Chapter 1

"Harry there is something we need to discuss."

Harry Potter sent Albus Dumbledore a glare, but sat down across from the old man. Dumbledore put on his twinkling eyes on max, as he said "my boy, I know you are upset-"

"UPSET?!" Harry cut off Dumbledore before he had a chance to finish his sentence. "MY GODFATHER JUST DIED, AND IF YOU THINK I'M GOING TO SIT HERE AND LET YOU PLAY ME AS YOUR PAWN ON YOUR CHESS BOARD, YOU ARE WRONG. MY FUTURE IS MY OWN FROM NOW ON." Harry stood up, and let his chair fall to the floor in a crash. His magical aura red and blue from rage and grief.

~Wait..Who is the Bad Guy Here?~

As Harry slammed the portrait hole closed, his best friend, Hermione Granger looked up from the book she was reading. she closed her book as she got ready to give her 'it wasn't your fault' speech, only to be shocked when Harry leaned down and kissed her.

It took Hermione a second, but she realized what was happening, and then fireworks went off for her.

"What was that for?" Hermione asked almost dreamy after their kiss. Harry didn't answer but asked a question in response, "Hermione will you be my girlfriend?" she stared into those emerald eyes, as she responded with a kiss. t

Neither of them notice the red-hair boy with sky blue walk away from his two 'best friends' shaking with rage.

Only after the two lovebirds brake apart, did they notice Ron had seen them. Harry jumped up and grabbed Hermione's hand, taking her to the Room of Requirement.

When inside the RoR, there was a comfy looking room with a 'L' shaped couch in a nice pale blue color. Harry took Hermione to the couch, then started to answer her first question. "Early this year, I had job-consoling with Professors Umbridge and Mcgonagall. Afterwards I was heading towards the Great Hall for lunch, when I ran into Ron. He asked me how my job consoling went, and I shrugged. Then he asked what I wanted to be and I said a Healer."

Hermione cut him off here saying "Wait I thought you wanted to be an Auror?" "I did" was all Harry responded with before going back to his story.

"When Ronald heard that, he exploded. He started to blabber on how I have to become an Auror with him and how good it will look on his name when the Boy-Who-Lived and his 'best' mate become Aurors after they save the world from Voldemort." Harry stopped to take a breath, so Hermione cut in. "Hey what about me?" "Oh I'm getting to that" Harry responded looking grim.

"I asked him where Hermione fit in to all this, he said and I quote 'that mudblood won't be coming, and after the war she is going to be dosed with Amortentia to be my wife.' That is when I exploded. I cut him off completely and told him how Hermione is my best friend not him, and how she can be with whoever. I also told him to go run and cry to Dumbles" Hermione gave him a questioning look at this, "and stay out of my life forever."

Hermione stared at Harry before saying "That's why he missed the rest of the DA from that point on, and why Nev had to drag him tonight."


~Wait...Who is the Bad Guy Here?~

I'm proud of this. -Lizz