Welcome to the sequel and may the odds be ever in your favor.

The characters of The Hunger Games Trilogy do not belong to me.

North Star

Chapter One: The Reaping

Katniss grips my hand tensely as we stand together on the stage along with Haymitch. I look to her and squeeze her hand back in comfort, my gaze going to her still-flat abdomen.

It won't look that way for long as Katniss has already developed a small bump due to our two growing babies.

Today, we were able to cover up her pregnancy with the navy dress she wears and so far no one has suspected a thing. We let Haymitch in on it so he could cover for us should Katniss suddenly become 'indisposed'. Though he grumbled over our lack of proper birth control, I did catch a wisp of a smile on his lips over the thought of the two new occupants in the Mellark household.

Despite the worry, we are elated.

Katniss and I have always wanted to have children and after only seven months of marriage, it has happened.

Since we found out, we have spent our time introducing ourselves to the little ones. I read somewhere that children can hear, even in the womb. We want them to know who their parents are.

I want them to know that I'm their father. I tell them I'm not the easiest person to live with, that I can have fits and unexpected bouts of rage, but would never cause them pain. I am in love with them already.

I don't want my children to be afraid of me.

I make many mistakes but I would never hurt them or Katniss.

My reverie is broken as I realize that Effie has called up the male Tribute.

Adam, our boy tribute, is fifteen and from the Merchant side. I think I've seen him around but I can't quite place where. He looks friendly, which will be good for sponsorship, and strong-bodied for someone his age.

However, I have to school my expression when our female tribute's name is called and a small girl with golden hair makes her way to the stage. Katniss is effected as well, her grip tightening on my hand; the girl looks eerily like Prim.

The young girl is pale and shaking as she begins her walk up the stage steps and I'm afraid that she'll pass out on her way up.


The familiar voice shakes me to the core.

Katniss is on the verge of tears seeing Madge Undersee rushing to take the young girl's place.

Not her. Anyone but her.

Especially for Gale's sake.

Madge brings the little girl back to her mother before ascending the stage.

I forgot that my friend is still eighteen.

This would've been her final year in the reaping. Her birthday is next week.

Katniss looks over at me, her hand moving over the small bit that is our children. We have even more of a reason to fight—for them.

Like Haymitch said, our children will be hybrids of Katniss and me, full of my fighting prowess and Katniss' charms. They will be the one thing that Snow will never expect yet the one thing he will covet.

Because if he has them, then he will have Katniss and me.

Snow will have me.

After presenting our two Tributes and having them shake hands, Effie escorts them to say their final goodbyes.

I look to an ashen Gale, nodding to the Justice Building where I know Madge will be with her family.

He should say goodbye.

"Mr. Mellark. Mrs. Mellark." Katniss and I look to see a Peacekeeper standing before us, expression hidden under his headgear. "I will be escorting you to the train."

We nod and I give Katniss a small smile as we walk towards the station with our armed escort.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Haymitch mutters from where he walks beside us. "Welcome to the 77th Hunger Games."

The main train cart looks similar to the one that Prim and I rode in when we first entered our Games, all rich velvet and mahogany with an abundant food set-up. Katniss looks around in awe at the sumptuousness of the food and décor before meeting my eyes.

"Was it like this when you went to the Capitol?"

"Similar," I tell her. "Though I think the fact that District 12 has won twice within the last two years gives Effie some perks in decorating for her escorts." Taking her hand, I lead her toward a set of doors. "Let's go look for our room."

We find our room easily across from Haymitch's. Our large bed takes up most of the space but I see Katniss sigh in relief seeing the plush pillows and soft comforter. I can tell that she is feeling a little under the weather, her hand pressing her lower back as we examine the room.

"Hey," I call out softly. Approaching, I move behind her, massaging the area where her hand rests. Immediately, Katniss falls back against me, a small sigh escaping her lips. "Why don't you rest? It's a long way to the Capitol."

"I will," she tells me. "I just can't rest right now." Katniss turns to me. "Why would she volunteer?"

"Because she's Madge," I respond. "There isn't a mean bone in her body." I sit down on the end of the bed. "Though she'll have to grow one if she wants to survive the Arena."

The Games will change her. The thought of Snow making someone as good as Madge into another one of his pawns causes the blood inside of me to boil. To him, we are nothing but pieces to move around his game board.

Eventually, when he grows tired of us, Snow will just get rid of the board altogether. It happened to District 13 and it could happen to us.

Katniss approaches until she stands completely in front of me, her slight belly right in front of me. Without a thought, I pull her close and press my lips to the small bump that is our children.

"Hey little ones. It's Dad," I say, my mouth against her. "We're on our way to the Capitol. Hopefully, this will be the only time that you'll need to go to that horrible place." I look up as Katniss weaves her hand through my hair. "So please, give your Mama a chance to hide you two for a while. It's safer this way." I kiss her abdomen. "I love you so, so much."

"We love you, too," Katniss whispers hoarsely. Leaning down, she gives me a kiss. "We're going to be alright. We've been through worse."

My hand reaches to the nape of her neck, drawing her lips to mine. Katniss smiles in our kiss, a moan whispering of overwrought hormones and desire escaping her full lips.

There's a sharp knock on the door and we pull apart just as Haymitch strolls into the room, a full smirk on his face.

"I thought that you'd wait until the train started pulling out of the station to christen your new room," he remarks. Katniss glares at his words and Haymitch immediately backs away, palms up in surrender. "Calm down, Mrs. Mellark. I just wanted to let you know that the Tributes have now arrived and we are getting ready to leave for the Capitol."

"Where's Madge?" Katniss immediately asks.

"Once Effie showed her the Tribute cart, she decided to stay in her room," Haymitch says.

"I'll go check on her." Katniss rushes out of the open door, leaving us alone.

"Adam is in the main cart," he informs me. "I think it's time to start your duties as mentor." Nodding, I stand up and Haymitch pats my shoulder. "It gets easier."

I whip around at his words, bristling at his light tone.

"Listen. If I have any control over this Rebellion then this will be my only time doing this!" I look around before continuing. "Haymitch, we love you but I don't want to wait years before finding Tributes that I care about. I don't want to start caring about them because they don't care about themselves anymore."

He looks at me for a moment, hurt in his eyes.

"Is that what you think? That I cared because you went off the deep end?"

"You didn't want see yourself in another Tribute," I hiss in frustration as we stand face to face in the tight hallway. "Admit it. You didn't want another person around you who didn't give a shit about themselves. I am your cold hard mirror of reality."

I turn to head to the main cart.

"Goddamnit! Get back here!" Haymitch growls. I turn and he stomps over to me. "I remembered you four. You used to crawl behind that fucking fence like you could give a shit about dying by electrocution. You were all content to be with one another. Then, you got older—and I saw you with Katniss. You looked at her like she was the moon. Don't tell me what you think you know about me, Peeta! Because no one likes assumptions, least of all you!"

"You saw us?" I repeat in surprise.

"The entrance you used was not too far from Victor's Village."

Without even realizing it, Haymitch had always been watching over us.

"I'm not going to do this—participate in this charade for Snow," I promise him. "I'm going to get them out if I have to bomb that damn Arena myself."

Haymitch grins. "Now, we're talking!" He claps my shoulder, his eyes becoming serious. "I do see myself in you, Peeta. But, only the good parts. The ones I used to have."

"There is still good in you," I respond after a moment. Taking a nervous breath, I square my shoulders to go into the main cart. "Here goes."

Stepping into the cart, Adam immediately stands. He has Haymitch's lanky frame though it's balanced with his broad shoulders.

"Mr. Mellark, Mr. Abernathy," he says and offers his hand. "It is nice to meet you."

I shake his hand. "Just Peeta, please."

"Haymitch is fine, son," my co-mentor adds as he shakes Adam's hand.

We all sit at the dining table and look over the spread. My eyes zero in on the thinly-sliced ham. Katniss can't stand its smell and will immediately turn green at the sight of it. I ask one of the attendants to remove it before thanking them. Haymitch eyes me knowing that request was not for me, but my wife.

"Adam," I begin. "What do you want to do when you grow up?"

The boy's expression sobers. "Besides live?" I nod reluctantly. He thinks for a moment before responding. "I want to be a doctor."

Immediately, I tell him the things he will have to excel in and what he can effectively use to impress the Gamemaker panel: plant identification, first aid. Then I go over the things that he will most likely struggle with: combat, weapon fashioning—anything physical.

Adam's father works in the Justice Building and I realize his father is the clerk who notarized Katniss and my marriage license. Then I think of our wedding party and how Adam was one of the kids that Rory was talking to.

After he's done telling me about himself, Adam meets my eyes once more. "Peeta?"


"I don't want to die," Adam says quietly.

Through his confidence, I see that he is only a boy. I think that long ago that was me. I sat in this train cart with the same worries and fears. What could Haymitch have told me that would have made me more assured? Less alone?

"That's why we're here," I reply and then nod my head at Haymitch. "Because we're going to give you the best chance that we can." Standing up, I give him a tense smile. "I'm going to check on Madge while Haymitch tells you about the next couple of days leading up to the Games."

I walk over to the opposite end where the entrance to the Tribute cart is. The door opens and Effie steps out, her expression disturbed.

However, she musters up a smile for me. "Door to the left."

I nod and head into the hallway. The door is slightly ajar and I can hear sobbing coming from Madge's room. Peeking inside, I spy Katniss and Madge sitting on the end of the bed. My friend's back is toward me so she is unaware that I'm at the cracked doorway.

"Celia's mother is not well," Madge tells my wife. "So, I knit her sweaters…the same kind I used to knit for my mom. Celia comes to get them from me and she is a sweet girl. She loves pink and yellow…daisies and primroses…and when I saw her walking up there, something else just took over. I couldn't let her mother watch her die in the Arena."

"But you'll let yourself?" Katniss counters softly. "You'll let your father watch you suffer? Us? Ga—"

"Don't." Madge raises her hand. "Don't talk about him, please."

There's a definite slump in Madge's shoulders and as she falters, Katniss catches me in the doorway. She raises her index finger to her lips and shakes her head.

Madge needs a sisterly hand and Katniss can give her that.

However, I can't be around.

"He said goodbye, right?" My wife asks.

Madge nods. "He came in, right after my father. Oh God, Katniss…since I've been around you, Peeta, and Gale, I wanted so badly to be part of your world. I wanted to hope that he'd want me like he wanted her…" There's another hitch in her breath. "I know that I can't replace your sister, Katniss. But, I wanted to have some space in his heart. Maybe that's why this happened…" Our friend swipes at her eyes. "Because if Gale can't love me, then nothing would matter anyway. I'd just see him in town and it would just hurt. It'd just remind me that I'm a poor substitute for Prim."

"You're not Prim," Katniss tells her. "There are things about you both that are similar—your kindness, your bravery, your intelligence. But, there are differences, Madge. You have a self-confidence that is unwavering, you're loud, and you speak your mind. My sister hated talking to strangers and she was a bust when it came to letting people know when things bothered her. She tended to keep it in, similar to myself." She sighs. "Gale is not the same boy who loved my sister. He will always care for her, but he had to grow up and move on."

"That's what he told me," Madge tells her. "He said that he loved your sister and that he always would. She was his friend and first love. But lately, he closes his eyes and he sees my face. Whenever something good happens, he wants to share it with me. And, he knows that when bad things happen, I'm going to be there for him. He also said that he wants us to babysit the twins—that I'd be a good Aunt."

Katniss reaches to her swell protectively. "He told you?"

"He told me after you told him. He's excited," Madge assures her. "I was so happy and I thought to myself that I could die in that Arena knowing that Gale loved me." She bursts into tears, the sobs muffled by Madge covering her face. "But, why?"

My wife places a hand to her shoulder. "Why what?"

Madge drops her hands to meet Katniss' eyes.

"Why did he have to kiss me?"

"Are you comfortable?" I ask Katniss as she rests her head against my chest. My hand caresses the back of her blue nightgown, made of the Capitol's finest materials. "I know that Effie said that this train is actually calmer than steam trains, but the babies might feel differently."

"I'm alright," she tells me. "I just can't sleep. I keep thinking of Madge. I've never seen her look so hopeless." Her eyes meet mine. "We can't let them go into that Arena."

"I'm working on it," I say. "At least I'm trying to figure out a way to shorten the length of their stay."

"How?" she whispers in the darkness.

"We bide our time," I respond. The wheels in my head turn, trying to come up with solutions. I can't sit back and watch any more children die. I can't watch my friend die. "We don't just sell our Tributes. In some way, we sell ourselves. We let the Capitol know that we are formidable union and that they have to be on our side."

Katniss chuckles, her mouth pressing kisses to the opening of my shirt where the skin of my chest is exposed.

"Imagine me, having to schmooze with the Capitol," she says with a snort. "Effie just told me at dinner that she was surprised about how well my table manners were. Like I ate with my hands or something!"

"She said that to Prim, too," I offer, hearing her ire. "Then, Prim decided to irritate her by eating like a pig whenever she was around." I kiss the top of her head, unraveling the braid she wears. "You are a charming woman, Katniss Mellark. You charmed the pants off me."

"Your pants were not very hard to charm off," Katniss retorts. "I had to give you baths."

I let out a melodramatic sigh, a smile playing on my lips. "I miss that."

"When we get home, I promise I'll let you sit in the tub until your skin prunes," she responds. "How's that for romance?"

"Best wife ever," I respond before turning to my side. She lays back, her eyes rimmed with worry. "You don't have to do this, Katniss. You can go back home and offer assistance there, help out Dad and Gregory. I'm going to be okay. I'm going to be okay because I know you're safe."

"Peeta, I won't be okay because I won't know if you're safe," Katniss responds squarely. "If what we have to do is convince people to be on our side then that is what I'll do. I'm not leaving. If it means that I'm running away from Peacekeepers at full-term then I'm doing it. If I have to strap these kids to my chest, I'll do that, too. We're a family now and we're not going to be apart!"

I reach to wipe the tear running down her temple and she gives me a shaky smile.

"Why do you make me do this? Make me so crazy?" she asks. "I hate you and I love you sometimes."

That tiny of bit of insecurity gnaws at me hearing her words. "Why?"

"Because you have no idea of the effect you have on me," Katniss responds softly. "You just say the word and I'll do it because I love you. I never saw myself being the kind of person who would leave it all behind for someone. Some might call it co-dependency and that's what I hate."

Her hand reaches to brush my cheek and I lean into her touch.

"But, then I realize that the person I've grown into made this choice. There was no coercion, just an instinct to do what was needed. I've known what I wanted and who I was for a long time. When you were away, I learned to be alone and understand myself. And, I promised that if the opportunity arose, I wouldn't let you leave me. I love you because in loving you, I became the woman I was meant to be."

"That's a lot of inner turmoil for one person," I say, taking her words in. "My story is a bit simpler. I fell in love with a girl. From the moment I met her, I knew that I wasn't going to let her go. I married that girl and I'm going to keep loving her. She taught me to grow up and she made me the man I am now. If it weren't for you, Katniss, I don't think that this Rebellion would be in progress. All I want is to be a man who's worthy of you."

"My King," she beckons softly. "You were always worthy. I know it, so does Haymitch, and unfortunately, so does Snow. That's why he's afraid...as he should be."

My lips go to hers, tasting her hopes and her fears about our time in the Capitol. I want to make her forget that we are heading for a place where I might not be able to protect her. We are at Snow's full disposal as we fight for our cause behind his back. I kiss her until she's mewling for release, her hand tugging my bottoms down past my hips so that I can move inside her. Her swell is still small, but the noticeably hard bump doesn't escape my eyes.

Katniss' eyes darken as I enter her, swiftly and with a shuddering groan. Her body is familiar with me, wrapping itself around my cock and gripping every nerve on my length in her soaked slit. Her breasts have gotten larger, clinging to the silk fabric of her gown and urgently I tug a cup down, bringing my lips to the peaked nipple.

"Ahhh…" my wife breathes out as we move. Our gazes never leave one another's. I want to remember every little detail of this moment. Because I know once we enter the Capitol, it will be different and we might not have these moments of sweet frenzy.

We come together, our bodies in sync with one another. Gently, I move off my sated wife to lay back on my own side. We are breathless at our joining, yet there is the calmness of being together.

"I'm sweaty," Katniss tells me after a moment. Sitting up, her eyes go to our private bathroom next to the entrance door. "Didn't you tell me about the tubs once?"

"Yes," I respond, my gaze on her as she stands up, the bloom of motherhood silhouetted in the moonlight. "I told you that they made me smell like roses."

Katniss moves the straps of her gown, letting the rest of it slide off her body. She walks to the open doorway of the restroom, turning the light on before looking over her shoulder, her smile teasing.

"Come. Show me how to use a Capitol bathtub."

"You look like you slept horribly, Haymitch," Effie remarks the next day during breakfast.

He glares at Katniss and me before looking to our escort. "There was some noise going on across the hall."

"I slept well," I remark, taking a sip of my tea before looking to my wife. "And, you?"

Katniss picks at the fruit before her. She awoke feeling a little ill but wanted to make an appearance.

"The ride has been very relaxing," she replies evenly.

Haymitch guffaws, spitting crumbs of the pastry he eats everywhere and earning a glare from Effie.

"Sorry sweetheart," he responds though he is clearly amused by Effie's irritation. "When Katniss wants to, she can lie with the best of them." Despite the teasing, he asks for the kitchen to send up some dry toast for her. "Can't look peaky, Katniss. We want you daisy fresh for your Capitol debut."

"Let's focus on the tributes," Katniss tells him with a closed-lip smile.

On cue, Adam and Madge, who look exhausted from what I'm sure was a sleepless night, enter the cart. I remember my first night on this train; I cried most of it. So did Prim—I could hear from my room. We never went into the other's room, however. We wanted to stew in our own pain.

"Good morning!" Effie chirps brightly at the two. "Come, come! Have some breakfast as we will have to go over your itineraries in a bit!"

"Effie, let's give them some breathing room," I suggest. "I remember my trip on this train. I don't think that I registered anything being said to me. You might want to wait until a little later when they're feeling a little bit more like themselves."

Effie muses for a bit before finally nodding. "Very well. However, I will be going over both yours and Katniss' itineraries during our time in the Capitol."

I look over at Katniss who is a little green. She has also gone uncharacteristically quiet. The stress of knowing that we are heading to the place where Prim spent her final days is jarring to her. Taking her hand, I give it a squeeze and she musters up a weak smile for all of us.

I steer the attention away from Katniss and look to Adam then Madge.

"Do you have any questions for Haymitch and me?" I ask.

"How do we get out of this?" Madge asks bluntly.

I laugh in spite of the situation. "We'll speak in private about your question."

I nod slightly at the Avox behind me, some of them are trustworthy but others will do anything for mercy.

"How do we figure out what to do to impress the Gamemakers?" Madge looks to me. "I mean, what am I supposed to do? Knit them sweaters?"

"You're fast," Katniss suddenly says. "You have good instincts and you know how to pay attention to detail. I remember when we all used to play together in school. You were the fastest runner. Also, you always knew what was happening around you. No one could trick you in school. And, knitting requires a lot of attention. What's the difference between doing that and being able to spot the distinct weave of a forcefield?"

I look to our nervous male Tribute. "You're smart, Adam. You have a good memory from what you've told me. You can feed yourself in the Arena because you'll be able to identify what's edible and what's poisonous. You'll learn to heal yourself once you have a good gauge on what's around you as well."

"Thanks," Madge says softly, her eyes going between Katniss and me. "I know this isn't easy for either one of you."

Katniss shoots up from her seat, her face going completely grey. She's going to be sick.

Quickly, Madge takes the bowl of fruit in front of her and tosses the contents out before handing it to Katniss. My wife grabs it and immediately she is throwing up into the crystalline bowl, filling it with what little she's had for breakfast and sour bile.

"What's wrong with her?" Effie asks in panic. "Should I have a Capitol doctor ready when we arrive?"

Haymitch turns to the Avox in the room. "Get out!" She scrambles out quickly, leaving us alone.

Finally, Katniss stops retching and even when she protests, I scoop her up and bring her to the couch. The rest follow anxiously, breakfast abandoned as well as the bowl of her vomit on the table.

"Here." Adam hands Katniss a glass of water with a green leaf floating atop. "Mint will help with calming your stomach."

She takes the glass, sipping slowly, before giving him a smile. "Thank you."

Madge grins at us. "You two have a lot of trouble ahead of you!" Her eyes go to Katniss' swell.

"You're pregnant?" Effie cries out, her eyes lighting up.

Katniss nods reluctantly. "Yes."

"Our Victor is having a baby! Can you imagine?" Effie gushes in excitement. "Everyone will be in a frenzy! The celebrations for you two will be phenomenal and the invitations to your baby shower—"

"Effie, please!" Katniss stands up from the couch and goes to our escort, her eyes desperate. "No one can know. Peeta and I are just barely wrapping our minds around the fact that we're having a child...let alone two." Effie's light eyes widen at her words. "Think, if Snow knows...the danger we'll be in. Madge and Adam are targets...Haymitch...even you." She takes my former escort's hand, placing it to the spot where our children rest. "And, especially them. I lost my sister, even Peeta for a bit. I can't lose anyone else."

They look at one another, communicating silently, before Effie lets out a sigh.

"I will talk to Cinna and Portia," she tells Katniss after a moment. "I'm sure they'll love thinking of creative designs for your maternity wear. The empire waist is coming back into fashion so the children will be coming at a most opportune time in Capitol fashion." Effie cups Katniss' cheek affectionately. "Dear girl...don't worry so much. We will protect you."

"I don't care about what happens to me," Katniss says in a quiet voice. "I care about the babies...about our family." She looks over to me and I join her side, taking her hand. "And, I care about all of you, too."

"Of course," Effie says thickly. She gives us all a trembling smile, her eyes briefly lingering on Haymitch before looking to me and Katniss. "We're a team."

There is a single beep from the intercom and I look to Katniss. "We're close."

"What do you mean?" she asks.

As I lead her to a nearby window, Adam and Madge follow behind us. They gasp collectively at the sight and Katniss places her hand to the window ledge, leaning in to get a closer view.

I can understand the awe, remembering the first time I saw the gathering of metallic high-rises against the mountainous backdrop; it doesn't seem so threatening from a distance.

However like a hunter and its prey, I fear that we won't know that we are captured until we are in the middle of the trap.

The Capitol.

So ends chapter one.

I hope you are enjoying so far. It's going to be an interesting canon-divergence and I always love playing around with this kind of genre.

For all those who want to know and have asked, Prim won't be coming back in any form other than in dreams and memories. I know we all loved her, but she's really gone to a better place. Also, it's time for Katniss and Peeta to learn how to be on their own in some way and learn to work as a couple. They need to be a family because trust that Snow will try to destroy them.

Adam and Madge are interesting because they are actually very strong as team. Also, they will be very popular.

As for Gale and Madge...they will talk.

Anyway, thank you for your support. I hope that you review, follow, favorite, and subscribe. Feedback is always welcome!

Next, Chapter Two: The Mellarks and the Capitol

Until the next chapter, JLaLa