Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Greetings to the fine folk that moderate our site. I, along with many, have been writing and posting on your fine site for years now, some of the better examples of up and coming writers out there are are now suddenly finding some of the stories we've come to love at risk of being removed without the chance to even rectify our errors. For some, that means the permanent loss of a story. While I don't have anything that (I believe) violates your terms of use, there are those out there that are never able to recover a story in it's original form, this is something I find to be almost worthy of a legal action, as while we cannot claim ownership of a character, the stories are OURS and simply destroying them is something that is inexcusable. It's quite easy to simply add an MA rating, additional filters or even a simple requirement for a free membership to read the stories presented here, and would cut down on hateful anonymous reviews and posts at the same time, so I have to question as to why such a thing, in all this time, simply wasn't added. If you're worried about falsification of a registration then have an appropriate disclaimer and then there can be no dispute, you took your steps and the PARENTS didn't monitor their children, if that is even your concern. If it is more of a personal view or desire then please at least let people know and give them a chance to remove a story that you and yours find offensive, most people on the site are actually rather cordial when it comes to such requests. While I cannot say for sure if this letter will even reach those that may be willing to listen, of if it's more akin to a wide spectrum purge in preparation for something bigger, please understand that you are going to be looseing a LARGE number of your writers, and thus your income from a lack of readers if there is not some level of action taken to help with this situation. For those that may agree with this, please fell free to sign on and send this to the support server, maybe we can get some movement on this. EDIT: Just made a forum on this to, should be on the profile, not sure if that will help. And the name list doesent look that bad on my profile or in the actual doc, not sure why it's not putting in spaces here... Psudocode_Samurai Rocketman1728 dracohalo117 VFSNAKE Agato the Venom Host Jay Frost SamCrow Blood Brandy Dusk666 Hisea Ori The Dark Graven BlackRevenant Lord Orion Salazar Black Sakusha Saelbu Horocrux socras01 Kumo no Makoto Biskoff Korraganitar the NightShadow NightInk Lazruth ragnrock kyuubi SpiritWriterXXX Ace6151 FleeingReality Harufu Exiled crow Slifer1988 Dee Laynter Angeldoctor Final Black Getsuga ZamielRaizunto Fenris187 blood enraged arashiXnoXkami tstoldt Mystic 6 tailed Naruto ElementalMaster16 Dark Vizard447 Darth Void Sage of the Force Shiso no Kitsune The Sinful Kage640 Ihateheroes swords of twilight Kyuubi16 darthkamon narutodragon bunji the wolf Cjonwalrus Killjoy3000 blueexorist White Whiskey Ying the Nine Tail Fox Gin of the wicked smile tstoldt The wolf god Fenri JazzyJ09 sleepers4u The Unknown 007 Gallantmon228 MKTerra Gunbladez19 Forgottenkami RHatch89 SoulKingonCrack Dreadman75 Knives91 The Lemon Sage Dark Spidey VioletTragedies Eon The Cat of Shadows kazikamikaze24 animegamemaster6 LLOYDROCKS demented-squirrel swords of dawn The Immoral Flame blueexorist Challenger Shywhitefox drp83 Bethrezen Dragon6 bellxross unweymexicano The First Kitsukage kingdom219 brown phantom littleking9512 kurokamiDG Auumaan FrancineBlossom BDG420 Her Dark Poet bloodrosepsycho Shen an Calhar NarutoMasterSage4040 Masamune X23 Kuromoki Sliver Lynx devilzxknight86 Unis Crimson Zero X Limit SinX.Retribution reven228 JAKdaRIPPER Third Fang IRAssault Grumpywinter absolutezero001 Single Silver Eye animekingmike Daniel Lynx zerohour20xx Darth Drafter arturus Iseal Shisarakage Uzunaru999 Dark-Knight fearme80 Devilsummoner666 slicerness Toa Naruto Soleneus kagedoragon dansama92 KamenRiderNexus Captive Crimson KyuubiiLover27 MozillaEverer 4rm36uy ebm6969 Repiece phantomshadowdragon Colonel Eagle Timothy1988 ShadowZenith awsm125 The Purple Critic Darkepyon Zombyra brickster409 ChaosSonic1 Leaf Ranger SoulEmbrace2010 Oni Shin Silverknight17 Specter637 HunterBerserkerWolf shadow-red0 The Roaming Shadow bucketbot AvalonNakamura Avacii Maxwell Gray Silvdra-zero Arashi walker Lord of Daemons Lord Anime CloudRed1988 forestscout The Lost Mana Red Warrior of Light TUAOA MORRISTOFOX Mr. Alaska Swagnilla-Ice-1985 MugetsuIchigo bloodlust002 Nerverean Kage Biju JK10 OBSERVER01 MistressWinowyll Count Kulalu ronin504 ted009 Ralmidaz lederra Lost my shoe in Sheol ToyHaunter Hiyami PuckReathof demonsinger konomu-Imout LOVEMANGA AND DRARRY yuseiko-chan Elvira-baba Icecce iampieman Ultimabloodblade Gintoki kumar9900 DemonAngel of Ice dragon-cloud16 Harute Haptism the green ace of clubs Assassin King of Masyaf Flame-Fist-Ace Lucifer's Remnants Story Reader 97 kniznik NARUHAREM FOREVA NHunter Angry Hamster Kouken Tenshi Yume Saint-Clair Oo-chan jojo(non inscrit) gaia (pas inscrit) Estelle Uzumaki Melana76 onarluca Xanara odvie archiemouse Fenrir the vicious taj14 c i am a dragon God Emperor Of GAR-halla Warrior of Olympus Xxfreefallangelxx BituMAN shadowcub acepro Evolution ScorpinokXV Hunter200007 kyo anime Nysk Killeraction49 Storylover213 arya19 irvanthedamned Kiranos KingKidBadAss nimb09 Paladeus Orange-Fuzz-Ball Kakkyou no Yami Burning Truth DrunkManSquakin cabel1972 dynomike88 Tolotos Hansi Rahl Rekmond Farmer Kyle You-Lack-BadAssery Silverscale Cloud75JC GunnerRyuu Kurogane7 Raja-Ulat DragonMasterFlex Saphire Quill shadowzefover5 Highvalour Rinoti 2ndsly guardianmaster4 Godlykiller2 munesanzune DarkghostX w1p Lord Arkan Xahn777 T3Ko Dragon Man 180 Alia-Jevs Fayneir Ookami Ousama Asdfth12 Burning Lights EternalBlizzardOfSwords66 eltigre221 Jarjaxle HinaGuy749 Great Vampire-Shinso Harute Haptism Oxyxoon high lord mage FatalCrimsonScion Starfire99 Doombreed AdamantiumTP NightInk Wrathkal Firedamaged God Emperor of GAR-halla xArtehx Kapola Nuva HunterAzrael anime-death-angel sabery Bahamutzero94 Soul Painted Black Infinite Freedome Rodneysao Shatsuka jm1681 Ookami88 Akira Strider empresskitsune KitsuneGirl021 KagomeGirl021 Joey Blaq Nex Caedes Billy Buyo lite spirit CelticReaper fullhouses Felur TitaniumWyvern NeonZangetsu LargerSnowdevil I'm Yu Define Incompetent Caw-Raven BackwardsHazard lord Martiya Umashido pokemoncosmoking sjghostwriter18 scout360pyro taintedloki MtSarx kumar9900 TehIrishBrony Uzumaki Crossover Etsukazu no Kitsune Ranger-kit rts515 Soulblazer87 Kamigawa Nagamaki F Archer us4gi-ch4n Shirabaka Tenji Spear-of-the-doomed Painsake Ben1987 Spartan Ninja dante5986 Victoriousvillian Sage of Eyes Boomerbambam YosoNoAkuma Megaman88 Angry Hamster Warden of the Runes Kiyoi Silverstonedragon Akane Mosoa Cryofthewolf Culebra del Sol HouseMD93 Doc. K-9 dracon867 Moka Mcdowell VGZ Oirarana Nightmares Around Winter chuck17 Son Of A Wolf Daniel Lynx Sibjisibdi sleepwhenyourdead1989 BackwardsHazard Hunter200007 Zagger the Bloody Angel Zen Rinnegan Duochanfan alice the noble Zagger the Bloody Angel BRD man nano101 ShotgunWilly EternalKnight219 deadak Idiote AkumaKami64 loki0191 konoha's Nightmare zrodethwing ursineus KamenRiderNexus neko-hikage-chan Project Slepnir Narora Senoku spider79 ZloGlaZ Erebus of the Banat belnonm Tristan Blackheart Xefix dbzsotrum9 Deltablacknaruto I was reading Fullmetal Shinobi, a creation of one of the fanfic gods of Kenchi618 and in the very first chapter he wrote what he said was his personal code as the code of one of the characters and I just had to put in on my profile. If you are a real man you WILL make this your code: Jushiro Moyomoto's Code of Greatness Protect those around you: Strength and power is useless unless it is used to help those that cannot help themselves, bullies are scum, grow strong not for yourself, but for those you care for, and never stop reaching out to those around you ,even if they are your enemy, remember an enemy is just a friend you don't know that well. Regret nothing, fear less: Regrets and fears are worthless, regretting what has already happened is a waste of time and emotions, as long as you are still alive you can move forward, looking back in anger or sadness is a good way to miss the future. Fear is even more useless; every single thing the gods have ever created has been mortal, or had a weakness; in battle you must never fear your foe, if it can bleed, feel pain, hell, if you can make it fear you instead then it isn't worth your own, after all, even if you do actually lose, death is only the beginning. Crash course in Douchebags: There is no set definition for a douchebag, however general qualifications are: shitty attitude, ever present sneer or scowl, air of superiority, and the worst possible trait; a popped collar. If you ever come across one of these narcissistic assholes then all you can do is stay away and try not to be infected with his douchebagocity. Do not try to outdo a douchebag for even if you are victorious he will only make excuses, whine, or try to escalate your conflict to staggering levels, on the flip side, losing in ANYTHING to a d-bag will result in him never letting you hear the end of it which for some is a fate worse than death, a flee-on-sight recommendation is the preferred method for dealing with them, it's a lose-lose situation across the board… SERIOUSLY! Introduce yourself: Whenever introductions are made the first impression forms the most lasting opinion a person can have of you, whatever you want people to think of you, act like it, however, if you are not a bitch-ass excuse for a neutered man you should just act like yourself. If a person doesn't like you for you then fuck them, a billion damn people in the world, not everyone has to like you, however respect is a different story altogether. Respect is earned: Respect is truly earned, not given, not inherited. If someone has not given you a reason to respect them then you really don't have to, even if they are of high status, seriously, what are they going to do kill you… well even if they do don't fear, remember: we are all going to die and very little of what we do really actually matters. To get respect, stick to your morals, be kind, courteous, yet stern at times and don't take anyone's bullshit, even if it doesn't get you the desired effect right of the bat keep at it, it could take a time-span of weeks to fucking years but stick to your guns and you will get what you've earned. Nicknames: Do not hesitate to nickname anyone you meet, anyone at all. If you are like me, then you are borderline retarded when it comes to names and faces, placing a face with a name of your own creation based on slight observation of the people around you is the greatest way to keep important people in your head, endear yourself to the nicer ones, and utterly goad the not so nice ones into acting the ass in front of people, remember, be brutally honest but not overly so, no one likes taking an asswhooping in public. No mercy for the merciless: Being benevolent in victory is just fine, it's great; you kick a little ass, show off a bit, and you and your opponent can all go home and maybe get a few chuckles off of it later. But there is a distinct discrepancy between mercy in combat and just flat out being a pussy, if the guy you just laid out like a nasty-ass rug was just five-seconds ago trying to separate your head from your shoulders then fuck that guy, he better hope that hell has a pool because that motherfucker is too dangerous to be left alive. If he doesn't take you out in the future then he'll be more than willing to harm someone close to you just for shits and giggles; When a situation such as that truly comes into perspective then fuck 'em, they're expendable. Never let 'em see you sweat: People are the ultimate unknown, they can show you the sweetest side you'll ever want to see, or they can be the arch-bastard of arch-bastards; people delight in seeing others down and out, and they are sure as hell not above kicking a guy when he's down. If you want to believe that people can truly change then be my guest, but my advice would be to keep one eye open, just like respect, trust is earned not given. Oh you CAN trust a total stranger, but more or likely that shit will get you blindsided by some fucked up shit that you never saw coming. To remedy this, never show pain, never show fear, never show sadness, anger, fatigue, dopey, grumpy, hell all of Snow White's damn dwarves, don't do it. If a guy punches you dead in the jaw or cuts you, don't reach for the wound, that just says, "Hey, that hurt, you got me good, better come on in while I'm still hurt." That is a requiem for an ass-kicking, show nothing; get up, dust yourself off and give that loser a look that says, "What that's all you got, fucking pussy." A good poker face can save you a lot of anguish, physical or otherwise. Chivalry is not dead: Show members of the opposite sex your utmost respect, the reason that this isn't higher is probably because it is so damn basic. Not only will having respect for the females that you will choose to surround yourself with eventually see you more than likely winding up in an actual relationship with one of them, it will also help you when the time comes to block some kind of bullshit rumor, or maybe that it might just make you look cooler, if those don't work for you then how about you just do it because having a lack of chivalry will send you down the bunny hill leading to the slippery slope of douchebaggery, need I continue? Didn't think so. Don't be a robot: Just because someone says something does not necessarily make it true. Hell I could say aliens exist and have been living among us for years, crazy? Hell yes, but whether or not it is an opinion, nothing more nothing less, you are entitled to them as is everyone else, some of the things I say may not make sense to you, some of the things I say may not apply to you, take it how you will. The important thing to remember is to march to the beat of your own drum; different, weird, odd, strange, all of these things don't mean better or worse, they just mean different. So do your own thing, don't follow blindly, if anything you lead, because people only remember number one, two is not a winner, and three nobody remembers. //////////CHALLENGE!!!!!!\\\\\\\\\\ Please PM me if you wish to take it. Challenge: NarutoXPJO crossover: Because of his parentage, Naruto is actually 66.67% god making him what is called a Tri-blood or a Near-god. Usually born of a god and a demigod, must have at least one precedent. Abilities: Naruto will have pyrokinesis from his father, minor hydrokenisis form his mother, the myths do say she was born form Uranos and the sea, but much less than Percy in terms of the amount he can manipulate, has the same or greater control over what he can use, and also minor Aerokinesis and Electrokinesis form both his grandparents being the lords of the sky (Zeus will bitch about it at first, but will be reminded that the ability has not left his line as Naruto is his grandson and Uranos' as well). These ability actually match up perfectly to Minato and Kushina's canon affinity(check Narutopedia). They can be increased by training the element with chakra but still takes time to master. He will also have a very watered down version of charm speak. Not even remotely close to being able to truly manipulate someone, just enough to make even the most stubborn people more open and willing to consider his point of view. He would still need to convince them. He will develop these gradually but pyro and charm speak are the first ones he gets (he has always had charm speak). His stats MUST follow the stats in the Stat Sheet at the first chapter of fairy tail dragon slayer's story Naruto the Super Foxy Devil Beast. Weapon: He would fight with the elements like the Avatar but without earth, and his weapon of choice is staff that can separate into either a 3-segment staff, a set of hanbo(short staffs he uses in Six Paths Sage Mode) or a long chain whip. (Basically, Lee's Bo Staff in the 3rd Naruto movie). Hephestus and Aphrodite will come closer and fix their marriage after they discover who their spouse was when they accidentally visit Naruto in his dreams simultaneously, a few years after the attack, the memories of their fragments taking that long to process. Heph will fix most if not all of his deformities with the help of surgery from Apollo, free or in exchange for something is up to you, and his wife's blessing of beauty. EN are in another universe connected to the PJO-verse like in Son of the Rabbit Goddess and his parents get him after he is about to be executed after the Sasuke Retrival Mission due to the machinations of Danzou when he realized he would NEVER be able to control him, and convinced the Daimyo behind Tsunade's back. He must appear at some point BEFORE/AFTER the Lightning Thief, but cannot take part in it, that is Percy's quest. Pairing: Calypso must be a part of it, whether you add another, and I really hope you do, that will be up to you. He can visit her via reverse summoning, NO Hiraishin until at least TLO. Personality wise: He is not an attention seeking moron, he will be fun, loving, and compassionate but will be able to switch between that and a serious shinobi at the drop of a hat if necessary. Will never hesitate to call someone out on mistakes, hypocrisies, or short comings, regardless of who they are. And if you hurt someone he cares for will not hesitate to kill, maim or cripple you. Fatal Flaw: Over-independence: Although will be willing to lend a helping hand to almost anyone in need, he will be extremely reluctant to accept help, not because of arrogance or pride, but because he simply much prefers to solve his own problems. Since realistically speaking, Naruto has never been the kind of person to just sit around camp, have him for a group to train himself and have them be like the hunter with a few stark differences. He will come up with the idea after learning that will the hunter may help MAIDENS, they tend to not give a crap about anyone else. Rules for the group: 1- No sexism, misandry or chauvinism allowed, Ever. 2- They will take jobs form the gods as missions and must always be compensated, how they get them is up to you. If these jobs coincide with canon events is up to you. But they mostly hunt monsters or rather wait until they come to them, attracted by their scent so Artemis can't bitch about her domain. 3- He will take in anyone who needs a home but will actually help them heal instead of just teaching them to hate like Artemis does with her hunters. 4- Relationships within the group are allowed but they must have Aphrodite's approval. Infidelity will cause both guilty parties expulsion form the group if done by their own will, a god using godly charm to trick them and the like does not count. (Aphrodite will be a changed goddess because of Naruto and will actively avoid causing love trouble and helping to solve them and strengthen relationships. This will actually get Hera on their side as not only is Naruto a 'proper demi-god' in her eyes but Aphrodite's efforts will cause the divorce quotient to drop. Naruto will NOT like her for a while though.) 5- If one were to chose to leave the group, the training they received will remain, but the memories of that training an all missions they know about will be wipe out by Hera and Mnemosyne. 6- Although they will not stay year round, the group will visit the camp for one month of June and form the 1st of December to the 2nd of January. It would also be fun to have Artemis get all mad at them for the group existing like her hunters and challenge them to CTF only for the hunters to lose for the first time. Note: Even if they later get along, the hunters will not get any of the training the group does. Also, if you want to keep his parents having demigods, you can just make it so they have children with people that they believe would make good parents but just don't have the time to look for someone, or couples that are having trouble conceiving. Or just make them swingers, which ever works for you. Also don't worry about the ancient laws. The common consensus is that the gods cannot raise their children and cannot make them take a certain path. They say nothing about helping them on the path they chose themselves. |