Hey everyone!
first off to all of you who commented! Thank you all!
Wizardx0: I can say that I heard about that story but I'll check it out!
Wizardx0: I'm not sure what to say to that good sir...
UQJTAk8cx9dpbvEL: Thanks a lot man! well, wait no more! And I will!
Uniquebooks: Well, then I'm happy to have you on board! I have more fics of Ron on my page!
Guest: I will!
Guest: Glad you like it! I am!
Chaosneobreakage: That she is! I bet you did! If it would have continued then definitely! I hope so too man, well, he wanted to kiss her so that a pretty good incentive! so your vote for Liz? you will see why that they do!
StonerMcWeedPot: Well I'm still trying to improve but it's all thanks to my Beta! I will see what I can do...
Guest: Glad to hear it! well, here you go!
Jimmyle311: I bet he'll be fine... I hope...
iheartblackspottedwhitebears: Gald you like it, man! I bet they will soon... and I will!
Blaze1992: Nope it won't!
biob1: Thanks, man!
Jebest4781: It could be!
Jebest4781: Thanks!
Jebest4781: Glad you liked it!
Jebest4781: I do wonder that as well!
Jebest4781: Happy to hear it!
FF8cerberus: I do too man! I love Bonnie! he did... shame on him!
Gjagent2013: Lara? I'll see what I can do...
Guest: Sure?
Kyuubi-Titan: I do too man! And it's going to!
Francisco Pereira: I bet you are! And happy you like it! Well, wait no more!
Joe Stoppinghem: Tara ah? Ron and Kim? Mmm... well, wait no more!
Guest: Mmm... never thought to do one of those before... I did see the movies but it didn't stay with me all that much... unless it's just pure smut.
KSI1973: Thanks, man! That it would! do you now? so you'd like all the girls to have a little tease? Lara? I could see what I can do...
Smiling Lemon: That he is, and yeah that is the best way to go to sleep. he is the monkey master after all! Mmm... Interesting that you would say that...
Guest: I do have a story of them on my page!
Guest: Well, considering that he grew up with her then it's pretty obvious!
Cool beans: That is a possibility...
Guest: I do too...
Barleyguy: You and me both man! she is! well, wait no more!
snake1980: I appreciate it, man! I'm sure it'll be fine... well, here you go! and I will!
hiraishin101: He did, but he is not good dealing with angry girls, why would they all be into him for no reason? that's just silly... Thanks, man! and no big!
red shoulder85: She did reveal why she liked him from the start and what she planned, well, none of the girls even looked at his before so suddenly him getting so much attention was annoying for her. Hope you say ah? she did... but she has her reasons...
carl9390: Thanks! well, here you go!
BellCarnal: I do too man!
SkyLoudly: Glad to hear it! Happy to hear it! this show really was one of the greatest! a hint? you can look at te pole on my page, a cover art? It does now!
Karlos1234ify: Happy to hear you like it, man!
cabrera1234: I do too man.
Icarus the Foxkidd: At this point I aggry with you...
Samps3975: I did like to make it from her point of view, happy you liked it, man!
wildbeast1498: I do have a soft spot for my Bonbon! Crystal ah? I believe he figured it out by now, and I will!
Adol116: Thanks a lot man!
Dragon Rider 66: I like them too man! that it does! well, if it continued the stuff would also be escalated... you will have to wait and see! that's true... I do wonder who it was...
TheAllSeeingWolf-195: Well... you'll just have to wait and see! Mmm... Interesting...
Silber D. Wolf: Thanks dude!
96hanzo: That I did... it wasn't that hard honestly...
Z BoX 360: Thanks a lot man! I do like to surprise! I will!
RJay Fame: I bet you do! that she does!
FoxDemon1023: Do you have an idea of how I might do so? I'm open to suggestions.
The Hero named Villain: I personally love all of them! well... maybe the lest one not so much... In that case, it will just be Tara getting spanked by Ron.
qazse: By this point it a matter of time... I did put that idea on my poll.
Vanitas50: Hey man! So your saying Hope? no pro man!
Imperial-samaB: Oh? are you now? well, we will just have to wait and see!
Abyss Trinity: I do like the rare stuff! No prob and thanks, man!
DJ Rodriguez: Happy to hear you like it, man! No prob! She did show where it all started for her and indeed she does! I just hope you all like it! he was kind of assuming with her... I do to man, I will!
vanhellsing9000: Well, by this point it only a matter of time so... I just saw it fits him to have a cruse on her. Tara ah? Mmm... I do wonder... I will and thanks, man!
And id like to give a HUGE! thanks to 'JRC1700' for agreeing to Beta so the fic will be even better! You are awesome! And extremely fast! Seriously you are the man!
As you guys can probably tell I have to again ask for some help in the cover art department! So if anyone can help with the new fic cover just PM me and let me know! :)
P.S: don't forget to tell me what you guys think about the new chapter! It is awesome to know you like it and it helps me write more :)
Anyway, the chapter as follows.
I have created a P a treon . account to help and support my hobby! If you want you can support me or just feeling generous so I can get the chapters out faster and maybe something more if anyone is interested so go and check it out! :) Ps - some new stories over there!.
P a treon . com (slash) blue_eye_white_wing
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Chapter 6: The mall
Another morning broke over the Stoppable household. But unlike any normal day, there was not a single person in the house… Neither Ron, nor his parents, were anywhere in sight.
The only creature currently occupying the home was a naked mole rat, busily stuffing his face with some takeout he'd ordered at some point. How did he do it, you ask? Very easily, apparently… It was so regular an occurrence for him, his blonde human had become used to it.
Rufus suddenly heard a noise emanating from the entrance of the house. Something had clicked at the front door, causing him to look up towards the source.
The door opened, Ron walking into the room shortly thereafter. Rufus jumped down from the table, immediately running up to his human friend. He started chattering as soon as he'd reached the blonde. The mole rat jumped onto his leg, climbing up until he'd reached Ron's shoulder.
"Buddy, I've missed you!" Ron hugged the hairless creature. Rufus seemed overjoyed to see him. "I know! Believe me, I was planning on being back a whole lot sooner. But something absolutely crazy happened!" he replied, as if to answer his little friend.
The naked mole rat pointed at the table he'd come from, indicating the food still laying there. Ron stopped him. "Sorry Rufus, I kinda need to go to the mall for… probably the whole day. No time for a snack…" The boy sounded exhausted already, just from the thought of what was about to happen.
"Kim?" the small creature asked. Rufus jumped back down to the table, grabbing some food and beginning to munch on it.
"What, KP? No… Kim is still with her family, remember? On her vacation." The mole rat nodded in understanding, as Ron continued. "I was actually with the cheer team."
Rufus tilted his head to the side in confusion. His human often had issues with his female peers, outside of Kim and a handful of others, so it was quite surprising for the small creature to hear Ron claim that he'd spent a few days with them.
"Don't worry, buddy. They're actually pretty nice, when you get to know them! Even Bonnie!" The memories of his recent interactions with the girls brought a smile to the blonde's face. "We're actually going to head to the mall today. I just came to see how you were doing and get a change of clothes…" Ron finished.
The small hairless rodent seemed to shiver, remembering the few times they'd gone with Kim to the mall. It had been as tiring for him as it had been for his human friend.
"I know… Believe me, I'm not a fan of it either. But I kind of promised them, so… Yeah…" The blonde had already accepted his fate, though he was not looking forward to his hands falling off come the end of the day.
He moved to his room, starting to put on a clean change of clothes. He'd thrown his pants in the laundry hamper, donning a new pair. He was about to pull on a new shirt when he heard a knock on his door. The unexpected noise made him turn his head to look, had his parents returned already? That was unexpected.
"Rufus?" he questioned, as the small rodent ran inside and climbed onto his shoulder. The mole rat frantically waved his small hands, pointing at the door. "What is it buddy? Did something-" Ron started to ask, before the door to his room opened completely and somebody walked inside.
The blonde's eyes opened wide in shock. He was now face-to-face with a beautiful, short-haired brunette that had just entered his room for the first time. "Bonbon?" her name escaped his lips, his shock clear as day.
"Oh, there you are!" Bonnie's face lit up when she saw him, she moved closer. Her eyes were locked onto only him.
"What are you doing here?" Ron was confused at seeing her in his room. He hadn't expected to see any of the cheerleaders just yet. Especially not in his room, of all places.
"I came to see what was taking you so long. And… I sorta wanted to see y-your room…" the brunette cheerleader answered. She glanced towards the small rodent on his shoulder, only now noticing him. "So, this is Rufus. I always saw him with you, but I've never really gotten a good look at him." That was half true, as she'd clearly seen the naked mole-rat plenty of times before while she'd been stalking the blonde boy. At first, he hadn't really looked like much. But as she'd studied Ron in more detail, she couldn't help but find him cute. "Do you remember me?" she asked the small creature, her voice soft and pleasant.
The small critter looked at Ron for a few moments, before he lifted his head towards her. "Bonnie!" Rufus squeaked, inspiring the brunette beauty to smile broadly.
"So you do remember me, I'm glad!" she declared, petting the hairless creature. "Cute…" she gushed.
'Yeah… you really are…' Ron couldn't help but stare at the one girl he could never truly get a read on. Even less so now, after all of the intimate acts she'd indulged in with him. Did she still hate him? Did she like him now? Now that he'd explicitly thought about it, he was forced to admit that it was up in the air. And now, having her so close was so tempting… And not nearly as forbidden as before.
Why was that?
Because it wouldn't be the first time for them? Or maybe because she seemed to be fine with it, that she'd even sorta asked for it? Could it be the fact that he'd felt the urge to kiss her, as soon as he'd seen her? God, he wanted to do it again… So much!
'Wait…' the blonde boy thought, before he moved his face closer to her own. His hand brushed a few stray hairs away from her eyes, surprising her.
"Ah… Ron…" The cheerleader looked up towards him. She didn't smile, she just seemed to be expecting him to do something… Waiting eagerly, with slightly parted lips, almost whispering to him to come closer.
Ron closed the distance, his body moving on its own. He sincerely doubted that he could resist her, even if he tried. Not that he wanted to. His lips met hers again, a heavenly feeling filled him completely. Though his eyes were closed, the blonde teen could still feel her arms wrapping themselves around his neck. She was as light as always. He was certain that he could pick her up and carry her to his bed, if he just tried.
He was tempted… Oh, so very tempted. To just throw her slender body onto his soft bed, to just continue from where the two of them had left off the last time. The blonde sidekick suspected that if he tried to do just that, she wouldn't even object to it. If anything, Bonnie seemed to want it to happen just as much as he did.
Her soft moans filled his ears, exciting him more than he already was. Heat seemed to just boil off of her, identical to the last few times they had been this close.
As soon as the question hit him, he disengaged. "Wait, what about-" he started to ask, before he was cut off by the girl in his arms.
"The rest of the team?" She didn't look up towards him as she asked, but felt him nod his head in response. "Yeah, I figured as much… Too bad for you that they're waiting on us, right?" She smirked at his expression, the disappointed pout plastered on his face was just too cute. "Well, I guess if you're a good boy today, then I could give you a small reward." She smiled at him.
"Bonbon… I'm not a dog…" he answered halfheartedly, beginning to search his room for something.
"I know, I'm just teasing you Ron" Bonnie assured, even if she couldn't deny that she would love to see what he looked like on his knees. 'Not that it would be the first time…' The memory of him sharing a shower with her was still strong, in her mind AND her body.
"With that look, I can't help but doubt you…" He pointed at her red face.
"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about… At any rate, I'm going to sit in the car… Don't leave me waiting, Ron" she warned, before moved closer to him once more. The brunette kissed him one last time, before moving away from him and out of the room.
Ron was left breathless… again, although Bonnie's actions didn't exactly come as a surprise for him. It was Rufus that looked at him in worry, standing on top of the blonde's bed. "Ah, well… I told you…" he mumbled, a feeble attempt at an explanation. As he finish dressing, he failed to notice the small mark that Bonnie had left on his chest.
The Middleton cheer squad, minus its captain, sat in Bonnie's vehicle. Unlike when Ron had shuttled them back after the party, the brunette herself was the one driving this time. The girls had taken the opportunity to visit their respective homes, changing into some more fitting clothes. This was in stark contrast to the rather revealing ensembles that they had been wearing, earlier that day. They were looking cute and attractive, like they always did. Perhaps even more so now, than before they had started being nicer to the blonde boy.
Bonnie looked to the seat next to her, her best friend Tara occupying it. Said blonde girl was looking more than a little fancy, as she'd taken a refreshing shower, even going as far as fixing her hair to look her best. Bonnie couldn't really blame the girl, she'd done pretty much the same thing. They both wanted to look their best today, for a very specific someone.
The brunette driver looked into her rear-view mirror, examining the rest of the team sitting in the back. The most notable being Ron, who sat right in the middle of the back seat. Hope was on his right, Crystal on his left.
That was okay… for the most part.
But what wasn't okay, was the fact that Liz was sitting in his lap. She seemed pretty happy with her current location.
Bonnie couldn't see anything improper going on in the back right now, but she couldn't really keep an eye on the situation. With her being the driver, it would obviously be very unsafe. She could only hope that Liz wouldn't get up to any mischief, like the redheaded girl had before.
"So… Ronnie?" Tara suddenly asked. The blonde boy started, the girl in his lap shivering in response.
"Y-Yeah Tara?" he answered quickly, staring straight at her over Liz's shoulder. That was really the only way for him to see the blond girl, given his current predicament.
"I was wondering… about the day of the party" she started explaining, the rest of the team listening closely. "You said that you were the one to drive us back to Bonnie's house, right?" she continued.
"Yeah, I did… Couldn't really leave the car, or anyone else, there…" the blonde sidekick answered honestly, the girls smiled at his words.
"I never thought you would, but I was surprised that you even had a license in the first place… I thought I would've heard about something like that" the blonde cheerleader admitted. It was something that interested her greatly, as did every detail that involved her crush.
"Oh, that?" He didn't sound too worried about the question. "Well, it's not that big of a mystery… I just thought that it'd be a good idea to learn how to drive. You know… considering all the pursuits me and KP get involved." He smiled, thinking back on a few of the recent mission that he and his childhood friend had gone on. "But… I guess that you probably had no idea, because KP doesn't know about it yet… I kinda forgot to tell her…" He smirked innocently.
His words motivated both Tara and Bonnie to return his smile. Even if Kim was the center of his life, as well as his primary reason for bettering himself, it was still enjoyable for them to hear him so proud and happy. Tara was about to reply, but was cut off by one of her friends.
"Wow, I've got to say, I'm impressed Ron!" exclaimed the girl currently perched on top of his lap. She turned her head to face him. "I never would've took you for someone to be so serious about something like that… And not telling Kim? Nice…"
"Ah… well… We didn't really talk all that much, until recently, so…" It made him a bit nervous, admitting to that right next to them. As if he was blaming them, somehow saying that their previous estrangement was their fault.
"I guess…" Liz didn't look, or sound, all that offended. Hell, none of the girls did. "By the way, I hope you'll be willing to tell me more about all those missions you've gone on… I bet it'd be very… interesting~" the girl cooed, even sending a seductive wink his way.
Ron was shocked at her words. He couldn't talk, simply nodding his head after a few moments.
The other girls continued to observe the interaction in slight shock, one of them chimed in. "Oh! Seems like someone is interested~! Did you enjoy kissing him that much?" Marcella teased. She stared more critically at the two, as if checking how they looked together. "Damn… I don't want to imply anything rude, but you two really looks like a couple right now…"
"Oh! I wonder what Kim's response would be if she heard about this!" Jessica added next, as if to pour more gas onto the fire. "I bet it would be SO awesome!"
"Mmm…" Liz looked back towards Ron for a few moments, as if she was considering it. "Maybe I'll have to fight Kim over you…" The redhead winked at him.
Ron wasn't one to easily feel uncomfortable. Being laughed at in school? Whatever… Losing his pants on national television? Meh, wouldn't be the first time… Being called names, or whatever? Just focus on Kim and ignore it… like he always had.
But now? For some reason the cheerleader that was sitting on his lap was making him all KINDS of nervous. The blonde boy could feel the two girls at his sides tighten their grip on his hands. Not nearly strong enough to cause any damage, but sufficient to worry him. Noticing the pout on Hope's face and the annoyed look on Crystal's was doing absolutely nothing to help either.
'Why are you staring at me like this is my fault?' he moaned internally, but chose not to say aloud, for obvious reasons.
It fell to Bonnie to break the silence. "That's quite a bold thing to say, Liz… Makes me wants to see if you're really serious, or just having some fun at Ron's expense…" The brunette wasn't about to let her friend do as she pleased, trying to scare her a bit seemed like an excellent option at the moment.
"Bonnie please… I'm just about positive that our friend here…" Marcella interjected, pointing at Liz. "Is either high on our mascot's food… or taking drugs… Not sure which one…"
"I choose to take that as a compliment…" Ron joked. "Wait… what was that last one?"
"Just ignore her, Ronnie…" Hope spoke up, making him look towards her. "She always says stuff like that… but never means it…" The ravenette smiled at him, even resting her head on his shoulder.
'Stop calling him that! And stop leaning on him!' Tara screeched, already regretting her poor decisions that had resulted in her current seat. 'I'm definitely going to be sitting next to him on the way back!' she declared firmly. She wouldn't take no for an answer, no matter what!
Bonnie couldn't help but glance at Hope and Ron for a moment, before shifting her gaze back to the road. What was she supposed to do about her friends' sudden interest in Ron? She wasn't the kind of girl to fight with her friends over boys, or stuff like that… She'd never needed to before, after all. Her personal vendetta with Kim was different, as she'd disliked the girl from day one. You could call her petty, or jealous, that was fine… But what else was she supposed to do, when some girl just popped up having every kind of advantage you could imagine? Good looking, fit, full of energy… And her personality? Friendly and helpful, to a fault. Kim was a straight-A student, not to mention all of her missions to save the world… Not that Bonnie was impressed herself, but almost everyone she knew had a high opinion of the redheaded girl.
It was only by working fast, and leveraging her influence, that she'd been able to mitigate most of the damage that could have resulted…
So now she arrived back to her main issue, at the moment… Her affections for Ron, Kim's best friend… If there was anyone with less of a chance than her, it would be the crazies that Team Possible grappled with from time to time… And even then, it was probably a close call.
So the only thing she could do was use this chance to get close to the blonde mascot, as intimately as she could, to become an official item with him. And if she snagged him, before Kim could come back? Then it was a guaranteed victory!
God… she was starting to sweat, just thinking about it. And why wouldn't she? Ron was the first boy she'd actually liked, really liked! She wasn't the usual Queen Bitch, not when he was involved. Lately the brunette would become a nervous wreck, devolving into an absolute mess when he was around… She hid it well, so that no one would notice… So much for Kim being so sharp… at least that part made her smile.
But now there was a new issue for the brunette beauty, and it came in the form of her friends. Now, several of them were obviously gunning for him as well. Not only did she have to compete with Tara, but also with Hope and Liz. Unfortunately, as crude as it sounded, they were double-teaming him every chance they got. Could she really eclipse her friends, or even stand a chance? She doubted he'd ever aim to settle for one beauty, not when he had the option of a pair of them.
That was definitely the thought that kept her up at night, quite literally, until her tired body and mind had finally given out. But shortly before she'd nodded off, the brunette cheerleader had vowed to give it her all. She refused to surrender, as she was closer than ever to her heart's desire.
After a few more minutes of driving, the cheer team arrived at the Middleton mall. There were fewer people there than normal, making it much more pleasant to walk around. Only a few families that had come with their kids, as well as a handful of couples. This was in contrast to the many teens that usually filled the mall, almost every day, around this time.
A lone blonde hero looked around. A tiny, almost hidden, smile appeared on his face. 'Ahh… So, this is how I die… I can already feel the end approaching…' he mused, indulging in a bit of dramatic flair, as he looked at the girls. The cheerleaders with him were currently talking among themselves, standing in front of a map of the mall. He likened it to a pack of wild animals about to tear him to pieces, before moving onto their next target. 'I always knew that shopping was a godless act… My only regret will be that I couldn't say goodbye to KP and Wade.'
"What's with that lifeless expression Ron?" Jessica prodded, causing the rest of the team to stare at the sole man in the group. All of them looked very interested in his answer.
"Wha? Oh, no, it's nothing… Just lamenting on my life choices up to this point… You know, all of my regrets and stuff" the blonde replied, obviously joking… For the most part.
"Ohh… poor little Ronnie… Do you want me to kiss you, to make it all better?" teased a smirking Liz. She moved closer to the boy, as if about to attack.
"Wait just a minute…" Marcella was the one to intervene, grabbing the girl by her shirt, before anyone else could respond.
"What are you doing? Let go! You're messing up my shirt!" Liz exclaimed in anger. After a moment, her friend release her hold.
"Look, Liz. I'm not sure what kind of sudden boner you've got going for him, but can you at least keep it under control while we're near the kid's playscape?" The request made them all freeze, looking outwards from the spectacle that they'd created. The people surrounding them continued to stare, a few small kids pointed at the randy redhead.
"Umm… I think I'm going to have to agree…" Jessica added. She began to herd the rest of the girls towards a different floor, trying to escape the extra attention.
After moving away, the girls took a moment to come up with a new plan of action. Staying together in such a large crowd would no doubt be a hassle, after a short discussion they decided to split into two groups. Each one would go in a different direction. At least that HAD been the plan, until Hope and Tara simply grabbed Ron's arms and started dragging him away. Naturally, the rest followed them. Crystal and Jessica joined the trio, snickering a few steps behind them.
The rest of the team trailed even further to the rear, their brunette leader walking alongside Liz and Marcella. The latter stared at the different shops as they passed, but didn't stray from the group.
"Well… that was awkward…" Marcella spoke up.
"What part?" Liz inquired, looking at her friend.
"I don't know… Maybe because Hope seems to have a thing for our mascot, just like Tara does? The fact that you seem to be equally interested in him, if all your 'jokes' are any indication…" Marcella explained. The redhead looked away, as if she was embarrassed.
"P-Please… You should know by now that I'm only teasing him while I can… Before Kim comes back, that is. This could be the only opportunity I'll ever get!" the cheerleader in question responded, waving her hands to emphasize the point.
"Yeah… I'm not buying it… You seem to be dead-set on hammering home the idea that you're interested in him. I'm not sure why… and I don't really care, but-" She didn't get to finish before Liz cut her off.
"What are you talking about?! Do you seriously think that I would go for HIM?" The tone the redhead used was significantly more nervous than before, all her confidence seemed to have vanished.
"Are you saying it's not like that? I could have sworn that you've been searching for chances to stay close to him… I don't mind it, but you'd better think about Tara and Hope…"
Bonnie was quiet, simply listening to the girls next to her. She couldn't really argue that Liz had a thing for the blonde teen, but she guessed for some others (like Marcella) it could be a little less obvious. Only Hope and herself were aware of Liz's deal with him. And neither Hope, nor Liz, realized that Bonnie had seen them in action… multiple times. The situation was only indisputable to the brunette beauty. She was glad that Ron wasn't alone with Hope right now, as the girl had demonstrated her determination to do whatever she wanted with the blond boy. It was like she was a braver version of Tara, as well as a much more subtle one of Liz… Bonnie was jealous of her courage, for that alone.
"What do you think, Bonnie?" Marcella suddenly asked, shaking the girl addressed from her thoughts. The cheerleader glanced over at the two, seeing a mortified Liz and a smirking Marcella.
"I'm not sure what to think…" she started to explain. "Whatever the truth is… the real test will be when Possible comes back…"
"Oh, that'll be fun to see!" Marcella looked back at Liz, the brunette's response pleasing her. "I wonder how you'll act when SHE'S around."
Liz simply huffed in annoyance, pressing forward while ignoring the two.
The trio at the front continued moving, Ron being dragged along like a prisoner about to be interrogated. 'What's going on with them? Do they really have to tow me like this?!' he wailed, looking at the two beauties.
Pulling on one arm was Hope, who had made it very clear what she wanted from him. With all of the looks, the very intimate acts they'd enjoyed together, her offer to 'take care' of him, kissing him first thing that morning… Granted, she'd done some of that stuff with Liz present. But, it was still pretty easy to decipher her intentions.
She wanted to be much more than friends with him. He still wasn't sure if she was aiming for the title of "girlfriend", or something else entirely, but she was clearly INTERESTED.
And on his other side was the blonde cheerleader Tara, gripping his arm just as tightly as Hope was. She was a beautiful girl that Ron had had the pleasure of knowing for years. Up until recently, she'd been the only cheerleader who had ever seemed to listen to him (besides his best friend). She'd even kissed him, after he'd saved her (and the rest of the team) at Camp Wannaweep. Not to mention what had happened in the kitchen yesterday.
She was usually a shy girl, but had seemed to be much more open with him over the last few days. The whole team had been, really. Said blonde girl was pulling him along just as enthusiastically as Hope was… So… maybe she felt the same as well?
"Oh, this looks like a good place to start!" Hope suddenly declared, guiding the two blondes. Tara didn't see an issue with the store, eagerly following her friend's lead.
Ron didn't even get to see the name of the shop, before he was dragged into its very depths. Right into the woman's section, much to his dismay.
'Oh, man…' the blonde boy groaned internally. He could already feel his face starting to heat up, seeing all the different sets of underwear all around him. For whatever reason, he'd always felt incredibly embarrassed when he'd gone with Kim in the past. So much so, that he'd started doing anything just to avoid it… He wasn't sure if he was the only guy who felt this way, he didn't have many guy friends to ask. Besides, he doubted Wade had ever had to deal with anything like this, mainly because the young hacker barely left his room.
"Okay Ronnie, you just stay here and wait for me" Tara ordered, pushing him down into a small seat. She moved quickly, starting to look at different pieces to try on.
"Okay…" he squeaked. He studiously gazed at his feet, as opposed to the very colorful underwear all around him.
"Are you okay, Ronnie?" asked the worried voice of Hope, Ron's eyes shot up to her face.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" He tried to sound as happy and chipper as he usually was, but quickly found that she seemed unconvinced by his superb acting.
"Really? You seemed a bit… uncomfortable…" She didn't want to offend him, there was no need to make him feel even worse.
"I guess I am… Never really been to many of these shops, so…" he started to explain, before he felt her hand grab his own.
"Come with me, Ronnie" she instructed. He nearly took a tumble when she suddenly pulled him away from his seat, not even waiting for his response.
"Wha- Hope, what are you-" He never got a chance to finish, before said girl pulled him inside one of the changing booths. She quickly closed the curtain, before anyone could see them.
"There! Is this better?" she asked, wearing a happy smile.
"How is this better? I'm not supposed to be here, so-" He was starting to freak out, the fear of being discovered overwhelming him. He stopped dead in his tracks as soon as she placed her finger on his lips, silencing him.
"I'm sorry Ronnie… Maybe it's selfish of me, but I kind of wanted you to myself for a little bit- Before the rest of the team interrupts us again…" she admitted honestly, her finger leaving his lips. Her hands wrapped around his neck, all too happy to be close to him.
"Interrupt what?" he asked innocently.
Hope just smiled at him. "Do I have spell it out for you?" she asked, her voice sweet, clearly amused at his obliviousness.
Ron remembered the last time he'd assumed something of one of the girls, he didn't want to take any chances. "You may want to." The memory of an angry Marcella was still vivid in his mind, he wasn't planning on repeating that fiasco anytime soon.
"I suppose I'll have to…" Without any further words, she moved closer and very softly kissed his lips. She closed her eyes and let herself melt into his embrace, all her worries just vanishing. 'Why does it feels so good when he holds me?' This question in particular had been hovering in her mind for a while now. What exactly had happened to her over the last few days? She'd gone from having a low opinion of their blonde mascot, and almost zero interaction with him, to seeking out almost every moment of intimacy she could find with him… She remembered Liz 'joking' about fighting Kim for him. As much as the rest of the team had taken the statement as her normal sense of humor, Hope didn't…
At this point, she was going to have to seriously think about it… Not literally fighting Kim, of course! She didn't have a death wish, after all. Only to stake her claim on him, before one of the other girls did… She mainly had two very specific girls in mind.
Tara… Liz… She wasn't sure about the rest of the squad, but they seemed to be warming up to him more and more. As they spent more time around him, they definitely seemed to be getting friendlier. She had to make sure that she was the only one he looked at… And that probably meant getting serious, going outside of her comfort zone.
That was easy enough… Now the only problem was her heart, currently racing from being so close to Ron! What sort of crazy affect did he have on her? Her body was getting hotter, her mind fogged up every time she even kissed him… Granted she didn't have any past sexual experience with anybody else, outside of kissing a few boys in the past… But what made her even entertain taking that final step with him in the first place? Was it something about him? Maybe a reaction to (the possibly temporary) feelings of excitement she felt around the blond?
Questions swarmed in her mind, but they all seemed to vanish as soon as he got close to her… She'd never felt like this before, not for anyone else! Not for the biggest boys, nor the toughest, not even the most popular pretty-boys! For one thing, he was clueless about girls. He definitely wasn't one for taking advantage of them, if the party incident was anything to go by… He cared about them… About her well-being. He wasn't about to jump at the chance to have his way with her, despite the fact that she was certain they both wanted it.
"Ronnie?" someone suddenly asked, near the entrance to their booth.
The pair of teens almost jumped out of their skins, Tara was obviously very close to their little hiding spot.
"N-No! It's-It's just me!" Hope answered quickly, without even thinking, a bit louder than she would have liked to admit.
"Hope? You already found something to try on?" Tara asked, surprised at her friend's apparent luck. She was surely fortunate to decide on something so quickly, in such a big shop.
"Y-Yeah… I totally did!" Her tone was awkward as hell, Hope thanked whatever it was that made Tara so oblivious. She could feel Ron still pressed up against her, completely motionless. He was also hard in a very specific spot, courtesy of their little kiss.
"Sorry…" he whispered as quietly as he could in her ear, making her shiver. Being so close to Hope had produced the normal effect on him. His body had become used to her touch, but he was by no means immune.
"Did you say something Hope?" Tara asked, moving closer to the fabric wall that hid the two teens.
"Nope, nothing!" she answered in fear.
"Okay…? By the way, did you see where Ronnie went? I kinda wanted his opinion on something" the blonde beauty asked. She stared at the few items that she held, already looking forward to modeling for the blonde boy.
"R-Ron? I-I haven't seen him! Maybe he left?" her obvious response came, what was she supposed to say? Oh yeah! He's right here, with me, I pulled him inside! Not only would the blond mascot die of embarrassment, but Tara would KILL her!
"Oh… okay, I guess I'll go look for him." Tara sounded disappointed at the turn of events.
Hope could feel Ron's hardened manhood poking her stomach. "Sure t-thing." Why did she suddenly feel so excited at almost being found out by her friend?! She would've sworn that she didn't have a fetish like that!
The ravenette beauty could make out Tara moving away, just as her own legs started feeling weak. Unable to stand, she fell to the floor and looked up at Ron. "I-I can't get up…" she admitted with a smile, only now actually seeing his prominent bulge.
Her face flushed red, a familiar feeling creeping back into her body. That same hot sensation that spurred her to be so very forward about what she wanted from him.
"You okay?" Ron moved to kneel down and help her up, only to stop as soon as said girl gestured for him to remain still. She leaned a bit closer, now "face-to-face" with his crotch. She stared at him and smiled. "Wait, now?!" his voice warbled, shocked at what she was insinuating.
"I-I kinda want to do it… you don't?" Her voice became a bit more excited at her own suggestion.
"W-Well, I do, but…" He glanced around, clearly nervous about the whole thing. "This isn't the best place for… What if someone finds us?" he tried to reason. All the while fighting against his desire to continue, to give her the green light to do as she pleased.
"It's okay… Trust me…" the girl assured. She slowly began to unzip his pants, all while staring into his eyes. "Remember what I promised you last time?" she asked, licking her lips in anticipation.
"What you promised?" It took him a moment. "You mean in Bonnie's roo- Oh…" The blonde boy lost his ability to speak, as Hope's lips wrapped around his member.
The ravenette's hands held his thighs close to her, giving her better control over her task. Her mouth opened wide, to take all of his girth. By this point, she'd already had a few opportunities to get used to him. 'God, I'm so wet…' she moaned. It was lucky that the girl was at a clothing store, as she would probably need a change of panties momentarily.
She let go of him with a pop and began stroking his shaft, smiling. "Do you like it?" Her voice was horse and a bit breathless, but still clearly full of delight. He simply nodded for conformation. He was having difficulty speaking at the moment, for obvious reasons. "Good… And don't worry… I'll keep getting better at-" the beauty began to assure, when the fabric wall concealing them was suddenly yanked aside.
"Say Hope, do you mind if I-I-I-"
Ron's blood froze, turning towards a blonde teen he knew all too well. 'T-Tara!' His eyes widened, his mouth opened up but no words came out.
The cheerleader at his feet hadn't heard her friend, too engrossed in her self-appointed mission. However she did feel his body stiffen up, enough to alert her that something was wrong. "What's wrong, Ronnie? Do you want me to go faster, or-" She felt it, the gaze on the back of her head. She turned slowly, to face whoever was behind her. Hope stiffed as she gazed upon her blonde friend Tara, her biggest rival for Ron's affections. Tara was standing there, her mouth open, eyes as wide as plates.
There was complete silence, nobody moved a muscle. After a few seconds Tara entered the changing booth and turned her back to the two teens, quickly closing the fabric divider. She listened for a few moments, as if waiting for someone to move away, before speaking. "W-What the hell are you doing?!" Her voice was strained and a bit high-pitched, but still came across as a whisper. She refused turn around and look back at her worst nightmare… that was very much realty, at this point.
That seemed to snap Hope from her shock, she moved away from Ron and closer to her blonde teammate. "T-Tara, this is- You need to stay calm and let me explain this-" Hope tried to start off slowly, before she saw Tara's head shoot up for a moment.
"Calm down?" Her voice sounded deeply dangerous, she still had yet to look at either of them. "I had to hold myself back from screaming, as soon as I saw it! So don't you dare tell me to calm down!" the blonde girl hissed in anger. She shook her head for a few moments, as if to remind herself that she need to remain quiet.
"I know, but I just want to ex-" Hope opened her mouth again, but clamped up as Tara finally turned to face her.
"Save it… You knew… You ALL knew how I felt, yet you still did this…" the blonde's voice became even quieter. She looked behind Hope, to the target of her affections, she took a few steps forward.
Hope moved to the side, not daring to stand in her way. 'Did I push my luck too hard?' She was certain she had. 'Why the hell did I do that?! I just HAD to try and one up Liz, didn't I?!' She deeply regretted her choice now, she just hoped that Ron wouldn't suffer because of her actions.
The blonde cheerleader now stood in front of Ron. She stared at her feet, unsure how to vocalize what she needed to say. Taking a deep breath helped her calm down, but it did nothing to ease the pain she felt in her chest. "R-Ronnie…" she began.
"Y-Yeah, Tara…?" He was barely able to speak, she looked straight into his eyes.
"I-I… I'm happy for you…" she continued.
Behind her, Hope was gasping for air. This was too crazy to believe. 'D-Did Tara just give up on Ron?!' Was she that lucky? It sure seemed that way to her!
"I sort of hoped- No… if anything, I was betting that you would've ended up dating Kim. Because of the history you two have with one another. But I always wished that you'd give me a chance to mess up, before that day… So, I just want to say-"
An alarm sounded in Hope's head, it didn't seem like a good idea to just let her friend talk. "Tara, I-"
"I love you, Ronnie" the blonde cheerleader confessed, pouring her heart out with courage and conviction, like she never had before. "I used to think you were just silly and cute, with your jokes and the way you acted… I started liking you even more, as time went on. After you saved me and the team at the lake, I knew it was more than a silly little crush over a cute boy. But, I was too much of a coward to do anything about my feelings… I kept putting it off, not giving it my all. Just looking away, or hoping you'd randomly notice me… But, even if I'm not the one you chose… I still hope you'll be happy… Even if it's with one of my friends." She smiled at him, completely honest, despite the tears that were running down her face and the pain in her chest.
"Um… Tara" Hope tried to interject, she was feeling so very incredibly annoyed at her blonde friend. "R-Ronnie is…" She huffed in exhaustion. "He's not my boyfriend…" she admitted in defeat.
"Eh?" Tara looked up at the shell-shocked boy, taking a step back. She glanced over at her friend, who simply folded her arms and shook her head from side to side.
"I swear, Tara… If I didn't know that God had a thing for giving you chances like it's nobody's business, I'd swear you were doing this on purpose!" Up until only a few moments ago, Hope had been afraid of what was about to happen. Now she was personally witnessing her blonde friend, seemingly popping up out of nowhere, managing to pass her up AGAIN.
"What-What are you talking about?" The now confused blonde moved closer to Hope, demanding an explanation for her friend's comment. She was feeling very sensitive at the moment, especially after she'd just bared her soul to the boy she loved.
Hope wanted to grit her teeth out of frustration. "What I'm talking about, is that I never even got a chance to tell Ronnie how I feel about him, before you swooped in and declared your "undying love" for him!" She was huffing in clear annoyance.
"M-My l-love… So, you didn't even get to…?" Tara glanced back at the still-red Ron. He appeared to be lost in thought, as if he was struggling to understand some great truth. "S-So I… I confessed to R-Ronnie?" Her voice shook, she was too stunned to continue any further. Her legs felt weak. She covered her, now crimson, face and started muttering to herself. About how embarrassed she was, along with how much she wished for the ground to swallow her up.
"Oh, come on! This is exactly what I'm talking about! You can't just act like this! This is exactly what boys love to see! It's cheating, Tara! Plain and simple!" Hope now was more than annoyed.
"Just let me die… Please, I can't show my face ever again…" Tara moaned, her voice full of shame.
"You know, if Ronnie wasn't in a catatonic state right now… he would probably fall for you in an instant…" The tone of the ravenette conveyed exactly how she felt about THAT.
"God, this is SO not what I had in mind… All I wanted was to have some fun with Ronnie, to cheer him up a little… That was until SOMEONE decided to just burst in and interrupt my alone time with him…" Hope was very busy lamenting her terrible luck.
"What's that's supposed to mean?" the blonde girl shot back.
"Just how rude it was of you to barge in on me like that… Like, seriously, what were you thinking?" Hope mocked, more than a little dissatisfied at this situation.
"I'm the rude one?!" Tara was baffled at the accusation. "Well, excuse me, I didn't expect one of my friends to be in… this sort of relationship with MY Ronnie! You knew that I wanted nothing more than to date him, yet you still did this!"
"He's not YOUR Ron-" Hope began to argue right back, until she noticed someone blocking her view of Tara. "R-Ronnie…"
The blonde mascot appeared to have shaken off his shock, he was currently looking more than a bit serious. "Okay… j-just give me a second… Still need a moment to wrap my head around this…" he pleaded, taking a short breath. "Okay… So… you l-like me Tara?" he asked.
She nodded slowly.
"More like in love, completely smitten, head over heels… But hey, what do I know…" Hope added, Tara glared at her.
"And you, Hope?" Ron turned to her. "You said that you wanted to tell me how you feel as well?" The blonde sidekick wanted to get this whole thing out in the open, to completely understand where both of them stood.
"Y-Yeah…" Why was she getting cold feet now? "I-I guess I like you too, but I think you understood that without me saying it at this point…" Her face turned red when she noticed Tara smirking at her, that bitch.
"So, you both like me…" The blonde boy desperately tried to hide the smile on his face, but failed spectacularly. "Awesome!"
They both found themselves giggling at his enthusiastic response, he cleared his throat. "I really like you two, if that wasn't obvious. So, what are we going to do? I-I can't date you both at the same time… So-" Ron began. The situation he had found himself in wasn't normal, by any means. Not to mention that it wasn't fair to the girls.
Hope looked worried, she could already see what was going to happen in a few moments. 'He's going to say that Tara is the better choice! Or, since she likes him the most, that he'll give her a chance first!' Panic shot through her body, her mind swarmed with thoughts of her impending rejection. She moved forward. "Yes, you can!" she insisted, cutting the blonde boy off.
"WHAT?!" Tara shrieked, clearly shocked.
"What?" Ron looked more confused about being interrupted, than anything she'd said. "What do you mean, Hope?"
"I mean that you can date us at the same time!" she spoke without thinking, she had to say something! The ravenette didn't want to give him up! "We both like you, I don't mind sharing!"
"W-WHAT?! Are you serious?!" Tara responded first. She glanced to Ron, only to see him wearing a stunned expression. She moved forward, pulling Hope closer to her. "Now listen here Hope, I don't know what you're playing at, but I don't like it… Now take back this ridiculous idea and let him make the right choice!" the blonde cheerleader demanded.
"W-Well…" Ron suddenly interjected, making the two look towards him once more. "I-I guess we could give it a go… If you'll have… me?" His innocent voice spurred Tara to let go of her friend and latch onto his arm, her anger completely vanishing in an instant.
"Of course I will Ronnie! If you think I'm good enough?" she answered quickly, all too eager to grab her chance.
"See?! Now we can date him at the same time!" The ravenette flashed a winning smile, making sure to continue to ingratiate herself to the blonde mascot.
"Wow… So, that means that you two are my… girlfriends from now on? Holy… And to think, I was going to date one of you at a time and see which one of you enjoyed being with me more and just go from there. But this is even more incredible!" he declared, Hope looked incredulous.
'So, he WASN'T about to pick Tara because she's liked him longer?! Wait, of course he wouldn't… He's better than that… Shit…' Hope could only curse herself, her shot at being his one and only had just crashed and burned. To make matters worse, she only had herself to blame. 'At least now I'll definitely get to be with him… I can make it up to Tara too…' It was still a win-win situation, even if she could've hoped for more.
"Yeah, I bet you like it… Now, we just need-" Hope started, before glancing at the two blondes. Tara was busy kissing, borderline making out, with their new boyfriend. "You don't waste time, do you Tara?" Hope wasn't really angry, as she'd kind of expected this to happen.
After a few more moments the blonde beauty let go of Ron. She was still firmly hugging his neck, with no intention of letting go anytime soon. "Mmm…" She licked her lips. "You have no idea just how long I've waited for this…" Her face was still red, but happier than she'd ever been, as she stared at Hope. "…and I have a lot of wasted time to make up for."
"If you feel like that, then why not continue where I left off?" Hope offered. She pushed down on the girl's shoulders, until Tara was kneeling like she'd been before.
"W-Wha-Wait, we don't need to rush stuff like this… We can wait until you're ready Tara, so-" Ron started to assure. He knew that Hope was more than happy to do that sort of stuff with him, but Tara wasn't like that… He thought that was the case, at least.
Tara just stared at his pants. "I-I want to… to try it again…" She looked away, clearly mortified at her own uncharacteristic boldness.
"That's the spirit! See, Ronnie? Told you…" Hope was smirking proudly. "And what's this 'again' thing? You already had a go, Tara?"
"N-No, but we did have some time "together" when all of us learned to cook from Ronnie…" the blonde cheerleader explained.
"Damn… not bad… Even I didn't go that far next to the team…" Hope smirked as she opened Ron's fly and let gravity do its thing.
"Oh…" the blonde cheerleader couldn't help but marvel at Ron. Though it was her first time seeing one, it didn't change the fact that he was very impressive. 'This is what I felt in the kitchen… He's even bigger than I imagined!'
Ron couldn't help but drink in the way that the blonde girl was staring at 'him'. Her mouth slightly ajar, her lips quivering. It aroused him more than he cared to admit, his manhood responding almost instantly.
"Oh… He clearly likes to see you on your knees… Don't you, Ronnie?" Hope teased. She was clearly amused at both her friend's amazement, as well as Ron's reaction to it. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go on…"
Tara swallowed hard, readying herself for something she'd never done before. Something she'd never even considered doing. 'Can I even fit him in?' Without a second thought, she moved her head forward and took him inside.
"Oh man…" Ron had to hold himself back from groaning, as the warm feeling of lips enveloped his member.
"Wow, I've got to say Tara… you don't waste time. You just dove right in. I'm impressed!" Hope praised. The ravenette found the sight to be quite interesting, it almost reminded her of her friend Liz. The redhead had also had the same kind of reaction to being on her knees in front of the blonde boy.
The blonde girl didn't pay any sort of attention to her friend, she was too occupied with her new favorite activity. Tara glanced at her boyfriend's face, the expression he was wearing made her hotter than anything she'd ever seen before. All those times in the past, when she'd been near Ron before, none of them could even come close to the feelings that were currently filling her body. Her knees felt weak, her mind became fuzzy, as she continued bobbing her head. Oh, she'd waited FAR too long to do this sort of thing with her blonde crush. Right now, she couldn't even bring herself to care that she wasn't the only lover in his life. This was still a better outcome than anything she'd thought possible.
In her state of absolute bliss, she'd failed to notice her fellow cheer squad member moving towards the fabric wall. The ravenette made sure to check something that Tara neither saw, nor cared about.
"H-Hope?" Ron queried, glancing towards the girl. She appeared to be peeking out of the privacy curtain, as if making sure the coast was clear.
"Oh, don't mind me… I'm just making sure no one's going to come snooping around if Tara gets a little… vocal. Just make sure to keep her nice and quiet." The smile Hope wore was openly perverted, as such the double-meaning behind her words was quite clear.
Looking down, he saw a very light-headed Tara. She continued to pleasure him, seemingly without a care in the world. She'd noticed him looking and shifted her own gaze up, to meet his eyes. Tara pulled him out from between her juicy lips, a distinct pop echoing in the small room, smiling broadly at him.
"How is it Ronnie?" the blonde girl cooed, continuing to pump her hand on his rock-hard member. She spread a mixture of her own saliva and Ron's precum, liberally coating the blond boy's member. As she did so her free hand moved furiously between her own legs, almost out of view.
"It's- You're amazing, Tara!" His voice had come out a bit strained. Her extremely skilled hand-job, as well as the way she was staring at him, gave him goosebumps.
"Good!" she enthused, getting up from her spot and positioning herself close to his ear. "Look at… what you've done to me, Ronnie… I can barely stand…" She lifted the skirt she wore, baring her pink lace panties to him. She moved the crotch of her underwear to the side.
Ron swallowed loudly, staring at the amazingly tempting sight. He noticed just how wet the girl was, she was shaking like a leaf too. He didn't even notice his body move on its own. He knelt down, staring at her wet femininity. He grabbed her ass and pulled her towards himself, pressing feather-light kissed to her lower lips, before starting to lick her labia.
Tara grabbed his hair, pulling his head back, fighting the urge to scream out in pleasure. The ecstasy kept building, her new boyfriend eagerly attacking her erogenous zones.
The blonde boy continued to eat her out, becoming addicted to the taste of the blonde cheerleader. She'd seemed so far out of his league just a few minutes ago, but now? It was entirely different story. Ron would have loved to continue, but was suddenly pulled back up by the blonde until he faced her once more.
"Ronnie… I need you… now!" the blonde girl whispered passionately. She blushed to her ears, admitting what she wanted out loud embarrassing her enough to nearly faint. However, she refused to let her ordinarily meek nature stand in her way any longer. The beautiful girl turned around and lifted her skirt, thrusting her well-toned ass towards him. "Please, Ronnie…" she begged a bit louder.
"T-Tara… are you sure?" He still held himself back, though he found his eyes glued to her juicy rear.
"Ronnie… don't make me ask again, I can't take it anymore…" she whined, before turning her head back to stare at him. She waited for him to give her what she, oh so desperately, needed.
Ron glanced at her for a moment, before grabbing both of her cheeks and spreading her wide. Her sweet moans filled his ears. He started to slide forward, the tip of his manhood approaching her entrance. He brushed her femininity, making her shiver, then slowly started pushing himself inside of her. Tara was wet beyond belief, tight as a vice on his manhood. He kept delving inside of her body, despite the resistance.
"R-R-Ronnie… Oh my- You're so big…" Her sweet voice was like music to his ears, she made him want to ram his cock into her. He wanted to sheath himself without any restraint, to just take her like she wanted. He only managed to stop himself by remembering that this was probably her first time. Plus he really didn't want her to shout out in shock, a very likely outcome if he just shoved himself in without any warning.
'God… I can barely move!' She was just so incredibly tight, he seriously worried that he was about to lose his mind! So warm! So wet! And still holding onto him for dear life. Her body trembled again, in what seemed like slight pain. Ron stopped for a moment, immediately worried that he'd done something wrong. Or worse, that he'd hurt her! To his great surprise, she turned around to look at him once more. She moved her head closer to his own, their lips met again.
"I-I'm okay now Ronnie… I j-just needed a moment to get used to your… size" The smile on her face was beatific. She moved in and kissed him passionately, even harder than before. She moaned deeply into his mouth.
"Tara…" he choked out, in between short breaths of air. "You're so hot…" He suddenly froze as he felt her completely sheath his manhood, she winced from the foreign feeling of fullness.
"I-I-It's in… I'm finally… Oh, ahh…" Whatever it was that she wanted to say was cut short, the intense feeling of Ron's member overwhelming due to her own inexperience.
The blonde boy allowed his body to start moving again, upon seeing Tara's relax once more. His soft touch and gentle pace was exactly what she needed at the moment. He was thrilled to be finally punching his V-card, the absolutely amazing feeling of Tara enveloping him was one that he would most definitely remember forever.
"Okay, looks like the cost is clear. Just make sure to not make-" Hope reported. She made certain that the curtain was closed completely again, then turned around to see what was happening behind her. Her eyes popped open, her mouth gaped in shock. "W-W-What are you doing?!" the girl hissed, clearly angry. She moved closer to face the blonde girl.
"I-I-I'm enjoying my boyfriend… Oh, Ronnie…" Her head swiveled back to face her fellow cheerleader, a big smile plastered on her face.
"I can see that!" Hope's voice whispered sharply, even as the will to scream built up inside of her. "What I mean is, you're-you're…! You're having sex with him, before even I did!" she quietly shrieked.
"Ah? I'm R-Ronnie's, ah… first?" The blond girl glanced back to see the euphoric expression on Ron's face.
Tara's smile grew even wider, leaning back into his body. So close, that the seams between them all but vanished completely. Tara drowned in the fulfilling sensation of his body heat, warm enough to nearly burn her.
"I-I-just. Wow… I didn't think much about it before, or even joke about it with Liz… But God must really have a thing for you, considering all of these little strokes of luck with Ronnie… I'm honestly more amazed than annoyed, at this point" Hope admitted. She vowed to find the one responsible for this and have some words with them. Because, this? This, was bullshit! Plain and simple.
"Ahh… Oh, yes…" Tara kept thrusting and moaning, without a care in the world. She glanced over at her fellow girlfriend to Ron. "S-S-Suck it…" The blonde smiled again, clearly enjoying the idea that she was with the blonde boy first.
'This bitch!' Hope growled, before moving to Ron's face and kissing him deeply. "Ronnie…" she whispered in his ear. "I think she isn't enjoying you enough, so could you please REALLY give it to her?"
"Oh! Ron, you're even harder t-than before" the blonde girl moaned out, still shaking.
The blonde sidekick didn't need to be told twice, as he was more than happy to provide for his girls. His pace became much faster, he began thrusting harder and more quickly. 'God, I can barely pull out! It's like she's sucking me inside!' It also didn't help that Hope was nibbling on his ear, still whispering sweet nothings into his mind.
"Look at what a mess you made of her, Ronnie. It's her first time and she's already hooked on you, like some cheap fan-girl. I bet you can't wait to do the same to me, right…? I'm looking forward to seeing if I can still stand, after you've had your way with me…" the ravenette continued.
"Hope, you're not helping!" Ron was hard-pressed to keep himself under control. He pounded Tara, the meaty slapping sounds filling the small booth.
"Amaz-" Tara croaked out, in between throaty moans. She struggled to remain standing, leaning on Hope's for support.
"How is it, Tara? Is he filling you up? Do you need a break from him, to rest…? I could always take over, for a few minutes" Hope whispered to her teammate. She prayed that Tara would let her have a turn, then she could keep him all to herself until the boy burst inside of her.
"N-No… Ronnie's mine… I can't, ahh, let go…"
"Is that right?" There was a bit of venom in the ravenette girl's voice. She glared at the blonde cheerleader that was hogging all of Ron (as usual), in more ways than one! She turned her head towards Ron. "Ronnie? I don't think that Tara is REALLY enjoying herself… So, how about you give it to her nice and HARD. I know you're holding yourself back… right?" Hope was sure she was correct, she remembered the way he'd moved when he'd been with Liz and herself.
No argument came from Ron, he just increased his pace as much as he could. He let out as little noise as possible, the only sounds from him being the clapping of his hips against Tara's ass from time to time.
Tara was about to shout out, before he shoved two of his fingers into her mouth. The blond cheerleader began to instinctively suck on them, keeping her lips and tongue too busy to scream.
"Wow…" Hope was more than impressed at her friend's reaction. 'I didn't expect to see her like this… But, then again, everything with Ronnie involved is sure to get a nice response out of her.
The blonde girl slurped on his fingers in a greedy, almost desperate fashion. Her body rocked back and forth, before coming to a complete stop. She shook wildly, sweet moans oozing out as muffled breaths and soundless flicks of her tongue. The blonde beauty came hard, she wasn't alone in that regard. Ron slammed himself home, burying his manhood as deeply as he could inside of her core. He too shook a few times, the blissful feeling of filling Tara's insides was absolutely heavenly.
"Ronnie, I-I'm so full~" Tara cooed, her voice tired. She'd never felt such happiness in her life, the glowing heat scorching her insides stoking it mightily. The blessed warmth was proof enough that her longtime dream would now be her new reality. Tara shivered again as he slowly pulled himself free, only to prove that he was still very much ready for more.
"Okay, now Ronnie… I believe it's time for you to take care of me" Hope encouraged. She helped Tara to sit down, before closing the distance between her and the blonde boy. Hey, it was only fair for her to have a go at him too! At this point her arousal was nearly overwhelming, seeing Tara getting drilled and pounded by him was so HOT. It was surprising to think that her first time was going to be in a place like this, instead of a fancy hotel or her room. But, at the moment, she honestly couldn't bring herself to care.
She stared into Ron's eyes, her lips almost meeting his.
Ron and Hope froze, as Marcella called out to her friend. She didn't sound too close yet, but would her search bring her nearer to their private spot?
'Okay, I'll just stay silent and wait for her to walk away' Hope decided. She shot Ron a look to keep quiet, he nodded in understanding.
"Yeah?" Tara suddenly answered, the two still standing stared at her in horror. The blonde beauty was still so high on cloud nine, she didn't even think about the situation they were all in. A huge, dopey smile was still firmly plastered to her face.
'ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!?' Hope silently screamed, she could very clearly hear steps coming closer. "Wait!" she shouted.
"Wha- Hope?" Marcella asked from the other side.
"Yeah, me and Tara wanted to try some stuff on!" Her high-pitched voice really wasn't doing her any favors.
"Inside the same booth? I didn't realize that you two were so close…" her friend lightly mocked.
"Nothing like that, there weren't any free ones earlier."
"Mmm… Well, whatever… I'm going to grab the rest of the group, just give me a minute…" Marcella explained, before moving away.
The two still standing took a moment to relax, Hope rested her head on Ron's shoulder. "Damn it… this is not good for my heart… First Tara, now Marcella?" The ravenette started laughing weakly. "What's next? Are the walls going to suddenly fall over? Is Liz going to pop in to join us?" She could feel the blond boy stroking her hair, even rubbing her back to soothe her. For some reason, it really helped. She could feel her mind relax, she even began to feel safe. 'Ronnie, what are you doing to me?' The same question from before had come back, with a vengeance. She stepped back from Ron, despite not wanting to be away from him.
"You better go, Ronnie, before the rest of the girls come over and see you… I'll take care of this happy idiot…" Hope pointed to Tara, who was still pretty out of it. "And you better make this up to me later, got it?!" she half-joked. He smiled and kissed her, before nodding. He exited the changing booth, after making sure the coast was clear.
After the little incident in the changing booth, Ron could definitely say he'd maxed out his share of good fortune for one lifetime… The blonde teen was over the moon. As of today he had two, not one, but TWO girlfriends! He couldn't be happier, even if he tried! Not to mention the possibility of Liz joining the mix, if Hope's comments were anything to go by. Losing his virginity to Tara was just the icing on the cake!
Ron just wanted to shout out in happiness!
He wanted to tell Rufus!
He wanted to tell Wade!
He wanted to tell… Oh God, he needed to tell Kim!
Just how had she slipped his mind, up until now? While it was true that he hadn't had the opportunity to talk to her for a few days, it didn't change the fact that she was his best friend. She, more than anyone, deserved to know about this! He wondered just how she'd respond to the news of his first official girlfriend- Or, in this case, girlfriends.
'I'll have to wait until she comes back to Middleton, she should be here in a few days…' he concluded, staring at the girls next to him.
Hope and a very exhausted-looking Tara remained behind, still in the woman's clothing section. After the blonde's little near-death experience at nearly being caught in the act, he was more than willing to stop. Even IF the girls had looked more than ready to continue.
After Ron vanished from the shop, he came waltzing back in. He made a fairly convincing case of looking like he'd popped out to use the restroom, or something. He joined up with the rest of the team, excluding Tara and Hope.
The blonde sidekick looked ahead at Bonnie and Liz, luckily they didn't have much for him to carry yet… Only a few bags for each girl. Thankfully Hope and Tara kept their purchases with them, as that lessened the pressure he felt on his arms at the moment. Not to mention the fact that Tara needed an entirely new set of clothes to wear, after he'd done his best to make her dirty and sweaty.
Walking next to him was Crystal, on his other side stood Jessica, and next to her was Marcella. The rest of the girls each had a small bag, he began to wonder why they didn't gave THEIR bags to him to carry.
Jessica was currently talking with Marcella, Crystal was glancing around. Nobody talked to him much outside of Jessica, who'd asked every few minutes if he needed any help.
He didn't. Ron may not look like it, but he was actually quite strong! Not as much as Kim was, but he could still hold his own… Not that he liked to. He preferred running away, over hurting anybody… That was his usual MO, it made him a much more tempting target to the many goons he and Kim had to face anyway. It was far smarter to let them chase him, than it was to fight them. If he could help Kim focus on the real threats, that was enough for him!
"So, what do you say Ron?" asked Jessica, snapping him from his thoughts.
"Umm… I think-" The blonde boy hadn't been paying any attention to what she'd been saying, as he'd been too lost in thought. He needed to think, and quick. The last thing he wanted was for sweet Jessica to be annoyed with him, like Marcella clearly was. She just wouldn't stop glaring at him!
"Do you agree?" the blonde girl prodded, smiling all the way.
"Yes." Whatever it was that he'd just agreed to would be okay, as long as it kept him in the girl's good books. Especially one as friendly as Jessica, he didn't think he'd EVER seen her without a smile.
"Wow… I didn't expect you to just admit it…" Crystal chimed in. "Well… you are a guy, after all…"
'What-What the hell did I just agree to?' Ron just smiled, unsure as to what he should say. 'I bet it's probably nothing…' the blonde sidekick rationalized.
'Okay, it wasn't nothing, that much is for sure.' The blonde boy covered his face, mortified at what he was up against.
"Oh, come on, Ron! I thought you agreed to it!" Jessica berated, she looked up at the boy.
Ron continued to cover his face, even going so far as to shift his head to the side. In front of him stood the blonde girl in question, wearing nothing but the underwear that she wanted to try on. A sexy, shear set of white underwear that seemed to fit the girl all too well. She moved her body left and right, trying out various different poses.
"You say that, but I'm just not sure where to look" the boy responded, face flushed. Granted, he'd had more than a couple run-ins with a few of the girls. But seriously, almost every time he looked at her, it was like he was staring directly at her exposed tummy. Hey, call him weird or whatever! After seeing his best friend's own exposed and toned midriff, almost every day, he couldn't help but develop a soft spot for it… And Jessica had a VERY attractive-
"What are you gawking at?" someone asked right next to him.
The boy nearly jumped out of his skin. It wasn't because of the proximity of the unexpected words either, it was the all-too-familiar tone of a pissed-off Bonnie. The angry brunette was currently staring him down. "Oh, nothing Bonbon, I was just-"
"Trying to pick your jaw off the floor? Yeah, I noticed… Should have known…" the beauty lamented, slowly shaking her head.
"W-Well, I just… She sorta asked me, so-" he struggled.
"Asked you? You could've always just said no… I'm sure that sweet, little Jessica would've been able to live with it…" her angry voice cut off.
Ron couldn't really come up with a reasonable response. He just looked around, until he noticed another one of the girls coming back.
"Oh, come on Bonnie… let him give his opinion. Don't act like a jealous girlfriend" Liz joked. Bonnie stalked over, right into her friend's face.
"EXCUSE ME?!" Bonnie exploded, Liz moved past her and stood in front of the blonde boy.
"So… what do you think?" Liz asked, posing right next to the boy. The redheaded girl lifted her hands above her head and gave him seductive smile, even a wink.
'God, she looks so sexy!' Ron howled. He blatantly stared at the pure purple, nearly transparent, nightgown that the girl wore.
"Mmm, I see… You like it, so it's definitely a keeper…" Liz smirked at him before moving around a bit, getting a feel for the article, before approving of it herself. She moved away, to try a few more things on.
"God, she is going to be the death of me…" the blonde sidekick quietly whined.
"Yeah… if Bonnie doesn't kill you first…" Marcella stood next to him, she gave him a short glance over. "Well, look at you, Mr. Popular… I bet you're REALLY happy that Kim isn't around right now…" The girl made sure to keep her voice low, so as to not alert the rest of the team.
"Wh-what do you mean? I can't wait for her to come back from her vacation" the blonde boy answered honestly.
"Really, now? Even with everything you've done so far? I can't imagine her being HAPPY about it…" the girl purred, making him nervous.
'Wait… does-does she know?' Ron started to sweat, had the girl seen something private? Had she followed him, while he'd been intimate with one of the others? "I… I'm not sure what you mean…" the blonde boy responded, still wary of the girl.
"You know, the whole 'you basically being our servant' thing? I, for one, can't WAIT for her to come back" Marcella admitted, glancing at her friends.
"What? Really?" He could honestly say that he was surprised by her words.
"What? All I'm saying, is that I already want this to be over. So we can all return to our normal routine… You think I LIKE having you around, twenty four hours a day?" she sniped, the girl noticed him slump a bit. "Hey, don't take it so personally… I don't have an issue with you, honestly…"
"Okay? Kind of giving me mixed messages here-" Ron complained, before the girl next to him cut him off.
"I know… I-I just…" She huffed in annoyance, before making sure that none of her friends were within hearing range. "I don't see the point of becoming friendly with you…" Marcella admitted.
"What? What do you mean?" he questioned. 'Did she mean in the same way as Bonnie, or Liz?'
"You're thinking of something perverted again, aren't you?" Marcella suddenly asked, eyeing him with suspicion.
"Wha- No! Why would you say that?!" he blurted out, embarrassed.
"I know that look, that's how… But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt… In any case, I don't see us becoming friends, what's the point?" she levelled, continuing before he could interrupt her again. "As soon as Kim comes back, you're going to go right back to ignoring everyone else. You'll set your focus entirely on her… So, as nice and as fun as you are… It's just going to be annoying to return back to how we were…" the ravenette concluded.
'Was I really that bad?' the blonde sidekick marveled, he couldn't really find a fitting argument. It was true that he didn't really have many friends… outside of Kim, Wade and a few others. He didn't really bother trying to make new ones, as most other kids just made fun of him. Normally, he would have reluctantly agreed with her conclusion. If not for one very important difference…
"Well… if that's what you're worried about, then don't fret… I'm pretty confident that I'll keep being your friend, if that's what you want" Ron answered honestly. How could he not? After all, he was in a relationship with Tara and Hope now. It was pretty much guaranteed that he'd stay close to the girls now… and that meant all of them.
Marcella stared at him with a raised eyebrow, as if trying to determine his veracity. "You sound pretty confident… any special reason for that?"
"I have a pretty good incentive for it… Besides, after getting to know all of you over the last few days, I can certainly say that I'd prefer to be friends with everyone. As opposed to just being a part of the team and… Well, you know…" He looked over to see a few of the other girls approaching.
"What good re-" Marcella tried to ask. She noticed Jessica and Liz come over and grab Ron's hands.
"Come on Ron, stop talking with Marcella and give us your opinion!" Liz faux-whined, causing him to look over at the swimsuit she wore. To say it was a swimsuit was being very generous… It was a tiny thing that barely covered her body. It was yellow in color, the hue complementing her skin-tone marvelously. It just managed to cover her privates, while leaving absolutely everything else bare to see, just the way she wanted it. It was a really risqué outfit, one that would earn her a good many looks (and possibly a few marriage proposals). But she honestly didn't care about any of that in the slightest. For one thing, she wasn't actually planning on letting any OTHER boy see her in it… She vowed to reserve it for HIS eyes only, already enjoying Ron's reaction to it. 'God… I'm getting excited just THINKING about it… I wonder how Hope would feel about both of us flanking him with our swimsuits on… Or, better yet, maybe without them.' Liz's daydream was making her chest flutter. 'Now that I think about it… where IS Hope?' she wondered, she hadn't seen her friend for some time. The redheaded girl wondered if she could convince Bonnie to let her use the brunette's pool. With her house being that big, there was bound to a large pool somewhere!
"You heard her Ron! Better not keep her waiting" Jessica teased, clearly amused by her friend's antics.
"Hey, you wanted to show him something too! What's with all this 'keep ME waiting' business? the redheaded girl accused, embarrassed about being put on the spot for plotting her next move on the blonde mascot.
Jessica just kept laughing, waving off her teammate's criticism like it was nothing.
"Mmm… I wonder why he's so confident…" Marcella mused to herself. Ron and her two teammates moved away, both girls looking quite comfortable with the boy.
"Who's so confident?" asked Bonnie, popping out of a nearby dressing booth.
'At least BONNIE is still acting normal…' Marcella reflected. "It's nothing… just thinking about what to get. It's a pretty rare opportunity to have him work a bit for us, I may as well milk it, before Kim gets back." She didn't want Bonnie to think less of her, certain that their unofficial leader was thinking along the same lines.
"Yeah… I figured as much. But honestly, I'm not sure what I'll do after she comes back…" Bonnie admitted, her friend looked shocked. "Who knows… maybe I'll keep him around?"
'Excuse me?' Marcella was floored, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Well… that was something…" Bonnie commented to the blonde boy walking next to her.
"I'm not sure what you mean Bonbon" Ron admitted. He strolled casually, close to the brunette, a few dozen bags of various clothes separating them.
"What I mean…" she huffed in annoyance, "…is that the entire team seems to be very interested in you" Bonnie elaborated.
"Oh well, what can I say… the Ronman is very interesting! So, it's really no surprise" he stated cockily. He quickly glanced at the brunette, worried that he may have offended her like he had Marcella.
Bonnie didn't look angry, but she did raise one finely shaped eyebrow at him. "You've gotten quite cheeky lately… I'm not sure what to think about that." Despite her words, the smile on her face was cute and pleasant.
"Ah… Um, you know why…" He smiled as well, recalling the reason himself.
'God, he's so cute…' the girl silently swooned. As she relived her last kiss with him she fought down the urge to toss those bags away, just to hold his hand. 'Wait, I can do that!'
Both Ron and Bonnie were walking together through the mall, she'd managed to snatch him away from the rest of the girls. They were all busy finding more items to try on for the blond boy's benefit, or for him to give a male opinion on. Bonnie didn't really feel the same as the rest of her team. Unlike most of them, Ron had already seen her in all her glory, he'd even taken a shower with her. If she was going to get anything new, it was probably going to be something that made her look cute or desirable to him. It was true that she wasn't the only one "getting busy" with the blonde boy. But with how often he stared at her, as well as how eager he seemed to kiss her, Bonnie thought that her odds were already looking pretty good.
She spotted a food stand that seemed pretty promising, considering the crowd of people standing around it. Without any hesitation, Bonnie grabbed his forearm and started pulling him towards it.
"Wha-what's wrong Bonbon?" He was surprised at the sudden contact, but didn't offer any resistance to her touch.
She liked that. "I just thought that we may as well have a bite to eat… The rest of the team can join up with us after they finish…" In reality, she'd never told any of the other girls exactly WHERE she was taking him. She'd failed to do so deliberately, to give herself some time to enjoy being alone with him… in a way that didn't involve anything perverted. 'It's like I'm on a date with him!' she cheered mentally, moving closer to her destination.
"Wait, Bonbon!" the blonde boy suddenly spoke, she froze in her tracks.
Did she do something wrong, was she being too forward?
"I don't think this is going to work, with all this stuff here." He lifted the few dozen bags he was currently carrying.
'Damn it…' she cursed to herself. Couldn't she just throw all of that crap away? She could buy her friends new stuff later, right? This was such a good chance!
"Look, why don't you sit with the stuff at an empty table? Just leave the food to me!" the blonde boy offered. He guided her towards a clear table, one that was sufficiently far from any prying eyes. He made sure that it was clean, then set the many bags down on one of the free seats. He watched as the brunette girl followed his instructions, sitting down and awaiting his next words. "Now, give me a minute, I'll find something that even YOU will love!" the blonde boy declared with rare confidence, before turning around and walking away.
"Oh, I bet you will…" Bonnie whispered in delight, she couldn't hold back her smile. This was just perfect… She finally had him all to herself, and the rest of the team was nowhere in sight! God, she'd waited so long for this sort of chance to fall into her lap.
It was hard to say if she regretted what she'd put in motion. After all, it had been her decision to make him pay for 'peeping on them'. The memory still made her smile. If she hadn't insisted on his atonement, then likely nothing would have changed… She would still be staring at him from afar, just like Tara. She'd be waiting for Kim to finally wake up and make him hers. But now? Dare she say it, she'd go as far as she needed to, to make herself his. At this point she'd even befriend Kim, if necessary! After all, how could she be a good girlfriend if she couldn't get along with his besty?
Even with how far away she was, her eyes were locked onto Ron's back. He appeared to be pouring over the different options the booth had to offer. He was definitely taking his time to find something for her… Either that, or he was thinking about what he could get for himself. She didn't really care which, as long as she was alone with him.
"Bonnie, what are you doing here?" a familiar voice asked, the brunette's eyes went wide.
Said cheerleader swiveled her head to the side to see an entirely different blonde that she hadn't expect to run into so soon, especially right now! "Brick, what are you doing here?"
Brick was currently with two other boys from the football team. They didn't pay too much attention to her, looking at her as little as they could. They trusted the blonde quarterback to deal with his ex-girlfriend, for the most part.
"What does it looks like I'm doing here?" she bit out, venom escaping from between her lips. Her biting words seem to be work on the two hangers-on, but sadly not on the blonde jock. Brick grabbed the free seat next to Bonnie.
"I'm no expert, but you look like you need some help right now." He smiled at her.
"Eh?" Bonnie was confused for a moment. 'What is he talking about?' She followed his finger, he was pointing at the many bags next to her.
"My bags, what about them?" she questioned. 'He's not expecting to just-'
"What I mean is, I can help you out. Then, we could take the chance to talk about 'us'" he leveled.
'I knew it…' Bonnie wasn't impressed at her ex's words. It wouldn't be the first time that he'd pissed her off, then attempted to make amends in some way. She'd only forgiven him in the past because she'd found it convenient at the moment. But right now, it was ANYTHING but a good time for this nonsense. "I see… Well, the funny thing is that I don't need any help from you… So, if you could just move along, that would be just perfect."
"Oh, come on Bonnie, don't be like that! You know that she never meant anything to me…" he said, all too naturally. "You're my number one, no question about it."
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 'Did he seriously just say that, like it excuses anything?' she mused, remembering the last fight they'd had. It was stupid… like most fights she'd had, but it highlighted the problems between the two of them. Well enough for her to completely break things off with him.
"Right… Look Brick, I'm not sure how much clearer I can make this but, I don't care anymore. I'm not angry, or anything like that. I just don't care about us… So you can go and do whatever you want, really" the brunette beauty explained with total honesty. She really wanted to be done with him, once and for all.
This seemed to surprise all three of the boys. They'd expected her to explode in anger… not talk to them like this.
"Brick, come on man, we better go…" one of his friends cautioned, setting a hand on the boy's shoulder.
Brick ignored him. "Wait, so what? That's it? You just don't care?" the blonde boy asked, completely baffled.
"Yeah, that's what I just said…" Her tone was flat, she looked to the side as if searching for something.
"Wha- But I care! I know I did something silly, but that's not a good enough reason to-"
Bonnie had stopped listening to him. Nothing he had to say on the subject mattered anymore, she had Ron now. Brick could bitch and moan all he wanted, but it wouldn't change a thing.
"Brick, come on man" his second friend chimed in, both boys pulling Brick away. He put up a token resistance, before giving her one last look and walking away with his buddies.
After a few seconds making sure the three of them were gone, Bonnie huffed in exhaustion. "Finally… took them long enough…"
"Sorry, did I take too much time?" Ron asked from behind her.
Bonnie startled for a moment, she hadn't expected him to return so soon. "Wha- No, i-it's nothing… Just, talking to myself" she lied. But what could she say?
"Oh, okay." Ron set two trays down onto the table, one in front of each of them.
Bonnie stared at it, curiosity peaked, before picking the item up. "Okay, not sure what is it… But I trust you, Ron…" She beamed at him.
"Wow, thanks Bonnie, I-" the blonde sidekick replied, before he noticed something.
'What's so interesting about my hair?' she wondered, before realizing that he was staring BEHIND her. A sense of dread passed over her, before she heard the question.
"What are YOU doing here?" Brick asked, from behind the brunette.
Bonnie turned her head to the side, even if she didn't need to. She saw the blonde jock's angry face, his eyes locked on Ron.
"Oh, hey Brick, what's up?" Ron asked casually. He was used to seeing the bigger boy from time to time around the cheer team, he didn't really understand what the boy was so angry about.
The jock moved closer to Ron, staring down at him. His height allowed him to be intimidating, even if Ron hadn't been sitting.
"I asked what you're doing here!" He was growing even angrier than before.
'Great! This idiot just HAD to show up again, right when I was getting into a good mood with Ron!' Bonnie refused to get up, glaring daggers at the blonde jock. "Brick, didn't I just tell you to leave me alone?!" Her demanding tone encouraged the two boys beside her ex to back away from her, but had no discernible effect on Brick.
"I wasn't talking to you!" Brick shouted. He grabbed Ron's shirt sleeve, pulling him up from his seat. "I think we need to have a little chat, just you and me." Brick's threat sounded dangerous enough to make Bonnie worry about Ron.
"What do you think you're doing!?" Her tone was furious, she shot up from her seat. "Put him down, NOW!" The anger in her voice had never been so strong or real before, even when she'd argued with Kim in the past.
"Don't worry your pretty little head, Bonnie… This is going to be quick…" Brick assured, before glancing towards his two friends. The look he gave them carried a very clear message.
We need to teach him a lesson!
"BRICK, I'M WARNING YOU-!" The brunette cheerleader was about to let that blonde idiot know exactly who he was dealing with when someone cut her off.
"Don't worry Bonbon!" Ron suddenly reassured with a smiling face, even as he dangled from Brick's arm. "I'm just gonna to go with them for a moment, no big!"
Bonnie stared at him, her eyes locked onto his own. She tried to find any hint of deceit, anything that could justify her objections. She couldn't find anything… The brunette girl started to panic, before an idea dawned on her, a desperate one. She moved close to Ron's ear and quickly whispered something, before moving back to her seat.
From their own perspective, all the three jocks had seen was Bonnie whispering something to Ron. Ron's expression now looked horrified, as well as very worried. Brick was satisfied, after all he should be frightened- considering what they were going to do to him.
Brick and his friends started pulling Ron away from the table, their target failing to even offer any sort of resistance.
"Now I just have to wait and see what he'll do…" Bonnie chimed to herself. Her small smile faded completely, as the boys vanished into the restroom. After all, it wouldn't be a smart idea to start a fight out in the open inside the mall. She doubted the jocks wanted to be thrown out, or even banned.
Her pocket started buzzing, she sighed and picked up her phone. "Yeah?" she greeted, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.
"Hello Tara… what's up?"
"Wha-what happened Bonnie? You sound so… down."
"It's nothing… where are you guys?"
"Where are WE? I was just about to ask you the same question… And have you seen Ronnie? I couldn't find him with the others…" Tara's real question made its appearance.
'Yeah, I figured as much…' The brunette beauty smirked bitterly. "Yeah… he was with me…"
"Oh, so where are you? I'm with the rest of the team, we can come over to you two!" The blonde was effervescent, for some reason.
Bonnie looked over to the toilets, gave her location to her blonde friend, and then closed her phone. "Damn it… just when I had my chance…" She'd lost her appetite, now choosing to wait for either her friends or Ron to show up.
"There you are Bonnie!" Jessica had been the first to notice their brunette leader. She brought the rest of the team with her, the girls all staring at Bonnie sitting alone at the table with a pile of bags resting next to her.
"Well, yeah… I did talk to you a few moments ago…"
"I figured that you were up to something… But if you wanted to eat, you should have at least told us… I'm a bit hungry as well" Hope gently chided, sitting down in one of the free spots.
The rest of the girls all took a seat, even going as far as grabbing a few more chairs from several empty tables nearby. They were a fairly large group, after all.
Bonnie stared at the empty tray in front of her. The very same one that Ron had gotten her, before that idiotic ex of hers had gotten in her way.
"So… do I want to know what he did?" Marcella asked, appraising the dangerous expression on Bonnie's face.
"Nothing… he just showed up and did us usual idiotic thing." The venom in her voice was potent enough to worry the rest of the girls.
"W-Wow… and here I'd assumed that you were okay with him by now" Jessica interjected. Bonnie glanced over at her with a raised eyebrow, shooting her a dirty look.
"I don't think I'll ever be okay with him… I don't think I ever was…"
"So… earlier, when you told me you might want him around, that was… what?" Marcella spoke up.
"What?" The angry expression on Bonnie's face slipped off in less than a second, she looked at her friend. "When did I mention Brick today?"
The rest of the team looked confused, Bonnie took the opportunity to explain what had happened to them.
"Wait… so, Brick's the one you were talking about?" Tara asked, Bonnie nodded for confirmation. "Wow, talk about bad luck… What are the chances that, on the one day we're here, you'd run into him!"
"So, you weren't talking about Ronnie… that's good to know!" Hope chimed in next. Said girl looked like a huge weight had dropped from her shoulders, a big smile spread across her lips.
"Where is he? Ron, I mean" Jessica chimed in, making sure they were all on the same page. She did NOT want to be around an angry Bonnie again, especially when the nice one was an awesome person and not just a scary mega-bitch.
"Ron?" Bonnie reflected upon the blonde boy, as it helped her keep a lid on her temper. "He's in the restroom… You actually called me when he was on his way there…" The brunette was reluctant to admit that Ron had been grabbed by three boys, who'd taken him there to teach him a lesson. She had a strong feeling that a few, if not all, of her friends would want to help. Unfortunately, that would likely only result in making things much more complicated.
The rest of the team chose to grab some food, while they waited for their 'pack mule' to return. After a few minutes Ron emerged from the restroom, looking completely fine… He seemed no worse for the wear, just exhausted, for some reason.
That was until he noticed the girls, Tara waving at him. The blonde boy immediately perked up, moving closer, he didn't look surprised to see them. Tara slid her seat to the side, making some space for him… right between herself and Hope.
The group all continued eating, talking about random stuff from school, until Ron started regaling them with the tale of a crazy mission he'd gone on with Kim. At first they'd all laughed about the weird names of some of these people, as well as some of the crazy stuff they'd done. Pretty soon though, they started getting more and more interested in the plot of his story.
Near the end of his anecdote, the blonde sidekick noticed that both Tara and Hope had scooted a bit closer to him. They'd even gone so far as to wrap their closest arms around his back. The rest of the girls didn't appear to have noticed… except for Bonnie, she narrowed her eyes at them from that point on.
"Wow, not bad…" Marcella opined.
"Yeah, that WAS an odd one…" Ron commented.
"If…" she added, "…it was true. I still think you're just trying to impress us. I have half a mind to find the book or movie you pulled this story out of, if only to see what you have to say…" She stared at him, expecting to see him crack under the pressure, searching for a hint of any sort of deceit. She expected him to back away from her, or start making excuses. But to her surprise, he only smiled at her.
"Wow, that would be awesome! If you DO find something like that, could you let me know?" he enthused, the rest of the girls giggled.
"Oh, don't worry… I plan to…" Marcella assured. She was CERTAIN that he was lying to her- to them. This was all just an act, to try and butter them up… Well, at least SHE wasn't going to fall for it!
Off to the side of the mall's main walkway, next to a bench, stood someone. Said person wasn't one of the normal people that were walking around. He wasn't interested in all of the riffraff, or of the many shops around, he had a mission to complete. He wasn't worried about being seen by all the people around him, as he was a master at being invisible when necessary.
"Mommy, what is he doing?" A small child pointed at the man, hiding behind a plant that barely covered a third of body. He was currently glancing around, talking to himself.
"Honey, I've already explained to you that it's rude to point at strange people…" her mother admonished, pulling the girl away.
She wasn't the only one to do so, it was apparent that all the people around him had done likewise. Everyone who noticed him moved away, even going so far as to act as if he wasn't even there. I mean, what else could they do? There was a huge man, wearing a strange red bodysuit, shadowing a small group of teens that didn't seem to notice him lurking around them.
"I'm like the wind… None shall ever notice me… only when it's already too late… Ah, the loneliness of a specialist such as myself…" he muttered.
'Oh, look at that, he's already talking to himself… Where was mall security again?' a few of the concerned people observing the strange man wondered. Some of them went out of their way to try and find said guards.
The man in red picked up a small communications device, pressing some buttons on it. After a few seconds, his target spoke.
"Larry, what is it? Did you already get us the new issue of teen magazine?" the voice from the other side asked.
"We-Well, not yet. But-" the man in hiding, known as Larry, began.
"But what? Did you lose the money the boss gave you? Or is this another one of those 'it's embarrassing to walk into the store' sort of deals?" the voice mocked.
"N-No! I already got it, but that isn't the point!" In truth, he hadn't actually completed his task. But he wasn't going to admit that, not at this point. "I saw him! The blonde one, from Team Possible!"
"What, you saw Ron?" the voice asked.
"No! It was the sidekick of Kim Possible, the Buffoon!" Larry explained, making sure his friend understood.
"I believe his NAME is Ron… You know, even if the boss said that we needed to call him that all the time, we don't HAVE to when he's not around… You know that it's really crummy to be on the receiving end of that, right?"
"I know, but what can we do? It's even written into our CONTRACT…"
"Wait, what?" That was news to him, it was the first he'd ever heard of it. "It's in our contract? Are you serious?!"
"Well, yeah, obviously… Why do you THINK we've always referred to him like that, every single time? The boss must really have it out him… We're only to acknowledge Kim Possible, when we see her… And the small rodent, at very specific times…"
The voice on the other side colorfully expressed his displeasure, before shaking his head and sighing. "So… what were you saying before?"
"Oh, right! I saw him… the sidekick is here-"
"Okay, so, what is so strange about it? It's not the first time they've gone there… It IS the closest mall to their houses, so-"
"No, I meant that he's here alone! No Kim, OR the small rat-thing!" Larry managed to say.
"Wait, are you sure?" the voice suddenly asked, his tone more serious than before.
"Yep, I just made sure of it… He's been here for some time with a few girls… but no Kim anywhere in sight!" Larry assured.
"Wow… I never thought this day would ever come… You do have the manual, right?"
"Of course! It stated that I needed to call it in, as soon as I saw it!"
"Okay then, good work! I'll make sure to pass it on, be sure to keep your distance."
"Right! This is so exciting, I-" Larry started to say, before someone touched his shoulder.
"Excuse me, Sir?" interrupted a security guard, staring right down at him, wearing a very serious look.
"What? Damn, I've been discovered by security! I didn't expect anyone here to be good enough to find me!" Larry narrated to himself. He quickly started talking into the small device again. "I've been compromised, moving to secondary position!" the man in the red suit yelled. He shifted to the other side of the plant, before darting out towards the toilets.
The security guard looked around. "Uhhhh… It's going to be one of those days, isn't it…?" The guard sighed, before following after the strange man.
And that's another chapter done!
I'm not sure if anyone noticed but... each chapter is longer then the last by 2000 words at least! This one is 19000+ words! You are all welcome!
Not much to say really... Except for Mmm... I've got a challenge for all of you! I've been working on a new RonX? Fic... Can you guess who is it?
Don't forget to tell me what you think!
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Chapter uploaded on May 12.