Friends and Plans

By: Sheltie

Again I don't own Digimon or Cardcaptors I'm just borrowing them

A/N: last chap

Previously on Friends and Plans

"THAT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE EVER FILMED!" Madison shouted breaking the moment

Chapter 6

"Madison, were you here the whole time?" TK asked though he knew it was a pointless question to ask

Kari was trying to hide herself from Madison's camera, though it was a futile effort.

"Well you guys knew I wanted to film this moment, and now that I did, it was excellent, better than I'd hoped for" Madison squealed

TK sighed and shook his head, "Can't I get any privacy when I'm around you"

Madison shook her head, but she bouncing up and down happily

"Oh, I can't wait to show this to everyone" she said happily

"Uh, now Madison, let's not get too hasty here" TK said

"But TK, they've got to know, I mean the whole group has been trying to get you two together for a long time" Madison said

"What do you mean by 'a long time'?" Kari asked

"Well, what Sora has told me was that they've been trying to get you together since they saw how you two acted around one another during a Christmas party" Madison said

"I can't believe the friends that I consider family and even my own flesh and blood plotted something like this" Kari said shocked

Madison shrugged

"Well, we could get back at them by keeping us a secret" TK suggested

Kari leapt into TK's arms giving a kiss that curled his toes

"That is absolutely brilliant TK" she said

TK was dazed by the kiss

"But I want to show this now" Madison pouted

"Sorry Madison, but we have to do this" Kari said

Madison had her bottom lip protruding and looked like a little kid that was told that Santa Claus wasn't real.

"Madison that look isn't going to work on me" TK said

Madison then turned to her puppy dog look

"Madison, you know that only Sakura can get a way with that" TK said crossing his arms

"Oh fine, I won't show it, but what are you going to do?" Madison said stomping her foot

"Well we'll just have to act like friends until the party, I guess" Kari said

"But that's in two days" Madison moaned

"You can handle it Madison, I know you can" TK said giving as he put a comforting hand on Madison's shoulder

Madison sighed and nodded, she knew when to keep her mouth shut, plus she gets to record everyone's shocked looks on their faces when the couple reveals their relationship. That made her feel giddy inside.


The gang wasn't happy that TK and Kari didn't get together, but neither Kari nor TK told them what happened on the beach, which annoyed them to no end. They were in the Ishida apartment.

"These two are going to drive me to kill" Mimi shouted furiously

"I thought the phrase was drive you to drink?" Li asked calmly

"I'm well passed drinking, I want to kill" Mimi growled

"Mimi, you haven't, had you?" Joe asked curiously

"Of course not. I'm mean, I've had a sip or two in America, but that's all" Mimi said waving her hand like it wasn't a big deal

Izzy sighed and put an arm around his girlfriend

"Mimi, I think I'll take you on a nice vacation somewhere when this is over" he said

Mimi turned to Izzy and squealed with joy then pounced on the poor computer genius

"While Mimi ravaging Izzy, we need to come up with a new plan" Sora said as she moved away from the fallen couple

"Yes, but lets talk somewhere else so we can gives these two some privacy" Ken said inching away further

"Plus, I want to keep my lunch" Tai added

The others left the couple and went in to the next room to begin planning.

"Okay, lets get going" Matt said

"Well, we only have a day left before the party, so why don't we just get them together then" Joe suggested

"Yeah could work, but do you think Mimi will survive until then?" Yolei asked

"I'm sure Izzy is taking care of that situation" Tai said smirking

Sora rolled her eyes and smacked Tai on the back of the head

"Hey, what was that for?" Tai asked rubbing his head

"For being perverted" Sora said

"Okay, so we don't do anything until the party?" Matt asked

The others nodded

"Good, do you think it's safe to go out yet?" Li asked hesitantly

Sakura peeked out and when they saw her face she looked green

"I don't think that's a good idea" she said when she returned

"Oh man, what are we going to do?" Tai asked in a panic tone

"Out the window" Matt answered

The others nodded and they all climbed out of Matt's window and down the tree. Leaving the couple alone in the apartment.


Meanwhile TK and Kari were enjoying themselves on their secret date with Madison trailing behind them.

"Do you think she'll ever leave us in peace?" Kari asked, her head on TK's shoulder

"When she has to return to home, then we'll be free" TK answered

"Oh, but that's too long" Kari whined

"Sorry Kari, but I can't do anything about it" TK said shrugging his shoulders

"I know, but I just want one moment to ourselves" Kari said with a sigh

"We'll get it, I might have a few tricks up my sleeves" TK said smirking

Madison was tailing them and grinning

I knew this cat burglar costume would come in one of these days Madison thought. She made a costume all in black.

She was in her little world and when she came out of it she found that they slipped away. She frowned and picked up her pace to catch up with them, but found that she lost them.

Rats, I'm missing Takari moments Madison thought

TK had snuck away with Kari when he knew Madison would be gloating to herself. That girl was so predictable sometimes. At the moment he grabbed Kari's arm and gently dragged her off to the side before making a few turns.

"TK, what are you doing?" Kari whispered

"Getting away from Madison" TK replied in the same whispered tone

Kari grinned, she knew that TK would never lead her astray

Madison was in a foul mood, she lost them. How could she lose them? She had them in sights for most of the night right when TK picked Kari up, but now she had no idea where they went. Since she didn't know the area real well and she wasn't confident in her abilities on tracking them without getting lost herself.

Curse you TK, you just had to ditch me Madison thought

She knew that the couple would want some private time, but she also wanted to film them. She knew Kari was shy and didn't like being on camera and TK would shield Kari from it.

Madison wandered around a bit now lost and not knowing where she was.

"Madison, home is that way" TK said smirking slightly

Madison looked up and was very happy to see TK and Kari. All of her anger was gone since she was more worried about not being able to find her way.

"Oh TK, thank you, I was lost you and I couldn't find my way" Madison said hugging her friend

"No problem Madison, and I'm sorry for ditching you, Kari and I just wanted some time alone" TK said returning the hug

"I understand, and I will do better to respect someone's privacy" Madison said

"Come on, lets get some ice cream" Kari suggested

Madison smiled as she walked with her friends


The three of them parted with TK walking Kari home and Madison walking back to the Takaishi apartment herself since she could find the way on her own now.

TK and Kari were at the front door of the Kamiya apartment

"I had a great time Kar" TK said

"I did too, I even liked Madison spying on us" Kari said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

"Goodnight Kari" TK said

"Night TK"

They kissed then parted


The day of the party was now here and everyone was excited. The gang, since it was time to get TK and Kari together and for the couple mention they couldn't wait to see the looks on their friends' faces.

"I can't wait for tonight, we are finally going to get those two together" Mimi said barely holding back her excitement

"Izzy, quick do what you did last night" Tai ordered

Izzy blushed deep red

"Please do it now Izzy, before she squeals" Matt said hurriedly

Izzy grabbed his girlfriend's face and pulled her into a long passionate kiss

"Our Izzy is a true man, doesn't it bring a tear to your eye Matt?" Tai asked wiping an invisible tear away

"I know what you mean Tai, they grow up so fast" Matt said in mock sadness

Sadly Izzy was too busy to do anything at all, but Sora took the initiative by smacking both boys in the back of the head.

"Ow, Sora why'd you do that?" Matt asked rubbing his head

"Because you guys were being insensitive" Sora said

"But we were just lightening the mood" Matt said he then turned to Tai hoping to get some back up, but Tai was cowering at Sora's glare

"Sorry Matt, but I have to concede" Tai said

Matt shook his head and muttered 'whipped'

The rest of the day went by and soon some of the gang were over at Mimi's helping her decorate.

"Hmm, I think we need more streamers, Izzy where are you?" Mimi shouted

"Coming" Izzy called

He appeared carrying a box and streamers wrapped around his neck, Li followed him carrying a boxes and he had confetti in his hair and looked a bit annoyed. Tai and Matt brought up the rear laughing at something.

"What so funny you two?" Sora asked as she climbed down a ladder

"Oh, we thought Li should look festive and threw confetti in his hair" Matt said smiling

Sora shook her head at their childish antics

"Quit fooling around, it's bad enough that Sakura, Madison, and Li have to help, but you're not making it better" Mimi said putting her hands on her hips and looked irritated

"It's alright Mimi, Sakura and I do this all the time for our dances back at school" Madison said

"Yeah, but you guys are guests and shouldn't be put to work" Mimi said frowning slightly

"We're fine with it, besides it's kind of- Woah" Sakura said as she slipped off her ladder

Li dropped the boxes he was holding and rushed over catching Sakura before she could hit the ground. Sakura had her arms around Li's neck as Li was holding her.

"Thanks Li" Sakura said smiling

Li blushed madly

"So cute" Madison squealed as she filmed the moment

"It seems that Li has a lot of practice, I think" Tai said

"Trust me, he does" TK said carrying in some of the food that would eaten tonight

"So Sakura has her own knight in shining armor?" Kari said following TK from behind

"Yep, he's been doing that for as long as I've known him" TK said

Li still had Sakura in his arms and was going more red with each passing moment

"Um Li, you can let me up" Sakura said quietly

"Oh, uh, right" Li said gently putting Sakura upright

"Alright, with a few more streamers, then I think we got it, where's Davis and the others?" Mimi asked looking at TK and Kari

"Davis and Yolei got into another fight, Ken told us to come here and not wait around for them" Kari answered

Everyone sighed

That's when they heard the pair arguing

"I'm not a klutz, thickhead"

"Thickhead, look who's talking four eyes"

"Oh please come up with something original Davie"

"Don't call me that!"

"I can call you anything I want, Davie"

"That's it!"

"Guys were almost there can you hold off your fight right now" said a tired Ken

The three entered Davis and Yolei were glaring daggers at one another and Ken looked exhausted

"Here Ken let me help you with that" Tai said rushing over to help the exhausted boy

"Thanks Tai, I'm tired" Ken said letting go of the bags he was holding

"You rest, we'll take care of the rest" Sora said

Ken just nodded and plopped onto the couch. Meanwhile the others made sure to keep Davis and Yolei apart so they wouldn't have round three or four. When finally they were done everything was set up and ready to go.

"Alright, now go home change and come back at seven" Mimi ordered

No one argued with that and they all headed home to get ready for tonight


The party was going great and everyone was having fun, the group did what they could to 'subtly' push TK and Kari together. The couple looked at each and share a smile, this was going to be a fun night.

The party went on and a slow song came up and Mimi literally shoved Kari into TK. Kari lost her balance as she fell into TK's arms.

"I guess you want to dance with me?" TK asked cheekily

"Well I didn't have a choice" Kari said in mock annoyance

The others gave the pair room to dance and watched hoping something would happen, plus they had to keep a hold on Davis so he didn't disrupt the pair.

"Any moment now" Mimi whispered excitedly

"Yes, you've been saying that for the past five minutes Mimi" Tai said slightly annoyed

TK and Kari were having a silent conversation with one another during the dance and decided to kiss at the end of the song. When the song ended TK leaned in and Kari got up on her tiptoes.

Cheer rang out with one cry of agony (Davis) they then swamped the new couple in a big hug and congratulated them.

"Finally, you've been dancing around one another forever" Matt said

"Yeah, Mimi was about to kill you, if you didn't get together" Tai said though by his tone it seemed like he was joking.

"Ignore him, Mimi was just annoyed that's all" Sora said

"So when is your first dating going to be?" Yolei asked

"Well, actually we already had it" TK said

This silenced everyone

"What?" Kari asked looking at everyone

"How could you have already gone on your first date when you just got together?" Mimi screeched

Everyone winced at the sound

"Madison, would you do the honors?" TK asked

Madison nodded and plugged her camcorder into the TV


"So what do you want to talk about TK?" Kari asked

"Well Kari, we've been friends for a long time even when I was gone we still kept in contact" TK said

Kari smiled at that since it was true, they exchanged e-mails and called each other whenever they had time.

"What I'm about to tell you is something I never told you before, I had a crush on you when we were younger" TK said

This shocked Kari she didn't think TK felt for her like that when they were younger, heck she was just figured her feeling out when he was gone.

"Well I thought it was just a simple crush and I got over it, that's why I dated Sakura" TK said, "but when I got back and we hung-out with one another practically every waking minute it was great and I didn't realize that my feelings for you were the same as they were before"

"TK, are you saying" Kari said now with tears in her eyes

"Yes, Kari, I love you" TK said softly as he wiped away the tears that were falling

"Oh TK, I love you too" Kari said as she crushed TK into a hug

"Those are the sweetest words I ever heard" TK said now tipping Kari's head up

Kari knew what was coming and her heart was pounding so hard she knew that TK could feel it too. But what she didn't know was that TK's heart was pound just as hard. Kari rose up til she was on her tiptoes and TK bend down. When their lips touch it was sweet and mind-blowing.

"THAT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE EVER FILMED!" Madison shouted breaking the moment


"I can't believe you did that?" Sora said shocked

"We just wanted to have some fun" Kari said with a shrug

Tai went up to her sister and hugged her

"I've never been more proud of you than I am right now" he said with tears in his eyes

"Tai, are you alright?" Kari asked hesitantly

"I'm fine" Tai said wiping his tears away

"He just so proud of you pulling one over on him" Sora said as she patted her boyfriend on the back

Kari nodded though she was a bit freaked out. She went back over to TK, who was getting noogies by Matt

"So you guys aren't angry with us?" TK asked as he tried to fix his hair

"No, but we're going to get you back" Tai said grinning

TK and Kari gulped

The rest of the party TK and Kari enjoyed each other's company happily with Davis sulking in the corner.

Madison had fun filming everything that she wished she had more eyes so she could capture everything. She filmed moments from all the couples from Tai and Sora, which she called Taiora, to Izzy and Mimi, she called them Koumi because Izzy's real name is Koushiro, her favorite couple her two best friends Li and Sakura, Ken and Yolei, which she called Kenli though it seemed odd, and then to the new couple TK and Kari, Takari.


The rest of the summer went by with everyone having great fun and Madison getting great footage, especially of TK and Kari going on a double date with Li and Sakura. She said it was the sweetest and cutest thing she has ever filmed. She also shared all of the things she filmed like Li and Sakura revealing their feelings to one another, TK's dates with Sakura, a few festivals they had, some funny moments of Li saving Sakura from falling one of which had Sakura landing in Li's lap and him blushing very red.

By the end of summer it was time for their friends to leave

"I can't believe we have to leave" Sakura said wiping a tear away

"I know, I'll miss you Sakura" TK said hugging his friend

"It's been great getting to know you Li, you have some wicked soccer skills" Tai said shaking the boy's hand

"Thanks and you're not bad either, I would love to be on your team" Li said returning the handshake

"Oh, this is so emotional" Madison said as she filmed all this

Suddenly Sakura's phone rang

"Hello? … Hi dad, yes I'm still here, no the flight isn't until later … What, are you sure, okay, but what about the others … Really, well that's a big surprise … Yeah I'll tell them, okay love you too dad, bye"

"What's up Sakura?" Sora asked curiously

"That was my dad, I guess I'm staying here" Sakura said


"Yeah, my dad got a job here at the university, so I'm moving here" Sakura said

"Oh Sakura, you mean we're leaving without you" Madison said with tears in her eyes

Li had no expression on his face, but Sakura knew that it was hurting him

"Actually Madison, your mom is moving here also, she said something about getting a new start" Sakura said

Madison beamed at this

"That's great you two" Mimi said brightly

Li was about to turn and leave

"Li, my dad told me that your mother is going to send you here too" Sakura said

Li stopped and spun around in shocked, that's when his phone rang

"Hello" he said

Li was on the phone for a few minutes, but he said nothing only nodded

"My mom said that it would be a shame to separate a betrothed couple and decided to have me transferred here" Li said

Sakura squealed and leapt into Li's arms

Oh yes, the summer was interesting, but this fall should be surprising.

The End

A/N: That's it the end of this story, if you want me to do a sequel let me know and if I have enough people who want one I'll do it. Thanks for reading and please review.