answers to reviewers questions or statements:

superpierce: We shall see.

Jason Chandler: It wasn't Hal, it was Guy Gardner but yeah, wrong woman to hit on. We'll be seeing what the League's been up to since Diana's left.

Stormhound12: Diana's aware that Peter didn't want this marriage anymore than she did, he's just the only one at the moment that's trying to make it sorta work. Failing miseribly at it yes, but he's trying and she's somewhat starting to as well.

Harbinger of Kaos: True but after seeing hos Peter and some of his other siblings speak and interact with Darkseid, she's almost forgotten just how violently warped their father child relationship is. Mystical based characters will be making their appearances and Peter may or may not have to contend with them to get what he wants.

GhostNova1: It wont be her.

Starlord Master: The clone will keep the League off Peter's trail, that's why.

CRUDEN: We shall see.

Mindbreaker101: He can face down someone of Aquaman's level of strength and depending on how things go and who it is.

K H Grimoire: We'll be seeing how Peter could possibly affect the multiverse with the Stones later on.

Joker Army: He's referring to it as that because he has no idea what it is exactly.

ThunderGodRaiden: I'm planning to update them soon. Just have a lot going on at the moment.

Silverfang: It will, towards the end.

Arrow1021: Depends on what you mean by a Thanos like character. Like only he seems something that others don't and tries to use the stones to help 'fix' whatever that issue is? Or he comes enamored with some abstract deity?

Disclaimer: don't own any Marvel or DC characters seen, mentioned or used.

When Diana arrived on the Watchtower not long after Peter and Carol departed from Metropolis via the League's Zeta Beam pad, she could've sworn she heard a collective sigh of relief and excitement as she was greeted by every current member of the League. Faces both old and new greeted her and for a moment it felt like she never had left and had spent over a year on Apokolips and encountered horrors' that would haunt even the likes of Ares's dreams.

"Welcome back Diana!" Shazam said with an excited wave as he flew ahead of the small group of heroes towards the Amazon, arcs of magical lightning dancing across his body that were almost outshined by the wide smile he had "It's so good to see you again!"

"The feeling is mutual Billy" Diana chuckled as the god like child brought her into a almost bone crushing hug.

"Careful Billy, I don't think Diana came all this way just to have you accidently snap her in half" Clark said with a small grin.

"Oops, sorry!" Billy said with a wince as he released Diana.

"It's fine Billy" Diana said as he reached up and patted Billy on the head as if he were still a small child that could barely reach her chest "I've actually been looking forward to it"

Billy seemed to beam at this while Diana turned towards the rest of the League, she spotted a few of the new members she noticed in the forms of Red Tornado, Black Canary and Green Arrow "I see the League's expanded after I left..."

Clark stepped forward to speak, likely to assure that it didn't mean anything, they just happened to think they were worthy to stand with them... but Bruce's words, stopped him dead.

"After we lost you, we needed to somehow fill the power gap your departure left" the Dark Knight said in a curt tone "A lot of our enemies had noticed your absence after a few weeks"

'Always blunt to a fault... somethings never do change with you Bruce' Diana thought a little dryly while Clark glared at him in annoyance.

"You couldn't have worded that better?" he asked.

Bruce's response was a grunt while Diana shook her head in amusement at the two. Polar opposites and yet the greatest of friends. She's thankful for that, that Bruce undoubtedly help keep Clark centered and stop him from letting his grief overwhelm him, like Diana felt it almost do to her on several occasions. It was than that Diana noticed Green Arrow approaching her, causing the Amazon to smile as she held a hand out for the emerald archer to take. She's found the man to be a bit of a pessimist in the past and his fathering skills were much to be desired, but he was a good man.

"Hello Oliver, it's good to see-"

"So, how's things on Apokolips been?" the man asked after he stopped a few feet away from Diana, his arms remained at his side.

Diana blinked at this while Black Canary wandered over and shot Green Arrow a glare of annoyance.

"Hey, behave" the blonde warned.

"Just asking, that's all" Green Arrow said with a shrug "After all, she's the first person that I know that's spent a whole year on Apokolips and came back alive. Wanted to know if that meant old Darkseid was getting soft or not"

"I assure you, he hasn't" Diana said as she slowly allowed her arm to fall back to her side.

"So, any updates on when this betrayal of his is gonna happen?" Green Arrow asked with a pointed look.

"Oliver-" Dinah began before she was cut off by the man.

"What? We all know it's gonna happen. I just wanna know it it'll be next week or a few months down the line is all. Wanna start stockpiling my arrows early for when his rocky ass comes a knocking with his hordes of cannon fodder" the archer said.

"We can have this discussion at a later point Arrow" Clark said, coming to stand beside Diana with a less than amused look on his face "Right now, let's just be thankful that Diana's back... even if only for a little while"

"He's right" Black Canary said as she shot another glare of annoyance towards Oliver before she gave Diana a friendly smile and quickly brought the Amazon into a tight hug "It's good to see you again Diana. You look damn good for someone that's spent a year in a literal hell. You have to tell me your secret!"

"I'll be sure to share it with you before I leave, Dinah" Diana responded warmly.


Said woman blinked at the sound of her voice and turned towards the source only to be greeted by a sight that actually took her breath away...

It was Donna... though gone was the black suit that always looked like it was made from space itself, now she was dressed in a silver and black version of Diana's old uniform when she first came to man's world. The bustier was a glossy black while small silver lights, almost like stars, seemed to dance across it's surface while a silver gladiatorial skirt hung tight across her lower body, small black stars pulsating against the silver surface. Across her back rested a silver and black shield with the image of a Gorgon across it and a short sword with a slight curve halfway down the blade while her lasso of persuasion hung from her hip, glowing softy. On Donna's head, framing her face, was a silver tiara with a single black star in it's center.

To many, including Diana herself, Donna looked almost like a spitting image to her elder sister, the night to her dawn. The moon to her sun...

"Donna?" Diana said with shock in her voice as her younger sister approached her.

"Hey Di..." Donna said shyly as she tucked some of her hair back behind her ear while Diana stared at her new attire.

"So, does this... are you now..." Diana said as she tried to find the right words.

"The New Wonder Woman?" Donna finished with an uneasy expression on her face before nodding "Y-Yeah... I am... been so for a few months now"

Diana said nothing as she stared at her younger sister in shock. The rest of the League stood by and waited as they watched the two sisters, wondering how Diana will react to this. Donna seemed to be fidgeting under her elder sister's look, it felt like she was just caught playing dress up with Diana's clothing and was now waiting for the inevitable explosion that was sure to follow.

'I wonder if this was what Jason and Dick's first meeting was like' Donna thought privately as Diana stepped closer to her and slowly raised her hand.

Donna froze as she watched Diana's hand slowly come to rest on her shoulder while a small loving and proud smile grew on Diana's face. Her eyes were beginning to water as the former Amazon Princess tried to find her voice.

"I'm... I'm so proud of you Donna..." Diana said before she brought her sister into a tight hug, burying her face into her hair "You've more than earned the right little sister"

Donna felt tears begin to build in her eyes as she returned the hug just as fiercely as her sister.

It was a beautiful moment between two sisters, separated for almost a year and ten of billions of light years by forces beyond their control. Even the ever stone cold Batman seemed to almost grin at the display between the two powerful women while Clark seemed to be finally sporting a true, happy smile.

Than Hal Jordan had to open his mouth.

"So, are we just gonna ignore the two Parademons over in the corner watching us or send them back down?" Earth's first Green Lantern as he formed a large green arrow and pointed it at the two silent Parademons that had accompanied Diana up to the Watchtower.

"Wait to ruin a touching moment Lantern" Cyborg said with a dry look thrown towards the man.

"What, I'm just saying" Hal said with his hands raised while Guy brushed past him with a eager grin on his face as he formed a large boot over himself.

"I can give them the boot if y'all want!" Guy said as he approached the two Parademons that were now starting to hiss at him "Heh, bet I can nail a bullseye against one of their buddies back on Earth from here"

"Guy" Diana said as she broke her hug from Donna and glared at the Lantern in annoyance "Leave them be. They haven't bothered anyone"

It was odd but true, until Hal said something, Diana had completely forgot her escort had also arrived on the Watchtower with her. They were very different from the Parademons she's encountered in the past, even after she began to live on Apokolips. They were calmer, not as large and as imposing as the others and were deathly quiet. They reminded her of the sort of Parademons that she's seen wandering Darkseid's halls rather than the rowdy hordes that often accompanied Diana and the rest of the Furies on their missions.

"Yeah, well their bothering me" Guy said with a dismissive wave "I mean, look at them! It's like someone took a giant crap in a blender and than threw in some gold and they spat right out!"

Unsurprisingly, at least to Diana, the Parademons didn't respond with any sort of violence. It was something she somewhat found comforting in their design, they were created to follow their superiors orders until told otherwise with by the person that gave them the order in the first place or by a higher authority. The only real drawback of such blind obedience, that Diana has noticed, is that very few develop any sort of individuality and thus aren't very reliable in battles where initiative by the warriors fighting will decide the conflict's outcome rather than brute force and overwhelming numbers.

"Like your any better Guy" Hal snarked, causing he red head's head to snap towards him and scowl.

"What was that old man? I couldn't hear you over the sound of you kissing my ass!" Guy began as he stomped towards Hal.

"Welcome back to the League Diana" Donna said with a embarrassed smile.

"It's almost like I never left" Diana giggled in amusement before she gestured to her sister's attire "I'm curious to hear the events that led you to taking up my mantle"

"It's... a long story" Donna said with a sigh before she nodded towards Clark "He could explain it better than me... it's mostly his fault anyway"

Diana quirked a brow at this and turned towards Clark "Is that right?"

"It wasn't my fault..." Clark said with a frown before it deepened "Okay, maybe a little, but how was I supposed to know?"

"Know what?" Diana asked with curiosity.

"Superman had encountered Brainiac again and released the Kryptonian god, Rao, during their battle" Bruce suddenly said, causing Diana and Clark to turn towards the Dark Knight who had taking to watching Diana's two Parademons with his own eyes "Who in turn tried to conquer your 'Gods' and establish a new Kryptonian pantheon on Earth"

Diana blinked at this before she glanced at her former fiancé and sister "What?"

"Like I said... long story" Donna said as she pinched the ridge of her nose while Clark coughed and adverted his gaze from Diana's.

"We beat him though..." Clark said.

"Barely" Donna said.

Diana stared at the two for a moment before she sighed and rubbed her temples 'I can't leave them alone for a year without everything nearly falling apart'

"So, you have any idea on how long your stay on Earth will be?" Clark asked, eager to change the subject.

Diana frowned at this "No... I do not. Peter was very sparse on the details of your assignment. I didn't even know we'd be coming to Earth until I stepped out of the Boom Tube"

"Not very trusting, is he?" Donna asked with her eyes narrowing a bit.

"He's... he's reluctant to trust anyone really" Diana said.

"Do you trust him?" Clark asked as he folded his arms across his chest "While he's here on Earth?"

"That's difficult to say" Diana said with a small shrug before she glanced out the Watchtower's viewport and down at the Earth below "I trust him to not cause any trouble if he can help it... but trouble seems to have a funny way of finding him, I noticed"

Diana just hoped that her 'husband' can try and avoid any trouble while he's on Earth.

'And than there's Carol...' Diana thought worriedly 'She's too used to operating in environments where heavy combat is expected. I doubt she'll realize she needs to control the output of power she exhibits less innocents are caught in the crossfire'

Before they departed to the Watchtower, Bruce had assured her that Martian Manhunter and Aquaman will be trailing both Peter and Carol to ensure they didn't cause any serious collateral damage. The League wasn't too fond of the idea of one of Darkseid's Sons or Furies running around killing people, but so far, their hands were tied as Intergang was now officially outside of their jurisdiction.

'Until Bruce finds a loophole we can use to stop them' Diana thought with a nod before she felt Clark's hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?" he asked gently "You spaced out there for a minute"

"I'm fine" Diana responded with a small grin "Just... thinking"

"About them?" Clark nodded back towards the planet, where Diana's husband and his people were.

Diana nodded "Yes. I'm not entirely comfortable with them running around down there"

"I know what you mean" Clark said with a dejected sigh "I hate being unable to do anything. Especially where that monster and his people are involved. I can't imagine how you were able to survive a year around them on your own"

Diana's mind briefly flashed back to the fuzzy memory of Grail intervening in Zunn and Twidle's attempted rape.

"I... wasn't completely alone" Diana admitted with a sigh as she brought her arms up and hugged herself "But it's not a experience I'm looking forward to returning to"

Clark nodded sadly at this "Neither am I... especially after Orion told us of some of the kinds of monsters Darkseid's children can be"

"Yes... they can be" Diana thought with a distant expression on her face as the ghost pains of her fight with Orion flashed through her mind.

Darkseid's sons could truly be monstrous when they wanted to.

Diana than took a deep breath before she slowly exhale it out through her nose and turned back towards Clark with a warm smile "How have John and Martha been?"

"They've been well" Clark answered with a soft smile "They miss you terribly"

"Do you... do you think I can see them?" Diana asked with some hesitance.

"I don't see why not" Clark said with a shrug before a look of shock came over his face and a wide grin formed "And I have someone you'll love to meet"

"Really?" Diana said with some confusion "Who?"

"You'll see when you get there" Clark said with a mischievous look in his eye.

Diana gave Clark an odd look before she turned to Donna who simply winked at her before turning on her heel and leaving the former power couple alone. Seeing she wouldn't be getting anything out of her sister, Diana simply sighed and glanced back at Clark with a somewhat tired grin.

"Very well, I suppose I can-..." Diana began before she paused and glanced at the two Parademons with some concern.

Clark followed her gaze and stared at the two Parademons who to their credit didn't so much as flinch at the attention the two powerful beings were giving them. Partly because they seemed to be restraining themselves from lashing out at the Flash as he would speed past them and land a simple poke on the golden clad soldiers before speeding away just as fast. It seemed harmless enough, but Diana's been around Parademons long enough to see that they were growing more and more agitated. Eventually it'll reach a point that even Diana's standing order to not attack anyone will be tossed out the door.

"Worried about leaving them alone?" Clark asked, having an idea of Diana's sudden reservations abut visiting his parents.

"Normally I wouldn't be, but given how Barry seems to be trying to incite some sort of response from them, I'm very worried" Diana admitted.

"Well... if your sure they can behave... I don't think it'll be too much of a concern if they... tag along" Clark said with a less than pleased look on his face, one that Diana shared.

"I believe they will" Diana said as she began to march over towards the Parademons "Let me know when we're ready to go"

Clark nodded as he watched Diana suddenly blitz towards the Parademons as Barry raced by them again and grabbed the scarlet speedster by the shoulder. The forensic scientist let out a startled yelp as he was brought face to face with a less than happy look on her face.

"Please leave them alone Flash... your starting to upset them" Diana said as she released Barry from her hold.

"Really?" Barry said with surprise before he glanced at the Parademons' still forms "They didn't seem to mind too much"

"When your around them as much as I've been, you start to pick up on a few of their social ques" Diana explained as she glanced at the two armored aliens for a moment "And their patience is as low as a small child's in need of a nap"

"I'll... keep that in mind" Barry said with a sheepish grin towards the Amazon while she gestured for the two Parademons to follow her.

"Please do" Diana said, stopping to glance back at Barry for a moment before she resumed her trek back to the Watchtower's zeta beam pad.


If there's one thing that Peter has come to hate about the Earth in the two hours he's been on it, it was the far too humid climate.

While Apokolips was hot given the numerous fire pits scattered throughout the planet, it was at least a dry heat. A wet humid heat was something that Peter loathed with a passion.

If Earth ever needed to be burnt to a crisp, or at the very least a Fire Pit or two, he was going to start with this 'Central America' first and than the other tropical regions.

'It's like I'm on New Genesis. I swear this thing was put here just to torment me' Peter thought sourly as he made his way through a vibrant jungle, filled to the brim with various insects, reptiles, birds, amphibians and even more numerous plants of varying sizes and species.

Under normal circumstances Peter would be delighted to pick apart the jungle and study it, but the humidity had all but ruined any interest he would have in it. A little over a mile or two ahead of him, just poking out of the very heights of the trees was a series of ancient stone ruins that housed the energy source he came all this way for. He still wasn't sure what he'd be finding inside but he's since deduced that it wasn't another Mind Stone. The fact he had yet to be attacked by any violently transfigured beings supported that, and he didn't sense any psionic energy in the area...

'Aside from you that is' Peter thought as he held up his right arm and rubbed a finer over a unseen seem and watched as part of the armor between his wrist and elbow retracted to show the Mind Stone resting in a small compartment.

Make... us... whole...

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Peter said with a shake of his head as he re-locked the compartment and returned his attention towards the ruins he could just barely make out through the thick foliage of this Source forsaken jungle.

He tried to get closer to the ruins with the Asgardian cube but he overshot his destination by a good ten miles and now had to backtrack on foot. So far his actions have gone unnoticed, the nearest major settlement was well over a dozen kilometers away. If things went as planned, he'd have what he came here for and be on his way to relieve his clone of it's duties, finish up a few minor details with Intergang's dissolution on Earth, kill Bruno and perhaps bother to meet some of Diana's side of the family.

Her siblings and parents couldn't be any more fucked up than his were.

'Ah who am I kidding?' Peter thought to himself with a snort as he arrived at a small stream and casually wandered through the shin deep water, sending small waves and ripples through the slow moving current and scaring what few small fish swam in it away 'Knowing my luck, her mother's some cold heartless bitch'

The ruins, when Peter finally reached them were as he expected, old, abandoned and silent. What he wasn't expecting however was their design, they seemed more Osh-Tekk than human. Peter's eyes narrowed as he used his suit to scan the area for any signs of life. He also wasn't picking up any mystical based traps and the brief sonar scans showed that there weren't any handmade ones as well, like a pit of stakes and his sixth sense was silent.

'Something's not right' Peter thought as he slowly made his way through the ruins, passing more preserved but no less vacant buildings 'If this thing is as powerful as the Mind stone is, it should be so heavily defended that it'd take a damn army to storm this place and than some'

Than again, perhaps the lack of defenses was in itself a defense. Make it seem like there's nothing valuable here and you'll likely overlook it. Either way, the sooner Peyer gets it and gets out of here, the better. With that in mind, Peter continued onwards, heading straight for what he assumed was a temple of some kind back when this place used to have people living in it. The temple stood taller than any other building and even most of the trees around here for miles, and it seemed to be in excellent condition. No collapsed walls, no overgrowth along it's surface, it was like it was untouched by the ravages of time that had taken the surrounding structures around it.

"Something's protecting it" Peter realized when he came to a stop at the base of the massive stair case that led up into the temple.

The steps were covered in long dried blood, as if at one point it used to drain down the steps like a waterfall.

"This is just getting better and better..." Peter muttered as he began to slowly climb up the steps, slowly activating his suit's more aggressive systems in the event things get... unpleasant.

With each step Peter took, he could feel the growing unease, as if he was being watched. He set his sui to scan for anything unusual but all that came back was the Mind Stone like energy inside. If there was something else there, which he believed there was, it could be using the energy as a sort of cover. So, whatever was watching him was smart, and if it's carved out a living in this remote backend temple, it was either stubborn or just plain stupid.

'Or both' Peter thought as he reached the top of the temple and looked around.

Before him was what seemed to be a alter of some sort, coated with long since dried blood, and a dark entryway into the temple itself. Peter's lenses narrowed as he walked past the sacrificial alter and into the temple proper.

The moment he stepped past the threshold, what could only be described as a tsunami of thoughts slammed into Peter's mind. He let out a hiss of pain as he stumbled for a few steps and gripped his head. Hundreds of voices crying out in a language he didn't understand, fear, pain and despair the most prevalent of emotions he was feeling from them. The smell of blood flooded his nostrils until he began to gag as it seemed to seep into his throat, leaving a tangy coppery taste in his mouth.

"And here I thought Dessad's labs were bad..." Peter said as he tried to filter out the smell with his suit, but the stench seemed to still be finding a way in... almost like-


"Fucking hate magic" Peter grumbled as he did his best to ignore the smell and continued deeper into the temple's dark halls.

The odd feeling of being watched seemed to grow as Peter left the warm sunlight of outside for the dark, almost damp like halls of the temple. With the only source of light being Peter's glowing lenses and spider emblem, and the host of bio-lights scattered across his suit, he activated his nigh vision to see if he could make out anything beyond the limited light of his armor.

"Let's see what we have here" Peter muttered as he scanned his surroundings "Empty room... empty room... room with old rotted skeletons... empty room... a faint orange light down the hall that seems to be the source of the energy I'm here for... empty room with a few more skeletons in it"

As Peter drew closer towards the orange light, he noticed or more accurately felt, the Mind Stone starting to... call? Respond? Communicate with whatever it was that was making the orange light. And even than he wasn't sure, all he could feel was that the Stone was starting to act different now that he was a scant dozen meters away from whatever this energy source was.

"Well it's not another Mind Stone... that's for sure" Peter said to himself as he entered a massive chamber, columns scattered along the edges and down the middle, leading towards what looked to be some sort of shrine with some sort of pool on each side, filled with a dark liquid that seemed to be the source of the smell that Peter's been forced to breath.

The shrine itself was made in the image of two humanoid like beings facing each other in a kneeling position with their two hands stretched out, as if trying to grasp something. Between the four outstretched hands was a single podium with a small orange stone that size of the mind stone lying in the middle of it. Peter's eyes narrowed as he stared at the shrine, his near omnipotent sixth sense tingling ever so slightly. Peter risked a brief glance around the room to see if he could make out his observer before shrugging and took a step towards the shrine...

And jumped back as several tendrils from the pools suddenly lashed out towards Peter. The New God's eyes narrowed as he ducked and flipped over the liquid tendrils in tandem with several web lines to avoid their grasp. Once Peter was far enough away from the shrine, the tendrils lost their shapes and collapsed on to the floor with a splash. The liquid than began to slither back towards the pools before a large wave from each emerged and collided with one another before the shrine, creating a small water spout while a dark figure began to take form inside.

"Who are you... why are you here?" a dark raspy voice spoke up from the swirling vortex of liquid before it pulled back into the pools, revealing a large figure that stood almost as tall as Kalibak.

It was also fitted with attire that Peter somewhat recognized as Osh-Tekk, or at the very least, inspired by them.

'Or he inspired them. And likely the builders of this place' Peter thought.

"Who are you?" the figure demanded again with a dark hiss as the liquid he emerged from dripped down his form and on to the floor where it slithered back to the pools.

"Your not an Osh-Tekk..." Peter said, refusing to give his name to some random thing that emerged from a pool of what he guessed was ill preserved blood, while he took in the creature's form "Or a human for the matter. What are you? Some stray 'demon' that's gotten stuck here, or some other alien?"

"I..." it wheezed, as if it hadn't had a drink of water in centuries "Am a GOD!"

"...I'm sure" Peter said as he gave the 'God' an unimpressed look from under his helm before he looked around the chamber "So tell me... uh, what do I call you? You look kinda important enough to have a name-"

"Mictlāntēuctli!" the God snapped.

"Mictlāntēuctli... wow, that's a mouthful" Peter said with a snort "So, Mictlāntēuctli, what's a deity of your... greatness... still doing holed up in a ruin like this? I don't know if you noticed, but it isn't what I'd call a paradise aside from the scenery"

It didn't really make much sense for a God to still be lurking around a hobbled collection of old buildings and temples that've been abandoned for centuries if not more. It also didn't look too good, Mictlāntēuctli looked more like a half rotted corpse than a all powerful God of whatever he used to represent. He was struggling to survive now, the civilization that once worshiped it had been wiped out and he likely drew his power from their worship, be it through sacrifice, tribute or even the underwhelming cliché of prayers. Though it seemed to still hold a fair amount of power given it's been able to apparently keep this temple in relatively good condition and his sixth sense was beginning to hum ever so slightly.

'Best not take my eyes off him' Peter thought as he stared into the glowing, half starved looking eyes of Mictlāntēuctli.

Mictlāntēuctli continued to stare at Peter as he slowly began to circle him "Once, I was worshipped by millions... and they sacrificed millions more in my name..."

"I suppose you must've been a big deal back in the day" Peter said as he followed Mictlāntēuctli's movements, his sixth sense beginning to hum louder "I suppose the glory days ended some time ago"

"Indeed... to my eternal shame, I'm forced to leach off the souls that've long since rotted to mush inside that worthless stone" Mictlāntēuctli growled darkly as his gaze flickered towards the pale orange light that sat on the other end of the chamber on it's shrine and pedestal.

Peter's gaze also flickered back to the stone before his eyes found Mictlāntēuctli's "Well, allow me to unburden you of your shame by taking it and-"

"NO!" Mictlāntēuctli yelled with enough intensity to shake the room they were in, causing a few pebbles and some dust to be dislodged from the ceiling and fall to the floor "It is all I have left. The only thing that can help restore me to glory!"

"I can probably help speed that up a little" Peter offered.

He could set him on the rogue Intergang cells, lessen the probability of Carol getting hurt, remote as that was, and he'd get a good laugh out of it. who knows, if it proved obedient enough, Peter was sure that he can convince his father to take in this forgotten god and use him for something. Maybe begin a new line of Parademons with any genetic material harvested from him.

Mictlāntēuctli paused mid-step and stared at Peter with narrowed eyes for a long time, as if it were trying to read him, before it took a deep inhale and a dark grin began to grow on his face "Yessss... I believe you could"

Peter's sixth sense flared to higher levels as Mictlāntēuctli licked his lips and took a step towards Peter "I can smell what you are, little Godling... yessss"

'Well this is quickly escalating into a undesirable situation' Peter thought as he took a few cautious steps back 'Maybe he saw what I had planned for him and didn't like it'

"Your blood, it reeks of your father!" Mictlāntēuctli hissed darkly as he took a few more steps towards Peter, his eyes glowing with hunger "But also his power... yes, yes, yesss!"

Peter didn't need to read the damned God's mind to know what it wanted. It was going to try and feed on Peter and use the divinity of his own blood to try and jumpstart it's own depleting power, returning it to a less than pathetic state that it was in now. But feeding off another God like that was addictive, and it'd like branch out and seek more Gods to feed on. Under normal circumstances Peter could care less if a few other Gods on this worthless planet got offed, but considering Carol was roaming around somewhere on this worthless world, and was in danger off being hunted by this thing... well it made his decision in what to do with this thing pretty easy to make.

"You really don't want this fight" Peter said with a dark edge entering his tone as he nodded towards the shrine that housed his prize "Unlike that thing, I fight back"

Mictlāntēuctli's eyes narrowed and he let out a hiss as his eyes began to glow slightly brighter "Oh, please do... my victory over you will be all the sweeter"

Peter sighed at this before he took a deep breath and had his suit unsheathe all four of his waldoes, their barbed tips aimed at Mictlāntēuctli as the fallen god hissed and growled at Peter, drool and blood leaking from his mouth.

"Well than..." Peter said with his suit's combat systems activating "Come and try to get it, you worthless parasite"

Mictlāntēuctli growled in anger at this before he lunged towards Peter like a half raving madman...


And done.

Next chapter, The Old God vs. the New God...