
I don't own DxD; I just use its characters and techniques. All credit goes to its creator. Same applies for anything that I used from other animes.

Yeah it's another DxD story but this one will be a fair bit different from my usual story. This one will feature Issei with Ravel Phenex and it will feature a fair bit of Rias bashing. It will be Issei x Harem with Ravel as lead and the other members are TBD but Rias is absolutely not one of them. I ask you guys as politely as possible to not try to lobby for characters because frankly that's extremely annoying but I can promise you that Ravel will be the head. Now get ready for the fun.

(Town of Kuoh)

Issei Hyoudou was current the happiest man of the world or at least that's how he felt. The extremely perverted teen was standing in the middle of Kuoh dressed in a dark blue jacket with a dark polo shirt with red and white on the collar, grey pants and black dress shoes. The reason he was dressed this way was because he was going on his first date with his new girlfriend Yuuma Amano. When the young woman confessed to him out of the blue Issei was stunned and admittedly confused, but he had a girlfriend and he could worry about how he did it later. "This is going to be awesome." Issei said happily ignoring any clear concerns.

"Take this" a voice said calmly before placing a flyer in his hand. Turning towards the voice, Issei saw a teenage girl with messy brown hair dressed in a red top that showed off a healthy amount of cleavage with black accents on her shoulder and a white skirt that showed off her long legs. She had a red bag that most likely held the flyers.

"Oh thanks" Issei said calmly as the girl walked away. Even Issei would admit that it was a strange encounter but he held onto the flyer anyway. A few more minutes passed and Issei was starting to think Yuuma wasn't going to show up.

"You wouldn't happen to be Issei Hyoudou would you." another female voice seemed to ask catching Issei off guard.

"Yes I wou…whoa" Issei tried to reply as he turned towards the new voice, but found himself absolutely stupefied by the person in front of him. It certainly wasn't Yuuma but Issei had to admit that the girl in front of him was much better. She was around his height and had blonde hair tied up in drills with large baby blue eyes but that wasn't the most impressive part about her. No, that would happen to be her outfit which consisted of a red dress that had a diamond cut in the middle which showed off her breasts that were only a little bit smaller than those of his school's idol Rias Gremory and went down to her knees with white shorts underneath black stockings and some red dress shoes.

"So… are you Issei." The girl asked again causing Issei to focus again.

"Yes I am, but I'm sorry miss I'm waiting for my date." Issei said bashfully. This girl was gorgeous but Yuuma was his girlfriend and he was determined to make this work.

"Then I found the right guy. Yuuma came down with a cold and told me to tell you. She figured you wouldn't be too mad if a cute girl like me came to see you and since she's my friend, I figured why not." the girl explained causing Issei to frown.

"I see… well thank you miss." Issei said with an odd expression on his face. He may have never had a girlfriend but she should've told him herself if something was wrong.

"My name is Ravel. How about we hang out for a little bit since Yuuma couldn't make it. I doubt she'll mind too much." The now named Ravel smiled.

Ravel's smile and the fact her body was amazing was enough for Issei to ignore what was bothering him, "Let's do it" Issei said happily. Hey he got dressed for a date and he was going to have one.

(Scene Skip)

Issei and Ravel walked around for a while doing all the things that Issei planned for Yuuma. They went shopping at the local store and Issei even brought her a small blue bird plushie that Ravel thought was cute. Ravel didn't want to accept the gift at first, but Issei felt like he owed the girl for not ruining his day. As they sat down for food after a few hours Issei was exhausted. "I gotta admit Ravel this was an amazing day. I feel kinda bad that Yuuma couldn't join us." Issei admitted as they sat down to eat.

"Yeah it wasn't too bad, but do you mind if I ask you something." Ravel questioned.

"Sure why not" Issei wondered.

"How did you and Yuuma meet in the first place?" Ravel questioned shaking her cleavage slightly to distract Issei from the fact her friend didn't know about a potential boyfriend until now.

"It's funny actually. I was walking back from school one day and she just pops up out of nowhere and asks me out." Issei said bashfully. The distraction clearly worked since he didn't notice how odd it was.

"I see" Ravel said with a slight frown.

"Hey Ravel, mind if I ask you something also?" Issei wondered. The flyer that he got from the girl before Ravel came over was still bothering him.

"Sure" Ravel said with a smile.

Reaching into his pocket Issei grabbed the flyer and showed it to Ravel, "Some weird girl handed me this flyer while I was waiting for you. Did you get one also?" Issei said bashfully pulling the flyer in front of her.

"That's" Ravel's eyes widened causing Issei to get nervous.

"Umm is something wrong." Issei said nervously as he put the flyer back in his pocket.

'Oh yeah something is wrong. Now it all makes sense.' Ravel thought to herself with a frown on her face. Realizing that the guy in front of her was getting nervous, Ravel gathered herself. "Nothing is wrong Issei." Ravel said calmly trying to get the guy in front of her to relax.

"That's good. I actually need to use the bathroom right now." Issei said bashfully getting up from the booth in order to leave. Once she was certain that Issei was gone Ravel's impression turned icy.

(Ravel P.O.V)

As I watched Issei walk away I couldn't believe what was actually happening. This poor kid was given a summoning circle by Rias without him realizing it and if not for my interference, he would've been a devil by the end of the day having been killed by his girlfriend Yuuma who was a disguised fallen angel. When I first got this assignment I never imagined things would get this ridiculous.


Three weeks ago my brother Riser called me into his room and fortunately for me my brother was sitting on a chair dressed in a red robe with nobody else in the room, "Ravel I have a favor to ask you?" Riser said calmly.

"What is it big brother." I replied trying to keep my calm since he was actually being professional for once.

"I've been watching my lovely bride Rias, but my familiar told me that he sensed fallen angels in town."

"So what do you want me to do about it?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.

"I want you to go investigate and see why my beautiful bride hasn't eliminated them already since she surely knows they're around." Riser said calmly.

As far as I was concerned it was a simple task and I needed to get out of the house. "Alright" I replied using a magic circle to teleport to a local park that was empty at the time. It didn't take long to find one of the Fallen Angels who I quickly beat and began to interrogate. It turns out, the Fallen was watching a young man named Issei Hyoudou who apparently had a sacred gear. Now things were getting interesting and although I could tell my brother what I discovered, I figured I'd wait to get more information.

(Scene Skip)

Two weeks passed and I once again returned to the human world in order to see what had happened and I hid as the Fallen Angel I interrogated, spoke to a young man that I assumed was Issei Hyoudou. "What's going on?" I muttered as they separated again. The fact Rias hadn't done anything yet was terrifying especially since she was targeting a human.

For the next week I watched the fallen and Issei in secret and I was furious. The fallen angel walked into the teeth of Rias's territory and nothing happened and it was obvious that Rias wasn't going to do anything to protect Issei from the Fallen Angel's plans whatever they may be. When the fallen asked Issei out on a date a few days ago, I decided to finally act. The day of their date, I ambushed the fallen and killed her before upping my age slightly and changing into a dress that I'm sure somebody would wear on a date and decided to take over for 'Yuuma'. Hopefully Issei bought it.

(Flashback End)


The rest of the date continued in silence with Issei unsure of how to manage the beautiful Ravel and Ravel unsure of how to get the real answers she sought. Issei led Ravel towards the park for a romantic ending in the sunset. Sure he wanted it to be with Yuuma but it would do. "Thank you Ravel but I think we should part ways here." Issei said calmly.

"Why's that" Ravel wondered. He seemed like he was having a good time and the idea of ending it now was a surprise.

"Because Yuuma is my girlfriend and I know she said it was okay, but I feel guilty for spending so much time with you." Issei admitted and that was it for Ravel. She couldn't explain why, but she was going to save Issei even if it meant exposing herself and the supernatural world.

"Okay Issei" Ravel said calmly as she and him stopped where they were.

"Cool, It was nice meeting y-OOMP" Issei continued but before he could give her a proper goodbye, Ravel gave him a powerful punch to the stomach knocking him out instantly.

"You'll thank me later Issei." Ravel said calmly before reaching into his pocket and grabbing the summoning circle he was given. A part of her wanted to destroy it, but she realized that it would actually serve her purposes far better if she kept it.

(Scene Skip)

A groggy Issei opened his eyes wondering what was going on after Ravel knocked him out and why she did so. "Where am I?" Issei groaned as he looked around the room. He quickly noticed a few things. The first was that he was in a bedroom that wasn't his own. He also noticed that his clothes were on besides his jacket.

"Oh good you're up" a voice said haughtily catching Issei off guard. Turning towards the source of the voice Issei had to hold back a boner because of the beauty in front of him. She had shoulder length black hair tied up in Chinese style buns and blue-green eyes but what had Issei was her outfit. She wore a blue qipao with gold accents that showed off not only an incredible pair of legs but a massive pair of breasts as well.

"Holy Chun-Li" Issei gasped not expecting to see somebody who looked like the famous warrior.

The young woman huffed angrily before turning away, "My name is Xuelan human, and you're in Lady Ravel's bed."

Issei was confused by a few things, but realized that the young woman referenced his date, "Where is Ravel." Issei said calmly putting the Lady part to the side.

"Wait here" Xuelan huffed before leaving the room. As Issei waited for Ravel's arrival the bad feeling he got from before returned. Yuuma wasn't sick and this Ravel girl did something with her and she was going to do the same to him. Ten minutes later, the door opened to reveal Ravel though she was in a pink dress this time. It wasn't as eye popping as her other one but it still looked pretty nice.

"Hello Issei." Ravel said calmly.

"Hello there fake date number two" Issei said with a bit of spite as he got up from the bed slightly in order to talk to the girl he spent most of the afternoon with.

"Of all things you could have said I certainly didn't expect you to say fake date number two" Ravel chuckled.

Issei's eyes narrowed before he began to speak, "I hate to admit it but Yuuma always seemed off. As for why you're fake date number 2, you clearly did something to Yuuma before coming to meet with me." Issei smirked.

"You certainly weren't complaining during our date." Ravel scoffed in annoyance.

"That's because I wanted to figure out what you were after. I'm pretty sure most girls wouldn't send their best friend to tell her boyfriend she wasn't feeling well." Issei replied with a frown.

Ravel frowned since Issei was right. "You're right that I did something to Yuuma, but telling you would change your life forever and not in a good way. I can tell you now or we can part ways and forget this happened." Ravel said firmly giving Issei an ultimatum.

Issei frowned since that meant whatever purpose Ravel seemed to have for getting involved she achieved. "Alright, since I imagine wherever we are isn't close to Kuoh can you take me home" Issei said calmly as he got up. He knew something was off but now wasn't the time to question it.

"Of course" Ravel replied and she knocked Issei unconscious again before placing her own summoning circle in Issei's pocket and a note that explained how they could meet again.

(Scene Skip)

The good mood Issei had right before his date was completely gone the next morning. He was fortunate that everything that happened with Ravel took up around an hour so he didn't have to explain much to his parents considering the complex situation he found himself in. When he woke up in the park, he checked his pocket and noticed that he had a slightly different flyer along with a note from Ravel that said that if he wanted answers to hold onto it and focus his mind. Oddly enough the other flyer was gone which was even more suspicious.

"Issei you have a visitor." His mother shouted breaking him from his musing.

"Okay" Issei groaned as he made his way downstairs wondering who could be bothering him now. As he arrived in his living room Issei was absolutely stunned to find that it was Rias Gremory dressed in the Kuoh uniform.

"So Issei care to tell us what you've done that this young woman is coming to see you on a Sunday morning."

"I don't know" Issei shrugged but as he looked towards Rias he noticed that she was anything but calm. She was practically shocked by his presence and that bothered him more than he cared to admit.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Hyoudou I think I got the wrong address. I apologize for bothering you on the Sunday morning" Rias said bashfully before leaving the house.

"What was that about?" Issei's mother questioned.

"I don't know but I don't like it" Issei frowned as he returned to his room. Something stunk and he needed answers and there was only one way to do it.

(Scene Skip)

Ravel Phenex was a very unhappy person as she sat in her room the day after the fake date in her classic pink dress but unlike during her date with Issei she was notably younger. "I don't get it. He was normal." Ravel frowned. As they walked, Ravel confirmed that Issei's gear was dragonic in nature but whatever it was wasn't awake. The fact that her brother's fiancée would go through the trouble of having the fallen angels kill the young man drove her nuts though that would no longer be a problem. While Issei was unconscious, Ravel took it upon herself to finish off the fallen angels in the church and luckily she did so without anybody noticing.

All of the sudden Ravel felt a small tug and she couldn't help but smile since it meant Issei wanted answers. Aging herself again, Ravel allowed the flyer to summon her to see Issei. When she arrived at the small bedroom she wasn't surprised at all by the décor since she knew he was a pervert from her observations, "So what happened that would make you call me so quickly Issei." Ravel wondered.

"I received a visit from Rias Gremory this morning. She was pretty shocked to see me and I get the feeling you know why." Issei said coldly. Ravel was clearly part of something occult which made sense but the fact that she was summoned via a similar flyer to the one he got from the cosplayer screamed of trouble.

Ravel's expression changed from a smile to a frown since Issei hit the nail on the head, "Yes I do and I was afraid that was the case." Ravel frowned before snapping her fingers to cast a privacy barrier. She wouldn't want his parents getting involved.

"So what's going on, and be honest with me Ravel?" Issei requested.

Ravel nodded before bringing out her devil wings, "My name is Ravel Phenex and I'm actually a devil."

"You're very pretty for a devil." Issei admitted causing Ravel to blush at his blunt response.

"Focus Issei. The reason I'm here is because that girl Yuuma was targeting you due to what's called a Sacred Gear. Sacred Gears are."

"Let me guess, magical artifacts that appear in some humans but not all of them." Issei interrupted.

"Correct but how'd you know." Ravel replied almost astonished by how quickly he figured it out.

"I play a lot of video games and eroge and Sacred Gears sounds like something I'd find in one of them." Issei replied before a frown formed on his face. "Let me guess. Rias and Yuuma were also interested in my sacred gear."

Ravel didn't like how perceptive he was but she still answered the question, "Sort of. Yuuma was trying to kill you before your sacred gear awakened, as for Rias"

"She was waiting for Yuuma to kill me and she was going to revive me afterwards somehow." Issei interrupted.

"That's right. Rias wanted to make you her servant but she couldn't risk you saying no." Ravel said bitterly. She actually liked Rias, but the fact that she would go this far was a bit disturbing.

"I have just one more question for now." Issei asked calmly the annoyance flowing through him body.

"Of course." Ravel replied. She brought Issei down this rabbit hole and she was going to see it through to the end despite the fact nothing seemed to come of it.

"How do I activate this sacred gear of mine?" Issei wondered.

"Why would you want to do that?" Ravel asked in shock.

"I need to know what I have that would make Yuuma want to kill me, and make Rias apparently allow it to happen." Issei said with a fierce determination in his eyes.

Ravel could appreciate the determination and admittedly she was curious as well. "Alright Issei, here's what you do. I want you to think of something extremely powerful and focus on your left arm. That's where your sacred gear is that much I do know." Ravel suggested since she really wasn't sure of how to activate one. None of her brother's peerage had sacred gears and she didn't interact much with other devils her age.

"Okay" Issei said calmly. He remembered Dragon Ball Z one of the few shows that he watched that wasn't' porn and remembered watching Goku power up. Standing up he tried to imagine what it was like to go super saiyan and hoped that would do the trick.

Ravel could instinctively sense something appearing on his arm and all of the sudden there was a powerful shine. When she noticed what appeared on his arm she could barely contain the smile on her face, 'Man am I glad I got to you first Issei.' Ravel thought to herself. Oh Rias would regret screwing this up and Ravel was about to make the Phenex clan one of the most powerful clans in the Underworld once she pulled the new Red Dragon Emperor to their side.

That's it for the Prologue everybody and the fun is about to begin. Next time Issei tries to figure out more about what's going on and he's not happy at all.