerva 'Don't piss me off' McGonagall.

He had made a deal with Bill about the week of the full moon. The redhead would be the only head for that week and Remus would be the only one for another, so the former curse breaker could spend some time with Leia and to not worry about the students.

Some adults tried to have him kicked out of the school, on the grounds that he was a 'threat to all the kids,' but found two opponents to that: the first was Minerva and the second one was Amelia Bones.

After their first year as teachers, and both not dying, the Headmistress wasn't going to lose a professor without a hell of a fight. And after the disaster with Harry Potter, she swore to defend any of her favorite students with all of her power.

Amelia Bones had received the same letters that the Headmistress had about the risks of Remus, but she had also received even more from former students of his when he had taught the first term. Also, several parents supported it after talking with their kids, who spoke wonders of him.

But the last thing that made him earn her support was when it was leaked that he planned to teach the patronus to the eldest students and wanted to create a club for any student that had in mind to follow a career on the MLE. The better the training they got at school, the better officers she would have.

In his private life, he had started a relationship with Tonks, but it hadn't worked. After they broke up, they maintained their friendship and she had asked him for advice about some of her cases. In exchange, Remus had used her help to make the plans for the club and she also helped Bill when it came to the eldest students.

Nowadays, he was still single and looking for someone to marry with. Till he did it, his family was the students that considered him as the second best teacher at the school. Bill was the best.

… … … …

Number two: Minerva McGonagall

The stern professor had become the headmistress the same year that Harry left and continued in her role.

She was still as stern and serious as always, but she had changed. She gave some more freedom to the teachers when it came to handling their houses and only intervened when it was necessary.

Her smiles, that were so rare when she was professor, were now more common. She could smile with a good prank and always kept in touch with the twins to be updated on their new creations.

"It's the only way I have to know what to expect," the witch had explained to the duo when they met for the first time for those lists.

Even if she would never admit it to anyone else, she was proud of them. They had achieved their dreams and their products were quite ingenious.

She had been thinking about retiring a few times over the last few years, but she couldn't convince anyone to take her place. Filius said that he would do it, only if she could convince someone to be the deputy. His list of names was reduced to two: Remus or Bill. Pomona had always declined the offer for that place, since she had to work with her beloved plants and Horace had the same problem with his potions.

"You blackmailed me once, Minerva. Don't even dream of a second time," Remus had told her when she talked to him about that chance.

Bill had said that he wouldn't do it till Leia was out of school at least. And it wouldn't happen in a few more years, so that left her in the position.

… … … …

Number three: Sirius Black

The former fugitive had a lot of problems after the whole deal of the revelations about Molly, Ron and Albus.

The first one was that the other marauder, Remus Lupin, broke their friendship forever.

"You betrayed Harry, Sirius. He was your godson and you never gave him a chance, when he was the person responsible of you not dying three years ago. So, excuse me, if I don't stay close to you to see who you betray next," the werewolf said before he added, "Don't call me again. For me, you are dead."

Remus wasn't the only one that gave him the back after that: Tonks did it too. As she said more than once, "I have no cousin named Sirius Black."

He once tried to contact Harry. The teen had sent a reply that had one single line:

'The dead can't return to life and for what I care, you are DEAD!'

He tried to get a job using all of his power and contacts, but he never got any important or serious one. No one knew how much he could be trusted after the years in Azkaban and soon, everyone learnt about his betrayal to Harry.

He ended leaving England and going to live in a little country outside of Europe. No one ever heard of him again.

… … … …

Number Four: Tonks

The former auror made her career as investigator in the Department of Special Magical Crime Investigations, first under the guidance of Sarah and then on her own, when the older witch got a promotion as deputy to John Hall, when he became the head of the department.

After the investigation about Harry's disappearance, she started to think in ways to have both methods working together and started to make investigations and courses about the muggle methods of crime fighting.

She was the person that brought the concept of the DNA to the law enforcement and it turned out to be a success in the cases in which the crime involved sexual assaults.

She was brutal when it came to crimes against the muggleborn and half-blood wizards and witches. Her name became as hated in the criminal world as Moody's and her head had a prize on it at least three times.

When it happened, she made a call to Moody and invited him to 'remember the old times and have fun together.' Her mentor never missed the chance to do so.

After breaking up with Remus, she started a relationship with a police officer that she met in one of her classes. The guy, a member of a family of squibs, turned out to be the officer that had entered with Harry into the house on fire during the summer before the teen's fifth year.

They got married after two years of relationship and Remus had been the best man. She was the proud mom of a child that was now three years old and that had inherited her skills as metamorphmagus. Despite her mother's suggestions for names, she had called her daughter Mary.

"Just a simple and plain name," she had told her mother and friends, when she announced the name that she and her husband had chosen. "I don't want her to hate her name as much as I do."

… … … …

Number Five: the Weasley Clan

A) Bill

He continued with his jobs at Hogwarts and was the proud father of Leia, who showed that she had inherited the brain and magical skills of both of her parents, plus their abilities for pranks.

He never had a stable love relationship, although he lived a short one with the new astronomy professor. It ended when she had to leave the school for a family matter and never returned.

Nowadays, he had started a new love relationship with the former champion, Fleur Delacour, although no one was certain how it would end.

B) Charlie

He had stayed in England after his father's stroke, but returned to his dragons after a year when he was sure that Arthur could be well on his own.

He didn't have a love life as he only had one love: dragons. He had flirted with several witches while he was in Romania, but nothing serious.

C) Fred and George

The twins had graduated from school with high grades on their NEWTS, as they didn't want to lose the money that Harry had left them. Once they got their grades, they went to Gringotts to claim the vault.

"This is also for you," Griphook said with a smile as he handed their key, plus an envelope that had Harry's handwriting on it.

'Dear pair of idiots,


If you got this, then you passed the exams with excellent grades. Congratulations for that!

Now I have to admit that I cheated. How? Simple: the vault would have been yours no matter the grades. But I wanted to see if you could do something well for once in your life!


P.S.: Thanks to this, Hermione owes me the equivalent to 20 galleons, as she bet that you would never do it.


"He played a prank on us!" Fred and George said at the same time after reading the letter.

The shop became a huge success among the students that were a bit tired of the same products from Zonkos. The owner of the shop, seeing that he could never beat them, sold them his shop.

"I've dreamt of retiring for years, but no one came close to be a competitor into the business. Now that you are here, I can leave knowing that you'll continue the tradition," the man said with a smile when he went to talk to them and offer them his shop, products and secrets.

They married their girlfriends, Angelina and Alicia, in a double wedding. They were the first Weasley kids to get married, beating Percy by only two months.

Harry and Hermione attended the wedding camouflaged as some distant relatives of one the wives, but neither the twins, nor their friends found out till the couple sent them a picture of both of them plus the four newlyweds during the party.

'Have a nice life and congratulations. Sorry for not telling that we were there, but we didn't want to call too much attention to us.

Harry and Hermione'

They had a set of twins each and the four were born the same day and at the same time. Fred had two girls and George two boys. Now they were four years old and the four had inherited their parents' abilities to cause mayhem and destruction.

Minerva swore that she would retire the year before the four went to the school.

"I had enough troubles with their parents as students! My health and sanity wouldn't survive their first month!" She said very seriously.

No one could fight that argument, as Angie and Alicia suffered them every day.

D) Ginny

The only girl of the clan became a professional seeker after she finished school and was still single. But as opposed to Charlie, she had been having a relationship with Neville Longbottom, but they never decided to get married. The usual reasons were her career and his job inside Hogwarts as the professor of herbology and head of Hufflepuff.

She was the only one that still kept in touch with Harry and Hermione. That was because she had found out the wonders of the muggle internet and used it to mail the duo. Now the friends mailed each other once a week and they updated the others about what happened in each of their families.

Ginny always asked when they would meet again, but her friends were never sure of that. Of course they sent pictures, but everyone wanted to see them once more.

E) Percy

The third Weasley boy became Amelia's undersecretary and still held that position. He had abandoned his dreams of becoming the minister after he saw the madness that came with the job.

"Percy, be happy and keep the position that you have. The job of minister is not recommended if you wish to have a family," Madam Bones had told him one day. Then she asked, "Why do you think that your father never left his department? He had a quiet life there and it didn't involve too much paperwork."

That convinced him to not change his job and stay where he was. And that was a decision that never regretted.

He got married to his school's love, Penelope Clearwater, and started to have kids the next year. Now they had three: two boys of six and four and a girl that wasn't a year old yet.

F) Molly and Ron

No one had heard of them ever again. For the clan, they had died the night in which Remus had revealed the truth to everyone.

… … … … …

Number six: Albus Dumbledore

The former headmaster and hero of the wizarding world was sentenced to prison for several crimes against the community. All of his vaults were emptied and the money was used for donations.

He lost all of his titles and his name was erased from the history books. His chocolate toad card was removed from the market and his name became one of the most hated one in the History.

He died alone and forgotten in a cell of Azkaban, three years after his fall in disgrace.

… … … …

G: Arthur

The Weasley patriarch was the one that found the couple once more, although it was by an accident.

After he survived to the stroke, he made several changes on his life. The first one was to ask for retirement from the ministry. The second was to start to take walks under doctor's orders.

He found a park close to Grimmauld and he usually went there almost every day. That's where he met Angela, while she walked her dog. The animal, a little fox terrier, had ran from her master and went straight into Arthur, who picked her up while Angela ran to them.

"You are a bad girl, Lila!" Angela lectured her pet that looked down. Then she said to Arthur, "Sorry for this, she never runs."

"No problem, I'm used to pets," The redhead said with a smile and introduced himself, "I'm Arthur Weasley."

"Are you related to the owners of the WWW shop?" Angela asked with curiosity. Then she explained, "My daughter has a shop there too."

"They are my sons," Arthur said with a smile of pride. Then he asked: "Are you..?"

"No, I'm not like her. I'm a plain person." She said, trying to not say any word that could break the secrecy statute. Then she said, "I never saw you around here."

"I'm starting to take walks due to doctors' orders. I suffered a stroke last year and now I'm recovering," the redhead explained and petted Lila.

That was the first encounter of both adults, who became good friends. Angela had lost her husband three years ago and had moved from Spain to live close to her daughters and grandchildren: two girls of seven and nine a three boys of eight, five and four.

"I only have one and that's because my eldest son adopted his goddaughter last year," Arthur said with a smile.

They started to go out as friends soon: going to the cinema, to restaurants. She introduced him to the opera. Sex was never an issue for them as the matter never came up. But both had spent the night at the other's house more than once.

They never saw each other as a couple till one day,one of her grandsons asked her if he was her boyfriend. The problem was that he did it when she was having dinner with her daughters and in-laws, plus their kids.

"Are you dating, mom?" Her oldest daughter, Michelle, asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I've been seeing someone for a while. I wouldn't call it dating," Angela said with a smile.

"Do we know him?" Her other daughter, Isabella, asked.

"Michelle knows two of his sons. His name is Arthur Weasley," yhe old woman said.

"Is Charlie still at Romania?" One of her in-laws, Mathew, asked. And then said to his wife, "The Gryffindor deeker that was two years ahead of us." Both had been in Ravenclaw while they went to Hogwarts.

"He tried to ask me out once," Michelle said with a smile to her husband.

"As long as it was a girl, he asked out anyone," Matt said with a snort.

"For what he told me, he was back for a while but returned there a few months ago," Angela said. He had told him about all of his kids and what each of them did. When it came to his wife and his other son, he only said that they were dead but didn't add any detail.

"When do we meet him?" Isabella asked her seriously.

"Hold on there, Isa! I won't bring him home so you can interrogate him like one of your suspects!" She said very seriously. Her daughter and her husband were both police officers.

"I just want to meet the man that dates my mother," the woman said with a smile of innocence. Her family replied with a collective snort.

"You'll have to wait. I'm not sure if he has told his children yet," Angela said seriously, and the topic was changed.

… … … …

A few days later, Arthur decided to break the news of his relationship to his kids. Knowing that the twins would tease him and Percy was too busy, he went to Bill.

He arrived to his quarter's common room and saw Leia doing homework.

"Grandpa Artie!" She exclaimed as soon as she saw him. For Leia, he was her grandfather and the other siblings of Bill were her aunts and uncles. Bill was her godfather or Uncle Bill.

"Hey, sweetie! Where's your dad?" Arthur asked her, while sitting and checking her work.

"He had a meeting of heads of houses with Professor McGonagall. He should be back soon," Leia said checking the clock. In cue, Bill entered.

"I must not kill Malfoy… I must not kill Malfoy..." Bill repeated as a mantra. He saw his father and looked worried.

"I'm fine. I'm here because I need some advice," Arthur said to calm him.

"What's her name?" Leia asked suddenly.

"Angela," Arthur said, before he realized what he had said.

"I told you that there was someone behind his changes!" The girl told Bill with a wide smile, as Arthur blushed and Bill looked shocked with the news.

"Good night, Leia." The Professor said seriously and pointed to her bedroom. She laughed and kissed Arthur before she went to bed. Then he turned to his father and asked: "You…"

"Yes, I've been seeing someone for a few months," Arthur said with a nod. Then he added, "You and Leia are the first to know it."

"Thanks for that honor," Bill said with sarcasm. Then he said, "Sorry for that. I've had a bad day."

"I figured that out with your mantra," Arthur said with a smile.

"Start talking," Bill said as he sat in front of him and asked dinner to the elves. Before his father started, he waved his wand in Leia's room's direction and the door swung open, and the girl fell forward. Before she said a word, he ordered her to go to find Ginny in the tower. Then he assured her, "If both of you are not here in five minutes, you'll stay outside till he leaves." Leia rushed out of the room, while the two men laughed and started to eat while they waited for the girls.

Less than three minutes later, the two girls arrived and they sat down, eager to listen to Arthur.

Then he proceeded to tell them about Angela, how they met, everything that they have been doing together. Then Leia asked:

"Did you two have sex?"

"Leia, I DON'T need to know that," Bill lectured her, as Arthur smiled to her. He liked her way of speaking: she held nothing back.

"At my age, Leia, sex is not something important. I'm just looking for a partner," he said before he addressed his biological children, "Bill, you are here most of the year. Ginny, you will be here for another one and then you'll live somewhere else. Charlie is in Romania and he doesn't want to return and Percy and the twins now have their own families, so I'm on my own."

"You are replacing us?" Ginny asked with a mock anger.

"Just temporarily," Arthur said with a smile.

"Do we know her?" Bill asked curious.

"One of her daughters has a shop in the alley and she and her husband were years behind Charlie at school," his father said before he added, "She and her other daughter are muggles."

"So, the question is: when do we meet her? If you are here to break the news, it means that you two plan to do that sooner or later," Ginny said.

"The idea is to do it during the break and to make Charlie come if it's possible. The date will depend of when you have a whole week on shift," he told Bill, who went to check the calendar.

"Good news: the full moon is not during the break," the professor said after he read it for a minute.

… … … …

The dinner between the two families was a success as all of them decided to work together to help their parents to be happy.

They got married during the summer after Ginny's last year in a simple and private ceremony: relatives and close friends of both.

Both of them sold their houses and bought a bigger one: both for them to live in and for their children to come stay at without worrying about the space. Of course, with all the Weasley children gone for most of the year, there was always a lot of free space.

… … … …

August, 24th, 2005

Minerva was at her office going through the last details before the start of the term, when someone knocked the door.

"Come in!" She invited the person, and a moment later, a black girl entered. She was a bit tall, had long black hair and used a cane to walk. Minerva looked at her and asked, "May I help you?"

"I know it's a bit late, but I recently came to the country and would like to join your school," the girl said as explanation.

"It's a bit late to join it, miss…" Minerva asked and inviting her to take a seat.

"Maia Evans," the girl said with a smile, and then continued, "I know it's a bit too late, but my parents were sure that you could make an exception in my case."

"And who are your parents?" Minerva asked seriously. She always disliked the spoiled children that thought that their parents could buy anything they wanted and this seemed to be the case.

"Mom and Dad will love to know that you keep THEIR gift in such a special place," Maia said with a smile and pointed to the cat that she had received several years ago from…

"Your parents are…?" Minerva asked in shock and the girl nodded, giving her a little folder with a picture and a letter.

In the picture, she saw Harry, Hermione, Maia and another two kids: a girl that looked Asian and another boy.

"Those are Su Li and Miguel. She's four and he's eight." Maia said with a smile, while Minerva opened the letter to read it.

'Dear Professor,

It's been a while since we mailed each other and we now write in need of a favor. (Actually, I write the letter alone as Harry is working at the hospital and only God knows when he'll be back. I'll write about it soon.)

The girl who gave you this letter is Maia and is our eldest daughter. I know that you don't get that impression at first and the math don't work here, so I'll tell the history.

I can't have children, so after failed attempts we decided to adopt a child. Maia was out first and has been with us since she was four. She uses a cane as she had some problems during her first years and her leg's nerves were severely damaged. But she can't take care of her own, with or without it. Besides, the police call her cane 'the most lethal weapon a child can carry with her'. (She used it more than once with incidents that ended with the police being involved.)

The other two are Su Li and Miguel. She joined the family a few months ago and is a… hard case. Let's say that she had lots of problems before she came to us and I'll leave it there. Miguel is deaf, but when he wants, he makes sure that he's understood.

Harry studied medicine. He said that 'after all the time I spent in hospitals, I know that I can be a good one.' Nowadays, he's the chief of staff of the ER where he works and he shows a great deal of 'diplomacy' (If you call to be diplomatic to point a gun to the mayor's head, then he is. Don't ask, as I do my best to forget that incident.).

I, on the other hand, became a lawyer and work for the district attorney. I'm very good and won my hundredth case last week.

But, let's return to the main reason of this letter. (I still have to cook dinner, bathe the kids, put them in bed, read them a tale and then work on a case. So I have little time at this moment.)

Maia is a witch and a few months back, we started to talk about where to send her. We have friends in the country's wizarding community and the school from here was the first choice. But we went to Hogwarts, and even if we didn't leave in good terms, we still have too many good memories from it.

When we made the decision for Hogwarts, came other matters: do we go too or does she go alone? If she went alone, when was the best date to do it? Who should know it? Those were the main ones, of course.

We considered returning for a while, but then we realized that there were too many cons about it. We would never have peace, Maia would have too many problems for her being adopted and her leg's problem, the list goes on and on. So we decided to send her alone a week before. It would give us time to get her in the country's school if she couldn't join Hogwarts, as we know it's a bit late to add a new name to the list. (But as you are reading this, then you know who her parents are and she is DEFINITELY in.)

For the last matter, it was a bit harder. Of course, you would be informed, but whom else? Should her head of house know it, too?

Harry gave the best reason to not do it in the last case. If she ends in Gryffindor or in Hufflepuff, both of us know that we can trust in Bill, Remus and Neville and neither of them will announce it to the world. But we know nothing about Slughorn and we never considered Terry Boots a friend of ours. So, we decided to leave it to you if her head must know it or not. We trust your judgment.

But that was not the favor we had to ask you. We need someone that can be trusted to take decisions in case of emergencies. (Something that tends to happen with Maia around, although, it's not she who suffers.)

The reason is simple: we live in New York and if something happens to her, it will be a while till we get there. First of all, you'll have to contact the British Ministry. Then, they'll contact the Americans, who will contact us. Then we'll have to find someone to watch the kids, arrange the things at our work and then go to England. So between the moment in which Maia has the emergency and we get there, it might be a few hours. And if Harry learnt something is that the time that is wasted in emergencies can make a HUGE difference in what happens to a patient's life.

We know it's not easy what we ask, but with so few people that we can trust, you are our ONLY choice without revealing the truth.

The kids need my attention so I need to finish the letter before the house is blown up.


Hermione Potter-Granger-Evans

P.S.: Nowadays we use Lily's last name as it's not so rare and there are a lot of Evans around and no one thinks that we're related to Harry's mom.'

"He really pointed a gun to Mayor's head," Minerva asked seriously when she finished the letter.

"He did it twice. At home, he's called 'Mr. Diplomacy' by the media. He said that he never got a nickname that suited him better," Maia said with a twisted smile.

In that moment, the five heads of house entered at the office for a meeting and Minerva introduced Leia as a new student that had arrived from the USA a few days earlier and had come to meet to her for the chance of joining Hogwarts.

"Isn't it a bit late?" Horace asked confused.

"She's a special case, Horace," Minerva said seriously, before she asked Maia if she had her supplies.

"I decided to come here first and then go shopping," the girl explained to her. Then she stood and asked her permission to use the floo so she could make the trip to the Alley.

"Inform me if you need anything, please," Minerva asked and the girl nodded, before she left.

"Why is she special?" Terry Boot asked, He taught charms and had become the head of Ravenclaw, when Filius retired two years ago.

"That's not your business, Mr. Boot," Minerva said sharply and everyone dropped the matter.

… … … …

A while after the end of the welcoming feast, Minerva went to talk to Bill and Remus. As Maia had been sorted into their house, they had to know who she was.

"Minerva, come in," Remus said when she knocked the door and she entered.

"What I say tonight MUSTN'T leave the place. Am I clear?" Minerva asked seriously and both nodded. "Maia Evans is a very sensitive person and while at Hogwarts, I take care of any emergency that happens to her till her parents arrive."

"They are Americans, right?" Bill asked, as he had had heard that she talked with another girl about New York and said that she lived there.

"She's American but her parents are British," Minerva said before she added with a smile, "She's the eldest daughter of Harry and Hermione."

"WHAT?" Both men exclaimed with shock and Minerva gave them the picture and letter that Maia gave her during their first meeting and both read it quickly.

"I only tell you this, because she's in your house. If she ended either in Ravenclaw or Slytherin, I would have kept it quiet," Minerva informed the Professors.

"Does anyone else know?" Bill asked seriously as he returned the letter and the picture.

"Not from me," McGonagall said seriously. Then she added, "And I don't need to tell you that this is something that must be kept VERY quiet, do I?"

"Do you really have to ask that?" Bill asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Both of us know that there were some complaints when Leia was named prefect of your house. And not too many people know that I chose the Prefects that year," Minerva said seriously.

Leia was named prefect in her fifth year and then became the head girl. Lots of students said that Bill had chosen her because she was his daughter. When few knew, was that Bill had asked Minerva to chose prefects that year and it had been the headmistress who named her to the post. And as Minerva had said, the news wasn't released to the school: just a few heads of house and a few parents knew it. For the rest of the world, it had been Bill and Remus who did it.

Then both wizards realized the crux of the matter: if they showed any favoritism for Maia, people might be suspicious about their relationship. And even if they couldn't link her directly to her adoptive parents, Minerva didn't want to take the risk.

Neither Bill nor Remus showed an open favoritism for their house and were always fair when it was about giving points or assigning detentions. Sometimes they showed some kind of favoritism for a student, but no one could ever say that they were not impartial.

"We failed them when they were students and I always felt myself in debt. And I'm sure as hell that I don't want to be the person who contacts them to say that she was attacked because of being their daughter and we couldn't keep our mouths shut," Minerva said very seriously, before asking, "Do either of you want that job?"

"I'm not particularly interested on that. I'm not that suicidal," Bill said seriously.

"So we act as usual. For all we know, Maia Evans is just another first year student that came from USA and has been sorted into Gryffindor. If there is any emergency that needs any decision, it'll take them, clear?" Minerva asked and both wizards nodded.

They only had once chance to make amends with the past and the fact that they failed to the couple of teens so many years before. So now that the teens gave them a new chance, they had to use it and not waste it. And none of them had the intentions of losing it.
