Reviews for Ma Fleur, Mon Ange, Mon Tout
Lizzarnia5887 chapter 34 . 7/28
I love this story! I can't wait for the next installment
zarkan chapter 34 . 7/23
Not bad really not bad and I cant wait to see what is going to happen next so please update soon see ya.
The Last Centurion 1 chapter 1 . 7/22
present tense what...
IrisRoseHope chapter 25 . 7/16
Omg I knew it!
Guest chapter 34 . 7/16
But. The pudding. Hermione, the Professor. Where is it?
EleanorThrush2897 chapter 15 . 7/8
Where's the promised Fremione?
Guest chapter 34 . 7/6
One of the best story I’ve ever read
stormyyyy51 chapter 34 . 6/25
stormyyyy51 chapter 33 . 6/25
you are a fucking legend
stormyyyy51 chapter 19 . 6/25
author getting Horney
Archleone chapter 34 . 6/23
Yep. Still present tense. Absolutely hilarious. Not that it seems like much of a loss. The little I HAVE read of this seems super childish and poorly done.

I think it's best for my faith in humanity if I just convince myself you're some 12-15 year old kid trying to learn how to write. Because otherwise basic education has failed you. Or you failed it. However that would work to create this mess.
Archleone chapter 1 . 6/23
Why the shit is this all in present tense? That's the most glaring issue for me. No one does that, and for good reason.

The rest of the writing also seems pretty bad, but it's nowhere near as distracting as that.

Also, " 'Ze Boy 'Ho Lived " is a hilariously butchered attempt at writing a French accent.

I wonder if you're still writing in present tense in the most recent chapter. It's not like I care about spoilers at this point. There's no way I can read this in its current state. Anyone who claims this is acceptable has no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
relyt118 chapter 10 . 6/15
So, at this point, I have to assume that you're writing a crack story, because this is just... ridiculous. From my experience, bad crack just throws a bunch of wacky ideas at a wall to see what sticks. Good crack starts with a wacky premise and plays it straight, letting the hilarity happen naturally.

This is bad crack.
relyt118 chapter 9 . 6/15
Your plot and character interactions feel rushed and contrived, as if you're writing individual scenes however strikes your fancy without care for tone, characterization, or context. Having Harry embrace the Delcaours as family so quickly both diminishes what should be a great change for his life and suggests that Harry really needs a therapist. Though the long-term abuse and suicide attempt does as well so... yeah, all the therapy.

People kidnapping Fleur, Gabrielle, and Appoline... there's no build up, no excitement, no anticipation, no suspense, and no sense of consequence or danger because of just how out-of-the-blue and downright cartoonish the kidnapping is. Instead, it's just cringe-worthy.

Harry having three Lordships... sure, whatever. Emancipation is a little much, but then wizards sometimes do very odd things. The goblins though, basically tripping over themselves in appreciation of Harry for showing basic courtesy? Or the Account Manager joking around like some kind of 'hip uncle'? It's just such an underwhelming portrayal of their race. They, frankly, seem rather pathetic.
relyt118 chapter 3 . 6/15
I remember trying and dropping this story for the grammar, but now I'm very much enjoying it after the edits.
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