AN: So this chapter is late. That though it because it was really hard to write, already I've rewritten and played around with it multiple times, and still and not quite pleased. I'm not sure why, it maybe because I took a break, or because I'm bored of this story arc, but it was difficult.

Still though I managed to preserve and got out something I am at least content with. I may come back to fine tune it later though.

But yes, anyway here is the next chapter hope you all enjoy it and leave a review.

Thanks for reading, please do check out my other stories if you have the chance.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or the DC universe.

( - )

(Last Time)

"Wally uses science to understand things that are out of his control. To admit that magic exists would be to let go of that control. Give him time and I am sure he will come around eventually," Percy replied after a few moments, he didn't know much about science, but he did know that, despite what Wally said, it didn't have an answer for everything. After all just look at him, he was a Demigod, he would be impressed if science could explain his existence.

"I hope so," M'gann muttered, only to be distracted as she saw Percy suddenly point straight ahead. Her hazel eyes shifting over to look at what he was pointing at, only for her to see that, on top of one of the snow banks, there was a doorway.

"Come on, let's head there." Percy muttered, leading the way, with M'gann following after him as he headed for the doorway. "Hn, I didn't see this mission becoming so troublesome. It makes me wonder what everyone else is doing with their day off?"

( - )

Chapter 16

( - )

(In the Tower of Fate)

"Tell us Nelson, tell us where it is! Where is the Helmet of Fate?!" Abra snarled, his wand held out in front of him, bluish lightning flying it off it and shocking Kent Nelson's frail form. A cry of pain and anguish leaving the smartly dressed old man's mouth, but nothing else as the eighty plus year old man instead just curled up into a ball and weathered the taller, long, dark haired man's assault.

Standing just off to the side, Abra could see the pasty, pale skinned Klarion shrieking with glee. The immortal Lord of Chaos practically clapping his hands together in delight as he, Abra, his 'minion', tormented the old man. The Lord of Chaos's lips twisting into a horrific smile, at the sadistic abuse, his features distorting to become almost inhuman.

At his feet, Teekl, his black striped, orange furred, familiar purred. The red eyed, feline creature looping around one of Klarion's legs as his master shrieked in delight, gleefully showing its own enthusiasm for the ongoing abuse.

With the cat, like its despotic master revelling in the ongoing chaos and pain. The two of them looking for all the world like cartoonish caricatures of what people perceived mainstream villainy to be. It caused a shiver of disgust and shame to travel down Abra's spine, not that he was about to stop or leave like he wanted too.

No, he was too scared of the Witch Boy to do that. Klarion was a sadistic sacked of shit, one that cared about nothing, especially not other people's opinions of him. He was a Lord of Chaos. Pain, anger, fear, and all things negative, they were like a fine wine to him. The twisted little shit got off on things like torture.

Abra really didn't want to know what the demon child would do to him if he dared stray or stop.

"I said tell us, Nelson! Tell us, and the torture can stop!" Abra repeated, the taller, tanned man's face a rictus of disgust. Unlike his sallow skinned comrade, he was not enjoying this. Violence and torture, they were not things he enjoyed, and he certainly didn't get off on them like the demonic being beside him.

Unfortunately though he had no choice but to torture the information out of Kent Nelson. What with him being a stubborn old man; and the powers of the Lord of Fate being too powerful to just undo. That and they didn't have the time to find the Helmet of Fate in the conventional way, not with the junior Justice League members running around.

On top of which Klarion, he knew, didn't have the patience to go about things the slower, less effective way.

No, the Lord of Chaos was more likely to just destroy the entire tower and damn the consequences, than waste time searching through its many levels and breaking its enchantments; even if said tower had him, Abra, inside.

"Just tell us!" Abra snapped, ignoring Klarion's gleeful cackling.

"No," Kent Nelson gasped out, his quivering form visibly steaming as he remained curled up in a ball.

"I don't want to do this, but I will if I have too." Abra growled, his sweat slicked palms gripping his wand tighter. He might not be a wizard in the technical sense, with him instead using technology taken from the future to mimic magic, but he could still cause Nelson immense pain.

"Do your worst…" Kent whispered back.

Closing his eyes for a moment at that, Abra grit his teeth, and then opened them again, his dark eyes now cold, hard and filled with resolve. It seems he had no choice but to break the old man.

Before he could do anything though, an unfamiliar voice suddenly shouted at him from a few metres away. "Hey, you two, what the hell are you doing?!"

Snapping his head up at the sound, Abra's dark eyes quickly locked onto the source of the voice. His heavily lidded eyes narrowing as he saw two, athletic and costumed teens. One a redheaded boy, and the other a blonde girl. Both of them wearing costumes. The boy wearing one of red and yellow, a lightning bolt clearly visible on his chest. The other meanwhile was clad in green and carrying a bow.

More importantly though he also saw the familiar glowing cane the pair of them were holding between them. His attention dismissing the two teens for the moment, and instead locking onto the intense energy he could almost feel emanating off of the cane for a moment, his skin beginning to prickle, and the air on his arms rising, even as he noticed his companion's attention likewise captured by the cane.

"Stop th-" Klarion began to screech, only for his petulant words to freeze in his throat as the cane whizzed out of the hands of the teens, without warning, and flew across the room. The room which was filled with gravity and space defying staircases. The glowing cane slapping into Kent Nelson's palm moments later, before Klarion, his face more demonic than ever, and Abra, who was visibly fighting his shock, could even react.

"Return," Nelson hissed out feebly, his form glowing golden for a moment, before he vanished from where he was curled up at Abra's feet. Only for the old man to reappear a split second later between the two startled teens. His gnarled hands reaching out and gripping onto them both, before without another word, he vanished again in another flash of gold light.

"Nooo!" Klarion screeched out, flinging Abra away from him in his rage, his face distorting even further, and reddish black, magical energy flowing off of him as he let out another screech of rage. His feline familiar hissing in outraged too, its red eyes glowing and its fur standing on end. "That's not fair, that's cheating! Get after them Abra!"

( - )

(Elsewhere in the Tower of Fate, with Percy and M'gann)

A silence had overtaken both M'gann and Percy as, after jumping through the doorway in the 'pain of ice and snow', they now found themselves walking through what look like a museum to the occult.

All around them they could see plinths, glass containers, shelves and wall racks, all of which seemed to hold odd and unusual objects.

One of the plinths they passed, Percy could see had a large glass aquarium on top of it, within which was an odd, pure white tentacle monster thing, about the size of a man's torso, with burning red eyes, and sharp needle like teeth. The bizarre creature hissing at the sight of them, its sharp teeth bared menacingly, and its tentacles writhing around it, dancing futilely across its glass container.

Another one of the plinths they passed, he could see, held a claw like hand. Within which was clutched a thin black card, about the size and shape of a standard credit card, upon which Percy could see embossed, blocky golden text.

Leaning closer to the card as he passed, he was able to make out the words 'Get Out of Hell Free' on the card.

"Weird," Percy muttered, sending the card an uncertain look.

A part of him at first thought that the card was a joke, some parody of the monopoly, 'get out of jail free' card.

But a greater part of him, the one that had seen and done too much, knew that it was probably real. This belief of course was helped along by the fact that Percy had been in a literal hell-scape, Tartarus, and had been there for decades upon decades.

"I definitely could have done with one of these." He muttered to himself as he tore his gaze away from the odd card, and looked further down the gallery.

Glancing over at him as they continued walking, M'gann looked back and eyed the card curiously for a moment. Her hazel eyes flicking between the wry smile on his face, and the card.

"Come on let's keep on going," Percy continued, not giving the Martian a chance to comment as he instead pushed on through the gallery of odd, eccentric, esoteric mysteries. The two of them occasionally stopping here and there to examine some of the things they passed, their curiosity often getting the best of them. D

"Where do you think Mr Nelson is?" M'gann suddenly spoke up after ten minutes of relative silence. "Wally and Artemis too?" Tagging on the erstwhile missing member so the team, both of whom had vanished twenty odd minutes previously after grabbing a floating cane/ wand. Both of whom were now missing, and out of telepathic contact.

"I'm not sure," Percy replied looking around at his surroundings. The gallery they had been walking through was too big for the tower they were supposedly in. They had been walking for nearly half a mile now, and yet the end was not in sight, nor was the door they had come through to get here. "I doubt Artemis and Wally will be in any danger though, or at least any danger they can't handle. Kent Nelson is an ally of the League. Still though, I don't think just wandering around looking for them is helping. Not when it seems like the tower and its corridors are constantly shifting and changing."

Turning around, and looking back at the way they had come, a scowl passed across Percy's face at that thought.

He had experienced something like this before. It had been a long time ago, but his memories of the Labyrinth, the ever shifting and moving, living maze which lingered just below the surface of the earth, were still clear and present.

In the Labyrinth too, distance and space had seemed to distort.

A person could enter the Labyrinth in New York, walk for five minutes and then exit thousands miles away in California, with only five minutes having passed. Or they could walk for hours upon hours, and travel for miles, only to resurface just half a mile down the street from where they had started.

The Tower of Fate was giving him the same vibe.

"Oh wait, Hello Megan, I have an idea!" M'gann chirped up suddenly, distracting Percy from his thoughts as she lightly palmed her forehead, a movement and statement that was rapidly becoming the Martian's catchphrase.

"I'm all ears," replied Percy, a wry smile returning to his face as he tore his gaze from his surroundings and looked back at the pretty, green skinned girl.

"Well, what if we just ask the tower to take us to Mr Nelson?" She said, her head tilted cutely to the side.

Percy stared at M'gann in response, his expression blank as he mulled over her suggestion.

"Well, I mean it was just an idea." The redhead continued, her cheeks going a little pink. The colour contrasting oddly with her green skin tone. "Like, it worked before when we first entered, you know, I just thought it would work again."

"No, no your idea is good." Percy cut in, forestalling her babbling as he instead smile and gestured for her to go ahead. "I was just thinking to myself, 'it can't be that simple can it?', but no, I think it's definitely worth a try, so go for it."

"Okay," M'gann beamed. "So err, hello, we're looking for Kent Nelson, can you take us to him?" She then called out to the tower, a hopeful look on her face as she looked around and awkwardly spoke to the seemingly inanimate building.

A few moments of silence passed after her call, her words echoing oddly through the cavernous hallway.

"Well, as I said it was worth a try. It was certainly a better idea than just wandering around aimlessly." Percy said consolingly, patting the downhearted M'gann lightly on the shoulder.

Before M'gann could reply though, the both of them nearly jumped when a loud 'bang' sounded out above them. Their gazes snapping upwards only to see that a previously unnoticed door on the ceiling had opened, the ceiling itself noticeably, now they looked, having a carpet, and even more plinths and glass boxes, all of which were inverted, defying gravity and conventional logic as they hung above the two of them.

"Ok," Percy muttered, his gaze locked on the open door.

"Do you want me to fly you up there?" M'gann asked shyly.

"No, I think I should be fine." Percy replied, a thoughtful frown on his face for the moment as he eyed the odd setup on the ceiling, before he smiled slightly. "I want to test something out."

With that said, Percy bent his knees and then ran and jumped, his leap carrying him nearly a metre into the air, and a couple of metres forward. His body noticeably remaining in the air for longer than it should as he did so, before with a stomach turning jolt he felt his body twist, and his world spin as he landed on the floor and staggered a few steps forwards.

A deep breath leaving his mouth as he slowed down and came to a stop, looking up at the ceiling again. Only now he was looking at what had been the floor, complete with a shocked M'gann now looking down at him from where she was now stood.

"Ha, I thought so!" Percy grinned, a genuine smile of delight crossing his face as he looked around at what, was for him now, the ground and the still open door in the front of him. This place was turning into a real mind fuck.

"Percy, how…?" M'gann called down to him.

"Just close your eyes and jump, don't try to fly and don't over think it. Just do what I did!" Percy called back, craning his neck so he could look up at her from where he was stood.

"Ok, if you say so." M'gann replied, the Martian taking a few deep inhales and exhales as she did so, gearing herself up for what she was about to do, before without another word she copied his movements.

Percy kept his eyes on her as she did so, his gaze following her as he saw her unconsciously twist in the air, gravity seeming to fail for a moment as, she floated suspended for a second, before her feet hit the floor next to him. Her knees naturally bending, before she nearly fell. Nearly being the operative words, as he managed to catch her just before she did.

"T-that, was weird." M'gann, an alien from Mars that could literally flying using her mind, stuttered, clinging onto Percy as she tried to catch her breath.

"Yep," Percy nodded. "This place is a real mind fuck."

Taking a deep breath, M'gann nodded, noticeably still clinging to him as she did so. Her hands wrapping tightly around his arm, and her body leaning against his own, her red hair trailing down his right shoulder as she continued to lean on him whilst she caught her breath.

"You alright?" Percy asked kindly.

"Yes, just a bit disorientated." M'gann said, taking one more breath before she let him go and stood up. "That was an uncomfortable sensation."

"The loss of control?" Percy said, his tone gentle.

M'gann nodded.

"Well, it's over now. So deep breath," M'gann took another deep breath and exhaled. "And let's go." Walking forwards as he said this, Percy kept his hand on the hilt of his sword as he walked through the still open doorway, one that would hopefully lead to Kent Nelson, M'gann trailing along behind him.

( - )

(A few moments later)

The moment they stepped out of the doorway, both Percy and M'gann were immediately hit with a wall of cold, fresh air. Strong, icy wind whipping fiercely around the pair as they stepped out of a shimmering, golden doorway, seemingly set in mid-air. With the doorway vanishing behind them without a sound, the moment they stepped out of it and instead onto the roof of the tower.

A stone balustrade following the perimeter of the rooftop sheltered them from at least some of the wind, though not all as cold, fresh air still blew all around them. The cold, night air causing both Percy and M'gann's breath to mist as they took in the scene in front of them.

Currently there were five other people on the roof with them.

Wally and Artemis were the first ones to catch Percy's attention.

Both of them looked to be in the middle of a fight, Artemis holding her bow in front of her, one of her specialised arrows already nocked and aimed at a tanned, dark haired man in black leather trousers, and a baggy white shirt with too many buttons undone.

Kid Flash meanwhile was stood over another man, this one an elderly man in a smart, black suit. With the old man being either unconscious or dead. An unusually fierce scowl prominent on the overly talkative boy's face as he held the older man's limp body close to him, even as another suited person, this one a ghostly pale, dark haired, dark eyed teen, loomed over him.

Stepping out into the night air and taking all this in in a moment, Percy could only say one thing. "The fuck!"

This is not what he had expected. For one the old man, Kent Nelson, was dead, a simple exertion of his power told him that much. The man's heart was no longer pumping blood through the man's veins, which, in Percy's mind, clearly eluded to a person being deceased.

Secondly, he had not expected that the missing half of his team would be under attack.

He had expected that they would be here, and that the cane would have taken them to Kent Nelson, but he hadn't thought that there would be villains, he assumed, here too.

"Percy!" Artemis gasped out, a look of relief passing across her face at the sight of him.

"Oh yay, more toys." The suited teen cooed at almost the exact same time, his dark eyes fixed hungrily, maliciously, on M'gann and Percy. "Get them, Abra!"

In response, the now named Abra turned to look at them, his face set into a rictus of frustration as he shifted his wand away from Artemis and instead to where they were stood, even as the suited boy lunged for Wally, or rather Percy noted, at the innocuous looking, crested golden helmet beside, Wally.

'M'gann, deal with the long haired one, mind fuck him if you have too. I'll help Wally!' Percy reacted at once, his blade already halfway out of its sheath, and the air around him rippling as he threw his other hand forward, Seismic energy already erupting forth from his palm. The vibrational energy rippling through the air in a wave, as a wall of force flowed through the air and towards the shrieking teen.

'On it,' M'gann thought back, automatically connecting Percy, Artemis and Wally's minds to her own, creating a mental relay as Percy continued to send instruction.

'Artemis, get back and support M'gann. Kid Flash get the old guy out of here, and then fucking pull yourself together, he's dead!' His words weren't that sympathetic but they were certainly necessary.

Continuing his movements, Percy whipped his sword out, droplets of water forming and collecting around the blade as he flicked it out and at the tanned villain, a crescent of vibrating, condensed water exploding forth as he finished his swing.

'The one with the long hair is Abra Kadabra, a time traveller form the future who uses technology to mimic magic. The other one is called Klarion the Witch Boy, he's apparently a 'Lord of Chaos' whatever one of those are.' Artemis quickly summarised, breaking away from the now named Abra and retreating over to where Percy and M'gann were standing. Several images of her, Wally and the old man talking in an elevator flashing through the psychic connection, before M'gann handily filtered them out.

'Got it,' Percy thought back, watching as Abra suddenly gripped his head and let out a cry of anguish, a trail of blood leaking from his nose, even as the blade of water struck him head on. More blood spraying forth as the crescent of water sheared through his white shirt, and bit into the flesh beneath. The quickly formed attack cutting at least an inch deep into his muscled chest before dispersing. 'Take him out M'gann.'

'On it,' M'gann shot back, swooping passed Percy as she did so, already taking to the air, her eyes glowing green as she thrust her hand forward. A telekinetic blast of energy knocking the shouting 'wizard' off of his feet and towards the balustrade, even as he fell back with a cry of pain; clutching the bloody gash across his chest.

'Watch out for tall, pale and creepy!' Artemis mentally called out, nocking and releasing an explosive arrow at the pale teen as he lunged at Wally his fingers extending and becoming claw like. The Witch Boy having easily defended himself from the wave of force Percy previously threw at him after using a dome like shield of reddish black energy, meaning that the wave of force had done little more than whip up the dust around him.

Hearing Artemis's warning, Kid Flash took advantage of the distraction and blurred away with both the helmet and Kent Nelson's body. The redhead reappearing behind where Percy stood.

"Get back here!" Klarion screamed, batting the arrows out of the air, and completely ignoring the way they exploded, blackish red energy again whipping off, and covering his form, protecting him from damage. Instead his dark eyes were on Wally, his face twisting into a truly demonic visage as he leapt forward. "Get him Teekl!"

At his words the orange and black cat, which had previously gone beneath notice, lunged forward. Its body twisting and growing mid-lunge, until it became almost as large as a garbage truck, its red eyes fixed on Wally as it bulled forward. Ignoring another explosive arrow from Artemis, the fire rolling off of its fur harmlessly.

'Artemis back!' Percy thought, lunging forward to intercept the charging cat, even as the archer back tracked. His sword whipping through the air as he ducked under a nonchalant swipe of the cat's paw and slashed it in the side. His blade biting deep into its colossal chest as he twisted passed it, his other hand slapping into its yowling side as he did so.

"No, Teekl!" Klarion screeched, shooting a literal beam of blackish red energy from out of his hands, and at Percy.

Before the beam could hit him however, Percy's freehand smacked into the side of the giant cat's chest, the beast's black blood having soaked into its shaggy orange fur, making it matted and tangled.

Ignoring the disgusting feeling of the cat's fur, Percy instead unleashed a wave of seismic energy directly into the cat's chest, mulching the beast's internal organs and sending it flying across the roof and into the balustrade as he did so.

"How dare you, Teekl!" Klarion shrieked, more blackish red energy leaking off of him as he vanished from his spot and reappeared beside the cat, the feline noticeably shrinking back to normal size, even as it's wounds began to heal as magical energy visibly began to flow from master to pet. "What kind of monster would attack a cat?"

Unfortunately, Percy didn't get the chance to answer this, as after blasting the cat away he had been forced to defend himself from the beam of blackish red energy. The fast moving attack having struck him head-on, the force knocking the sword from his hand and sending it clattering across the floor one way, even as he was lifted off of his feet and sent smashing into the stone balustrade on the other side of the tower to Klarion and his cat. His body visibly smoking, and his Celestial Bronze breast plate cracked and scorched. A single trickle of blood dripping down from his mouth as he struggled to stand up, using the crack and partially damaged balustrade as a support.

Apparently his resistance to magic, minor as it was, was not up to much against a Lord of Chaos, whatever one of those were.

That said, going off what he had seen so far, he was beginning to suspect that a Lord of Chaos was comparable to a fallen god or a Titan, a celestial being of some sort, or at least something along those lines.

'Percy!' Artemis and M'gann shouted in unison, both of them looking up from Abra's fallen body. The time travelling 'wizard' now bereft of his wand and currently bound up in reinforced metal restrains.

Both the Martian and the archer leaping into action, even as Percy tried to push himself up, spitting a mouthful of gold flecked red blood onto the floor as he pushed himself up. His sea green eyes tracing Artemis's movements as she shot arrow after arrow at Klarion, only for him to once again bat them aside with reddish black, energy enshrouded hands, the boy's livid black eyes fixed unerringly on Percy as he did so.

M'gann meanwhile had taken to the air, and taking a page out of Percy's book, had started creating crescent shaped blades of telekinetic energy, which she then proceeded to rain down on the Lord of Chaos.

Rolling his shoulders, Percy quickly made to join in the fight. His gaze flicking over to Wally, who he noticed had to yet move away from Kent Nelson, the paralysed redhead just staring down at the deceased old man in his arms, and not paying attention to anything else.

Scowling at this, Percy opened his mouth to verbally shout at the younger boy.

Unfortunately before he could, Klarion, after weathering Miss Martian and Artemis's attacks for half a minute, had had enough and counter attacked. The vengeful child's gaze still locked on Percy, and not on the two 'nuisances' currently, futilely, bombarding him with explosive/ sticky/ ensnaring arrows, and telekinetic attacks.

"Die filth!" Klarion cackled, throwing both his arms forward, orbs of black lightning forming in both hands as he flung them out at Percy, a large, crackling bolt of lightning erupting forth as he did so, towards the Demigod.

"Shit!" Percy cursed, throwing caution to the wind as he gave up on shouting at Wally, his gaze momentarily flicking to his sword a dozen or so metres away, before going back to Klarion, even as he unleashed his attack.

Taking a step forward, Percy thrust one hand out, his first two fingers extended whilst the rest of his hand was clenched. Whitish blue lightning already crackling across his extended fingers as he reached out and met the oncoming onslaught of black lightning.

The black lightning striking his hands moments after Klarion had formed it, the crackling energy charring the flesh of Percy's hands, blackening and cracking the skin as he drew his extended hand to him, channelling Klarion's lightning through his body, deftly avoiding his heart, before he then channelled it out of his other hand, and directly back at the Lord of Chaos.

The entire manoeuvre taking less than a second as he caught and then redirected the lightning, his right hand now smoking and charred, even as the black lightning was sent back at the shocked looking villain.

Only for the look of shock to vanish as quickly as it came, as Klarion with almost mocking ease then batted the black lightning away, dispersing it with a single energy enshrouded hand. The energy around the hand solidifying into the shape of a claw as Klarion then twisted and lashed out at M'gann and Artemis, his arm extending as he then promptly swatted M'gann out of the sky and sent her crashing into the startled Artemis.

"No!" Percy shouted, pushing back the pain he could feel coming from his mangled hand. Instinctively drawing on the moisture in the air and enshrouding the burnt appendage in the life giving fluid, even as he used his other hand to send out another rippling shockwave of Seismic energy.

The airborne earthquake smashing into Klarion once more, only to be dispersed as the Witch Boy created another defensive dome of energy. The Lord of Chaos's reaction time and mind moving far faster than Percy thought possible as the demon child reacted and acted in an instant.

"You're beginning to annoy me!" Klarion giggled, clear amusement on his face as he watched Percy face off with him, both Artemis and M'gann regaining their feet as the trio started to encircle the powerful mage. The demonic mage's cat, noticeably fully recovered, hissing at the Witch Boy's feet.

The entire engagement had only lasted a handful of minutes, and already Percy knew they were in trouble, this was a being on a completely other level to the other villains and monsters he had fought thus far in this world.

More and more Klarion was reminding him of a Titan, or something like it, only one that was not bound or restricted by the ancient laws.

Truly a terrifying thought.

"I'm beginning to wonder, what are you…?" Klarion cooed, the boy's head tilting curiously to the side as he once again ignored the Martian and archer and instead focused on Percy. "Not fully human, that's obvious. No, I smell something of the divine about you, something old, ancient even, and… fishy?"

"Fuck you!" Percy replied eloquently, the air around him suddenly picking up violently, and storm clouds rapidly forming overhead as he rolled his shoulders. His sea green eyes flicking down to his nearly fully healed hand for a moment, before flicking over to the battered looking Artemis and M'gann. 'Any chance you can break his mind, M'gann?'

'No, I've already tried. His mind is all but impenetrable, and even brushing against it is painful.' M'gann replied promptly, fear and anxiety leaking through the mental connection as she glanced at Percy.

'Well we can't keep this up, nothing we do is effecting him. All we're doing is wasting our strength. We need a plan!' Artemis tagged on, the archer pulling another arrow from her noticeably depleted looking sheath as she before to encircle the smirking Lord of Chaos.

The entire mental conversation had taken barely seconds.

"Cute," Klarion giggled, his lips twisting into a vicious smile again. "Now, I think it time to charbroil the little fishy!"

With that said Klarion let out a grating high-pitched laugh, vibrant purple fire, hot enough to visibly melt the enchanted stone of the tower, bursting forth from his hands. One of the torrents heading for Percy, even as the other exploded towards the now visibly terrified M'gann.

Seeing this, Percy reacted in an instant. His decades of experience, and fine-tuned instincts forcing him to move before his mind even caught up with what was happening. The clouds above him now darkening faster, rainclouds beginning to form and droplets starting fall, even as the wind began to whip around him faster. The air becoming noticeably denser and thicker, as Percy started to create a truly colossal storm. His gut practically burning as he drew on one of his Father's lesser known Domains, that of Storms.

But it wasn't enough though.

He knew already that, even as he found his body rushing to intercept the torrent of impossibly hot, purple, magical fire headed for M'gann, his teammate who was fatally weak against fire.

Wrenching the water out of the air, Percy solidified the liquid into a dome in front of him with his left hand, even as his right shifted over to the most expendable, and easy to access, source of 'water' on the rooftop. Abra.

With barely a thought, still driven as he was by pure instinct, Percy ripped the blood out of Abra's bloody, the crimson life giving fluid exploding out of the man's cut up chest and merging with the dome of solidified and reinforced water in front of Percy, who himself was now in front of both Artemis and M'gann.

The frothy pink liquid solidifying just as the stream of purple fire struck, the barrage of flames increasing as the snarling Klarion brought his other torrent of fire to bear on him, the purple flames that poured from both hands merging as they struck the dome of water.

In an instant coppery smelling steam began to fill the air, and sweat began to drip down Percy's face as more and more of his water, bolstered as it was by both Abra's blood and the increasing rainfall, began to evaporate.

The flames were magical, and thus far hotter than normal flames. Even shielded as he was by the water, and his resistance to heat, he could feel the effects of the heat.

Already he was finding it difficult to breathe, and his vision was beginning to waver.

Letting out a gasp, Percy dropped his arms moments after Klarion's flames ceased. The area in front of him noticeably blacked, with the stone blocks themselves looked more like blackened glass than stone.

Desperately trying to draw in a breath of air, Percy took a split second to take note of the situation. M'gann was slumped on the ground behind him, the slight movement of her stomach the only sign that she was just passed out, and not dead. Artemis, her face liberally drenched in sweat, was on all floor beside the Martian, the blonde, like Percy, drawing in deep, rasping breaths. Her arms noticeably shaking as she looked up at him.

They had survived the potency of the flames, even if it had all but evaporated all of Percy's available water.

The heat though, the heat was what had hit them worse, with both M'gann and Artemis suffering far more than him due to one of them being naturally weak to fire and the other not having heat resistance like Percy. Heat stroke, and extreme heat syncope, those two were the worst effects of Klarion's assault.

"Artemis," Percy said verbally, his breathing rapidly steadying, and his pink skin returning to its normal tone. The now heavy rain falling down around him, creating puddles on the rooftop; reinvigorating him, settling his aching gut and alleviating his pounding headache. "Get M'gann and Kid Flash, and get out of here. I'll hold this guy off."

Letting out a few rasping gasps, Artemis looked up at his words. Her eyes shifting to meet his, her exhaustion and worry plain to see.

Only for her eyes to then shift passed him, her jaw going slack as she did so.

Following her gaze, Percy saw the leer on Klarion's face, the Witch Boy's arms visibly covered in claws of reddish black energy, black lightning rolling off of his cackling form as he made to attack them again.

But the Witch Boy was not what Artemis was looking at. Instead her attention was on the redheaded speedster who was now behind Klarion, unseen as Percy and the others drew Klarion's attention. The body of Kent Nelson noticeably resting peacefully at Wally's feet, even as the red head lowered the golden Helmet of Fate onto his head, his green eyes locking first with Percy's and then with Artemis, before they suddenly shone a bright golden colour as he fully donned the helmet.

( - )

Almost at once, a flash of golden light spread-out through the entire rooftop, the light forcing both Percy and the weary Artemis to look away, and Klarion to let out a scream of anger as he twisted around and saw what was happening behind him.

Forcing his eyes open, Percy gritted his teeth as he saw Kid Flash's body rise into the air.

Only he was not the Kid Flash that Percy remembered. For one he was now wearing the crested golden helmet, a pair of golden greaves, boots and bracers, and a golden belt and cape. Clashing with all the gold, Wally was also wearing a blue, full body suit, and had an ornate golden necklace, within which Percy could see a ruby, the size of a pigeon egg, set.

Kid Flash no longer looked like Kid Flash, instead he wore the same costume, and had the look, of the holographic picture of Doctor Fate, that Red Tornado had shown them.

Kid Flash was no more, he had been replaced with Fate.

"Wally!" Artemis rasped out, struggling to stand up.

"Kid Flash!" Percy cut in sharply, taking a step forward as he did so, water now cloaking his form and, the storm clouds overhead and the wind, growing in strength and ferocity.

"No, no, no! This isn't fair!" Klarion screamed at the same time, stamping his foot on the ground in petulant outrage.

Kid Flash, or rather Doctor Fate, didn't reply to any of them, or at least not verbally. Instead the golden cloaked man just raised his hands, a glowing golden ankh forming in the air in front of him, a beam of pure golden light exploding forth from it as he did so.

Klarion let out an incoherent scream in response and threw up a shadowy shield, blocking the golden light. Only for the Witch Boy to then lash out in turn, both the Lord of Chaos and Lord of Order lashing out at each other.

With Fate flying through the air dodging Klarion's bolts of lightning, busts of fire, tendrils of shadow and many other types of brutal, destructive magic, even as he responded in kind. Unleashing golden beams of light, and swathes of golden fire at the Witch Boy in return.

"Artemis, get M'gann and retreat, use one of those ropes of yours and abseil you both down the tower." Percy hissed, his gaze locked on the ongoing fight as he caught his breath. He was going to need to interfere, after all the two battling wizards, despite looking to be in a stalemate, were clearly not. Wally/ Fate was slowing down and tiring. For some reason the Lord of Order was not a match to the Lord of Chaos at the moment.

"What about you, what about Wally?" Artemis replied, her tone still tired. Though notably she had regained her feet, and her breath.

"I'll help him out, but things will probably get messy. I don't want you or M'gann getting caught up as collateral damage." Percy replied softly, his gaze flicking sideways to where his sword lay, just in front of where the magical goliaths were still slugging it out.

"But..." Artemis began.

"Just do it!" He cut her off sharply. "This is an order from your team leader, Artemis. At the moment M'gann is unconscious and you are exhausted, both of you will just be in danger and get in the way!"

Artemis sucked in a sharp breath at that, the look on her face inscrutable for a moment, before with a scowl she reluctantly nodded, silently giving her affirmation as she looped an arm around and under the insentient Martian's body and began to lift the petite girl up, and limp over to the tower's stone balustrade.

Nodding his silent thanks to the scowling girl, Percy started forward, his eyes flicking between Klarion and Fate as they clashed. A stream of eldritch purple fire clashing against a golden ankh that was seemingly made of pure magic.

Fate's form visibly flickering as he tried to hold off Klarion's fire, his gold and blue apparel shimmering, revealing slight glimpses of Kid Flash's outfit beneath.

Doctor Fate's power was failing, his possession, or whatever the hell was going one, was beginning to time out.

Seeing this, Percy made his decision.

Forming a trident of water, he ran forward, the trident turning to ice as he hurled it at Klarion's exposed back, his speed and strength enhanced by the falling rain as he continued to sprint forward and then slide on the surface water covering the roof, his body position low and solid.

Twisting around with preternatural speed and reflexes, Klarion swatted the trident of reinforced ice away with barely any effort, a sneer spreading across his face as the trident of ice, which had been thrown hard enough to pierce through at least a foot of concrete, shattered. "Is this truly all you can do, godspawn!"

Percy didn't reply to Klarion, despite the Lord of Chaos identifying him as a child of a god. Instead he continued forward, his hand clasping around the hilt of his Drakonbone sword, even as he then swept it up and round in a single fluid motion.

His movements taking him within Klarion's guard, the sneer on the boy's face freezing as he seemed to only just realise Percy's proximity to him, and the fact that his sword was in mid-swing.

Grinning tightly at the expression on the boy's face, Percy followed through with his swing, the tip of the sword piercing through the Lord of Chaos's chest, near to his hip, and then tearing up and through his chest in a diagonal strike, water vibrating rapidly on the blade, extending and sharpening it even further.

In response Klarion, who had already begun to move to avoid the worst of the strike, let out a shriek of rage and pain, pure force exploding outward from him as he did so, and then smashing into Percy at point-blank range. The explosion of force hitting him before he could following through with his attack and unleash an earthquake empowered punch to Klarion's head, shattering the Witch Boy's skull and mulching his brains.

Unfortunately though that plan was not to be, as instead Percy found himself flying backwards, bouncing several times across the roof as he did so, before he hit the side of the tower's balustrade with a loud "ooph" and a gasp of pain.

The shockwave Klarion unleashed likewise sending both Doctor Fate, and the Witch Boy's own cat, Teekl, flying as well. The shockwave also causing the raging, black storm clouds overhead to start to disperse as well, and the deluge of rain that had assaulted the roof top and surrounding area, to stop too.

"Enough! This is getting boring!" Klarion screamed out, stamping his foot on the ground, his demonic face twisting into a rictus of outrage as he glared at the ragged and battered Percy and Doctor Fate, even as the pair of them pushed themselves up and got to their feet. Black smoke noticeably hissing from the slash on his chest. "Boring, boring, boring! Why can't you killjoys just die?!"

A few metres away from him, Percy could see the demonic cat, Teekl, getting to its feet to, the cat mewing wearily as it did so.

"Fate does not give up, Fate is inevitable." Doctor Fate replied bluntly, his tone deep and powerful, and very unlike Wally's voice. Fate's green eyes, Wally's eyes, locking coldly on Klarion for a moment, before they then flicked over, first to Percy, and then to the cat.

"Fate!? Fate is not inevitable, only chaos is! Chaos is inexorable and unstoppable!" Klarion sneered back, his lip curling up in anger and hate. "That is the one true, truth!"

"We will see!" Fate replied, his deep voice reverberating from behind his helmet as he rose into the air, his cape flapping about behind him, and his clenched fists glowing with golden energy.

"Bring it, Fate!" Klarion spat.

Pushing himself up, Percy ignored his tiredness as he instead gripped his sword tighter, preparing to make his own attack as he saw the two immensely powerful beings facing off.

Before he could make his move though, Fate looked over at him, intense green eyes locking with hard sea green ones. "Attack the cat! It's his anchor, the one thing allowing him to stay in this world."

With that said Fate unleashed a golden beam of magic light in the direction of Klarion, forcing the sneering Lord of Chaos to create a dome like shield in front of him. Not that this shield did much good as the attack was not directed at him, but rather at the animal behind him and several metres away from Percy

The attack striking stone and forcing the cat, which had managed to dodge, to leap away and towards Percy, who in turn reacted by trying to cut the beast in half.

Before he could however, Klarion, realising what was happening, threw caution to the wind and sent a blast of pure black magic at Percy. His actions leaving him open to another attack from Fate, whose own bolt of golden light speared the Lord of Chaos through the chest.

Not that Klarion seemed to care, as with a cry of pain, and more black smoking hissing from the wound in his chest, the Witch Boy instead stepped into his own shadow and reappeared near to Percy, still wreathed in shadow, Teekl held closely in his arms. "Attacking a defenceless animal? I'll make you pay for that!"

Changing the trajectory of his sword slash, Percy went for a decapitating blow on Klarion.

Before he could land the strike however, the Witch Boy created a crackling, glowing red portal beneath his feet and disappeared, with a single last threat. "This isn't over, godspawn!"

Following on from which both Percy and Doctor Fate were left alone on the rooftop. Or at least that was what he had thought, before, moments later the slight shuffling from nearby caught his attention as he looked to the side and saw a wide eyed Artemis, and conscious, though very dazed and confused M'gann looking back at him.

"Hey…" Percy muttered, his voice slightly strained.

Neither of the two girls got the chance to reply though, as moments later they found their attentions drawn to Doctor Fate as he levitated in the air for a moment, looking down on them. "I don't know what you are, Perseus Jackson. You are neither god nor mortal, nor Demigod, but instead something else, something in between, something dangerous, an abomination. Already I can sense the taint of chaos that lingers on you, it clings to your form like a veil, seeking to infect and contaminate you."

Percy, didn't know what to say in response to that, in fact all he could do was tense, his grip on his sword tightening as he saw Fate's golden booted feet land lightly on the floor just in front of him, his eyes still fixed on the Demigod. "Be warned, Perseus Jackson, do not upset the balance."

With those last parting words, Doctor Fate raised his hands and pulled off his helmet. The green eyes of Wally West rolling back into his head as, the moment the helmet was removed, he fell forward, bouncing off of Percy and hitting the floor, unconscious.

"Well shit…" Percy muttered, his gaze following the speedster as he hit the floor, his body not far not from the corpses of both Kent Nelson and Abra Kadabra. "This didn't exactly go how I thought it would…"

( - )

AN: Yeah so there was a lot of action in this chapter, perhaps too much I worry. I'm sure it will prove contentious to some due to what happened, but what can I say, you can't please everyone.

Still the story arc is not pretty much over, the next chapter will pick up on a few of the consequences and the aftermath of what went down, even as I start to progress the plot. Now the story will still follow the Young Justice Storyline, though obviously there will be major changes, all of which have been caused by Percy's presence.

As such somethings that happened in canon won't happen, and instead will be replaced with other arcs, and other things will happen in a completely different manner. On top of that I am planning out a few original-ish story arcs for Percy. One involves Atlantis, one involves Themyscira, one the New Gods, and finally one will involve a popular animated DC film (there was an easter egg for this one). These arcs will pop up every now and then, and will involve Percy and others in new adventures. On top of that there will be other stuff happening, including the league, Batman, Percy's godly nature and lot's of other good stuff.

Suffice to say I've got a lot of stuff I want to cover, and have sketched out plans for. Whether I manage to though, considering I've perhaps got too much, is another thing. But still, I'll do my best.

So yeah, other than that, thanks a lot for reading and I hope you leave a review and check out my other stories.

Thanks for reading.
