AN: Since people apparently don't pay attention I'll say it again. Percy is SIXTEEN in this (or about to turn that). I'm using the movie ages but not the movie plot. So no, Percy isn't driving at age elven, Nancy wasn't about to be raped at age eleven. They are teenagers, please stop leaving reviews bashing those points because you didn't pay attention to the ages I listed.
A Game of Fate
Chapter 9
"Wait, you three seriously found that on the beach?" Nancy's mom asked incredulously as the six of them sat about the beach campfire making smores.
"Yeah, we thought we'd dig for treasure. Percy must be a good luck charm." Nancy grinned, bumping his shoulder with her own as she ran a finger along her shiny new necklace, a piece of loot from the goblin dungeon that boosted her Charisma.
"What, not me?" Grover pouted at that, fiddling about with his pipes.
"Keep dreaming buddy," Nancy threw a marshmallow at their half goat friend "you're the team mascot at best."
"You're a bully." Grover pouted as he munched his smore.
"I don't think she cares." Percy mock whispered conspiratorially, patting his best friend on the back.
"You are very wise water boy." Nancy preened, raising her flaming marshmallow aloft like a queen's scepter.
"Oh you kids are so cute." Percy's mom cooed at them while Mr. Bobofit attempted to figure out how to make a smore without getting melted marshmallow on his clothes. He was not succeeding.
"Cute?!" Percy and Grover squawked indignantly at the declaration, "We are not cute! I am big! And strong! And manly!...And Grover's starting to show a bit of stubble."
"Ass." Grover flipped him off.
"I don't mind being cute." Nancy shot Percy a wink as he blushed, "I doubt Percy doesn't mind either."
"Dear, don't make your father try to kill Percy." Mrs. Bobofit scolded Nancy, or tried to, her laughter took a bit of the edge of though.
"I wouldn't…kill him." Mr. Bobofit protested while trying to get the melted chocolate off his shirt.
"Dear, don't make your father try to maim Percy." Mrs. Bobofit corrected without missing a beat.
"I wouldn't maim him either dear. I do have some self-control." The graham cracker fell out of the man's grip and joined the chocolate drippings to stick to his shirt as a fancy new pin.
"Dear," Mrs. Bobofit sighed exasperated, "don't make your father sick his team of vicious attack lawyers on Percy."
"…Okay, I might do that." Nancy's dad admitted sheepishly.
"And they say we're childish." Nancy shook her head sadly, "For shame."
"What horrible examples they set." Percy added seriously as he bit into his smore.
"How ever will we become productive members of society now?" Grover pretended to Sob into Percy's shoulder.
"Now, now children. Behave." Percy's mom chastised giggling.
"I think she means you two." Nancy leaned over to her parents, whisper yelling as the group devolved into a fit of laughter, the fire crackling merrily. Then a roar had to echo over the waters, shattering the silence as all heads snapped up.
"What was that?" Mrs. Bobofit squeaked out, clutching her husband's arm. Percy's mom's face had the horrified expression to show she knew exactly what was after them. Percy and his team though were on their feet and ready.
New quest available!
Mission: Get to Camp Half-Blood without any of the party or their escort objectives being killed or taken by the monster.
Bonus Objective: Kill the monster.
Main Objective reward: 1000 EXP
Bonus Objective reward: Magical item: Horn of the ***** (X3)
Main Quests cannot be rejected.
"We need to run, now." Percy's mom was pulling the Bobofit parents to their feet, frantic eyes looking about nervously. Ignoring her, Percy stood up as his armor appeared on him, a greatsword he'd looted from the Goblins in his hands. At his side, Grover and Nancy equipped their own gear as his mom gaped in shock, her eyes showing she wasn't fooled at all by the Mist. "Percy?" his mom asked weakly while the Bobofits look confused, their eyes glazed over from the Mist.
"I know mom." Percy hefted his sword up as he took point, the fire glinting off his armor. He had poured his remaining points earlier today into his strength and constitution, "We can handle this."
"Handle what?" Mrs. Bobofit demanded, her eyes less cloudy than her husband's
"That." Grover had his pipes out and ready as they saw a silhouette approaching them from down the beach. It's form huge and bulking, a pair of sharp horns rising up as it lumbered.
"Pasiphae's son." His mom breathed out in horror.
"Fuck it." Percy spat into the fire "Nancy, shoot him." At his order, an arrow went flying as the creature swatted it aside with a gleaming axe. "Grover, please tell me you can do something useful with those pipes."
"Won't be as effective on the sand but I can slow this walking hamburger down." Grover pulled up his pipes and started to play as the monster stepped into the firelight.
"Gack! My eyes!" Percy gagged as he saw the very large, very naked monster. Vines burst up from the ground around the monster's legs and thankfully covering its genitals. The monster screamed in pain as the plants wrapped around it, eyes burning with rage.
"Gimpy gimpy vines, don't touch them!" Grover yelled in between frantic pipe playing while Nancy kept laying down cover fire and his mom worked to keep the Bobofits out of danger.
"Right!" Percy charged, his greatsword dragging through the sand as he flexed his muscles, swinging it hard to send the fine granules into the monster's eyes. Ducking the wildly swung battle axe, Percy swung his own sword, hitting the monster in the leg.
"Percy, go right!" Nancy shouted as Percy followed without hesitation, hearing the whistle of the arrow shooting past his ear as it imbedded into the monster's gut, Grover's pipes playing louder as the wooden shaft began to glow and grow, further wrapping around the beast. Throwing back his head, Percy couldn't help but laugh at how easier this fight was proving to be now that he had actually spent his attribute points. Bringing up the greatsword, Percy blocked the overhead strike from the Minotaur, the power behind it forcing him to his knees and knocking away his forming ego.
"Percy!" he heard his mom try to run over to him at that, Nancy and Grover working to hold him back meaning he might not be getting immediate backup. The Minotaur, hearing the panic of the three parents, got a savage and unholy grin upon its face, hungry drool dripping from its maw.
"No!" Percy snarled, refusing to back down even as the Minotaur kept pushing harder, its knee lashing out to strike Percy, chipping away at his health while he used all his strength to hold back the axe.
"Get away from that boy!" Mr. Bobofit shouted, charging the surprised Minotaur at a mortal having the courage to do such a thing, stabbing it with the only weapon the man had on hand, a hot dog skewer. It served only to anger the monster who took a hand off the axe to try and strike the man.
"Daddy!" Nancy screamed in fear as the man looked ready to take the strike before Percy shoved the monster back and tackled the man out of the way, both of them landing in the surf. As the waves lapped at them Percy grinned, feeling the surge of strength coursing through him, his wounds closing up as he entered his father's domain.
"…That monster's fucked." Grover commented upon seeing where Percy landed.
"Up the ass." Nancy added helpfully.
"Without lube." Grover finished while the moms just gaped, struggling to process what was going on.
Roaring a battle cry of his own, Percy shot forward, swinging his blade as it cut through the haft of the Minotaur's axe, the strike unbalancing the monster and leaving an opening as Percy spun around with the momentum of his slash before thrusting his blade into the chest of the beast. With the death blow struck the Minotaur started dissolving into golden dust, crumbling apart as the battle came to an end. Before he could try to think of an explanation for the mortals that knew nothing of the magical world, Percy saw flash of light surround Nancy's parents, their eyes clearing as they took in the weapons and armor he, Nancy, and Grover were wearing.
Quest completed!
Main Objective, successful!
Bonus objective, successful!
Rewards: 1000 EXP and Magical Item, Horn of the Minotaur (X3)
Extra reward: The Bobofit parents become clear sighted so you get the fun experience of explaining about the world of gods and monsters to them on the way to camp. Have fun! ; )
"…Oooooooh shit." Percy gulped as he turned towards the parents who all had the universal expression that demanded answers and they wanted them now.