This is my first fanfiction, i'm not the best writer but I will try my best!
This may seem similar to some other stories because Natsu will have a secret talent for singing, but my story line will be different from the other ones. Characters may be OOC. If you guys have song requests I might do them, who knows xD I uh guess this will sort of be Natsu x Harem but like, i'm bad with romantic stuff xD
So this story will take place during the celebration party after the wizards defeated Future Rogue and the dragons from the future.
"Text" - Talking
'Text' - Thoughts
Text - Singing
Text - Timeskip/Scene Change
Text - Song Name
*Text* - Action
Inside the palace with the wizards partying
"Where's flame-brain? I haven't seen him since the dragon fight. I wanted to fight him!" Gray complains.
"Before you go fighting anyone Gray, get you clothes before Erza sees." Lyon tells Gray while looking for Erza.
"Crap!" Gray says while looking down to see he's in his boxers while having a bow tie around his neck. "Where are my clothes!?" Gray then proceeds to run around looking for his clothes while keeping an eye out for Erza.
"Yo Gajeel! Have you seen Natsu?" Sting asks, hoping to see his idol.
"Nuwep, nun uf os hafe een em ence teh attle." Gajeel replies, with his mouth full of silverware.
"Are you sure you should be eating the silverware Gajeel?" Rogue asks. "I mean like what if it's the king's special silverware?"
"If it was so special why would he lay it out for us?" Gajeel asks as he put another spoon in his mouth.
"Okay then… that was weird…" Lector says.
"Fro thinks so too." Frosch comments.
"Am I the only one thinking this party needs to be more energetic?" Wendy asks.
"Probably because that barbarian isn't here right now." Carla replies.
"Aye!" Happy, happily says.
"Speaking of which, have you seen him Happy?" Lily asks his fellow exceed.
"Well… last I heard he said he was planning something…" Happy says.
"Oh dear, I hope whatever it is we don't also get into trouble for being in his guild." Carla says while imagining Natsu destroying the building.
"I'm sure it's fine Carla, Natsu wouldn't do anything too stupid." Lucy says as she walks over to them.
"But that would be so cool! Natsu destroying this whole building!" Romeo says with stars in his eyes.
"But it would get him in a lot of trouble and we don't want one of our best mages going to jail." Lisanna says while giggling.
"ATTENTION! Presenting his royal highness the king!" Arcadios says as a figure starts walking towards the balcony.
All eyes are on the balcony, waiting for the king to come and give a speech and congratulate them. As the figure slowly walks to the edge of the balcony we can see a glimmer from the crown on his head. As he slowly raises his hand…
"LOOK AT ME! I'M THE KING! HAHAHA!" Natsu yells down from the balcony. "Now you all have to listen to me as your king!"
Everyone just freezes where they are. Fairy Tail members being embarrassed for having him in their guild. Other guild wizards just being plain confused, shocked, but also laughing their heads off. The princess is just giggling next to a stunned Arcadios.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Natsu is just laughing away with that big goofy grin of his.
"HELL!" People scream, while still looking at Natsu up in the balcony wearing a robe and the crown.
Arcadios marches right over and takes the crown of Natsu's head. "Garou Knights! Get him!" He said while pointing to Natsu.
Natsu still has that big grin of his while he's being chased down. Still laughing away at everything running around making a whole mess. Then he gets cornered right by the window.
"Adios!" Natsu screams while jumping out of the window which is REALLY high up.
"HES CRAZY!" Is what loads of people WOULD'VE said if it wasn't Natsu being the one jumping out of the window. But they didn't because they all, already knew Natsu was one crazy guy.
"Well um… that just happened…" Laxus said while still looking towards the window that Natsu jumped out of.
"Wonder when he will be back…" Mira said while looking towards the others who all has different expressions.
"When he gets back, punishment will be given." Erza says with a deadly aura around her. "This is unacceptable, he stole the king's crown!" Everyone in Fairy Tail just froze thinking about the punishment Natsu will end up receiving feeling sorry for the poor guy. At that moment though, Toma, the REAL king came out and asked for his crown.
"What happened to Natsu?" Toma asks Arcadios, curious to what happened to one of his favorite wizards.
"Well your majesty, I had the Garou Knights try and capture him but he um… jumped out of a window and ran away…" Arcadios says while pointing to the very window he jumping out of that has been shattered.
"I just hope he comes back, it's always fun when he is around." Toma says then looks to the wizards. "This party is to celebrate you guys defending us from the dragons! Let us celebrate and have a good time! If any of you have requests for things we may do go ahead and speak up!"
"Father, perhaps we could um… have karaoke?" Princess Hisui asks her father.
"What a splendid idea! Everyone may have the chance to sing if they would like to!" Toma says. 'I wonder if people will actually sing and if they are good.' "Arcadios bring out the music player and fold out the stage! Who would like to be the first one to sing?" The king asks while looking out onto the crowd of mages, some nervous because they don't want to sing, others scared that the king will just randomly make them sing.
"I will sing!" Gajeel pushes his way forward while holding a guitar. 'Oh great, it's Gajeel's singing' Is what all the Fairy Tail mages thought.
Countless of terrible singers later…
"Man, not being rude are anything, BUT ALL OF THEM SUCK AT SINGING!" Gray screams. While still only having his boxers and bow tie on.
Erza then hits Gray making him faceplant into the floor. "Do not be rude Gray. Unless you want to go up there."
"U-h… No thank you Erza, I was just joking, I think they all did a good job." Gray said while sweating hoping Erza wouldn't hit him again or make him go up and sing.
"I think they all did fine because they all tried their best!" Levy says while smiling. 'Although when they try their best it still sucks' Levy thought.
"Hey, where's flame-brain! I'm sure he would've been back by now!" Gray states while looking around for Natsu.
"Hey guys what did I miss?" Happy questions while holding something between his paws which isn't a fish for once.
"Hey Happy, what is that?" Lucy ask while pointing to the magazine Happy is holding.
"I ran in Jason from Sorcerer Weekly and gave me the newest edition early! I thought you guys might want to look at it!" Happy says while handing it the Master Makarov.
"Let's see who they have in the photoshoots this week…" Makarov says while starting to get a bloody nose thinking about it
"Actually! Jason told me it was a cover about the Grand Magic Games and then has some other stuff in it." Happy exclaimed with being proud he remembered.
"Well then, let's see here. Fairy Tail's return, Natsu beating the Twin Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth, Fairy Tail's comeback and victory, dragons attacking, Natsu defeating Future Rogue and destroying the eclipse gate, a huge party for the wizards who helped, and finally on the last page… WHAT!? FIORES MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELORS!?" Makarov screams catching the attention of everyone else. "Oh um… want me to read it outloud?" Everyone nods their head.
"Fiore's most eligible bachelors! At number 10 we have the mysterious Mystogan of Fairy Tail!" Some people are shocked because nobody knows what Mystogan looked like besides some knowing his face.
"At number 9 we have Gajeel Redfox of Fairy Tail!" People are shocked again but then again, look at those muscle he has. They are bound to attract attention and his badass look.
"At number 8 we have Rogue Cheney from Sabertooth!" No matter who it is people are shocked to say the least. Rogue may act like he doesn't care but he really does care for his friends especially his exceed partner Frosch.
"At number 7 we have Lyon Vastia from Lamia Scale!" Although he was evil at one point, when he did turn good he was real good guy. Always free to help friends that need it.
"At number 6 we have Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail!" Even though he tried to destroy all of Magnolia and try to take over Fairy Tail claiming to not care about them, in the end he helps them coming to assist them in the battle against Hades once again becoming a caring Fairy Tail member.
"Now we are down to our top 5! Who will all get descriptions! So at number 5 we have Sting Eucliffe from Sabertooth! Although it is said he killed his dragon who raised him we all know he still cares for that dragon in his heart. Now becoming the new master to Sabertooth he will be changing it into a more kinder guild for the better!"
"At number 4 we have Loke of Fairy Tail! Even though he's a celestial spirit he can still get the ladies. He is one heck of a ladies man and smooth talker. Although he is a ladies man the one he truly loves is his master! Always being there to help her."
"We are now at our top 3! Where we will now have some interesting information they have given us! At number 3 we have Gray Fullbuster of Fairy Tail! A cool and collected guy! Hes there to help his friends and always tries his best especially against his rivals! We asked him if he has any special talents and all he said is none, so we asked him for stuff he likes to do and he said he likes to create ice sculptures with his Ice Make magic."
"At number 2 we have Hibiki Lates of Blue Pegasus! Woah, he's not number 1 this time! Hibiki who is also a ladies man always has his fans wherever he goes. Always giving them autographs and smiling he is always nice to his fans. We asked him for a special talent and or stuff he likes to do and he said he enjoys spending time with his 2 best friends for them to make up the Trimens but also to collect research and learn new things!"
"At number 1 it's a big shocker! Who would've thought this man would of been Fiores number one bachelor! He is none other than NATSU DRAGNEEL of Fairy Tail! He may eat a lot, rush into battles head first, always starting fights, and destroy stuff but he is way more than just that. He may seem stupid and dense at times but when push comes to shove he will use that big brain of his! He's always caring about his friends putting their safety over his always saving them when they need it! I wouldn't be surprised if every single member of Fairy Tail and other friends of his have not been rescued by the famous Salamander. Oh and don't forget about his looks, with his 6 pack of abs and tone muscles who wouldn't want a guy like him. He's a real keeper! Ladies be ready to take him before someone else does! As for his secret and or stuff he likes to do his answer was yes he has some secret talents but their a secret for a reason and stuff he like to do is eat food"
"Who would've thought Salamander is now Fiore's number 1 bachelor…" Gajeel said while thinking over everything. Meanwhile some of the girls thinking about what the magazine said and are starting to agree with it. Natsu is the full package, he's nice, caring, loyal, always ready to help, and those abs.
"AHHHHHH!" Someone screams.
"Ow… My head hurts…" Natsu said while landing onto the stage.
"Uh… Natsu?" Wendy says while blushing.
"Yeah? Whats up?" Natsu replies not noticing other girls are blushing as well.
"Why are you only in your boxers! Is Gray rubbing off onto you Natsu?" Happy says.
"What!?" Natsu looks down to see he's only in his boxers. "DANG THOSE FAN GIRLS! THEY ATTACKED ME AND TOOK MY CLOTHES!"
"Wait, fangirls? That must mean that the magazine is already public!" Levy states while looking away from Natsu.
"So um… what's this stage for?" Natsu questions while looking on it and sees a CD player.
'I've just got a great idea!' Toma thinks. "Natsu the stage is for karaoke and since you are on the stage that means that you have to sing."
"WHAT! BUT I DON'T WANT TO!" Natsu yells.
"I'm sorry Natsu but you have to sing." Hisui says. YES! Natsu is singing, I wonder if he's any good?
"Ugh, fine…" He walks up to the CD to put a CD in but then remembers something. "Oh yeah! I should put some clothes on!" Flames then engulfed Natsu so you couldn't see him but then they die down. We now see Natsu wearing a red undershirt that has its top 3 buttons unbuttoned, with him wearing a black overcoat with a rose in his chest pocket, with black pants and shoes. With his scarf around his neck like usual. (A/N: I'm really bad with fashion and am bad at describing stuff like this xD) Natsu then pulls a CD from his pocket and pops it into the CD player, the Pink Panther theme song starts to play. "Um… oops hehe, wrong CD" Everyone just falls down at Natsu doing that. "Hm… which song… I guess i'll do this one since we are Unstoppable. We hear music start to play right away.
There's a moment
In your bones when
When the fire takes over
Blood is running
Heart is pumping
As the battle gets closer
Ooh, they can say what they want now
Ooh, 'cause we'll be screaming out
Everyone thought Natsu would sing like Gajeel and those other wizards, but no. Natsu sings AMAZING. 'He's good, I wonder if he will sing more' is what was on everyone's mind.
We can be heroes everywhere we go
We can have all that we ever want
Swinging like Ali, knocking out bodies
Standing on top like a champion
Keep your silver, give me that gold
You'll remember when I say
We can be heroes everywhere we go
Keeping us down is impossible
'Cause we're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
Every spotlight
Every sound byte
Everybody who gave up
Is just the fuel for
Wanting it more
Than anybody against us
Ooh, they can say what they want now
Ooh, 'cause we'll be screaming out
"How can flame-brain sing!?" Gray yells, stunned that his rival can not only sing but sing amazingly, not that he was going to admit it.
"Shhhhh!" Is what everyone replies while trying to listen to Natsu singing.
We can be heroes everywhere we go
We can have all that we ever want
Swinging like Ali, knocking out bodies
Standing on top like a champion
Keep your silver, give me that gold
You'll remember when I say
We can be heroes everywhere we go
Keeping us down is impossible
'Cause we're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
'Did he make this song? If he did, did he make more?' Is what people were thinking. 'I wonder if he made a song about me…' Is what some girls were wondering.
Ooh, they can say what they want now
Ooh, 'cause we'll be screaming out
We can be heroes everywhere we go
We can have all that we ever want
Swinging like Ali, knocking out bodies
Standing on top like a champion
Keep your silver, give me that gold
You'll remember when I say
We can be heroes everywhere we go
Keeping us down is impossible
We're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
Oh woah, we're unstoppable
We're unstoppable
There was just silence in the room after Natsu finish. 'Did I do a bad job? Is that why everyone is so quiet and staring at me?' Natsu starts to sweat from nervousness because all eyes are on him.
'That song had to be about the battle with the dragons.' Levy thought.
"Um… i'm assuming I did a bad job if you're all being quiet and staring at me…" Natsu says with his head hanging low.
"Maaaan, Natsu that was amazing." Ichiya says while striking a pose.
"If Master says it was amazing it was amazing." The Trimens say while clapping.
"Yes, it was indeed wonderful." Jura replies while nodding his head.
"Did you make that song?"
"What types of music do you make?"
"Do you dedicate your songs to specific people or things?"
"Why didn't you tell any of us?"
"I like fish!"
"Can you sing again?" People kept asking Natsu questions and telling him how good he was. Some questions were useful, while others had no purpose…
"Um… yes I did make the song, I make all types of music so basically every genre, I do dedicate my songs to specific people or events, I didn't tell any of you because I didn't think of of you would care, I already know you like fish Happy, and um… I don't know if i'll sing again." Natsu conveyed.
"Come on Natsu pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sing again." Millianna begs. 'I want him to sing a song dedicated to me.' she is thinking.
"Yeah, sing again man!" Orga shouts.
"Um… I guess i'll sing again but um… can someone tell me a genre they want it from?" Natsu asks.
"Make it romance! I wanna see if the great Salamander actually knows what it is because we all think you don't as of right now!" Lector shouts to Natsu.
"U-u-u-uh…a r-r-r-romance song…" Natsu shakily says. 'I-I-I can't sing a romantic song, it will be embarrassing.'
"Psht, as if flame-brain would know what romance is, he is too stupid to know." Gray smugly says. 'He wouldn't know what romance is even if someone gave him a book about it, actually he would probably end up burning the book.'
"Oi Salamander! Do ya know have a romantic song? You said you had every genre!" Gajeel shouts with a smirk on his face. 'I knew Salamander knew nothing about romance.'
"W-w-w-well, I do have songs about romance but… their no good…" Natsu says while looking down. 'More like it will be too embarrassing to sing them in front of the girls…'
"So Natsu, are you gonna sing us a romantic song or not?" Laxus says while grinning. 'There's no way this idiot made a romantic song.'
Well that's Chapter 1 finished. So uh, remember if you have song requests go ahead and ask, I might or might not do it. I'll be doing all genres of music or whatever music you guys wanna request and uh, i'll see you guys in the next chapter? And i'll be making a list of who's in Natsu's Harem so uh, tell me any girls you want in it. Tell me any changes I should try out.
The Score: Unstoppable