Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the intellectual property of JK Rowling, and the fiscal property of JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, and Warner Bros. No profit has been made from this work.

He lay facedown, listening to the silence. He was perfectly alone. Nobody was watching. Nobody else was there. He was not perfectly sure that he was there himself.

Slowly, he sat up, looking around the area. A perfectly formless white light filled his vision for as far as he could see. With a frown, he stood up, looking around. This was most certainly not what he was expecting when he let Voldemort hit him with another Avada Kedavra. He was expecting... something, not a shapeless, faceless mass.

"Harry..." A voice said from behind him, prompting him to turn around quickly. What he saw...


"Yes." The old man broke into a smile. "You wonderful boy! You brave, brave man! Let's take a walk, Harry."

Harry didn't move. "You're dead."

Dumbledore nodded, smiling happily. "Yes."

"So I'm dead now?"

"Ah, not quite." The old man's eyes twinkled. "You stand on the cusp, Harry. You can go on or you can go back. The choice is yours."

Harry nodded, and slowly fell into step next to him. There was silence for a few moments, until Dumbledore spoke. "I imagine you have questions, Harry. I know, if I were in your place, I'd have questions."

"Several." Harry shot back. "I'm just figuring out where to start."

With an amiable nod, Dumbledore said, "Take as long as you need. In this place, there is no time. What happens here will have no effect on the waking world."

After a moment, Harry decided on his first topic. "Let's talk about Horcruxes, shall we?"

Dumbledore nodded. "An excellent place to begin." He steepled his fingers together. "As you know, Tom made his Horcruxes, starting right at the end of his Hogwarts career. The diary. Then he made the Ring, Locket, the Goblet, the Diadem, yourself and Nagini. When he fled from Godric's Hollow in 1981, the final Horcrux he was planning to make backfired, and that piece of sheared off soul rushed into the only thing that would support it. You."

Harry nodded, his eyes narrowing imperceptibly. "So... I've been a Horcrux since 1981?"


"And you knew?" The accusation in Harry's voice was impossible to miss.

Dumbledore hesitated, then nodded. "Yes." He said heavily.

"I remember... back in second year... you said that night, when Voldemort came for the Potters... 'he transferred some of his own powers to me the night he gave me the scar'. That's what you said."

"I did."

"But... he didn't just give me some of his powers or abilities... I got a piece of his soul."

Again, Dumbledore nodded.

"You knew, all this time, that I had a piece of this bastard's soul attached to mine, and you did nothing?"

"What would have had me do, Harry?" Dumbledore asked feebly.

"Remove it!" Harry roared. "How about bloody tell me?"

Dumbledore blanched. "How, Harry? How could I just come up to you and say 'Harry, you have to die in order to defeat Voldemort?'" The old man's eyes filled with tears. "You have no idea of the burden I've had to carry.... I told you, back when Sirius was killed, that I fell into the trap of caring for you too much."

Harry held up his hand, prompting Dumbledore to stop speaking. "You forget, old man... Snape gave me his memories. I saw the conversations you had with him last year. You told him that I couldn't be told, not until the very last minute. You didn't trust me. You led me around by the nose, and I just let you."

"Harry, stop a moment." Dumbledore said firmly. "You are not dead. You have destroyed all of Voldemort's Horcruxes. Yes, I had plans regarding your life, but it was for the good of all of us that it be done this way. Once Voldemort has been defeated, you'll be free to live your life."

There was no response. Dumbledore glanced down at his young comrade, seeing him frowning in deep thought. "How much of my life has been orchestrated by you, old man?"

"What do you mean?"

Harry ignored the question. "First, it was you that put me with the Dursleys... you knew they treated me very badly, but that probably played into your plans, didn't it? I came from there an emotionally abused child, pathetic in my yearning for acceptance. You used that, didn't you?"

"My boy-"

"I'm most definitely not your boy. And tell me the truth."

"What you ask-"

Harry grabbed Dumbledore by the throat, squeezing intently. "Tell me the truth," He commanded in a low voice, "or I swear I'll destroy your soul for eternity!"

Dumbledore reached up, tugging futilely at Harry's hand. After a moment of wheezing, he nodded feebly. Harry released Dumbledore's throat, stepping back. "I want an oath, based on the destruction of your soul if you lie."

"I do... not have a wand." Dumbledore gurgled.

"Then do it without one." Harry said through gritted teeth.

"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, swear on pain of my soul being obliterated for all eternity, that I will answer the questions Harry James Potter puts to me with no lie or prevarication."

Harry nodded. "Did you want me to be abused as I grew up?"

Dumbledore winced; the first question was one he really didn't want to answer, but the oath gave him no choice. "Yes. You'd be far more malleable if you were mistreated as a child."

"Right... that's why you said you knew you'd be 'condemning me to ten dark and difficult years'." Harry said bitterly. "But that's what you wanted. A malleable child." He sighed. "The traps for the Philosopher's Stone... was it just coincidence that they were perfect for three first years?"

Damn... another question he didn't want. "No. They were designed just after Christmas, when it became clear that you, Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley had formed a trio friendship. Each of the tasks was selected for you."

"And was it just a test? Make sure that I can withstand Voldemort?"

"I preferred to think of it as 'allowing you to test your strength'." Dumbledore said weakly. "You needed these tests, Harry. It was the only way to prompt you to better yourself."

Harry seethed silently for a moment. "Second year... did you know the Basilisk was possessing Ginny Weasley."

Bollocks... that was a third. "Yes. As soon as she brought the diary through the wards, I was notified of it's presence. Since Voldemort was the only one who has made a Horcrux is recent history, I knew it was one of his. Again, I was allowing you to hone yourself in battle."

"I nearly died!" Harry roared. "And what about Fawkes? Why did he come down?"

"I told you at the time." Dumbledore said softly.

"Let's assume you were lying to me." Harry snapped. "As I believe you were. If Fawkes could come down to me, he could have brought you as well. Why didn't he?" He didn't give the old man the chance to respond. "No, let me guess; 'I was allowing you to test your strength', right?"

Dumbledore nodded weakly.

Harry sighed. "And Sirius... actually, that's a thought. Hagrid told me that Sirius was there at Godric's Hollow, and he was under orders to deliver me to the Dursleys. Who the hell gave you the right to keep me away from my Godfather?"

"It was necessary that you live with the Dursleys, Harry."

"Right, right... 'the Greater Good' again. If I was raised by a loving godfather, I wouldn't depend on you at all. Okay, that I understand. Next; the Tri-Wizard. Did you deliberately keep me in it?"

Dumbledore sighed in defeat. "Yes. Since it was an ICW-sponsored event, as the Supreme Mugwump, I could have ended the tournament, allowing you to not participate. Again, though, I believed that allowing you to compete would help harden you."

"And again, could possibly get me killed. Then the third task... wait a minute!" Harry stared at Dumbledore, accusation running rampant across his face. "Your office... after the third task... when I told you that he took my blood, you looked dead smug for a second... you knew!"

"Yes. I knew that by taking your blood, it would connect the two of you even further." Dumbledore admitted. "I knew the bond would only escalate and grow. That was crucial to the success of the plan."

"You lied to me."

"I did."

"And that summer, you imposed a communication block on me. Why? Was that part of your plan to keep me dependent on you, even though you wouldn't speak to me?"

"In a word, yes."

Harry sighed, slumping backwards. Instead of sitting on the floor, he found himself on a hard bench. Dumbledore stopped, seeing Harry sitting on something and sat down next to him. "You must understand, Harry, there was no other way-"

"Can it." Harry interrupted. "I've not finished yet." Dumbledore nodded warily. "So, that year, when Umbitch was torturing me with that damned Blood Quill, did you know?"


"And that was also to 'harden' me?"


"And during sixth year, you took ages to show me those memories, when we could have gone through them all in one night. You just didn't want me to learn too much, did you?"

Dumbledore winced. "No... if you became too knowledgeable or powerful, you wouldn't die at the right time. Your death was crucial to everything." Dumbledore spoke a little more confidently as he got into the virtues of his plans. "By dying, as you have now, you have destroyed all of Voldemort's protection. He is mortal and vulnerable. There will never be a better time."

Harry sat silently. "There's more, isn't there? Tell me about the Order of the Phoenix."

Dumbledore blinked. "The Order was created by myself in 1964 to combat the threat of Voldemort. I selected-"

"I don't want a bloody history lesson!" Harry hissed angrily. "I want to know their orders regarding me."

"Ah..." Dumbledore's face was a mask of pain as he gathered his thoughts, before sighing. "The Order was watching over you from the day I left you on the doorstep of Privet Drive. From time to time, they stepped in, ensuring that certain things happened to you at the right time. Sometimes, they'd prompt your Uncle to beat you, other times they'd stop him. They were also partially responsible for you having no friends as you grow up. It was a program designed to isolate you."

"But... Dudley was the one-"

"Use of the Imperius curse can cause wonders." Dumbledore said softly.

Harry's jaw dropped as the 'leader of the light' admitted to using the Unforgiveable curses on an impressionable child. "You... never mind. What about while at Hogwarts?"

"You are aware of some of the Order members' identities. Professor McGonagall was made aware of the plan and has been helping me all this time. Back in your first year, she knew that Professor Quirrell was going for the Philosopher's Stone. She was ordered not to interfere." Seeing that Harry had a face like thunder, Dumbledore tried to save his friend. "She never wanted to hurt you, Harry. She wanted you able to survive. She didn't agree with-"

"Irrelevant." Harry snapped, interrupting the old man. "It doesn't matter if she wanted to or not. The fact is she did." He huffed. "Let's cut to the chase; who actually was my friend? Not on orders or compulsions. Who actually cared about me on their own?"

Dumbledore sighed. "Of your close circle friends, they were all reporting your actions, emotions and feelings to me. Miss Lovegood, Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Weasley were all more concerned about the destruction of Voldemort than you as a person. However, Miss Granger refused to participate, and had to be... prompted. The Imperius curse and memory charms were used. She actually managed to destroy my office back in second year, just as you did in your fifth. However, having someone as close to you as she was without suitable control was unacceptable. She is loyal to you."

Harry nodded, a small smile on his face. "And what about Ginny? Did she care for me, as she said she did?"

"Possibly." Dumbledore said. "However, she was indoctrinated with your story from a young age. In effect, she was programmed to love you. You saving her in the Chamber of Secrets only cemented that."

"So, she was part of the plan, too?"

"We... pushed you and her together because you were becoming too driven. We needed you distracted. So, Miss Weasley was told of the plan. I believe after all the modifications we made to her psyche, she had no other choice."

"And can these modifications be undone?" Harry asked.

"I'm afraid not. The damage done by Tom Riddle during her possession has made that impossible. She will forever love the 'Boy-Who-Lived'."

"What about Remus? Tonks?"

"All part of the plan. Remus was told to keep away until the right time. It wouldn't do for you to have friends or mentors that I hadn't authorised. Tonks was one of those selected as a potential romantic interest. However, when it became clear that she was unsuitable, she was free to pursue a relationship with Remus."

Harry again nodded, making mental notes. "What else? Was Cho part of your plans?"

"No. The reason your relationship with her failed was because of our interference. Again, we couldn't have anyone being close to you without proper control. Whenever you and she were alone, an Order member would use charms to make her cry."

Harry's jaw dropped. "You just destroyed a relationship because you didn't like it?"

"Yes." Dumbledore didn't look repentant in the slightest. "She wouldn't have been suitable for you."

"That wasn't your place to decide!" Harry roared. "How dare you?"

"It was necessary." Dumbledore repeated.

"Let's shelve this topic for the moment." Harry grunted. "Let's talk about the Deathly Hallows, shall we? Since I disarmed Draco, and he disarmed you, that makes me the Master of the Elder Wand, doesn't it?"

"It does. You possess the Cloak of True Invisibility and the Resurrection Stone. You are the Master of the Hallows, Harry. You are the Master of Death." Dumbledore sighed. "Can you forgive me for not telling you?"

"Forgive you?" Harry repeated, his face expressionless.

"Yes... I... I was tempted by the Deathly Hallows. I knew that the power to become the Master of Death was alluring, but when I was chasing the Hallows... I felt invincible. I... I knew that I couldn't be trusted with such power. I didn't want you to fall to the same temptation as I did."

"But I'm their Master now..." Harry said softly.

"You are. And a better man for them I could not ask." Dumbledore said.

Harry's grin was decidedly predatory. "Excellent."


When Harry looked back at Dumbledore, the old man was taken aback by the malice he saw in those green eyes. "Harry?"

"Oh, you've got what you wanted, Dumbledore." Harry stood up, stretching his arms out. "I'll defeat Voldemort. I'll kill him stone dead."

Dumbledore also stood. "Harry, you mustn't let the temptation go to your head."

"Silence." Harry said imperiously, holding up his hand. "You should be proud, Dumbledore. I'm going to become exactly what you made me." Harry closed his eyes, willing himself back to the mortal world, leaving a shaking and pale Dumbledore behind.

Harry could feel himself lying on the floor of the Forbidden Forest, his body aching from the mild injuries he'd picked up when slumping to the ground.

"Is he dead?" Voldemort asked. "Someone check him."

A moment later, a blonde head appeared just over Harry's. She reached down for a pulse, barely able to contain her surprise when she felt one.

"Is Draco alive? Is he in the castle?"

Harry recognised the irritating voice of Narcissa Malfoy. "Yes." He whispered, almost soundlessly. But not for long... he shall be one of the first.

Narcissa's face vanished from Harry's view. "He is dead, my lord." She announced proudly.

There was an evil chuckle as Voldemort realised he'd won. "Who shall carry him back... you, oaf! You shall carry him back."

Harry felt a pair of large hands gently raise him up. "'Arry..." Hagrid's gruff voice said tenderly.

The walk through the forest and the grounds passed quickly, as Harry focussed on all the information he'd learned while in Limbo. He heard Voldemort speaking, but didn't bother to listen. He knew that he'd win. It was impossible for him to fail now. He heard McGonagall scream in absolute despair, but Dumbledore's revelation prevented him from feeling bad.

He heard Neville step forward, intent on killing Voldemort himself. He could feel the magic of Voldemort's summoning charm as he called the Sorting Hat, intent on the artefact's destruction. The Sword of Gryffindor sang to him as it was called, ending the threat of Nagini once and for all.

He could see, feel and hear the Death Eaters charge into Hogwarts, the battle resuming itself. Once he was alone on the muddy grass, he sat up, reaching under his shirt for the invisibility cloak. He flung it around himself, before hauling himself to his feet. In his sleeve was Malfoy's wand, although it didn't really matter. As the Master of the Elder Wand, he could summon that at any time.

He followed the group into the castle, heading straight for the Great Hall, where the bulk of the fighting was taking place. He could hear the maniacal laughter of Bellatrix LeStrange as she battled Molly Weasley, but he had no interest in that fight. As far as he was concerned, both of them could kill each other and he wouldn't even blink. No... he wanted Riddle.

Once inside the Great Hall, Harry could see Slughorn, McGonagall and Kingsley Shacklebolt all duelling Voldemort, none of them managing to get a good hit in, but they were able to keep him off-balance. Unfortunately for them, none of them could defeat the Dark Lord. Only Harry.

Standing in the middle of the Hall, Harry raised Malfoy's wand. A simple banishing charm sent Voldemort's opponents hurtling away, making Voldemort stop.

"What..." Voldemort looked around for a moment, looking for targets.

Harry whipped off the invisibility cloak, smirking evilly at Voldemort. "Hello, Tom."

At those two words, every fight in the Great Hall, bar the LeStrange/Weasley duel, ended at once. Every eye turned to face Harry Potter.

"Potter..." Voldemort hissed, unconsciously taking a step back. "You live."

"I do." Harry span the cloak round his hand, screwing it up into a rough ball, which he tapped with his wand, shrinking it, and pushing it into his pocket. "Well, I've had a hell of a day, Tom. How about you?"

Voldemort snarled as he raised his wand. "You cannot defeat me, Potter. I have the Elder Wand."

Harry nodded slowly. "You have it, yes... but you are not it's master."

"I killed Snape! I am the Master! Bow to me!"

"I don't think so." Harry scoffed. "Dumbledore was disarmed before Snape ever got there. He was not the Master of the Elder Wand. It was Draco Malfoy, a person who never touched the Elder Wand. Since I disarmed Malfoy, that makes me the Master." He extended his hand, mentally calling the wand to him.

The look of shock on Voldemort's face was priceless as the wand was torn from his fingers, soaring to it's true master. Harry glanced at Malfoy's wand, then threw it at Voldemort.

"You know... I was gonna have a whole speech about how love is the 'power the Dark Lord knows not'... but I don't think I can be arsed now. Instead, I'll just say one thing."

Voldemort snatched up the Hawthorne wand, hoping to at least take Potter with him. "Oh?" He didn't wait for a response. Aiming the wand, he shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"

Harry yawned as the green curse sped towards him. With a seeker's skill, he moved the tip of the Elder Wand to catch the spell, holding it on the end before flinging it back. Voldemort's eyes widened as he saw his curse coming back towards him, his body freezing as a flashback of sixteen years ago overtook him. The spell hit, flinging him back into the wall of the Hall. His body cracked as bones shattered, leaving him to slowly slide to the ground.

For a moment, there was silence. The Master of Death had defeated the Dark Lord. Several people began rushing towards Harry, hoping to get there and congratulate him. People crowded round him, chanting his name, patting him on the back.

Harry grit his teeth and decided to wait. He'd have his time.

The bodies had been gathered. Laid side by side like cordwood in a temporary morgue. The House Elves were already beginning repairs on the castle. It was a time for sadness and grief. And Harry intended to make certain that there was plenty of sadness and grief to go around.

Kingsley had been announced as the interim Minister of Magic. Since he'd been nothing but loyal to the true ideals of government, it was determined he was the best candidate for the job.

While everyone else was searching for their loved ones, Harry took Hermione up to the Room of Requirement, intent on having a little chat with her.

Once inside at the room sealed, Harry spun round. "Okay, Hermione, spill. What's going on with you and Ron?"

Hermione blinked. "Er... well... I don't know, really. Sometimes he bugs me, sometimes he doesn't. It's... confusing."

Harry closed his eyes, 'requiring' a Pensieve. It appeared on a pedestal in between the two of them. "I've got a memory I want you to watch, Hermione. We'll talk afterwards, okay?"

Suitably intrigued, Hermione nodded. She waited while Harry pulled the silvery strand from his temple, dropping it into the runic bowl. When Harry nodded, she bent over, pressing her face against the silvery substance. Her body froze as her mind was summoned into the memory.

Harry, on the other hand, had a fantastic view of her bottom as she was leaning over. Good god... why didn't I ever do something about her? Having a nasty thought, Harry raised the Elder Wand, pointing it directly at his face. "Finite Incantatum." He muttered quietly. Instantly, he could feel memory blocks in his mind begin to crumble, the new/old memories beginning to assimilate into his consciousness. He saw all the times he'd been on a date with Hermione during fourth year, only to have a smiling Professor Dumbledore Obliviate him. The times he'd seen or learnt something he shouldn't have, only to have a teacher or an Order member remove that knowledge.

The memory that really got his goat was one of him and Hermione, at the Burrow, enjoying a hot and heavy intimate moment. Molly Weasley appeared, ranting heavily as she raised her wand. Damn... how long have we been like this?

Hermione straightened up suddenly, spinning round to face Harry, her face a mask of terrible anger. "How long?" She snapped.

"I found this out about an hour ago." Harry said. "According to what Dumbledore said, you've been used since second year."

Hermione could only let out a scream of frustrated anger. After a few moments of panting, she looked at Harry. "That's some kind of super wand, isn't it?"

"Supposed to be, yeah."

"Can it remove these bloody compulsions?"

"Just did on me." Harry said, tapping his temple lightly. "Wasn't just you." At Hermione's emphatic hand-gesture, he cast another Finite. Hermione blinked, then wobbled slightly on her feet.

Harry rushed over, gently bracing Hermione and pushing her onto a newly-required chair. She sat down weakly, closing her eyes as she was assaulted by a wave of memory. Finally, she looked up, tears in her eyes. "Why?" she whispered.

"I don't know." Harry knelt down in front of her. "Do you remember... fourth year?"

"We snogged on our Hogsmeade dates." Hermione said, smiling softly at him. "You're a hell of a kisser, Harry. I don't know why Cho... no, wait... I do know. Bloody hell..."

Harry smirked. "I also remember you've got quite a potty-mouth on you, too."

"You love it, you disgusting little pervert." Hermione said with a fond smirk.

"No denying that."

Hermione sighed. "What happens now, Harry? I mean... I don't think we were ever supposed to know this."


"You have a plan?"

Harry nodded slowly. "I was planning on becoming the new Dark Lord, to be honest. If the 'Light' can do this to people, I don't think I want to be on their side."

Hermione nibbled her bottom lip for a moment. "You think you can find a spot for a Dark Lady? After all, you know what they say; 'behind every great man-'"

"There's a woman rolling her eyes?" Harry completed, ducking to avoid her swat.


"I think the two of us could be a very good Dark Lord and Lady. There's quite a list of people to kill, maim and torture." Harry smirked, making Hermione shiver as she looked upon the new malevolence on his face. "What?" Harry asked, feeling her shudder.

"Damn, that's sexy!" Hermione gasped. "Oh my... I find an evil Harry sexy... what shall I do?" She stood up, wrapping an arm around his neck while her other hand began stroking at his crotch. "I could do this..."

"Teasing wench."

"You know it... I could stop."

"Don't you dare..."

Mere hours later, Harry and Hermione headed back down to the Great Hall, sporting identical mussed-looks. They ignored the people they passed, heading straight for the stage. Kingsley intercepted them.

"Ah, I'm glad you're here. We're gonna have a quick press conference. We need you to tell your side of the story." He said brusquely.

"Oh, I will." Harry promised, a gleam in his eye. "I'll tell them everything."

Kingsley was unnerved by the look. "What do you mean 'everything'?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Minister." Hermione said softly. "We'll tell nothing but the truth."

"O-Okay." Kingsley said slowly. "If you'll excuse me, I just need to see Professor McGonagall."

"Okay." Harry and Hermione intoned together.

Minutes later, Kingsley was stood on the stage, handing clenching the podium. He'd checked with McGonagall to make certain that Potter didn't know anything that could hurt the Order. She'd assured him that everything had been charmed and sealed away. They'd all be safe.

"People of Britain," Kingsley began, a warm, happy smile on his face, "I'm pleased to be standing here today, in a new world. A world without the threat of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters. And this was all the thanks of just one young man. A young man who ended the Dark Lord forever. Mr. Harry Potter."

The audience clapped, cheered and whistled for the young hero. Harry stood up, near-jumping onto the stage. He waited until Kingsley had sat down, before sending a discrete hand-gesture to Hermione, who nodded slightly.

"I've been asked to tell my side of the story." Harry said once the cheering had quietened down. "So, I shall. I shall tell everyone... everything. It's a truly fascinating tale. A tale of mistreatment, abuse, starvation and neglect." At that moment, Hermione leapt onto the stage, raising her wand and casting a high-powered shield.

"In 1964, Albus Dumbledore began the Order of the Phoenix; a paramilitary vigilante group, aimed at Voldemort. When Voldemort was disembodied in '81, the Order was set to watch over me. You'd have thought that it would be to protect me... it wasn't. Instead, they began a program of abuse, designed to make me vulnerable and reliant on Dumbledore.

"I was beaten, starved and abused on a daily basis, with the Order pulling the strings. People like Professor McGonagall, Molly Weasley, Remus Lupin and Dumbledore himself. All of them making me into the weapon that could defeat Voldemort.

"Then I came to Hogwarts... and the cycle of abuse continued. Snivellus Snape became involved, casually using Legilimency on me, raping my mind, picking up every bad memory and using them against me."

Harry looked down at McGonagall, who was looking up at him guiltily, tears in her eyes. He sneered at her. "Ah, Professor... you look so unhappy. What's wrong?" His voice was cool and malevolent.

"H-Harry... it was necessary... Dumbledore-"

"Was wrong!" Harry roared. "Promoting a cycle of abuse! I was a child. A child! What the bloody fuck had I done to deserve that?"

"The Greater good..." McGonagall mumbled.

Harry just scowled. "All throughout my Hogwarts years, the cycle continued. My 'friends', people controlled by Dumbledore to report on me and spy on me. The only person who was on my side was the remarkable young woman next to me. During our second year, she was 'drafted' by the Order into spying on me. She refused. However, that wasn't right, according to Dumbledore and his minions. So... they used the Imperius curse on her, turning her into nothing more than their little tool. After each of her 'reports', she was Obliviated.

"Do you remember in fourth year? All those rumours about me and Hermione dating? They were true. Of course, Dumbledore couldn't allow me the opportunity to have a relationship that he didn't approve. During my fifth year, after having my memories erased, I began skirting the edges of a relationship with Cho Chang... this was also sabotaged by Dumbledore and his Order. In sixth year... Ginny Weasley was an authorised relationship. After all, Ginny knew that I wouldn't be happy unless I was chasing after Voldemort. Proof that the silly girl doesn't know me at all.

"So... I've won. I wonder what plans the vaunted Order of the Phoenix has for me now? A loveless marriage with a fan-girl? Some kind of program to produce a strong magical heir, reversing the inbreeding in the magical world? Who knows? But, it doesn't matter, really. I'm free of them now. I have all my memories back. I know things that the Order really don't want me to know. I could destroy them all..."

Hermione cleared her throat, stepping next to Harry. "I should clarify something, really. It's not a case of 'could' destroy them all. We will destroy them all. You fucked with us... we're gonna fuck you all back ten fold."

Harry let out a final smirk. "You all thought Voldemort was a cunt? Just watch what we do..." He clasped Hermione's hand, apparating them both away, leaving the occupants of the Great Hall trembling in shock and fear.

The Master of Death had just declared war on the Magical World... and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.