Reviews for Second Wind
Rose chapter 68 . 7/19
Holy Crud on a stick, that was amazing! Can't wait for the next update! _

You're doing an amazing job, and I'm hooked since the first chapter! :D
ConstellationReader chapter 68 . 7/21
Awesome story, please do update again.
wjluquer chapter 1 . 7/20
are you going to update soon bro, don't tell me this is discontinued. it's an AMAZING story you wrote here
Idon'tgiveashit08 chapter 68 . 7/19
I love this story, I can’t wait until the next update! ;)
Sharpersidexxx chapter 13 . 7/19
Calling zoro demon wind what is he some kind of deadly fart
TobitoUchiha1 chapter 68 . 7/18
I love this fanfiction so much. Probably the best one piece fic I've ever read. All the fights are well written, and I love how you write each character, all the dialogue makes sense. I hope you continue writing this one, its seriously amazing! Also, ignore grimfan's review, seems like a troll.
Lemonz chapter 68 . 7/14
Hi if you want to make a passive income then just try
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grimfan chapter 68 . 7/13
no offence but This is nt a very good one peice sotry. Look up "the second coming of black beard" by "mr grimjaw" for some good one on piece story telling!.

At least u tried.
PaoloMarsicola chapter 68 . 7/15
Is this ongoing?
Cece chapter 68 . 7/11
I fuckin love this fanfic. Uh- good job! 3
jestermon101 chapter 37 . 7/11
Let me have a guess? Blackbeard's crew?
Zelduris chapter 68 . 7/11
this is the best fanfic of all time. change my mind!
da fuck chapter 1 . 7/7
Are u dead bro? update this if ur still alive.
Levi1228 chapter 1 . 7/9
OMG! I'm literally shaking out of excitement right now! I didn't know that this story is really great! It didn't disappoint me at all! Hop to see more in the future!
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 68 . 7/7
They done realized they goofed!
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