'Come on Izuku, you can do this! You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You're Kurou, the ultimate hero. You've dealt with way more stressful situations that this. You're faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Actually...I don't even need to leap now that I can fly. Well, flying could be considered leaping without gravity interfering with your descen-'

"Izuku!" Jiro shouted for the fourth time.

"Huh?" The green haired man looked up at the woman.

"Can you stop quoting old era comic books and get down from there? You're leaving footprints on the ceiling."

"Oh shit!" Midoriya almost shouted once he realized that he was indeed standing on the ceiling. 'I didn't even realize that I activated my 'wall walking' quirk.' He said to himself before deactivating his power and landing on the floor in front of his friends.

Without a word, Jiro grabbed one of the nearby chairs and forced him to have a seat. In all the years that she's known the guy, it still amazed her how one of the most powerful people on the planet could quickly fold into a nervous wreck at the drop of a hat. "Calm down dude, you'll be fine. Just take a few deep breaths."

"Kyoka's right." Todoroki said from his spot in the corner of the room. "Everything's going to go smoothly."

"Indeed." Tokoyami nodded.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence guys. But, I-I'm just really nervous." Midoriya said to the group.

The purple haired woman took it upon herself to flatten a few wrinkles in his suit before giving him a not-so-subtle slap to the face.

"Ah, what the hell?!" The green haired man rubbed his now bruised cheek before small sparks of orange electricity began repairing the damage.

"Get a hold of yourself! Aren't you the same guy who kicked a Nomu into low orbit? Where the hell did all your confidence go?"

"Probably down the toilet with the rest of my breakfast." He said in a low tone as he turned away from Jiro. Only slightly reconsidering his choice of making her his "best woman". Now that he thought about it, they never really did sort out what her official title was going to be.

That comment was enough to get a hearty laugh from Kaminari as the yellow haired man took another bite of his rice ball that he may or may not have taken from the reception area.

In all honesty, Midoriya really shouldn't have been as nervous as he was. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't really a big deal. Weddings happen all the time. He'd been to a few himself ever since graduating from U.A.. Granted, all those times he was merely a guest. Not the main focus. But it was perfectly normal to be a bit anxious about the whole thing.

Everything was all set and ready to go. The decorations were in place. The food was laid out. The reception hall looked absolutely amazing. All seventy-two guests were patiently waiting outside for him and his fiancée to show up. And his mother only passed out twice so far. Everything was going according to plan and he had absolutely nothing to worry about. The only thing that could ruin this moment was a random villain attack.

"We did make sure that-"

"Yes, the entire place is safe and we even got some local heroes to pull security." Jiro quickly cut him off.

Midoriya let out one final sigh before regaining what was left of his nerves and standing up. Once he finally got himself in order, he took a moment to look back at his friends. As he glanced around the room, he couldn't help but be thankful for how fortunate he was to have such a great group of people around him. It wasn't too long ago that the thought of even having friends was a near impossibility in his mind. Hell, him getting married to the amazing girl in the world was just as improbable to him.

With one last shake, he gave the group a wide smile and thanked them for all their support. "I really appreciate you guys for being here."

"Dude, save the sappy stuff for when you see Itsuka in her wedding gown." Tetsutetsu waved off with a quick chuckle.

"Speaking of attire…" Todoroki spoke up. "I don't think green is really my color." He said while looking down at his tie and pocket square. "I look like a Christmas ornament."

"Since when were you an expert on fashion?"

"Well, Mikoto was pretty adamant about the color pallet for the ceremony. It was either that or bright orange." Midoriya laughed while rubbing the back of his head.

"Look, we can sit here and talk about color coordination until we're blue in the face. But we need to get out there before Inko floods the place." Jiro announced.

With one final look in the mirror, Midoriya adjusted his suit and tie before making a beeline for the door. "Alright, let's do this!"

On the other side of the building, Kendou and her group were putting the finishing touches on their own preparations.

"I have to hand it to you, Setsuna. At first I wasn't a fan of the whole teal and orange kimono idea. But this thing looks absolutely amazing." Kendou told the green haired woman while she checked herself out in the mirror for the seventh time. Although her outfit was a bit more extravagant than what she would've preferred, she couldn't deny it's beauty. If it was up to her, she would've picked out something more simple. But she was more than happy with the floral design and how comfortable it felt.

"Well, it was either that or we'd all be wearing emerald green. But either way, you look great!" Tokage smiled with only the slightest hint of smugness in her voice.

"I agree, you look wonderful." Yaoyorozu added.

"It doesn't really matter though, seeing as Wonderboy's going to be ripping it off of yo-"

"Stop!" Komori put a hand over the woman's mouth before she could finish her lewd comment.

As the women spent the next few minutes standing around talking about the impending ceremony, a knock on the door caught their attention. A second passed before Yamanaka walked into the room holding an absolutely stunning bouquet of teal and orange flowers in her hands. The blonde haired woman was testing out one of Hatsume's new walkers that she was going to be unveiling at the I-Expo later that year.

"Sorry I'm late, my mom wanted to make sure that the arrangement was absolutely perfect." The woman apologized.

"It's no trouble at all." Kendou told her as she was handed to the bouquet. Taking a moment to marvel at its beauty.

Barely a minute later, Mikoto made her way into the room and had to stop herself from breaking down into tears at the sight of her daughter. Thankfully, the woman's kimono could expand with her quirk or else she would've bursted out of it by now. "Look at my beautiful baby!" She said as she threw her arms around Kendou.

"Group hug!" Tokage cheered before joining in on the embrace. Causing Yaoyorozu, Yamanaka, Komori, Kodai and Yanagi to do the same.

"Alright guys, can we save the tears until after the ceremony?" Kendou laughed while secretly hoping that her crew weren't getting tears on her outfit. "Is everything ready to go, Mom?"

"Yes." The woman sniffled. "We're good to go. We need to hurry, though. Ibara-chan is about to lose her mind. The girl's been reciting her lines non-stop for the last fifteen minutes."

"Well, she did say that she wasn't going to allow anyone else to preside over the ceremony. So of course she's putting her all into it." The orange haired woman joked.

With one final look in the mirror and yet another group hug, the gang of women began making their way into the hall. Kendou would be lying if she said that she wasn't nervous as all hell about the entire thing. But the fact that she was about to get married to the most amazing guy in the world was a good bit of reassurance.

Years ago, if you told her that the same quiet, anti-social and reclusive teen that she met at U.A. would one day be her husband, she would've looked at you like you were insane. Now, she really couldn't imagine her life without the guy. They had been through more than their fair share of nonsense together, but she was happy with how things turned out. This may have been a monumental moment in her life, but there were surely many more to come. And she was more than ready to face those head-on with the man that she loved.

"Alright ladies, let's do this!"

"Dude I'm telling you, our captain has a pet pig that has the exact same quirk as you! It's the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life!" A slightly drunk Yuuto laughed while throwing his arm over Amajiki's shoulder.

"Is he always like this when he drinks?" The pointy eared man looked to Sen.

"Yeah…" The blonde haired woman smiled while taking a sip of her own drink.

As expected, the wedding ceremony went off without a hitch. And the entire party was now having a good time in the reception hall. For the most part, things didn't get too out of hand. Izuku and most of the guys were crowded around one of the tables while Tetsutetsu and Togata were having an arm wrestling match. And the women were admiring Itsuka's new teal wedding band. Much like her engagement ring, this too was a specially made item courtesy of Hatsume.

The party raged on well into the night before everyone decided to let the man and woman of the hour take their leave.

"You ready to go?" Izuku smiled at Itsuka as he took her hand and interlocked their fingers.

"Definitely!" The orange haired woman smiled back.

The newlywed couple shared a quick peck on the lips before Itsuka leapt into her husband's arms and threw her hands around his neck. They two started into each other's eyes for a moment and the world around them seemed to disappear. Both of them wondering how they managed to get so lucky.

"We'll see you guys in a week." The green haired man turned around to the rest of the group while giving them a thumbs up before levitating into the air.

"Try not to burn the agency down while we're gone." Itsuka followed up.

"Enjoy the honeymoon!" Tokage shouted from the bar.

"Where are you guys going anyway?" Jiro asked.

Itsuka and Izuku shared a quick glance with one another before flashing everyone a set of wide grins. "It's a secret." They both said in unison.

Before the others could comment, the quirk inheritor took off into the night sky while giving one final wave.

"So, what time does our flight leave?" Itsuka inquired.

"Three hours. Just enough time to grab our bags and head over to the airport." The man told her.

"I can't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when we send them pictures of the two of us in New York."

"Oh yeah, they're gonna flip."

"We just have to make sure that we get a couple from the top of the Empire State building. It's on my bucket list."

"I'm just looking forward to seeing the statue of liberty."

Kendou decided not to respond. Instead, she simply snuggled up closer into the man's arms and undid her bun to let the wind flow through her orange hair. Giving herself a moment to take in the city lights below them and admire the view. She then took a second to look up her at her new husband and couldn't help but plant a loving peck on his lips.

"I love you, Izuku Midoriya." She smiled at him warmly.

"I love you too, Itsuka Midoriya." He returned the gesture with his own signature million-watt smile.

And with that, the couple disappeared over the horizon and into the star filled sky. Ready to begin the newest chapter of their story. They had no clue what was instore for the rest of their lives. But whatever it may be, as long as they had each other they were more than happy to face whatever the future had planned for them.

~"Blitzkrieg Bop" by Ramones plays in the background.~

Author's Notes: Well, there you have it folks. This dumpster fire of a fic has officially come to an end! Sorry for taking so long, but I ended up deleting part of this by accident and had to rewrite it. I feel like I did a pretty good overall wrap up with the last couple of chapters. This one was just the "send off".

1. There were a few things that I wish I did differently with this story, but I'm still happy with how it turned out. There were also a few ideas that I had when creating the first outline of this that I ended up scrapping (Originally, Midoriya was supposed to have his own version of the "Muscle Form". But thankfully my buddy talked me out of it. Also, Spectrum was supposed to play a much bigger role but I had a hard time plugging him into the Overhaul Arc)

2. Feel free to give me your honest opinions on this fic. What did you like? What did you not like? What was your favorite moment? What was your least favorite? Stuff like that. Any and all criticism will be accepted, and I'll try not to have my feelings hurt. I'll just use it as motivation in my newest fic.

3. I like to give credit where credit is due. This fic was mostly inspired by other works such as: "Young Midoriya" by mattybeach, "Fist to Fist, Heart to Heart" by Yojimbra, "Training Partners" by Onbet, "106 Attempts to get your Deku" by Elihart123, and a few others. If you guys get the chance, you should go check those out.

4. Someone suggested this to me, but I'm considering doing a "Q&A Chapter" sometime next week for any questions that you guys still have. So, if there is still something that you wanted to know go ahead and ask.

Thank you all for reading and check out my newest fic "Emerald Island" if you haven't done so already!