cabrera1234: It's not Angela.
CRUDEN: He won't be the Phoenix it's more like he'll use it to fuel his power. Vulcan does have a weakness that Havok and later Peter will exploit to try and defeat him.
Luiggi 22: No it's not Kitty Pryde nor is it Carol Ferris. I had ideas of Kitty being one of Peter's wives but I decided against it. Besides in this story she and Colossus are married. As for Carol Ferris, she will be getting back with Hal Jordan.
Dragonrule: Yes this will result in Peter and Jean getting together.
Disclaimer: Spider-Man and other characters in this story are owned by Marvel and DC respectively.
Chapter 20: War of Kings Part 1
It has been hours since the gathering of heroes and currently a space ship was travelling at light speed with various heroes inside. This one space ship was the Marveller and its pilot was none other than Peter. Inside of the Marveller with Peter were Carol, Diana, Sue, Dinah, Steve, Jean, Thor, and Green Lantern John Stewart as they were headed for the planet of Hala, home-world of the Kree.
"Tell me again Carol, how is it that the Inhumans take over Hala?" Peter asked.
"Thousands of years ago the Kree began experimenting on some humans making them Inhumans when exposed to the Terrigen Mist. Before they could manipulate the Inhumans in there war with the Skrulls, a prophecy foretold that the Inhumans would take over the Kree Empire and they decided to abandon the project altogether. Some time ago, Blackbolt decided that they should take Hala for the crap that the Kree had been causing others", Carol said.
"Huh, that makes since", Peter said. "It's a good thing we were able to contact the Inhumans before leaving although I take it they were disappointed after learning of what happened to Reed, Ben, and Johnny, huh?"
"You'd be surprised Webs. Princess Crystal was pretty upset that her ex died", John said. "From experience, I know the feeling of losing someone you love". John remembered his first wife who was killed just to spite his friend.
"Same here", Peter said thinking about Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane. Sue understood the feeling as she remembered Reed and held Peter's hand to show comfort.
Jean unfortunately listened in on the conversation and while she understood, she was a bit envious of the three as their former lovers were faithful, unlike her ex. Jean decided to interject in the conversation. "Are there any other Lanterns that are suppose to be on Hala?"
"Yeah, Jessica, Simon, and Kyle ", John said.
"It's good that they managed to contact Hala and allow us to arrive. If we can get there before Vulcan and strategize on how to stop his forces we can stop him", Diana said.
"True but Vulcan is powerful and won't go down without a fight", Jean said.
"It's still weird to know that the Summers Brothers have a third brother younger than them", Thor said.
"Agreed but that's only because he was born into slavery by the Shi'ar and didn't know he had brothers until later on", Steve said. "Not to mention the fact that he was hyper-aged into adulthood so he is technically still a kid".
"Didn't stop that kid from becoming a tyrant", Dinah said.
Peter listened on everything that was being said before he thought back to the meeting that the heroes had some time earlier.
Everyone was stunned at the idea that the Phoenix was captured. Everyone was even more shocked that it was Vulcan who captured the Phoenix Force. "Okay I know this is shocking and all but guys we have to focus", Quill said.
"How were they able to capture the Phoenix?" Artemis asked.
"The Shi'ar have extensive history of the Phoenix Force. It's only possible that they are able to find a way to capture the Phoenix", Logan said as he sat next to Artemis.
"We'll need to come up with a plan to get to Hala and mount a counter attack. In addition, we'll need to find where the Phoenix is and stop Vulcan from using it's power", Bruce said.
"One problem; Our javelins won't be able to get to Hala quickly enough", Barry said. "Not only that but if we do get to Hala with any other ships we won't any space ships that can fight against Vulcan's forces".
"Well guess who has one of the fastest space ships of all time?" Peter chimed in.
"Yeah, a space ship that you don't deserve or need", Rocket said.
"Jealous?" Peter smirked under his mask. This made Rocket growl at Peter until Clark spoke.
"It would be a problem for us if we all go to Hala. I suggest we take a handful of us to Hala while we warp everyone else using Manifold's power", Clark said.
"For the best that we do that", Bruce said.
"I'll take charge of the mission to Hala", Steve said. "Diana, Canary, Thor, Sue, and John, you all will join me and Spider-Man on our way to Hala". They all understood and nodded.
Jean knew that if the Phoenix was involved in any way at all it would be a problem. Since she was once bonded with the Phoenix she decided that she should be part of the mission. "Cap, with permission I would like to join as well", Jean said.
This caught Steve off guard and looked to Jean. "Are you sure you want to join Jean?" Steve asked.
"Yes, I'm sure", Jean said.
"Alright then, let's get going then", Steve said.
Before Jean could go with Cap, she was stopped by Logan. "Be careful Red", Logan said.
"I know Logan", Jean said with a smile before she went off with Cap and Peter.
-Flashback End-
Peter remembered the meeting before he looked up ahead. Peter turned to call out to the others. "Guys, we made it but so did the Shi'ar". The Marveller made it to the planet of Hala and all around the planet there were ships and lasers being shot by Shi'ar and Kree forces.
"I've telepathically scanned all of the ships owned by Vulcan and I don't feel his presence anywhere", Jean said.
"Which means he's on the planet", Steve said. "We have to get down there and soon as possible".
"Not only that but we'll need to help the Kree fight the Shi'ar", Dinah said.
"Leave it to Lady Danvers and myself", Thor said as he rose his hammer.
"Count me in too. You'll probably need the help", John said. Thor nodded in approval.
"Alright everyone, let's get to work", Steve said. Soon enough, Carol, Thor, and John all flew out of the Marveller and began helping the Kree fight back against the Shi'ar. While they fought Shi'ar forces, the Marveller flew towards the planet.
Peter took the opportunity to contact Bruce and others back on Earth. "Bad news Bats, the Shi'ar got here before we could but it looks like they just started fighting", Peter said.
"That's not good", Bruce said. "Do what you can to find Blackbolt before Vulcan gets to him".
"Understood", Peter said as he continued to fly the ship to the palace of Hala.
Inside of the palace on Hala were King Blackbolt and his wife Queen Medusa as they were running from various Shi'ar forces. As they were running, a blonde woman landed in front of the Shi'ar forces and shot out a massive fireball at them. The fireball blasted them all away as Medusa and Blackbolt turned to look at what happened.
"Crystal, what are you doing?" Medusa asked.
"Vulcan will be here soon. I'll hold him off while you guys get going", Crystal said. Another group of Shi'ar forces run at Crystal as she shot more fireballs at them. "If Vulcan gets to you then our people will suffer".
"Crystal I can't let you do this", Medusa said as she tried to stop her baby sister.
"Sister we don't have time to argue. You have to leave, now go!" Crystal yelled as she froze several Shi'ar warriors.
"Crystal sto-" Medusa was cut off when Blackbolt grabbed her shoulder. Medusa looked to his face and she looked down. With tears in her eyes Medusa spoke to her husband. "You're right, we have to go". Medusa looked back to Crystal. "Crystal, be careful". With that Medusa and Blackbolt left the room.
"Of course my Queen", Crystal yelled as she continued fighting only to find herself surrounded. "I should let you know that I just found out my ex died and right now I'm really pissed". With that, Crystal created a huge explosion destroying nearby enemies.
Back with Blackbolt and Medusa, the two continued running just as a figure landed in front of them. The figure was a man had short black hair with glowing and wore a red and blue suit with energy coming off of him like it was fire. This was Gabriel Summers aka Vulcan aka the third Summers Brother aka the the current ruler of the Shi'ar.
"This is Vulcan that the heroes back on Earth told us about", Medusa whispered to Blackbolt. Blackbolt frowned as Vulcan began to walk forward all the while wih a smile on his face.
"Blackagar Boltagon, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Also nice to meet you lovely wife", Vulcan said as he looked to Medusa slightly lustfully. Blackbolt stood infront of Medusa while glaring at him. "Oh come on, really? You want to say something about what I'm doing wrong go on ahead say something".
Blackbolt would want to say something but knows full well why he can't. There were certain moments where Blackbolt would love to curse his parents for what they did to him. Blackbolt gritted his teeth while Vulcan smiled and began laughing.
"Hahahaha, that's right you can't say anything unless you want to kill everyone here", Vulcan said. "We can make things really simple just surrender everyhing you have to me and maybe, just maybe, I'll think about letting you keep your wife".
Medusa has had enough of this and used her hair to wrap around Vulcan's body in order to restrain him. Vulcan yawned at this before he burned Medusa'a hair off of him and causing Medusa to recall her hair back. Blackbolt didn't want to endanger his wife so he grabbed her and tried flying away.
"Sorry but you won't be getting away from me that easily", Vulcan said as he blasted at them. Blackbolt saw the attack coming and knew he couldn't avoid it so he used his own body to protect Medusa and took the attack.
The blast burned his back and they began falling to the ground. Before they hit the ground Blackbolt turned making sure that his wife was alright as they hit the ground. "My beloved are you alright?" Medusa asked in concern. Blackbolt nodded his head, as tried to fight back the pain, to let her know he was alright.
"Wow, I'm gonna hate myself because now I'll have to be forced to do harsher things should not surrender", Vulcan said as he walked towards them.
"Well so will we pal". Vulcan turned around only to be webbed up by Peter while Diana appeared and wrapped her lasso around him to hold him in place. Dinah ran up in front of Vulcan and Canary Cried in his face to disorientate him. As Vulcan Staggered and tried to heal, he was hit in the face by Cap's Shield and knocked unconscious. Peter and Diana went over and helped Blackbolt and Medusa to there feet.
"Thank you everyone. We probably wouldn't have made it without any of you", Medusa said.
"Anytime. We here to help in any way, just know that we have your backs", Peter said. "Also don't worry about Crystal. She was rescued by the Green Lanterns".
"Thank goodness", Medusa said with much happiness. Blackbolt smiled as well happy to know that they have allies they can depend on.
Everyone was able to escape just before Vulcan got back up. To say he was pissed was an understatement. Vulcan touched the side of his ear and spoke. "Gladiator it's we reveal our new toy to the Kree", Vulcan said.
"But sir we isn't it too early to-
"Gladiator stop being an idiot and do what I say!" Vulcan yelled.
with Gladiator
Back in space Gladiator was hesitant to as he knew this weapon was destructive but he had no choice but to do so. "U-Understood sir", Gladiator said before he pressed a series of buttons and released a mechanical giant to the planet. "Forgive me heroes". The heroes, the Kree, and the Inhumans have no idea of what is about to happen as this new mechanical nightmare falls to the planet. The only one who knows is Jean as she senses what it truly possesses.
Next time brothers fight against each other, Peter and Jean bond, and Superman vs Gladiator. Plus Jean confronts the Phoenix. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!