An: I am so sorry everyone for this chapter taking so long. I wanted it to come out sooner, but my family has recently been hit hard because of this pandemic. I'm so sorry everyone.

"So let me get this straight. These two guys are father and son, and every day they try to kill each other. All because the son changed the family's business from a pickle company to a fruit company," Bakugo explained. "Is this all correct or did I get anything wrong?"

"Nah that sounds right," Senshi replied.


The group was currently in their bedrooms, with everyone but Bakugo unpacking their clothes and other supplies.

"Relax Kacchan," Midoriya replied. "I trained here for two weeks and it was fine. The only thing that happened was a bear attack."

"Yeah, but I'm a normal fucking person," Bakugo said. "Wait, bear attack?"

"Normal, you're not normal," Senshi replied.

"One day, I'm going to kick your ass," Bakugo whispered.

"Yeah right."





The conversation was interrupted by the sounds of multiple shotgun blasts going off.

"Shinu are you sure this place is safe for them?" Yagi asked.

"Oh, it's fine. Those two can't hit each other let alone us. We have a bigger chance of being attacked by a shark while struck by lighting right on top of a volcano," Senshi answered.

"That's oddly specific."

"I have lived one hell of a life," Senshi replied. "Anyways, the night is young. We should get some sleep."

"Whatever," Bakugo said. He then saw that he and Midoriya were going to share a double-decker bed. "I call dibs on the top bunk."

"Oh come on," Midoriya replied. "You better not snore."

The night was very interesting for the young blond. Never in his life did he have to sleep with the sound of shotgun blasts going off every ten seconds. Bakugo needs his goddamn beauty sleep.

Luckily, the explosion sounds went away…...AT 5 AM.

Bakugo got so little sleep that his eyes rivaled those of his homeroom teachers.

"Hi blond boy, what some breakfast?" Mr. Hanta asked.

Bakugo honestly wanted to strangle the old man and his son for keeping him up at night, but that bacon sure smelled good.

"Yes sir," Bakugo said as he sat down.

"Well make it yourself. I'm not your goddamn mother," the old man replied.

Bakugo was going to strangle the old man, unfortunately, he was stopped by Fukōna. "Wait young one, I will kill him first. Then you can kill his corpse."

"The fuck? That makes no sense," Bakugo replied. "How do you run a company?"

"Are you sure this is the best place for training?" Yagi asked once more.

"Oh yeah, it's perfectly fine," Senshi said again. "Anyways, you two need breakfast. Training starts soon."

After breakfast, the boys stood outside with their two mentors.

"So, why do you think we're here?" Senshi asked.

"You're going to teach us some techniques and make us physically stronger," Bakugo replied.

"Correct, but you're also wrong," Senshi responded.


"Let me explain," Yagi said, trying his best not to start a fight started. "Each of you has fatal flaws that need to be fixed on. We are going to do our best to help you in these two weeks."

"Okay, that makes sense," Midoriya replied. "What's our weaknesses?"

"Let's start with Bakugo here," Senshi walked over to his blond pupil. "You lack good footwork and power. Your weak strikes will get you nowhere."

"Excuse me," Bakugo said with a vein on his head. "What my power sucks. Like my quirk or my strength."

"Your strength in your attacks. Your quirk is perfectly fine, but it's your physical attacks that are the issue. As of now, no one is going to fall from your weak attacks."

Bakugo growled and replied with "Got it."

"Now Midoriya, you also have two major issues that harm your fighting skills," Senshi said. "The first is your quirk."

"What's wrong with it?"

"Your quirk is too strong for your body to handle. There are two ways to handle this. One, we can train your body to handle your quirk, but that can take years to show any effect. The other is to have your body slowly build up a tolerance to One for All. Honestly, I recommend the latter," Senshi explained.

"That's not all, remember what happened in the USJ? When you fought that Samurai villain," Senshi asked. "You had that form which allowed you to use One for All throughout your body."

Honestly, Midoriya didn't remember that. During the fight at the USJ, his mind forgot what happened halfway through. Most likely because he was so enraged that he didn't have a straight mind.

"No, not really."

"I believe that is how we should handle your quirk. A low percentage that should be able to increase your strength but as well as slowly build up your tolerance," Yagi described.

"So, what's the other issue?" Midoriya asked.

"It's your style. As of now, it's terrible," Senshi stated.

"What? How can that be?" Midoriya asked.

"Midoriya, tell me, what was your style when you fought Chaisai Charkii?" Senshi asked.

"Well, it was a mix between Karate, Muay Thai, Boxing, and the Niko style," Izuku answered.

"And what is your style now?"

Izuku was about to answer but then realized something. It was the exact same thing. He hadn't improved or changed his style at all.

"You see, that's why you haven't been winning your recent battles. You haven't improved as much as before," Senshi explained.

"If that's true, why didn't you tell me before?" Midoriya asked.

"Simple, I wanted you to figure it out on your own. I was hoping you would realize this before the Sports festival. Unfortunately, the clocks are ticking," Senshi said.

"I understand," Midoriya replied. He had to get stronger for the Sports Festival. "What can I do?"

"That's for you to decide," Senshi said.


The Gakigahara forest was a dangerous place. It was often called the "Forest of Death." Despite its vast amount of soil and rich land, few living things can adapt to it. Once inside, you will begin to lose your sense of direction and become mad in just a matter of days.

It was this place where two Kure was training.



Kure Renzo landed two powerful strikes on his sister. He was wearing a cloak that covered most of his body except his face. He had no damage to his body.

His sister Karen was wearing the opposite. She was wearing a sports bra and a fighter's shorts. On her arms and legs were pairs of weights. However, her body was covered in wounds and bruises.

After the two strikes on her body, Karen collapsed to the ground. Her breath was ragged and blood dripping from both her mouth and nose.

"That's all for now," Renzo said. "Rest as much as you can."

Karen laid down on her back, she could barely move and this was just day one of her training. She had to lay a single blow on Renzo and of course, she was unsuccessful.

After a few hours, the sunset and it was now night. Karen tried to get up, but could barely move and was only able to sit up.

"Resting is over," Renzo said from the shadows.


The older brother kicked his younger sister on the head, launching her a few feet away. "Did you think I was going to hold back on you? This is the only way to learn the secret technique."

"heh, I'm far from done," Karen said. She barely got on her knees, but she still stood strong. "Come on Renzo, I'm far from done."

"So Midoriya, what are you working on?" Yagi Toshnori asked.

"Working on my style," Izuku answered. He had just finished his physical work and was now scribbling in his notebook.

'Need help?"

"Yes please."

Yagi walked over and sat down right next to Izuku. "So what's the problem?"

"I can't decide what my new style is going to be," Izuku explained. "I have all these ideas but either I can't get a clear vision of it or can't put in it to flourish."

"Can I see those notes?" Izuku gave his notebook to his father figure. "Ummm, I see what's the problem. You're breaking out." Yagi noticed Midoriya's confusion and tried to explain in a better way. "Okay, your biggest mistake is to break away from your fighting style. All you need to do is update the style not change it completely."

"Ahh, so what should I do?"

"I believe you should tone down the style. For example, in my opinion, you have too many options. You don't need to have so many techniques. Some masters only use the basics and that's enough for them," All Might explained.

"I see," Midoriya said. "Any other advice you have?"

"Try sticking to what you're best at, not what others are best at. You can't do everything," Yagi explained.

"Hey dad, can I ask you a question?"


"Wow, didn't expect you to last that long," Takeshi said. The boy sitting in a criss-cross position on a gym floor. It was his family's personal gym that Takeshi allowed Ojiro to use alongside him.

"huff, thanks, huff," Mashirao Ojiro replied. He was laying on his back, his breath was short and ragged.

"You can go home now. I'm just going to do some shadow fighting." Takeshi said.

"No, I can huff still go on," Ojiro said. He got up, using his tail as support for his body. "We can go all day long."

Takeshi just started with a blank stare. "Come on man, why are you doing this?"

"I have too."

"Is it because of Hagakure?" Ojiro was taken back by the sudden question, to the point where he nearly fell over.

"What!? Why would you say such a thing? We're not in any relationship. We're just friends."

"HA, yeah right. I've seen the way you two interact with one another. Tail boy's got a crush," Takeshi teased.

"So what? What's wrong with liking her?"

"Nothing. It's fine to like a girl. But since I'm your friend," Takeshi gave a wicked smile, "I'm going to stop at nothing until you two are together."

Ojiro looked in horror. 'Oh god, what have I done?'


"And that's the gist of it," Izuku said. He had just explained everything Toga told him to Yagi.

On one hand, the pro hero was glad that his son was being appreciated by girls. On the other, he understood what Midoriya was going through. As a man who only recently just started dating, he could understand what Midoriya was going through.

"My question to you is, what should I do?" Midoriya asked. "I don't want to cause any problems and I don't want to break their hearts. I'm so confused."

"Well, what do you want to do?" Yagi asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Izuku, the fact is you're more worried about the girls than yourself. You do care about them, it's clear through your words. In all honesty, I have no idea what to do." Midoriya signed in defeat. "But, if those girls truly care about you. Then I believe they will support you no matter what kind of crazy hellfire you jump into."

"Then, should I do it? Is the harem worth it?" MIdoriya asked.

"Honestly, that's something only you could answer. If you want to do it, go right ahead. Either way, I know you will make the right choice."


"Because you're my successor," Yagi said with his greatest smile ever. Izuku went up and hugged his hero in a massive engulfing hug that rivaled his mother's in terms of warmth and affection.

"Thanks, dad."

"Your welcome, son." This time, neither Izuku nor Yagi got nervous.

"Okay let's call it quits," Shinu Senshi said. "It's best to rest now before your body breaks."

Young Bakugo was on his knees, sweating endlessly, and gasping for breath. "I will huff go on."

"Trust me, kid. It's okay to admit you have limits. Even I can't do everything," Senshi said. "Here have some water."

Senshi threw a bottle of cold water at the blond, who caught it with ease. He then opened it up and gulped the entire thing down in one take. Afterward, when he was done, Bakugo said, "Let's continue. If I want to become stronger than I can't stop here."

"Kid, you won't become the strongest in one day. It takes time and effort. Besides, if you push your body too far, there's no way you could ever become the strongest. It's okay to rest," Senshi explained. "Let's go have dinner."

"I said I can continue."

Senshi signed in annoyance. "Kid, why the hell are you doing this?"

Bakugo looked down at the floor. "You didn't thank me."


"I was a fucking loser before I met you. All I did was hang around my gang and thought I was tough shit. BUT I WAS FUCKING WRONG," Bakugo raised his hands up and smashed down towards the ground. "Before I knew it, not only was Midoriya stronger than me but he also became more popular. He had girls, friends, and out of nowhere, he became All Might's successor, while I was left with nothing. The only reason you two bothered with me was that I knew your little secret."

Senshi wanted to say how wrong Bakugo was, but he kept his mouth shut.

"Yet, despite all that, you still trained me. You taught me more than any stupid teacher I've had before," bakugo explained. "So why? When you were about to die did you say thank you to Midoriya?"

Senshi couldn't just answer that question. Not because he didn't want to but because he didn't have the answer. He knew exactly what Bakugo was going through. He went through the same thing at Bakugo's age. The only problem was, what to say.

"sign, I know exactly what you're going through. And I'm sorry you felt that way," Senshi sat down, right next to his pupil, "I've known how you feel. You feel mad, scared, and most of all confused. It was because of Midoriya that so many great things happened to me. I got back with my girlfriend, reconnected with my best friend, and I got the chance to train two incredibly powerful fighters. So no matter what happens, just know, I'm proud of you."

"Thanks." Bakugo was still confused about his feelings. He didn't know how to feel.

"Hey if it makes you feel any better, I know you will do great at the festival. Hell, you might even win it," Senshi said.

"Seriously. Although that depends how hard you train," Senshi said.

"I'll train my damn hardest," Bakugo stated.

"You better. Starting tomorrow, we'll give you the harshest training of your life," Senshi declared.

"I'll do it you damn bastard," Bakugo yelled.


"Three cheers for Itsuka Kendo," said. Despite drinking water, the three people in the Dojo pressed their water bodies together as if it was for a celebration.

"Dad, we don't have to do this," Itsuka stated. However, she went along with it.

"Still, it's the thought that matters," Kuroki Gensai stated. "We're celebrating the fact that you've been able to keep up with training and not fall behind."

"Thanks, Grandpa," Itsuka replied.

"So, how's your dating life going?" Kuroki asked.

Kendo nearly choked on the water, the question was so out of the left-field that it left her speechless. Her father had a similar reaction. "PFFTTT," her father spat out all the water in his mouth. "Dad what are you thinking?"

"Well I'm not getting any younger, I want to know that Itsuka has a good relationship before I go to the next world," Kuroki said as he took a sip.

"You're in your early sixties you're not going anywhere," Mr. Kendo replied. "Besides, there's only one demon who dares seduce my Itsuka. And I won't let him do anything with her."

"IZUKU'S NOT A DEMON," Itsuka shouted.

"Izuku? You mean Izuku Midoriya?" Kuroki asked.

Kendo blushed upon realizing what she had just said, produced a massive blush on her face.

"I guess I was right. Though, I'm surprised that you two are on a first-name basis," Kuroki said.

"It's not like that," Itsuka responded. "We're just friends."

"Then why are you blushing?"

Itsuka couldn't hide her blush anymore and hide her face from the family.

"You see, this is why I can't let that demon near my daughter. Or else he'll tempt her with his devilish nature," explained.

"He seems like a nice boy to me. Besides, if Itsuka and Midoriya have children, they would have the potential to be the greatest Karate masters in history as well as being utterly adorable," Kuroki said.

"NO," shouted. He then produced to argue with his dear old dad.

Itsuka blushed at what her grandfather said. 'ME and Izuku, having kids.'

With just a few words, Kuroki Gensai brought down his entire family. He truly was an exceptional assassin.


"Alright brat, time to start working on your footwork," Senshi said. In his hands were an ax and a pair of gloves. "We need to get going so we can make use of our time as best as possible."

"Fine, but what about Midoriya?" Bakugo asked.

"He'll be fine. Yagi is going to train with his quirk today," Senshi said. "So we're spending the rest of the day working on your lousy footwork."

"Okay fine, but what's with the ax?" Bakugo asked.

"You'll see," Senshi replied. The two then took a quick trip up a mountain until they found themselves right to a lake. "Here we go."

The lake wasn't that big, in fact, it just looked like an average. Besides a small stream going down, there was nothing that made the lake stand out.

"Are we going for a swim?" Bakugo asked.

"Something like that," Senshi responded. Before he could give a proper explanation, he began to observe the trees. He would walk up to one and began looking all around it before walking to another tree.

'What the hell is he doing,' Bakugo asked himself.

"Ah, this one is good," Senshi said at a fat tree. He put on his gloves and grabbed the ax. "Timber," with one powerful slash the mighty tree fell and collapsed to the ground. Senshi also cut the top having, making the once great tree into a large log.

"So how's cutting down a tree going to make me better?" Bakugo asked.

"Dammit Boy have some patience," Senshi replied. He grabbed the log and threw it straight into the lake.


The log made a large splash right in the middle of the lake. The sound echoed throughout the Forest, causing birds to fly away.

"Now get on that log," Senshi ordered.

"Oh I get it now," Bakugo took off his shirt and shoes before swimming. Once he reached the log, he climbed right on the log. "I just have to balance myself or else I fall into the water."

"You are correct, however," Bakugo wasn't even looking at his Sensei, so he didn't get to see the man getting on the log before it was too late, "You also have to knock me down."

"WHAT," Bakugo soon found himself nearly fallen off the log. "Balancing myself on this blog is one thing, but fighting you is a whole nother story."

"There will be a time when you might have to balance more than you can handle. When that time comes, you can't just give up; you have to fight with all you got," Senshi explained.

"Fine," Bakugo grunted. He took a fighting stance, his left arm became a 90-degree angle with his right behind.

'Hitman Style, taken by the late great Thomas Hearns. Because of the lack of space, I can't dodge as much and my big frame is an easy target. Good Choice, however, it will take more than that to knock me off,' Senshi thought.


Like a whip, Bakugo's arm cut through the air. It's target, Senshi's massive chest. However, it missed.

"What the-" Bakugo watched as Senshi dodged his attacks with ease. His attacks were only hitting the air.

"This is the byproduct of good footwork. Masters of footwork, like Muhammad Ali, can even dodge attacks even at point-blank range," Senshi explained. "They can even increase the power of their attacks, like this."


With A simple palm strike, Senshi was able to knock Bakugo off the log and right into the water. "See."

Bakugo dived right back into the surface before gasping for breath. "You didn't need to hit so hard."

"Only by going through hell can you go through heaven," Senshi replied. "My Sensei told me that."

"That sounds like something out of a fortune cookie," Bakugo joked as he climbed the log. "Is that it?"

"Far from it," Senshi replied. "Come on brat."


"ONE FOR ALL 5%," Izuku yelled. His body coarse with lighting, and an aura coated his body. "I'm ready All Might."

"GOOD TO KNOW," the pro hero known as All Might stood before him. "NOW COME AT ME."

"GOT IT," Izuku yelled.



His body charged towards All Might at its fastest speed. He stopped right before he could collide at the big man and threw a powerful kick right towards his face. All Might simply block the attack with his palm.

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT MY BOY?" All Might said while having a massive grin.

Izuku smiled back and replied by using his free leg to kick All Mights chest.

All Might blocked that kick too and three Midoriya off his body. Izuku stopped his fall by landing right on his feet.

Izuku dashed towards All Might again. His aim this time was All Mights knees. A low kick aimed straight towards his left knee.

However, the attack was too predictable, All Might easily propel his left leg backward and then threw a powerful kick right at Midoriya.


Midoriya was launched backward and his back hit a tree. "Ahh," Izuku cried out.

"Oh I'm sorry," Yagi transformed back into his skeleton form, "I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

"It's fine. I'm alright," Izuku replied. He soon got up and shook his head, his Lighting was now long gone. "Looks like I can't handle taking damage in that form"

"We should really give a name to that form," Yagi helped the young boy get up, "Can you stand?"

"I'm fine," Midoriya repeated. "Though my body is more tired than usual."

"Your body is not used to it. This is just the starting point, but I think that's all we should do today for quirk training. Now we should start doing some physical work."

"Like what?" Izuku asked.

"Ever played baseball before?" Yagi asked.


"Oh, well I have this machine here that shoots baseballs at an extraordinarily fast rate," Yagi explained. "Wanna see?"


Yagi set the machine up, and with the press of a few buttons, it shot a baseball right out of its cannon.


The baseball roared through the air like a cannonball until it hit a tree, but that barely stopped it. The tree was left with massive cracks and a ball-shaped hole right in its center.

"Oh, my," Yagi rubbed his head, "It's just as powerful as ever."

"Excuse me?" Midoriya was shocked by the mere power of the machine.

"When I was in my training days, my master used this machine to train me. It's been so long that I forgot how powerful this thing is," Yagi explained.

"You trained with this?"

"Oh yes, but it was many years ago. If you like, we could do something else," Yagi said.

"No this fine," Izuku stood right in front of the machine. "I am your successor. Anything you can handle, I can do it with full force."

"Heh, you're a brave one alright. I'll tune it down a little bit and the better you do, the faster it goes. Got it?" Yagi asked while tuning the machine.

"Got it," Midoriya's body then glowed and lighting began to surround him. "One for All, Full Cowling."

"Full Cowling, not a bad name, but are you sure you want to use it now?" Yagi asked.

"I need to use it more, that way in a fight I won't lose control. So come at me All Might," Izuku said.

"Very well, if that is what you want," Yagi pressed some buttons and aimed the machine right at Midoriya, "HERE YOU GO."

Waves of baseball were shot at Izuku. Some were parried and some were dodged, but the rest hit its mark. Despite that, Izuku never stopped he went even faster than before.

As Yagi watched, a reminiscence thought. 'You know, this is probably how Gran Torino felt. I wonder how he's doing now?'

"ACHOO," a small old man unleashed a massive sneeze. "That's strange, I don't have a cold so why did I sneeze?"

"Maybe someone is talking about you. Or maybe it's an ill omen," Another old man said. This old man had extremely frail skin, to the point where his bones can be shown. Despite that, he poured some tea for his long time friend. "Have some tea."

"Thank you," Gran Torino said as he sipped some tea. "So, what are you doing here in Japan?"

"Well, I have a certain event to go to," the former Pro Hero known as Zodiac stated. "Besides, my student has been making some big moves behind the scenes."


In a certain Airport, a group of three foreigners arrived in Japan. One foreigner had a pair of Sunglasses on him. "It's been a while since I've come to Japan," the foreigner then took off his glasses, revealing himself being Chaisai Charkii. "Last time I lost, but this time, I will win."


"Man, it's been two weeks since we started training," Izuku said. "I wonder how everyone's doing?"

"Who cares about them. Look at us," Bakugo did a pose right in front of a mirror, "We have bulked since two weeks ago."

It was true. Ever since they started training, their bodies gained more muscle than ever before. Bakugo now had a six-pack that could withstand attacks made out of steel. While Midoriya was now struggling to find a shirt that perfectly fit him.

"Man, your girlfriends are going to love your new body," Bakugo said.

"Do you think so?" Izuku asked.

"It's true, ask your dad about it," Senshi said. "Are you two ready to go?"

"Yep," Izuku closed his suitcase. "Let's go."

"Oh Izuku, it's been so long," Inko Midoriya crushed her son in a massive hug.

"Mom, you're crushing me," Izuku cried out.

"Sorry, Izuku, it's just: You've grown so big," Inko looked all around Izuku's body. "You have as many muscles as All Might now."

"I won't say that," Izuku said.

"And you," Inko let go of her son before crushing Yagi in a hug, "Thank you for taking such great care of him."

"It's nothing," Yagi replied. "But let me go, you're crushing me."

"Sorry," Inko said as she let go of her husband.

'If Mom was ever a hero, no villain could ever survive her hugs.'


Izuku held a phone right next to his ears. He was trying to call his new girlfriend Himiko. Thankfully, she picked up.

"Hello Izuku, it's been a while," Toga said.

"Sorry for not calling you earlier; I was busy training," Izuku explained.

"It's fine. I've been training hard too," Toga replied. "Besides, the UA Sports Festival is a big deal, it makes sense to train hard for this."

"Yeah. Toga I've been thinking about what you said. You know about the whole harem thing," Izuku said.

"Oh, well what's your answer?"

"I will do it. But I will have some rules," Izuku answered. "1. We must try and keep it a secret. I don't think information about our relationships will positively affect our hero careers. 2. We have to make sure the girl has an interest in us. If not, then I don't think this would work. Finally, I want to make everyone as happy as possible."

"I can accept that. There's also something I have to tell you," Toga said.

"Really what is it?" Midoriya asked.

"It's best if I told you in person," Toga replied. "I can't wait to see you again. It's been too long."

"It's only been two weeks," Izuku responded.

"That's way too long. I can't wait to see you and your cute face again," Toga said.

"You two," Izuku replied.

When the call was over, Toga pressed a pillow against her face and squirmed all over her bed. 'I'm going to see Izuku-Kun again.' Toga was squealing in delight.

Finally, the day came.

"Come on. Either hurry it up or lose your job," an anxious news reporter told her cameraman. They were both surrounded by hoards of people entering the arena.

"Why are we even here? The sports festival is already being broadcasted so what's the point?" the cameraman asked. "Plus, you're not my boss so you can't fire me."

"Shut up. Also, if we're early, we could get a chance to interview the freshmen of 1A, as well as the famous Izuku Midoroya," the reporter explained. "We might even get to see which school they've picked this year. I was amazed by the news of other schools participating, they didn't even say who's participating, but if we reveal we might get the story of the year."

"We could just wait like everyone else," the cameraman replied.

"Oh, shut up."

"Hello everyone," Izuku said as he entered the 1A lockerroom. Right behind him, was Bakugo walking in a sulking manner.

"MIDORIYA," his classmates cried out. Mina even tackled hugged the green-haired boy.

"I missed you so much and…" Mina took a few seconds of squeezing his muscles, "Do you get a buffer?"

"Yeah," Izuku scratched his cheek. "I did a lot of muscle training."

"Deku's not the only one who's got a buffer," Bakugo said; but his words fell on deaf ears, much to his annoyance.

As this happened, Izuku noticed something peculiar about one of his classmates. "Yaoyorozu did you cut her hair?" Izuku asked.

"Oh yeah I did," Momo replied. Her once long hair was cut, where her hair was now reaching her neck. "My teachers said it would help my fighting style. I'm sorry if it's not as attractive as before."

"No, you look great," Izuku replied. "Besides, I'm sure it was a great idea."

Momo blushed from his words. "Thank you Midoriya."

"Oh Deku, she's not the only one who buffed up," Ochako said right behind him. He turned and was amazed at how Ochako had grown. Ochako had grown some impressive muscles over the last two weeks and had even gotten biceps. "So what do you think?"

"Amazing," Izuku replied.

"Wow, Midoriya's getting lucky with the ladies," Takeshi stated. He then noticed his buddy Ojiro had his mind elsewhere. Ojiro was watching Toru as she went on her day. "Have you talked to her yet buddy?"

"Ah, no not yet," Ojiro replied. "What should I say?"

"Just be you. Sure it's cliche but hey it works, just look at our good old harem protagonist," Takeshi said as he pointed to Izuku.

"I will talk to her after this festival is over. When I win," Ojiro said with full confidence.

"Okay, if that's what you want," Takeshi as he accepted his friend's decision.

"Ah man, I wish I could wear my hero costume. These lousy PE clothes don't even show off me at my best," Mina pouted.

"Agree. How can I stand out with plainclothes?" Aoyama asked.

"Be good," Bakugo replied.

"I'm surprised you know what the word good means. Seeing how you've never been good," Aoyama replied.



























"Fuck you." Bakugo gave the French boy the finger as he walked off.

The entire 1A audience watched in awe. Aoyama had insulted Bakugo right to his face and lived. He may be French but he had more bravery than all of them.

"Now that was impressive," Denki stated.

After that spectacular scene, Todoroki Shoto walked up to Izuku Midoriya. "Todoroki, what is it?" Izuku asked with concern in his voice.

"In this tournament, I will beat you," Todorki declared with full confidence.

There was a great silence in the room. Unlike before where the attention was because of comedy, the attention was focused on Todoroki's bold clams.

"I'm sorry could you repeat that?" Izuku asked. He didn't interact with Todoroki very often, in fact, this was his first time speaking to the duel boy. He also gave off that loner personality that Izuku never found interesting.

"Ever since you defeated Chaisai Chakrii, the world was watching you with great interest. You even piqued my father's curiosity."

'Wait, who is Todorki's dad?'

"Even the great All Might is amazed by you. However, today is the day you will fall. I will beat you," Todoroki said with a cold chilling tone.

"Is that a challenge?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, but rest assured by the time the day is over. I will be declared the winner." Todoroki stood over the smaller Izuku.

Izuku looked at the taller boy right in the eye, "I'll accept that challenge."

President Mic stood in his booth, the happiest he had ever been. The day where he was the commentator for the Sports Festival was his favorite day of the year. And now, he was a commentator that the whole world would be listening to; it was like all his dreams come true.


Izuku and his classmates walked out, proudly and full of confidence. They embraced the cheers and woes of the crowd. Even Bakugo gave a nice warm smile.

"Wow, we're popular," Sato stated.

"Well, a lot of stuff has happened to us," Sero replied. "There's also you know who," Sero whispered as he pointed to Izuku.

"Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave."


The other classes came out of their doors, with one class being angrier than the rest.

"Goddammit, we're more than just another class. We're in the goddamn hero course," Tetsutetsu mumbled in an angry tone.

"Don't worry my steel friend. Soon, Class 1B will be the ones everyone will be talking about," Monoma declared. "WE WILL SHOW THAT WE ARE THE SUPERIOR CLASS AND PHHELL."

Itsuka had karate chopped the back of Monoma's head, which knocked the blonde boy out. "Sorry about that, he has issues," Itsuka said to everyone who was watching them. She also made a small wave to Izuku. 'I wish I could spend more time with you. We may be good friends, but today we are rivals.'


Only one student came out, but he gave off an impressive performance.

"I LOVE UA," Inasa Yoarashi yelled out before hitting his head onto the floor. The whole crowd was so shocked by his words that they stopped cheering.

"Wait I thought he was a Shiketsu student, why is he praising UA?" President Mic had shut off the mic and had whispered to Eraserhead.

"I don't care, just continue commentating," Eraserhead replied.

"Fine. FROM THE FAR WEST, ALL THE WAY FROM THAILAND, COMES STUDENTS FROM ONE OF THE GREATEST SCHOOLS THE ONE AND ONLY BANGKOK IN-" President Mic never got to finish his sentence. Because right as he began talking, a boy jumped right out of the entrance and screamed so loud it drowned out President MIc.


A dark-skinned teenager had dashed out and screamed at the top of his lungs. His yell was so loud that people outside the stadium were able to hear it. The teen also had black spiky hair that was stood up and the biggest grin on his face.

"I AM SO PUMPED RIGHT NOW," Yoroizuka Saw Paing yelled in Burmese.

"He outscreamed me," President Mic whimpered. "No one has ever out screamed me."

Eraserhead didn't even give a snarky response. His face was full of shock and fear at the realization that someone had out screamed the loudest person in his life. How much Heineken has he drunk?

"SAW! You weren't supposed to make a scene," a familiar voice cried out.

"Oh sorry," Saw replied in a much calmer voice. "I got too excited."

The mystery voice finally came out into the spotlight. Some people were shocked by who came out, others weren't surprised. One teen grinned with enthusiasm.

"Chakrii you came," Izuku walked up to the boy and they gripped their hands together.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Charkii replied.

The crowd roared in excitement. Two rivals coming together to settle their debts. A glorious rematch was about to begin.

"Two rivals are about to settle the score. This is why I LOVE UA," Inasa screamed.

"Are you bleeding?"

"Ignoring those rambunctious scenes, IT'S TIME FOR THE ATHLETES OAF," Midnight yelled out while cracking their whips.

"Wait, this is normal for Japan?" Charakii asked Izuku. "How many heroes are dressed like that?"

"You get used to it," Izuku replied. "Also your Japanese is amazing."

"Thanks, I've been practicing a lot," Charkii replied.

"WILL YOU SHUT IT," Midnight's whip made a loud snap, causing the boys to shut up. "Now, for the student representative to take the stage. Katuski Bakugo please come up."

'Kacchan, why him?'

The blond boy stepped onto the stage, with his face being bland. "Just so you all know, I'll be doing my best to win this thing. So you all better do the same." That was it, that was his whole speech.

"Boo, that sucks."

"The hero course should teach how to tell a better speech."

"My mom can make better speeches and she's deaf."

"My dad can make better speeches and he's still looking for cigarettes."

"Do you know this guy?" Charkii whispered.

"Yes, he's better once you get to know him," Izuku replied.

"By how much?"

"Ten percent."


"I'm still here," Bakugo said.

"THE FIRST EVENT WE HAVE SCHEDULED IS," Midnight pointed to the screen as it flipped through multiple names until it stopped at one, "OBSTACLE COURSE."


AN: AND SO THE UA SPORTS FESTIVAL ARC BEGINS. But before that an announcement. I will be going back and fixing previous chapters.

Well let me be more specific, I know the chapters previously has a ton of grammar mistakes. So I want to go back and fix them so new readers of the story won't be alienated. Hopefully, the people who edited my 0previous chapters can come and fix those chapters. This is not the end of the story. I will be continuing the story as well as going back and fixing the early chapters. Hopefully, you all understand. I love writing this story and I love all your comments about it.

Thank you all for sticking around. Stay safe and give a review.