She was alive?



Pyrrha Nikos looked up at the sun as it filtered through the leaves of a tree. They were pink. Nora would probably love them. Was she somewhere in Mistral? She wasn't dead. Well she didn't feel dead, mostly because she kind of hurt. But she didn't feel like she had been shot by an arrow to the heart either. Nor turned to ash, nor thrown several stories to her death.

So how was she even alive?

The sun was out, and she didn't hear the roars of grimm, nor the screams of people, wherever she was there was no fighting. Maybe she really did get sent back to Mistral somehow. Or perhaps her friends had found a way to bring her back to life? That'd be convenient.

But if that was the case, where were her friends?

Sitting up, Pyrrha took in her surroundings.

Okay. Maybe she was dead.

She was on a singular island in a mirrored sea. The sky was clear and bright, but the sun was nowhere to be seen. A red wooden bridge stretched out into a white fog that blocked her vision. Everything felt slightly off here, her movements felt like she was swimming in water. It was neither hot, nor cold.

She looked around for her weapon or her shield. She found neither. She did come to the stark realization that she was incredibly naked.

More evidence to the she was dead theory.

But hey, the maidens were real so maybe there was still hope for her?

With nowhere else to go and no one else to talk to, she started to walk along that red wooden bridge, following its gentle hills and random turns as she passed by large red gates. She went into the fog, feeling it envelope her like a warm moist blanket. It was only mildly uncomfortable.

For a while, the only color in her world was the red of her hair that was now free about her shoulders and the red wood of the bridge and the occasional red gateway. There was a lot of red in the afterlife. Well, red and white mist. The designs really did remind her of Mistral, on each gate were strange runes, each one made of sharp straight lines that she couldn't even begin to guess the meaning of. They weren't like anything she'd seen before.

Each gate came sooner than the last, at first it was minutes between them, then she could see the next one as soon as she left the last one. Now they were a tunnel of red, with only glimpses of the fog beyond them. Then just as the darkness enveloped her she found herself standing at their end. There was no bridge. There were no gates.

Just a rock.

A hole

And a sign.

Pyrrha looked at the sign, tilting her head as the characters rearranged themselves until she could read them. "Will you accept rebirth?"

It felt strange to hear her own voice. How long had it been? How long had she even been here? She really had no sense of time.

But was the sign asking her if she wanted to be reborn? If she wanted to live again? She looked around, looking for someone besides the grey wastes and the hole before her.

"Yes?" She half asked hoping for an answer from somewhere.

The sign shifted again, forming a single word.


Well it wasn't like she had anything to lose. "Guess I'm just getting reincarnated. Hopefully I remember myself. And my friends."

She took a step back from the hole, took a breath, and smiled to herself. "Here we go."

She jumped.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

Whatever she had thought was going to happen, this wasn't it. She thought the darkness would consume her and then she'd wake up as a baby or something with the darkness serving as some metaphorical passageway through the womb of her new mother.

That theory was dead the moment she fell through a cloud.

The hole had dumped her, completely naked, hundreds of feet into the sky, above a city so large she didn't even know if there were that many people in all of Remnant. It sprawled for miles in every direction dominating everything, there were no walls, no signs of grimm, no signs of her home.

Part of her was annoyed that the sign hadn't been more specific about what rebirth meant. Apparently it meant being reborn into another world! And being reborn falling naked into a giant city! This was just great!

Pyrrha took a breath and gathered her senses. She still had her aura, it felt fully charged and she could still feel her semblance even if there wasn't much in range she could use it on. Still with this she could land safely. Probably.

And hopefully some place that had clothing!


"Stop thief!"

Izuku groaned resisting the urge to jump down there and do hero work. It wasn't that he didn't want to. But petty theft was often done by quirkless individuals or those who couldn't actually use their quirk to help them steal. Which as a pro hero he technically wasn't allowed to do anything against them if they weren't using a quirk.

That didn't really stop him, but he did at least try to keep it in mind.

Besides, he was technically supposed to be undercover, which meant no rushing in to save people for no good reason. There had been a string of disappearances in the area lately and Izuku wanted to find out why. So far his only leads had been strange noises at night, and that the locals avoided the alleyways, so much so even the few gangs had taken to hiding out elsewhere.

It was almost like there was some kind of monster hiding out in there.

It reeked of Nomu.

The sound of a trash can falling brought Izuku's attention towards one of the alleyways that weaved their way through the city streets. He peered around the corner and saw a barefoot woman wearing a large brown hoodie running down the alleyway, the hood up, hiding much of her face. Without pausing for a second she threw one hand back and a large dumpster rolled on its own to block her pursuers path.

A metal manipulating quirk? Those were quite powerful, and it looked like she had decent control over it. But why what was she stealing? He couldn't see anything on her besides her sweater but that was easily large enough to hide jewelry or something else. Maybe it was just some dumb kid.

She didn't have shoes on so she might be desperate.

"Hey!" Izuku shouted, sprinting towards her. "Stop!"

The woman shot her hand out, and the pipes running up one of the builds snapped, barring his way as she turned a different direction, she shouted something he didn't quite understand. But it almost sounded like an apology. What was going on?

There was something about this petty theft that got his interest.

Using Full Cowl, he jumped over the pipes and continued chasing after her. Did she have a hideout? Did she know where she was going? He didn't even know where she was going, this side passage wasn't on any of the maps. The passageway was too narrow for him to effectively use full cowl, so he had to increase his overall speed while dodging the bits of metal she was placing in his path.

She wasn't directly attacking him. Did she not want to get in more trouble?

"I said stop!" He finally caught up with her and grabbed onto her arm hard. She stopped running and started to fight. Using her momentum she spun into him, and grabbed onto his arm with both of her hands. He became aware that she was taller than him by at least two inches, and that she was a lot stronger than she looked.

And a lot better of a fighter. She flung him over her shoulders with ease, forcing him onto the ground and knocking the wind out of him. Normally he would have been able to take an attack like this and not even blink. But he had his breath stolen when her hood flew backwards. As bad as it sounded she simply looked too beautiful to be a thief.

Vivid green eyes that shifted from emerald to a deep forest green, complimented her fair skin, and contrasted with her deep red hair. Her hair was long enough to be tucked into the back of the hoodie without coming undone, but it was easily one of the most beautiful colors he had ever seen. Then there was the price tag still sitting on the sweater.

She had stolen the sweater?

Something wasn't adding up.

She stepped around him carefully and continued to run shouting that same word again. Was she really apologizing to him? Maybe she was a lost foreigner?

Guh. Crap. Now he really needed to catch her. It wouldn't do for her to get arrested for no reason!

Izuku scrambled upwards and charged after her again. "Stop!"

She shouted something back at him in that odd language of hers. It wasn't anywhere close to Japanese, nor was it English. And how long was this damn alleyway!

A split fork came up and Izuku found his chance when she stopped to look each way for just a moment. But that chance changed drastically when he saw the look on her face. Shock, fear, and then resolve.

"Grimm!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, entering into a battle stance, a trash can lid flew into her left arm where a metal rod flew into her right hand. She looked to him and pointed with the rod. "Grimm!"

Izuku stopped right next to her and followed her eyes. There, lurking in the alley its black skin roiling like the waves of an ocean coiled around a snake. Claws, limbs, wings, tails, the Nomu had two heads, each one covered thick white bone in the shape of a lion. The Nomu looked at them with both heads growling and then started to charge.

The girl charged back, armed with just a trash can lid and a metal pole. She was fast, she was trained, and when she slammed her make-shift shield into the creature's mouth, she shattered its teeth. Izuku could feel her strength. With someone as beautiful and talented as she was there should be no problem finding someone that knew her!

Oh right, less watching more punching the-

The girl jumped from behind the Nomu spinning in the air and brought down her blunt spear down into its back.

Izuku then realized why she had stolen the hoodie. She was naked. As much as that explained everything, it also raised a lot more questions.

The girl's spear punctured the Nomu's back, but one of the beast's tails lashed her from behind and slammed into her, a red light enveloped her and she shook off the hit like it was nothing. Not that he was one to talk but, how many quirks did this girl have?

Also he really needed to help her!

"Right!" Izuku shouted, hearing his casual clothes tear as he pulled back a punch. Cramped space meant he couldn't go all out. But, he could still beat the tar out of this thing before it dealt any real damage. Its bones cracked under his first punch, the second punch sent it reeling back.

But the girl wasn't done either, an entire dumpster slammed into the creature's back, sending that rod clean through it. She looked at him, her green eyes sparkling as she nodded at him.

Right, teamwork.


Izuku looked over the corpse of the Nomu. It wasn't breathing. It wasn't fighting back or regenerating. What was this one made for? He'd have to find out later. Still, it was defeated. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out one of the beacons Mei had given him and activated it, the little black tube began to spin and shot into the sky.

"Alright, well, that's going to be taken care of." Izuku looked towards the girl who was poking at the Nomu with her metal rod and looking rather confused by the whole ordeal.

She pointed at it and said something that word "Grimm" showing up again.

"It's fine," Izuku walked over and pointed towards the sky. A drone was already showing up to look down at the alley. "See? They're going to come and take it away."

She looked at him, one of her red eyebrows raised and she shook her head flailing her arms and just looking frustrated and confused.

"Right, you have no idea what I'm saying do you?" He sighed and thought about how to communicate with her. Guess it was time to fall back onto movies where stuff like this happened. He pointed towards himself and spoke slowly. "Izuku."

She blinked and smiled, despite the grim and bit of blood on her cheek she really had a beautiful smile. "Pyrrha."

He extended her hand towards her and she stared at it for a moment. Then took it.

It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Now to get her something to actually wear.

AN: Yeah... I kind of got this idea and I uhh.. I NEEEDED IT!

Also, don't say this should be labeled in crossovers when there are like a dozen fics where Izuku is spider man/captain america or any other hero.