A/N: I don't own any anime or manga, except copies of Death Note.

Also Manga spoiler warnings

This fic doesn't exactly have a pretty first chapter so that's the warning. Like it goes from happy to Oh Fuck! Real quick.

Izuku Midoriya fell out of the tree, any four year old would really, his hands couldn't hold onto much but he still somehow got as high as he did in the tree. Luckily it wasn't high enough to hurt when he fell out, he did still have that little kid luck when it came to not hurting himself.

However another kid in the park saw him fall and she panicked.

"Are you okay?" The girl ran up to the green haired boy upside down in the dirt.

Izuku looked up at her and felt his breath leave again. He was young and didn't know much, but this girl was exactly that word his dad would use towards his mom all the time, and also being a four year old he still had no filter to stop him from saying everything in his mind. "You're beautiful."

The girl looked as confused as possible. "What?"

Izuku rolled over into his stomach and stood up, eye level with the girl. Her dual colored eyes were pretty, one was gray and one was turquoise. Her hair was also two different colors, being white on the fight half and red on the left side. "I said you're beautiful. Sorry."

The girl remembered what the words meant, hearing her mother talk about flowers that were beautiful before. A blush forming in her face. "It's okay." She did like his wild emerald green hair and equally green eyes. "So you are fine?"

Izuku rubbed the dirt off of his knees. "Yep! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" He put his hand out like his dad does when he greets people.

The girl accepted the hand hesitantly. "I'm Shoko Todoroki." She looked at the tree. "Why were you climbing the tree?"

"Ummmmm I saw it and thought I could climb it. Then I fell off." Izuku scratched his head.

Shoko didn't know how to respond, or actually speak normally with most kids. Because of the way her father was raising her she never really got to experience much, except this exception where her father wasn't in town so her mother took her to the park. "Is it... normal to climb the trees?"

Izuku looked at her confused. "I think. I like it. Have you ever climbed a tree?"

Shoko shook her head. "I don't really leave my house."

Izuku pointed to the tree. "I can teach you to climb the tree."

Shoko looked nervous. "I don't know if I can." She looked behind her to her mother a couple of meters away, who was watching. Her mother waved her off, allowing her to go with the boy and climb the tree. "I guess I could."

The green haired boy smiled. "Okay. Here is the first step. You get near the tree and grab it like this." Izuku jumped at the tree and grasped it. Shoko tried to mimic Izuku and did it almost successfully, slipping with one hand, but not falling. "Hey you got this!" Izuku cheered her on.

Shoko smiled slightly. "This is fun."

A hour later of fun for the two and Shoko had to leave.

"Bye Izuku!" Shoko smiled as she waved to him, being led by her mother away from the boy.

"Bye Shoko!" Izuku waved back. His father was coming over so it was time for him to go as well.

They both didn't know if they would see each other again. The next time they would see each other it would be as two broken souls.

"Did you have fun?" Hisashi Midoriya asked his son as he carried him on his shoulders.

"I climbed a tree!" Izuku exclaimed.

"I saw. Did you enjoy your new friend?"

Izuku nodded. "She was fun!"

"I bet." Hisashi loved his son's enthusiasm, always so energetic and happy. "So are you ready for our trip to the doctor?"

"Yea! I will get to know what my quirk is! I bet it's awesome like yours!" Izuku said.

"I bet it will be amazing. Your mother is going to meet us there." Hisashi said.

Izuku was a late bloomer for his quirk as fair as his parents know, he didn't grow a mutation quirk as he still looked like past generations. He most likely had an emitter type quirk. They would find out when they got to the doctor's.

The doctor stared at the syringe in confusion. He had just drawn blood and it wasn't red, it was almost clear, with little specks of white in it.

"What's wrong Yuga?" Hisashi asked the doctor.

"It's odd, but I think I found your son's quirk before the test." The doctor held up the syringe.

The Midoriyas all looked at the clear liquid.

"Is that my blood?" Izuku wanted to poke the container. He always thought blood was red, so why was his not?

"Indeed it is. I have never seen a quirk like this." The doctor stated. "I have no idea what your quirk entails but your blood is definitely affected by it. Quirk tests are normally started in the blood, as all quirks leave strands of DNA in the blood, the coding for it. Since his blood is unique it might take a minute. Let me start working on the file. Blood quirks are vastly different to handle, and this is the first time I have seen blood like this." The doctor wheeled over in his chair to his computer, typing away.

Minutes later a ping went off and a man with a crazed look in his eyes ran to his computer. Staring at the screen of information he gained a sinister grin. He read the address of the doctor's lab where the final piece of his masterpiece was located. Finally he can make the ultimate weapon and take down his rival.

All he had to do was go to Musutafu.

"So what can you tell us about his quirk?" Hisashi asked the doctor after they ran some tests. Izuku playing with his action figure that was actually one of his dad, who was a Pro Hero by the name of Spitfire, known for his flame breath quirk.

The doctor passed Hisashi and Inko papers. "It seems like where he normally would hold the DNA coding for his quirk it is actually empty, and larger than what a normal person would be able to have."

"What does this mean?" Inko asked.

"Well to put it in less complex words, picture each quirk as something that takes one slot. His quirk seems to have multiple slots as it would be. He actually does have a boosted healing factor from it."

"My son could have multiple quirks?" Hisashi raised both of his eyebrows.

"I am not sure how it works per say, but I can always contact a friend who has better understanding of quirks at that level. His quirk definitely is unique. It doesn't fall under his old blood type anymore, it seems to be a class all of its own."

"Awesome!" Izuku remarked.

"When do you want us to come back for the next test?" Hisashi kept his copy if the papers.

"You can drop by on..." The doctor checked his calendar. "Does next Tuesday at one in the afternoon work?"

Hisashi and Inko both nodded. "That works."

"Wonderful, let me do just a little more checking and finishing these notes before we are done for the day. There might be little tricks to little Midoriya's blood that we don't know."

Izuku perked up. "Like what?"

"Why don't we find out." The doctor held a new syringe. "May I take another sample to test fire resistance, or toxin resistance?"

Izuku nodded, letting the doctor prick him for another sample of the clear liquid. The doctor set the new sample aside on a cart and nodded. "Let me just put some stuff aside and you can leave."

"Dad." Izuku started poking his father. "Does this mean I can't breath fire?"

Hisashi ruffled his son's hair. "Probably not... Or yes...? You're quirk is a mystery to us right now son. How about this. Umm Doc Aken. You said that the slots of DNA in his blood were empty right?"

Dr Aken nodded. "Correct. What's your idea?"

"Well if the DNA space for quirks in his blood is empty, theoretically shouldn't it be possible to pass on a compatible quirk into his blood?" Hisashi asked.

Dr Aken leaned back in his chair, tapping his lower lip with the end of his pen. "Theoretically it might be possible to slide as DNA that is compatible into the blood." Dr Aken paused. "However... the sort of science is beyond anything I know of at this point. Izuku might have a quirk ahead of its time for all we know."

Hisashi ruffled Izuku's hair again. "Told you that you would get something special."

"I'm going to be the best hero!" Izuku jumped up happily. "Wait til Kacchan hears this!"

Inko grinned at her son. "I'm sure he will like it."

Hisashi held up another empty syringe. "Any chance I can store some if my own blood with my quirk's coding in case we do have the opportunity?"

Dr Aken nodded. "Certainly, this will be a good test. If his quirk does accept other quirk DNA sequences then we will be closer to the next stage of quirks as we know it." The doctor took some blood from Hisashi. "After you get that covered you are free to go."

"I want anything that lab has on this boy. Do you all understand me?" The crazed man snapped, glaring at the people around him in the van.

"Yes sir!" The men all saluted, not wanted to test the fragile patience of their leader.

"I want this quirk, and I will be DAMNED if that bastard Garaki gets this before me." The man pointed at three of the men. "You three will take anything that lab has learned since it was discovered an hour ago, and erase everything they have on it once we have stolen it for ourselves. Kill the doctor who discovered this." He pointed at four more. "You four are with me. I am getting that boy and nothing will stand in my way."

Outside Hisashi carried Izuku on his shoulders to the car.

"Well that was something wasn't it Izu?" Inko said as she got in the passenger side front seat.

"Yea!" Izuku said as Hisashi buckled him into his seat.

"Definitely something to brag to Kacchan about." Inko said.

"Kacchan is going to think it's awesome!" Izuku said.

Hisashi started the car and began to drive. "It's definitely something. You might even overshadow my quirk in our family."

"Can we have Katsudon!?" Izuku asked excitedly.

"Definitely." Hizashi nodded.

That's when everything went wrong.

A giant black van slammed into the car, hitting the passenger side and flipping the car.

Hisashi groaned as his eyes regained focus. The car was upside down, his windshield covered in many cracks.

"Inko!?" Hisashi quickly looked to his wife. She was still buckled into her seat, but blood was coming from a gash along the side of her face. Hisashi immediately panicked but he still had to check on his son. "Izuku!?" He groaned as he turned in his seat to look behind him. His son was safely strapped into his seat, but a bruise and some cuts covered him and he was unconscious. Hisashi groaned as he struggled with his seatbelt, burning through it with his flame breath. He crawled out of the car, groaning, before turning and trying to grab his wife.

"GET THE BOY NOW!" A deep voice shouted.

Hisashi turned to see the van that had hit them had multiple men coming out in full body black armor and masks. Were they after his son? Why?

Hisashi stood up and glared at the approaching men. "Stay away from my family."

A slim man who's mask didn't cover his crazy grey hair stepped in front of the others. "Ah Hisashi Midoriya, the famed Pro Hero Spitfire. You don't know it now but your bloodline will be an amazing part of history." The man made a motion with his hands. "If you would kindly hand over your son there won't be anymore harm done." The man was lying and everyone knew it.

Hisashi let his flames rear to life, the flames making his fireproof insides glow a bright orange. "I'd rather die than let you touch my son." It must have been about Izuku's quirk, but how did they know so quickly?

The man laughed as he removed his white gloves. "That is quite within the intentions I have." His hands were actually skeletal, as if made completely from bone. His fingers began to extend into longer sharp claws. "Get the boy while I get rid of this trash stopping progress." The man leapt through the air at Hisashi, who began to shoot flames out of his mouth to burn the man out of the sky.

The man cross his arms to protect his face from the flames, knowing his gear would protect him from the flames. He swiped at Hisashi, who caught the man's arm and swung him over his head, slamming the man into the ground. Before Hisashi could attack again the man moved and swiped his claws at Hisashi, slashing his leg.

"Hnngh!" Hisashi groaned as he fell to a knee, the cuts not being shallow at all.

Hisashi slammed a fist into the man's mask, shattering the glass over the left eye. This hit didn't come without a price as the man cut up Hisashi's right forearm.

Hisashi spat out more fire as he didn't relent any part of his assault. The man wouldn't back down from anything either, continuing to get a few cuts into Hisashi. The back and forth ended when the man swept Hisashi's legs and the fire hero fell over.

"Could have down this the easy way, less painful death." The man stood over the bleeding Hisashi. "You can't stop progress." He prepared to slash Hisashi's throat, but a painful ripping in his hand stopped him from doing it. "AAHH!" His fingers all actually got ripped off of his left hand.

"Get away from my husband asshole!" Inko weakly stood up, having made her own way out of the car.

"Inko! Take Izuku and get out of here!" Hisashi kicked the man who was still in shock over his fingers. Hisashi releasing flames at the other men who were after his son. Standing weakly on his one leg.

"Hisashi..." Inko took a breath as she went for Izuku, who was still unconscious.

"GO!" Hisashi said, not wanting to waste a second he slammed into another one of the men, throwing him into the concrete.

Inko nodded and took Izuku in her arms, running quickly.

Hisashi stood in between these men and his family, and he knew he wouldn't allow them to touch them as long as he breathed. He could hear sirens as someone must have called the police about this villain attack.

"Mr Midoriya." The leader spoke, no longer caring about his loss of fingers on his right hand, he could always make replacements. "If you move out of the way I promise your death will be quick."

Hisashi grit his teeth, forcing every bit of his quirk to go off. "SUN FLAMES!" Hisashi shouted as he sent out a large amount of flames, almost white in color and the heat could be felt for blocks, as well as the brightness of the flames. Hisashi couldn't see through his flames to know if he got them all but he could only hope he did.

However fate wasn't on Hisashi's side as he felt multiple stabs into his throat, pouring out blood and making breathing impossible.

The man with gray hair removed his claw like fingers from Hisashi's throat. "You can't stop progress." The man pushed Hisashi over, the hero collapsing onto the street, a pool of his crimson blood forming around him.

"FIND THAT BOY!" The gray haired man roared to his still able bodied grunts. He would not lose his golden piece of the puzzle.

Inko ran harder than she had before, only stopping a few blocks away when she felt the heat and saw the bright flash of a huge fire behind her. Knowing it was Hisashi she started to sob knowing he was out numbered and the situation was not easy.

"Mom?" Inko felt her heart skip a beat when she heard her son speak, waking up from the accident. "What happened?"

"Sweetie everything is okay." Inko said as she covered her son's face, putting it in her chest so he couldn't see how badly she was hurt.

"Where's dad?" Izuku asked, he remembered getting happy about dinner and know he felt hurt, and itchy.

"He will be back I promise." Inko felt her nerves tearing her apart as she tried to console her son. "Just keep your eyes shut and try to think of how Kacchan is going to react to your quirk."

Izuku nodded, even though his mind wouldn't stop trying to wonder what was happening and why his mom sounded scared.

"GIVE ME THAT BOY!" Inko heard the voice of that evil man shout. She didn't dare think of the implications of him now being after her and what it meant for Hisashi, or how he even found them. A van swung itself a few meters in front of her and stopped, the back opening and a few more of the men in masks jumped out, blocking her path.

"What do you want with my son?" Inko gripped Izuku tightly. Stepping back a few steps.

"Your son is the final piece of my golden puzzle." The man took a few steps towards Inko, drops of his blood dripping off of his fingerless left hand. "I won't hesitate to make you join your husband in a painful way."

Inko was surrounded, she had no real hero training, and she doubted that man would let her live no matter what. She had a few years stream down her face and noticed the alley beside her, seeing one if two options at that point, she went with the one that would give Izuku at least some time. Putting Izuku down sue pushed him towards the alley.

"Izu run!" Inko shouted.

Izuku got confused but quickly began to run through the alley, not questioning his mother's tone.

Inko turned her back to the alley, tears rolling down her face. "You won't touch my baby while I can still stand here!"

The man glared at her, the last obstacle between him and his prize. "You won't be alive when I get him." He approached Inko.

Inko used her final moment to wish someone would protect her son.

Izuku stopped down the alley, turning around to see if his mom had followed, and he wished he hadn't turned around. Seeing his mother fall to the ground made Izuku start to cry, realizing the severity of the situation he was in. Bad men were after him, and they hurt his parents who were defending him. He couldn't waste the actions of his parents and turned back and ran farther into the alleys.

"GET HIM!" Izuku heard a voice shout from behind him.

He still kept running, trying to take different paths to not be easily found.

Sadly he was four, and as such had way smaller legs than the grown men, one of which actually had a speed based quirk. The guard ran up on Izuku and chopped at the back of his neck, making the boy fall over. The man grabbed Izuku by his arm tightly, grabbing a walkie-talkie with the other.

"I have him commander." The guard spoke into the device.

Izuku struggled as hard as the four year old could. "Let me go!"

The guard smacked Izuku over the head hard. "Quiet you!" Izuku started to cry as he still struggled. "Quit struggling or I will give you something worse to cry over!"

"You shall not harm my golden piece!" The gray haired man ordered as he came into view. Eyeing the boy he grinned. "You are going to help me revolutionize the world as we know it boy." The man gave Izuku a crazy grin through his shattered mask, before injecting Izuku with a serum to knock him out.

All Might has seen many bad scenes over the years. Villains would always turn to twisted acts to get what they want to achieve, but every time it left a pit in his stomach. This time was no exception.

"It seems like the unknown villains attacked as they were going through the intersection." Detective Tsukauchi said as he pointed to the street the van first came from. "A witness claimed they had a leader with gray hair not hidden by his mask. The man was reported to be after who was implied to be the son, Izuku Midoriya."

All Might looked at the black tarp covering the body of someone he had considered an excellent hero, Hisashi Midoriya, the number nine Pro Hero Spitfire, had passed away from his wounds. It sickened him that such a great man died in the street in cold blood, seen by many of the people Hisashi himself had worked hard to protect from a similar fate. "Where is the wife and son?" All Might asked. He had met the Midoriyas at one point, such a lovely family that didn't deserve a horrible event.

"I sent a few squad cars and Kamui Woods down that way." Tsukauchi pointed down a street. "Inko Midoriya fled that way with her son at the order of Spitfire, who held back the villains before they..." Tsukauchi, as much as he tried to be a man of control, choked on his words. Almost every law official and hero in Musutafu knew Hisashi, the man night not have been the number one hero in Japan, but he had the hearts of everyone who lived in Musutafu. Tsukauchi wiped a year.

All Might out a hand on Tsukauchi's shoulder. "You don't have to say it." All Might started walking down the street towards where the living Midoriyas were last seen. "I will find them." All Might used his incredible strength to run so fast he was a blur, trying to spot anything that would help him find the Midoriyas.

Instead of a clue he found a Midoriya, Inko Midoriya to be exact. He had arrived at the same time as Kamui Woods, who was covering the woman with a tarp.

"We didn't make it in time." Kamui grit his teeth. "The son isn't here."

All Might looked around, the woman had passed in front of the alley, was there a chance that the boy could have fled? He doubted it but he still had to check, because if the boy was there and he didn't search he wouldn't forgive himself.

"I'm going to search the area." All Might stated as he ran into the alleys.

But Izuku had already been taken, it was too late.

The next day was a quiet one in Musutafu Japan. The announcement of the tragedy the night before had spread all over Japan of the death of Musutafu's prized hero Spitfire, the death of his wife, and kidnapping of his son. A lab that was reported as where quirk tests were happening on Izuku was also attacked, luckily no one was harmed too bad there, only the files on the son were stolen. Musutafu had a day of silence in respect of their beloved hero and his family, everyone praying that Izuku Midoriya would be found and taken into safety.

A family known as the Bakugos were taking it the hardest in the city, being close friends of the Midoriya's. No one questioned it at all when Mitsuki Bakugo couldn't so much as leave her bedroom being such a mess. Katsuki Bakugo, known as Kacchan among other four year olds as the nickname the missing Izuku Midoriya would call him, had shut in also, not wanting to talk to anyone.

Izuku woke back up, strapped to a chair in what looked like a doctor's office.bGe didn't speak out of fear, his last memory being of that horrible man poking him with a syringe with something in it.

"You're awake finally." Izuku heard the man speak from behind him. "Good, I was getting anxious to begin."

"What do you want with me?" Izuku tried to move his arms.

"Don't try it, I tightened more than your little arms could break out of. What I want with you is science. You are a key to the future." The man walked in front of Izuku and he could see his real face. A large burn covering his left cheek, and two crazed purple eyes were the first things Izuku noticed. "Your quirk is the next step in evolution, and I want to use it to guide humanity correctly. Even if they don't want it."

Izuku felt a shiver down his spine listening to this man talk, he was obviously crazy. "How?"

"Quirks take up space, just like any strand of DNA that make humans what we are, but you," The man jabbed Izuku with a syringe he had, drawing out the boys unique blood. "Have much more space than anyone, as if your blood is just eager to take its place in history as the first of the next line."

Izuku watched as the man took the contents of the syringe poured them into a vial. "What are you going to do with me?"

"You are going to become the first of many." The man said as he took notes. "Izuku Midoriya is dead, you are now weapon 78."

Five years later

Oboro Shirakumo couldn't take it anymore. He had been kidnapped and used as a test subject by this crazed man, who he learned was named Maruta Shiga. An evil man if there ever was one. He apparently wanted to creat a super weapon to help guide humanity into the next era as he called it. Oboro didn't know what it was but he could hear screaming somewhere in the complex he was hidden, pained screaming of someone who sounded too young to even know life was like this.

It burned into Oboro that he wanted to help the poor soul who was being harmed, but he could never escape his confinement, trapped in a room to be used as a guinea pig for blood that the bastard Maruta claimed was the key to the future. The blood if it could be called that was not even red like everyone else's, it was almost like liquid glass. It made him sick and that itself infuriated Maruta, claiming that humans couldn't just accept the next step of evolution. Oboro could never get so much out of Maruta to find out what was going on, one time asking what the screaming was and receiving an answer of "Cries of the future."

Oboro needed out. He needed to save whoever was screaming, day in and day out.

Maruta entered the room, his crazed purple eyes looking at Oboro with disgust. "I have one final test with you, and if you can't handle it I will dispose of you." Maruta didn't wait for an answer before he began to wheel Oboro, who was strapped to a wheelchair, out of his cell and down a hall. "I can not waste my golden piece on such tests, so I must use you."

Oboro didn't know who the golden piece was, perhaps the person always screaming? He couldn't asked because Maruta had gagged him a week ago. He was wheeled into a viewing room, and on the other side of the glass was a boy who was barely ten, covered in soaked rags and looking like he was dragged through hell to be there. This must have been the person who was always screaming.

"You are going to be the first subject I test on this specific matter, so bravo." Maruta stated as he cleaned off a syringe, stepping to a door into the other room. "I need protection of my golden egg, and if I did my tests right you shall be that protection, wether your mind accepts it or not." Oboro watched as Maruta put the syringe in the boy's arm, pulling out clear liquid from the vein, making Oboro realize this boy has the blood that Maruta seems to worship, in his twisted way. The boy didn't fight it, as if he had stopped struggling long ago. Maruta walked back into the room with Oboro. "As much as it pains me to bring unnecessary harm to my egg, I need your mind to only want to stop that pain from coming to him." Maruta pressed a button and buzzed in a guard of his, who walked up to the boy. Maruta put some equipment on Oboro, including making sure he couldn't look away from the boy on the other side of the glass, and injected the clear blood into Oboro's arm.

"Begin the procedure." Maruta announced to his guard, who began to torture the boy.

Oboro struggled with his binds, wanting to stop the man from harming an innocent boy, ignoring the sickness he felt in his chest.

Maruta grinned sickly as his experiment was working so far.

"Damned filth!" Maruta screamed. Striking the body of Oboro Shirakumo, who had died two thirds of the way through his test, his body not handling the blood of his golden piece. No person he could find could handle the blood and it infuriated Maruta.

"GET HIM OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Maruta shouted at his guard, who had stopped his torturing of the boy. His golden egg lying on the floor breathing heavily and crying quietly.

The guard heaved the bag with Oboro's body into the back of the van. Planning on taking it to a separate facility to keep for future use.

"May I ask what is in the bag?" A chilling voice came from behind the guard. The guard turned as saw a towering man in a suit stood there. The guard didn't even know how he got there behind him.

"It's just trash." The guard answered.

"You're lying. I don't appreciate lying." The man said.

"What are you even doing here? This is private property!" The guard remembered and drew his weapon.

The man didn't even react. "I wanted to check on an old acquaintance. However I now doubt he would be hospitable judging by your reaction." The man took a step forward. "Perhaps I can let you live if you give me that body."

The guard's eyes widened, how did he know?

"Don't bother lying. I have an acute sense of hearing and I can firmly tell you that that man is not dead. However I feel like he might not want to be around you people anymore if you shove him into a bag without properly checking if he is alive." The man clapped his hands. "Hop to it. I don't have much longer before my patience wears out."

The guard didn't lower his gun, how was a guy with nothing on him going to intimidate him?

"Tch. I was hoping that someone might have sensibility." The man sighed before he flashed forward towards the guard, knocking him into the ground with his immense strength, breaking several if the guard's bones. "Apparently I was wrong." He stomped on the guard's windpipe, cutting off anymore breathing.

The man looked at the bag, he could feel a useful quirk in the man there, perhaps his friend Doctor Garaki could make use of this man.

"Whatever this is, All For One... It is amazing!" Kyudai Garaki exclaimed as he continued to look at the vial of clear liquid extracted from his new test subject.

"How so?" All For One asked, he hasn't seen Kyudai get this excited in a while.

"It's extraordinary! It's like blood, but a whole over level. You know how quirks leave coding in their DNA found in blood correct?" All For One nodded. "It's like this liquid is aware of that, and attempted to make itself much much more! I think this blood is capable of holding as many quirks as your own quirk!"

All For One got surprised, has another quirk like All For One unearthed itself? "Is it this man's?"

Kyudai shook his head. "That bastard Shiga must have engineered this. The man on the table here must have been a test subject."

"Why did the man almost die?" All For One had a pretty good idea why but he wasn't the doctor here.

"This fluid seems picky, if I had to say it might not want to have symbiosis with anything."

"Can we make it have symbiosis with this man?" All For One figured this could be their first Nomu as Kyudai wanted to call them.

"I believe I can make it work yes. The man didn't die yet and I left some of it in his bloodstream." Kyudai took the vial of clear liquid and put it on the table with the body of Oboro. "However I believe that this man might need the entire batch to keep him stable."

All For One tried to see if he could absorb the unique blood, however it seemed to refuse to let him absorb it's powers, he couldn't feel even a slight pull on it. Perhaps it was just a serum, he should find out eventually if he could find the person who had this quirk and take it from them, or get them to switch sides.

Two years later

Maruta looked on the other side of the glass, proud of his latest leap forward on possibly the greatest project he will ever have. Through a combination of quirks, that on their own would be useless, he had made his first version of his ultimate enforcer.

The clear blood with more white specks than before all over the other room did nothing to disrupt his belief of the beauty of the moment.

"Excellent." Maruta grinned. "Send more guards to contain him." He looked to the lab assistant next to him. "He won't go back down without a fight."

The only problem Maruta saw with his golden project is how the boy still had that spark of fight in him. All happiness, kindness and other emotions long since dead throughout the years he was a test subject. However he still seemed to have that spark, it held up the boy's will that wouldn't bend at all to Maruta. The boy would comply with tests by all means, learning the hard way that not complying meant he would get punished. But the boy still had his willpower to keep his mind his own, instead of the puppet or willing enforcer Maruta wanted him to be. It didn't matter, he could always take four more years if he did his math right, to completely shatter the boy's mind into a puppet.

And then he would truly be the ultimate weapon.

Three years later

All For One breathed deeply through his life support system he had become confined to for the last four years.

"Kurogiri." All For One pressed a button to use an intercom, summoning his loyal follower.

A swirl of dark mist appeared in the room before Kurogiri stepped out. His yellow glowing eyes focused on All For One. "You need me master?"

"Yes. Tomura should know that you will be gone for the afternoon once I give you your task."

"What will you have me do?" Kurogiri asked.

"You remember me telling you of that place we found you?" All For One grabbed a piece of paper.

"Yes. How they tortured me and you freed me." Kurogiri nodded.

"I want you to find anything you can on a clear liquid that is like blood. I want it to be ours. Destroy the place if you see fit. Leave them nothing."

Kurogiri nodded, taking the paper with the address and memorizing it. "It shall be done." Kurogiri disappeared in a swirl of dark mist.

Kurogiri entered the compound, feeling a sense of déjà vu as he looked at the empty corridor. Feeling that he should go farther in he stopped when he heard a scream of pain. The scream resonating something inside of him and made him want to go protect the person. He quickly made his way there, avoiding guards with ease as they were lax this far in the compound. Finding his way to a security room and dispatching the guard in it he was able to find the source of the screaming. It was a boy with white and green hair, being what could easily be described as beaten beyond need. Seeing that boy in particular being in pain made something in Kurogiri's blood boil.

Suddenly Kurogiri had a memory he did not remember pop back into his head.

"As much as it pains me to bring unnecessary harm to my egg, I need your mind to only want to stop that pain from coming to him." A crazed looking man spoke to Kurogiri as he pressed a button and buzzed in a guard of his, who walked up to the boy. Maruta put some equipment on Kurogiri, including making sure he couldn't look away from the boy on the other side of the glass, and injected the clear blood into Kurogiri's arm.

"Begin the procedure." The gray haired man announced to his guard, who began to torture the boy.

Kurogiri didn't know why he had that memory, maybe it was blocked off from trauma? Even knowing that the need he felt to protect the boy was implanted he still needed to get that boy away from these monsters. He couldn't return him to All For One because he had a moment of doubt that All For One woul be kind to this boy. He also needed to destroy proof that this boy's blood was the actual liquid, and that the liquid wasn't more than just a serum concocted by Maruta Shiga.

Kurogiri looked at some papers and read them, finding a name for the boy, Izuku Midoriya or Weapon 78 as Maruta wrote down. Kurogiri remembered taking walks around Musutafu and knowing that Midoriya was the name belonging to the late hero Spitfire, someone Musutafu still grieves over a decade later. Perhaps he can call in and have them raid this compound, freeing the boy. However he needed to make sure the boy would be free.

He fell to the floor, cracking his jaw that immediately healed itself.

"For a weapon you sure are weak." the guard laughed as he adjusted his grip on his staff. "However your healing is definitely something."

He couldn't take it anymore, the constant pain, tests on him, loss of blood, and endless torture had finally reached a tipping point. He used the strength they have him and broke out of his binds, jumping up at the guard, large pointed bones erupting from his forearms that he stabbed into the guard's chest.

Kurogiri's eyes widened as the boy snapped on camera, he would have to act insanely fast.

Maruta stepped back towards the hall. "Confine him and we will continue tomorrow." Maruta stepped into the hall and down to his office.

The boy tensed up as two more guards entered, both carrying rifles.

"Stand down 78!" One guard ordered.

The boy didn't comply to his pseudo name from them. Instead pointing his hands with his fingers out at the guards, his last joints all shooting out like bullets and piercing them in multiple places.

"Bastard!" One guard yelled as he grabbed a vest and jumped at 78, intent on getting the device on him to stun him and put him down.

The boy dodged with high speed and another jagged bone erupted from his right arm, which he pulled out with his left hand and stabbed into the guard's side. he followed it up by pulling the bone out and stabbing it into the guard's temple, killing him.

"78 Stand down!" The last guard ordered.

"AAHH!" The boy screamed as he began to attack the man, who didn't last nearly as long as his ally.

The boy was shaking with rage but he was trapped in the room, it being meant to contain him in a situation like this.

A swirl of mist appeared in front of him.

"Please step through the mist." A voice said. "If you want to get back at them that is the way."

The boy didn't hesitate to jump through the mist, ending up in the hallway outside of his containment room.

"WE HAVE A BREACH!" A guard shouted before the boy attacked him.

Kurogiri knew the boy would do alright for a few minutes, next he had to alert the law enforcement in the area so they can make sure the boy is safe after the night is over.

Every single person in the precinct tensed up when a swirl if dark mist appeared and a voice of a man spoke.

"I have no time to call. If you want to rescue the son of Spitfire go to this location. Bring someone strong and someone who can suppress quirks. Please do not mention this happened."

The mist disappeared and a paper was left there. Every police officer scrambling to grab it.

"We have a breach in sector C. Weapon 78 is on the loose!" The intercoms blared as the boy slashed open the chest of another guard.

"78 Stand down!" Another guard shouted, every guard saying those words in the hope that the boy's mind breaking they had put him through would kick in.

It was in vain, the process never having been finished so all the boy had was just a shattered sense of reality that was twisted around how he wanted every single one of them who had out him through hell dead.

The boy screamed as he jumped through the air at another scientist, stabbing him repeatedly in the chest as he shoot off more finger joints that kept growing back just as fast as he was firing them. Shooting multiple guards and staining the walls of the complex red.

It was the fastest any raid task force has been put together, every officer, swat team and Pro Hero in the area of Musutafu rushing. as fast as possible to join the team made to rescue the son of Spitfire.

It has been a long decade of waiting for the people in that room. Every single person has been itching to avenge Spitfire and save his kidnapped son. It has actually been a guiding point for some aspiring heroes and heroes to be, all wanting to avenge one of the most beloved heroes.

All Might was called in from Tokyo, who had said that he would rush to the complex as fast as possible while everyone else prepared for whatever they might face, the warning of the man in the mist was not being taken lightly.

Tsukauchi pumped a shotgun. "You all know why we are here. A team of villains murdered a great man in cold blood and kidnapped an innocent young boy. We don't know what we will see but we will make Hisashi proud of us here tonight!" Every law enforcement officer in the area whooped and began to load into vans.

Maruta didn't know how 78 was outside of his containment. He had to go sort this out himself before it got too out of hand.

"Weapon 78 has made it into Sector E. Repeat, Weapon 78 has made it into..." The intercom cut out but not before the sounds of ripping was heard.

Maruta cursed, he can't let his golden egg destroy all of his work.

The boy known as 78 throw a guard into a server tower, shattering the machine under the force he used.

Another guard tried to shoot the boy but he used another forced upon him ability to react faster than he should have and dodged the bullets. Getting behind a wall the boy created a shield from bones that sprouted out of his ribs, covering his midsection. Making guards for his arms he jumped out of cover, holding his arms over his face to prevent any bullets from hitting it. Rushing at the first guard who was shooting hit he made spikes of bone sprout from around his shield, impaling the guard in several spots.

Rumi Usagiyama arrived at the complex, eager to avenge her childhood hero. Kicking down a door she saw several guards aiming at a door away from her. All of them whipping around and facing her, not quick enough to save themselves from her quick attacks. Incapacitating all of them she held her hand to a earpiece.

"I entered through the south." Rumi said into her earpiece. Normally Rumi wouldn't work with anyone, only ever dreaming of working with her childhood idol Spitfire, but that dream was cut a decade ago. Now was a special occasion since she had the chance to save her idols son from whatever hell these bastards put him through. No way would she pass it up, no matter how many people she had to team up with, and there were many people involved in this.

"I have entered through the east tower." All Might broke down the door in front of him, seeing a tunnel that lead underground. He heard an intercom go off.

"Weapon 78 is locked down in Sector E, all personnel equipped report to Sector E to contain Weapon 78."

All Might didn't know what weapon 78 was, but whatever it was, it was definitely causing ba disturbance.

"I am investigating this weapon 78." All Might said as he memorized a map that said where each sector underground was.

"Tread with caution. It sounds like Weapon 78 is one of theirs that is not nice." Tsukauchi spoke through the mic.

"He's over there!" A guard shouted as he aimed his gun and started to fire, hoping a bullet would end the homicidal teen's rampage.

The boy took several bullets to his right arm, which he ignored as he flashed towards the guard, pulling bones out of his opposing arms to hack at the guard as his wounds began to visually heal fast.

"This brats a demon!" Another guard swore as he decided his jump wasn't worth it and tried to run, before a bone embedded itself in his spine.

The boy heard slow clapping as he killed the final guard in the area. He snapped his head and faced the man who had caused him hell for ten years.

"Bravo my golden egg. Bravo." Maruta clapped. "I knew you would be a marvelous weapon but this much devastation with no proper training? I can only imagine how you will grow under my teachings in the next few years."

The complex above ground was quickly taken by the heroes and police, half of the guard's having gone underground to stop this Weapon 78 from breaching containment.

"Um Tsukauchi?" An officer said from a security room.

"What?" Tsukauchi ran over to the officer.

"I found him." The officer pointed to a screen.

Tsukauchi looked in astonishment at the boy who had been missing for a decade, surrounded by bodies of the men he had slaughtered and staring down the man who started this all.

""I knew you would be a marvelous weapon but this much devastation with no proper training?" The man said on the camera.

Tsukauchi put a hand to his earpiece. "Midoriya is weapon 78, repeat Midoriya is weapon 78!" Tsukauchi ran for a tunnel to go underground. "He is being confronted by the leader right now! Hurry!"

The boy glared at the man with so much hate, no longer trying to hide his only emotion he could feel anymore.

"Don't be like that 78. This was a good little break for you, and now I know the multiple quirks you have now are wonderful together. You truly are a golden egg."

"Stop calling me that!" The boy shouted, spikes of bone erupting from his hands. "I AM NOT A DAMN EGG!"

Maruta didn't even seem fazed by the yelling. "Yes. You are a golden egg."

"Stop... calling... me... that." The boy growled.

Every law officer not containing the left alive guards crowded the security cams to watch the scene.

All Might ran down the corridors, trying to find where Izuku was. He had to hurry.

Rumi found the area, she could hear shouting on the other side of a thick metal door. Rumi screamed in frustration as she couldn't break it down. She was so close to avenging her idol and a damn door that was locked was blocking her

Maruta made his one intact hand erupt into much larger bone claws than he had used on the boy's parents. "I believe it is time for the egg to go back to his room."

Rage crossed over the boy's face even more. He yelled before he jumped at the man, more bones sprouting over his body.

Maruta blocked the attacks of the boy, being more trained than the boy have him an advantage over the murderous rage somewhat. However it didn't last as the boy slashed off Maruta's entire left arm. It made Maruta fall over in pain. Maruta managed to kick him away as he fell.

"I'm going to make you feel how I have for the past TEN YEARS!" The boy shouted as he stomped towards Maruta, ready to make this man die.

"Move out of the way Miss!" All Might shouted as he charged past Rumi and broke down the door.

The giant locked metal door broke down and Rumi and All Might entered right as the boy stood over Maruta.

"I made you the next step in evolution!" Maruta shouted at the boy. "It was not suffering!" He couldn't believe the boy was defying him.

The boy slammed his fast with bone spikes into Maruta's chest. "I HAVEN'T FELT SAFE IN TEN YEARS!" The boy began to repeatedly stab bones into the crazed scientist's chest, cutting up everything inside. "I HATE YOU!" He kept shouting over and over again.

All Might and Rumi didn't know how to react at first, the boy's pure hate scaring them both momentarily as he hacked into the man who has caused him so much pain. The boy slowed down after a minute and began to start crying slightly. Rumi was the first to react, moving over to the boy who was crying and held him, facing him away from the scientist he just murdered.

"It's okay." Rumi whispered. "He's gone now." She wasn't one for comforting people but those felt like the right words.

All Might watched as the boy began to sob hard into Rumi's shoulder. His suffering finally over.

Kurogiri had a grin as he watched The Pro Heroes All Might and Mirko escort Izuku out of the compound.

Rumi felt slightly miffed that at this point the boy hadn't so much as moved more than a meter away from her, making her an escort. She wasn't complaining by any means, she just wasn't expecting the boy to latch onto her of all people.

Right now she was beside him in a clinic, where Recovery Girl was trying to check on his health. He was tensing up too much and looking like he was on the verge of freaking out just being in the clinic. However Rumi's presence and her saying it was fine did help him somewhat. The hardest part was when Recovery Girl needed a blood sample and he actually did flip his shit for a second at the sight of a syringe, bones sprouting from his arms in self defense. Rumi managed to get him to calm down so Recovery Girl could get the sample after a few minutes. Whatever those bastards did to the boy made him not like anything resembling a hospital.

Recovery Girl had been consoling as well, her many years of experience helped her know how to work with a disturbed patient.

After it was all done in there Rumi led Izuku to a couch outside of a meeting room, wear a few officers were watching the boy.

"I need you to stay here." Rumi said to him. "I need to be in that room for a while and I promise I will be back out in a minute."

Izuku still didn't speak, not saying a word since he screamed at Maruta. He did nod uneasily however and sit down, gluing his eyes to the door that Rumi went into.

Nezu tapped on the desk as the higher ups of the raid all stood around a table. Nezu being allowed despite his not being involved in the main raid. He was invited because of the next part of this night. What happens to Izuku Midoriya. All Might, Chief Tsukauchi, Kamui Woods, Rumi, Nezu and a few higher up officers made the list of people in the room.

"What happens to him now?" Kamui Woods asked. "We were too busy wanting revenge to not prepare for something like this."

"What is his status?" Nezu asked.

Tsukauchi sighed, feeling like the events of the day had aged him by years. "He can't stay calm when we had Izuku in the hospital room. Recovery Girl says it might be caused by the layout of that complex and his containment area being like a hospital."

"He also at this point can only stay calm if Mirko is with him." All Might added. "I believe his hate for the people in that lab was the last part of him to be there after all that happened, so when the man we identified as Maruta Shiga got killed and everything ended, Izuku had nothing left, and Mirko being the first one to console him made him attach himself to her."

Kamui spoke next. "Did anyone find files that explains what happened to Midoriya?"

Tsukauchi patted a briefcase next to him on the table. "Everything they have ever done to him specifically has been found and put here." Tsukauchi pulled some papers that had been highlighted. "Skipping last all of the horrible things it turns out that Izuku has multiple quirks. All because of his original quirk which is labeled as clear blood."

"How does he have multiple quirks?" Nezu raised an eyebrow.

"Notes from that mad man show how Izuku's blood was made to carry more quirks, either as a coincidence or his quirk specifically did that. The man wanted to make him a weapon, which had been mentioned multiple times here. I can just off all the quirks that were added." No one stopped him so he spoke. "A quirk labeled super regeneration was added first. He can regenerate wounds and I juries apparently really fast, which I think a few of the men saw when he went through the guards at that compound. The next few are all small things but added together they created a quirk Maruta labeled Skeletal control; the ability to control his osteoblasts, cells responsible for producing bones, the ability to control his osteoclasts, cells responsible for breaking down bones, the ability to regulate his bones' calcium density. A fifth quirk was added to energize and keep these quirks going no matter what as long as Izuku can fight labeled 'mock OFA' helps him use these abilities without limit."

"Mock OFA?" Kamui asked.

All Might felt a twinge of guilt, knowing that mock OFA pertained to him. He was also worried that somehow someone even knew about it in the first place.

"Apparently this mock OFA is mentioned to not have its own strength aspect but only energy stockpiling." Tsukauchi read the notes. "It's just a battery for the boy. He also has quirks labeled 'senses,' which boosts his senses greatly. A reflexive quirk that gives him reflexives on the verge of premonitions pretty much. And a final quirk labeled super strength, which makes his strength and speed be high up there on the scale of strength."

"Quite a list." Nezu remarked. "That takes away the mystery of him taking down a whole compound of guards."

"His mental state isn't exactly healthy right now." Kamui stated. "What do we do with him?"

Rumi spoke for the first time at that meeting. "Let him stay with me."

Everyone looked at her confused.

"Mirko with all due respect we-"

"He isn't calm around anyone but me right now." Rumi cut off Nezu. "I don't like people but he is the son of a man who saved my life when I was his age. Let me return the favor and save his son from himself."

"Mirko he isn't stable. He could very well attack you if he has a breakdown." All Might warned her.

"If you keep treating him like a ticking time bomb he will act like a ticking time bomb. He attached himself to me because when he finally got to end what could be described as hell for him he had absolutely nothing left I was the first one to try to help him. I won't take no for an answer." She wanted to leave the room to where she had asked the boy to wait, the boy not wanting to really leave her side. "You people can keep checking on his mental health but I will keep him with me like a little brother."

Everyone could tell by her facial expression she wasn't going to take anything short of yes as an answer.

Nezu nodded. "Very well."

Tsukauchi nodded as well. "Every week."

"What will we tell the public?" Kamui asked. "Everyone in Musutafu hasn't let go of Spitfire's death and rumors of this raid have no doubt already been spread. If we don't tell them enough there will definitely be riots until they get more."

"As much as I don't want to reveal the sordid details of what happened to poor Midoriya the public won't test until they get the details of why Shiga kidnapped him and murdered his parents." All Might said."Once they find out it was because of a unique blood quirk they will inevitably find out about the other quirks he has. Other crazed villains might try to stake a claim in the boy as well."

"Some officers and people who helped with the raid have already gone home by now. People will already know the truth and we can't cover it up." Tsukauchi said. "I believe that as bad as it would be for Midoriya we have to reveal everything."

"The best we can do for him is to keep him as far out of the spotlight as we can. If the slaughter of his captors is called into question we will state the facts. A decade of torture made him fill with hate for them and whoever that man of mist was helped release him and take out the villains." Nezu said. "What notes did that man have over Midoriya's mental state?"

Tsukauchi read more. "Shiga was in the middle of trying to break the boy. He had notes applauding the boy's will to defy him but said in more recent notes he was close to finally breaking him. It looks like we got lucky and saved him before he was a puppet. If it wasn't for that man in that mist we wouldn't have found Midoriya in the first place."

"What about his education?" Kamui asked. "It will be helpful in restoring his mental state."

Nezu thought about it for a second. "May I offer U.A. when the time comes? It will be easier to watch him there and I can give him a personal test when the exams come and until then as his caretaker it should be up to miss Mirko."

Rumi nodded. "I can homeschool him to make sure he is fine."

He remembered his name was Izuku. Not hearing his real name for ten years and only having pain made him forget the years he had beforehand, as few as they were. He could hear everyone talking in the room next to him thanks to his senses boosting quirk, which made his hearing sharper. He didn't like how everything was out of his control again. He wouldn't fight these people on it because he knew that unlike the people at that cursed lab it was for his good, not their personal gain. He just wanted to sleep at that point, not the half sleep he had done for the past ten years in between tests and torture at that horrible place, but actual deep sleep.

The few officers who would walk past all weren't afraid if the boy, some seemed to look at him like he was a ghost for a second. A few asked him how he was but he didn't know how to answer so he would just stare at the floor.

The meeting finally ended and Rumi felt irritated, of course they would want to have a press conference an hour from now. She actually had to be there and Izuku had to come with her so people could see that the long lost boy truly was okay, for lack of a better term. It was made clear by everyone that Izuku only had to be seen for a second, no one expecting him to speak at all if anyone tried to talk to him.

"Hey Izuku." Rumi called to the boy as she went into the hallway, the boy instantly getting up. "We have to do one more thing and then I'm taking you home." The boy nodded and began to follow her.

Rumi decided right then to take the next day off and get him actual clothes, because the clothing they gave him to replace his bloody outfit from the compound was not enough.

"Mirko." All Might approached the rabbit hero. "May I speak with Midoriya privately?"

Rumi raised an eyebrow, wondering what the number one hero wanted to talk to Izuku about, his facial expression seemed like he was hiding something. "It's up to him."

Izuku looked at All Might and knew what he was going to ask about. Mock OFA being something he heard them talk about in the other room. Izuku spoke for the first time in hours. "He knew."

All Might sighed, getting the answer he didn't want to hear to the question he hadn't answered yet. "I was afraid of that."

Rumi definitely wanted to know what was going on. "Who knew what?"

Izuku added to what he said to All Might. "I heard him talk about plans of tricking you into giving me it."

All Might sighed yet again, this situation was not good for him, a mad man knew his secret and if it wasn't for some man in dark mist he might have passed on his secret to a weapon. Luck was on his side as the boy was saved and the mad doctor was dead.

"I won't tell." Izuku said, and then he stopped talking.

Rumi wanted to find out what it was but Izuku wasn't someone she was going to push for information and All Might seemed worried about it. "Let's go to that conference."

The press conference took place an hour later and probably every single reporter and media person in Musutafu had tried to make their way to it. Learning that it was about a raid on the man who killed Spitfire made everyone in Musutafu watch it on the edge of their seats, eager to get closure on the tragedy of their prized hero's death after a decade.

Katsuki Bakugo, upon hearing of it from his mom on the phone, ran home just to be able to see if his old childhood friend was okay, the kidnapping of Izuku shaping Katsuki's growth as a person greatly.

"Is it true that the man who killed Spitfire had been put down himself?" One reporter asked.

"Yes." All Might nodded. "He has been identified as Maruta Shiga, a scientist on quirk research who went off the deep end years ago."

"Which hero killed Shiga?" A reporter asked, everyone paying close attention. As much as killing was frowned upon it the hero society Spitfire was too beloved by Musutafu and his death hurt them, making them all wish his killer would die as well. Finding out that the man has been killed in a raid made everyone want more answers.

"He was actually killed by his victim of kidnapping, Izuku Midoriya." Nezu answered, they couldn't lie and had to make sure that the boy wouldn't be smeared in the press, which Nezu doubted would happen because of the love Musutafu had for his father and the situation Izuku was in.

"Where is Midoriya?" Another reporter asked.

Tsukauchi took this question. "He was out through hell for the past ten years. He isn't well right now and we are doing everything we can to help him recover. He is in the back with our own Mirko."

"Can we see him?" That reporter followed up his own question.

"If seeing him would put everyone at ease yes, but please don't overwhelm him." All Might said.

A few seconds later Mirko, frowning feeling like this was wrong for Izuku, brought out the boy, who stayed behind her.

Katsuki couldn't believe his eyes. It was his childhood friend. His appearance had changed radically but he knew it was still him behind the emotionless eyes.

Izuku had gotten taller, more athletic build but still on the verge of being malnourished. His emerald green hair had spots where it was now white like bones and was matted down and ragged. He had a large scar right below his left eye that went from the edge of his eyebrow in a curve towards the edge of his mouth. As well as multiple small faded scars along his arms and body where his clothes weren't being what would be assumed as more.

The reporters were all silent for a second, the resemblance Izuku had to his father was noticeable, but not as much as his scars and the dead look in his eyes, as if his emotions were long gone. He was avoiding eye contact with everyone staring at the floor in front of his bare feet, not wanting shoes.

He quietly spoke, but everyone heard it because of how silent it was in the room.

"Can I go now?"

Rumi shot everyone a look, like they better let the boy leave.

All Might nodded. "You can leave now son."

Izuku shuffled on his feet and left the way he came, Rumi following him.

Once the doors closed behind the two a reporter spoke. "What did that villain do to the boy?"

All took the question. "Shiga discovered that Young Midoriya had a unique quirk that makes his blood vastly different from anyone else's. He, in his madness, wanted to make Midoriya a weapon to guide humanity where he believed it should go next, thinking that Midoriya was the first in the next step of evolution."

All For One would have raised an eyebrow if he had one. It wasn't a serum, but the boy's blood? That explains why it only seemed to want to work with him. Years from now when he can leave the damn bed he was confined to he would seek the boy out. Maruta was close to breaking the boy, but All For One knew he could finish the job.

"What exactly about his quirk made it something the villain would go to such lengths to get?" The first reporter asked.

Tsukauchi took the question. "Quirks take up space in our DNA, and in our blood. Midoriya's blood actually makes that space much larger to accommodate more quirks if possible. The villain Shiga, with sick methods, forced quirks upon the boy. We have a list of every quirk he has."

"Is it true that he went on a rampage and killed most of the people who held him hostage?" A reporter asked.

Tsukauchi wanted to find whoever let that slip and smack them over the head. "Ten years of something this stressful led to Midoriya snapping at them. An anonymous tip thankfully alerted us to the situation and we came there during that event."

"Does he now have violent tendencies or was that just a result if their treatment of him and his lashing out?" A reporter asked.

"It has yet to be made clear what his mental state will be after everything that has happened, but we will have proper people on hand to help him recover." Nezu answered.

"How did one boy slaughter that many people?" Another reporter asked.

"The combination of quirks he has does make him quite a fighter, even with no proper training. He ironically used what they forced upon him to return the harsh treatment of him back."

"What will happen to Midoriya now?" The first reporter asked another question.

Kamui took that question. "He doesn't feel safe or calm at the moment around anyone except Mirko, who was the first to reach him during the raid. She has volunteered to watch over him and for the seeable future it will stay like that."

Izuku followed Rumi into the apartment.

"This is my apartment. Since you seem to like me it's yours also for the time being." Rumi said and Izuku nodded quietly. "I have a guest room and you can have it." Rumi pointed to the room. "If you need anything I will be back in a sec, I'm getting out of my hero suit."

Rumi left for her room and Izuku looked around the living room of the apartment, it was a simple design, a tv that had a coffee table, recliner and couch in front of it. Two shelves with books and Rumi's personal items. Izuku went to the guest room and saw that it also had a simple layout. A single bed with white sheets and a balcony he assumed was shared with the other bedroom. It felt strange to Izuku to no longer be afraid of every second a person coming to run cruel tests on him, every sound not being of something meant to tear him down. Instead the room was quiet. It felt almost wrong after the last ten years to be safe. He sat on the bed slowly, afraid this might all be a sick dream to lower his guard. The fabric of the sheets felt real and that comforted Izuku. Maybe he can finally feel safe again.

Rumi came to the room a few minutes later to check on Izuku, who had not made any noise since he followed her in the apartment. She found him sound asleep on top of his covers, probably passed out from exhaustion. Rumi carefully brought a spare blanket to his room and placed it over him, hoping he wouldn't flip out on reflex. Luckily he didn't and Rumi left the room, letting the boy sleep.

Tomorrow she could start teaching him things he missed out in the past few years and help him recover from everything.

Kurogiri stood on the balcony, a feeling of happiness bat seeing the boy sound asleep, no longer in danger or the hands of a twisted man. He knew he would have to tread carefully with All For One now, to make sure the man didn't question his loyalty that had wavered towards the boy.

A/N: That's chapter one. Hope everyone enjoyed it. Sorry if people are freaking out thinking Izuku is now going to be a ruthless killer.

I wanted to try writing a story with a few darker elements and this chapter definitely has that.

I honestly had a struggle deciding what to do with Maruta during this chapter (by the way that's actually the original name of the Nomu doctor Kyudai Garaki, who was also in this chapter) I felt like keeping Maruta around after Izuku got freed but I felt like the man I made wouldn't let his golden egg just leave so I had them fight, him underestimating Izuku and believing Izuku to be under his control at that point.

Sorry to anyone pissed that I killed off Hisashi and Inko, I want to make my writing better and wanted to test how well I can handle that (P.S. please tell me how well I am)

If no one noticed yet (which is weird because title) I actually gave Izuku the Dead Bone Pulse from Kimimaro from Naruto. Listing three random quirks as what makes it possible.

If anyone wants to know because I feel like I should state it right here in all caps IZUKU IS NOT GETTING OFA. I gave him mock OFA to make up for it and I already made the kid OP as shit so that things gotta go to someone else, and I honestly want to give it to the person I had at the beginning of the chapter but that's something I want to ask people about.

As I normally say at this point I hope you enjoyed it and let me know how it is.