The start of term feast at Hogwarts was ready. The headmaster inspected the Great Hall with his deputy and smiled at her. "Everything perfect, as usual. Why do you even ask me to inspect it?"
Professor Potter smiled back. "That gives me a chance for some alone time with you. Don't you appreciate it?"
"Oh, I do. With six wives and so many children, we never find enough time for just each other."
"You probably say the same to the other five," she teased him.
"Of course I do. I can never find enough time for any of you to not wish for more. No matter how long I spend with you, it is never enough."
"But you still love me."
"And what if I do?"
"Well, we still have almost an hour until the train arrives, and I thought..."
His brunette wife started laughing. "You're so predictable, Harry, and so lovable, but you forget that you also need to inspect the dorms. Daphne had some problems in fitting the computers in the Slytherin common room and she really wants you to see what she finally did."
Harry frowned. "Yes, I should show her how much I appreciate her hard work. Luna also did some fine work in the Ravenclaw dorms, as did Ginny and Susan for their houses. I should compliment each of them."
"You should also spend some time with Minnie. She's so excited that Lilly is starting Hogwarts today, although the girl lived here practically since she was born. It is still different to come here as a student."
Harry's love showed in his smile. "Yes, Lilly is wonderful. I only hope she doesn't show her Marauder legacy too much, or one of the professors may have to have a talk with her parents."
Hermione's laughter was free and contagious. "Oh, I can just see it: Luna talking with you and Minnie about how your daughter misbehaves. You only have to add the DADA professor there to make it perfect."
"Sirius? He's the main reason she is so difficult to discipline. I should have never allowed her to spend a summer in London with him."
She continued laughing. "No, you should have sent her to her uncles. That would have been even more interesting."
Harry grimaced. "Are you on my side or hers?"
She caressed his face. "Always at your side, but you really can't blame her. Don't you remember what Minnie told us about her childhood, not to mention your own adventures? You couldn't expect her to be different, yet she is as smart as they get. She will give the Hat some hard time, I'm sure."
"Well, our James is not going to make it any easier for either the hat or the professors. He has your mind but the mischief of his grandfather and his uncles combined." It was perfectly clear that he loved the boy dearly.
"At least we have two more years before that happens," his wife noted. Some mischief appeared in her eyes. "Won't you like to give him a new brother or sister before that?"
Harry noticed the mischief. "Oh, I'd like it. You should be aware, though, that the other wives would not be left behind."
"Well, having six new babies in the family could be fun. Shall we start now, headmaster?"
Harry waved in the general direction of their apartment. "Lead the way, professor. Just remember we need to be presentable in less than an hour."
A.N. It's officially over now. I thank all the readers and those who left some constructive criticism. Your input is appreviated.
For those who asked for fleur to join the famioy - it's a tempting idea, but it didn't feet this story. I have other stories with Fleur, some still unfinished.
If you like my writing, you're welcome to check my original stories, as suggested in my profile.
And, as usual, Please Review!