Hey guys, this is another My Hero Academia/Music fanfic that was inspired by an another fanfic on Wattpad, I forget the name of it and who wrote it but I'll try to find out who wrote it to give him credit. I hope you all enjoy it and I'll talk to y'all in the end

Pixel's Fan Books Present

My Hero Academia: Cinnamon Bun's Music

Track 1: Discovery

It's an early August morning at 1-A's Heights Alliances and all of Class A are wake and eat their respective breakfasts, the girls are chatting about girl things, Mineta & Kaminari stares at the girls perversely and thinking some nasty things which causes a chill to down down some of the girls' spines, some of the boys are cleaning the dishes or discussing plans of the Culture Festive in a few weeks or working out plans of the day but only one classmate is not with them. All were having a good time but soon one of them discovers that one of their friends were not here…

"Hey, have any of you guys seen Deku-kun yet?" said Uraraka as she realises that her crush is not with them

"No, in fact I haven't seen him since class ended yesterday when he left class." said Hagakure to her bubbly friend

"Maybe he's working out right now and trying out a new move *ribbit*." said/ribbited Asui

"Oh. Man that boy is trying to improve every time he trains." said Ashido

"Yeah but every time he does he gets hurt badly and sometimes it scares me." said Jirou

"Yes, I don't like that his quirk hurts him every time he goes overboard." said YaoMomo

All the girls are depressed because for the fact that their green curly-haired friend might get hurt really bad in the future like he was after the summer camp incident or worse….

'Please, don't hurt yourself Deku/Midoriya/Midori/Izuku. I can't stand seeing you like that.' Thought the girls

Now to the boys

"Hey! Have any of you extras seen Deku yet, the damn nerd owns me a fight." Said Bakugou who is just ready to fight anyone but got angrier when to guys just shook for 'no' or said 'nope'

"The bastard is probply just sleeping in. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind of making go get him." Said Bakugou as he and runs to get his rival to go and beat the living crap out for him, the rest of the class follow him to stop him from waking Izuku up but when they reach his room, Bakugou just kicks the door down to find that the occupant of the room is...not even in the room, in fact the room looked it was not used. They search for the reason why Izuku wasn't here. As they look Mina finds a paper on the front of the door.

"Hey guys, there's a note on the door." Said Ashido as the others surround her to see what was a note doing on the door and what was written on it.

'Hey guys

I'm sorry but I'm not going to be around for a while cause I'm going on a training trip with All Might.

I don't know when I'll be back but please don't worry about me, I'll be fine. See you all soon

Your Friend: Izuku/Deku'

'Where could he possibly have gone to.' Thought the majority of the class wondering where could their adorable green cinnamon bun could have possible gone with the former No.1 Hero to train. While they were thinking they didn't notice Bakugou going red with rage as he now learns that Deku is not even here and won't be back for a while. He starts to look for a clue to where he could have gone to

"There's got to be something here that'll help me find the damn nerd so I can go and kick his ass." Said Bakugou as he tore through the room trying to find something related to Deku's location. The others try to stop but Bakugou pushes Mina off of him and into Izuku's Desk and bumps something off it and the item lands on the floor

*tish* *tish* *tish* All for them look to the floor to see what landed on it but were surprised to see a…

"CD, what's a CD doing in Midori's room in the first place." Said Tooro as she picked up the container of the CD but than

"*Gasps* Guys, I think Modori made this causes on the front of the disc, it has his name on it and it's in his handwriting." Said Tooro

True to her words the class see that on the front of the disc there was writing on it and it said 'Famous by Deku', now this got the class thinking, since when did their green cinnamon bun classmate sing cause the only one who could sing well in their class was Jiro (Who is curious about Izuku's singing skills) and how well can he sign but their thoughts were interrupted by a snort

"Hah, as if the damn Deku could sing, I bet that he probably stole this from someone and wrote on that stupid thing to say that it was him that made the damn thing hah." Said Bakugou thinking that Deku doesn't have the balls to sing a song let alone be a hero.

"Ok, if you confident that it's not Deku, that how about a bet." Said Uraraka trying to defend Deku from his bully.

"Ok Round Face, what's the bet." Said Bakugou rather excited that Round Face was challenging him

"If the voice singing on the CD is Deku's voice, then you don't bully or fight Deku for 1 month when he comes back and you call him by his name." Said Uraraka

"And if it's not the nerd who 'singing' on the fucking disc, what do I get?" asked Bakugou

"I'll become your bitch for the next month." Said Uraraka rather scare at the idea for being Bakugou's girl (A/N: I have nothing against people who like Bakuraka but I don't like it)

Now everyone was surprised by the bet and the offer that Uraraka would offer herself to Bakugou if he wins, they got scared for her specially when they saw Bakugou's face when he smirks thinking he already won

"Get ready for tonight cause you gonna suck my dick after this, Earphones go get a CD player from your room. I want this done as fast as possible so I can have my fun." Said Bakugou

Jiro goes to her room as the others go the common area so that all for them to listen to the track. Jiro returns with her purple CD player and puts it on the table as she places the CD in the device

The girls' comforts Uraraka thinking that her plan won't work and Bakugou leaning on the wall next to the stairs with his usually smug smirk on his face thinking on all the fun he's going to have with Round Face when the Song plays

(Oh, You stupid boy. You never learn do you)

"Here goes." Said Jiro as she presses play on the player and the song starts and they hear a guitar playing before drums and they hear…

I testify, this is not a secret meant to keep

Your love, like fire, spreading from my heart straight to my feet

The class jaws drop when they heard Izuku's voice going through the speakers and fill the room with his sound, most were surprised and some were relieved that Uraraka was safe from Bakugo and speaking for Bakugo...well his jaw hit the floor and his eye widen from the shock

And when I was dead, you gave me new life

I'm lifting you up with all of my might

I don't care who's to the left, to the right

You're all that's on my mind

Don't really care what they say, what they think

I feel so alive

Most of them couldn't help but bob their heads and tap their feet to the beat as it was intoxicating

I'm unashamed, I'm wide awake

Not gonna hide, can't deny you're my everything

Here's to the free who still believe

You're the star of the show that we came to see

With all my heart, all my life, gonna live it loud

I wanna make, make you famous

Light up the night, let it shine, never burning out

I wanna make, make you famous

The boys (Most of them) were nodding their heads as their listened to their friends' voice with emotion that made the song most awesome some feeling pumped like they wanted to go to the gym.

Iida felt proud that one of his best friends could sing and his respect for Izuku grew too that he belivied that he could help Izuku sing on a stage one day

Shoto smiled after hearing Izuku sing that his respect for him grew from helping him at the sports festival for helping him find who he is.

The girls couldn't help but feel warm from how their friend singing was reaching them and it made their hearts beat a bit faster as well make they think about other things

Ochako had a huge blush on her face that her friend/crush has an amazing voice. She started to imagine Izuku signing to her like in the movies which only made her face gone red like a tomato

Mina couldn't stop smiling as she listened to the song and she could feel her heart beat pumping fast and she had a blush on her face

Tsuyu somehow had her usually straight face but she too had a blush on her face as well

Jiro who also had a blush on her face couldn't believe it. The innocent, shy, hero loving fanboy could sing so well. Maybe when he comes back she could ask him to sing with her as well and maybe do something else~…. her face had gone nuclear

Momo couldn't help but admire his voice, she already admires him for his heroic acts but now that she finds his voice wonderful & amazing, she can't stop blushing and stop her heart for beating fast

Toro maybe invisible but you could see the blush on her cheeks

Fame, fame, fame fame, f-famous

Fame, fame, fame fame, f-famous

Neon lights, my eyes are blinded by your glow

Yeah, you are mine, I know who I am cause of who I know

I'm no longer dead, you gave me new life

I'm lifting you up with all of my might

I don't care who's to the left, to the right

You're all that's on my mind

Don't really care what they say, what they think

I feel so alive

I'm unashamed, I'm wide awake

Not gonna hide, can't deny you're my everything

Here's to the free who still believe

You're the star of the show that we came to see

With all my heart, all my life, gonna live it loud

I wanna make, make you famous

Light up the night, let it shine, never burning out

I wanna make, make you famous

Bakugou was still in shock as he couldn't believe that the nerd who followed him most of his life has a great singing voice. He could only said

"What The Fu-SHHHHHH!" He was interrupted by the class so they could listen to make for the song

Shh, shh, you wanna know a secret?

Shh, shh, cause I can't keep it

Shh, shh, you wanna know a secret?

Shh, shh, cause I can't keep it

Take you worldwide, make, make you famous

'Cross the headlines, make, make you famous

From NYC to Texas to the coast of LA

From way down under, under London

They'll remember your name

I'm unashamed, I'm wide awake

Not gonna hide, can't deny you're my everything

Here's to the free who still believe

You're the star of the show that we came to see

With all my heart, all my life, gonna live it loud

I wanna make, make you famous

Light up the night, let it shine, never burning out

I wanna make, make you famous

With all my heart, all my life, gonna live it loud

Fame, fame, fame fame, f-famous

Light up the night, let it shine, never burning out

Fame, fame, fame fame, f-famous

The room was filled with silence as the music stop as the class sat at their chairs taking in from what they just listened. Than….

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" shouted Kirishima, Kaminari Sato, Hagakure, Sero & Mina

"Never in my life have I heard something like that. Izuku is an amazing singer." Said Mina all excited and full of energy


"Deku is really amazing*sniff*." Said Ochako as tears of joy went down her face not only from how her crush could sign so well but also….

"I can't believe that the damn nerd can sing." Said Bakugou who can't believe that Deku of all people can sing and that he lost the bet he made with Round Face.

"Bakugou." Said Todoroki

"What do you want Icy-Hot?" said Bakugou breaking out of his shock

"Remember what you and Uraraka agreed of the bet, you must be nice to Midoriya when he comes back, right?" said Todoroki getting everyone's attention as they were looking at Bakugou for his reaction.

"I-i-i-it was cool a-a-a-and I'll do what the fucking bet said and be nice to fucking Deku." Said Bakugou surprising his classmates for how he's trying the lose unusual well

"Man, that surprised me. I mean I didn't know that the dude can sing so well. What do you think about it Jirou since you know more about music then any of u…WHOA! Guys look Jirou is still in shock." Said Sato who saw with his other classmates as he finished saying that saw that Jirou was still in a state of shock

"Uhhh…Jirou...You…Ok?" Asked Kaminari who was kinda of scare to see Jirou like this.

"The way he sang was…prefect…the emotion he put in to the song was something I've never heard before…he's prefect…" said Jirou out loud with a huge blush on her face which causes her classmates to look at her with an amazed look on their faces that Izuku could put a hard rock girl like Jirou in to this state. Some of the girls especially Uraraka glared at her thinking that she'll go after Mindoriya.

"Man, that was great but I wanna hear more of Midori singing!" yelled Mina as she wanted to hear Izuku singing more

"Yeah, me too but we don't have any more of his songs. I mean it's not like that Midoriya has a stash of his songs hidden in his room somewhere." Said Kaminari as he realized he's mistake when Mina grabs Sato and rushes to Izuku's room to search of his songs.

But the question is…what is Izuku doing at the moment

Somewhere in Tokyo

Izuku is busy jogging down a busy street with All Might as they are training until Izuku feels a chill going down his spine as for some reason he started to think

'Why do I get the feeling that my future is going to change in a big way.'

All Might see that Midoriya is distracted by something and asks.

"Everything alright Young Midoriya?" Izuku looks at his mentor and shrugs his shoulders thinking that it was nothing.

(Oh, how wrong you are boy. How wrong you are.)

Hey guys I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

Leave a comment on how the story is, review the story and follow it if you can.

Also I need help on another fanfic I'm working on.

I need help on choosing who will Naruto date

The choses are:









Or any one you guy pick

Any guys see you later on the nexrt one

Pixel Out

[Songs used:]

Famous by Skillet