Reiko Yanagi.

Reiko Yanagi.

Reiko Yanagi.

That was her name. Probably. It wasn't like she needed a name being a ghost. The only ghost. Her name might as well just be ghost. It sounded more depressing than it was. Really she was perfectly content with her life as a spooky ghost for good that helped make the Musutafa region one of the safest in all of Japan. Even if nobody knew it was her.

Reiko paused catching a glimpse of herself in the reflective glass of an office building. She really hadn't changed since she died. Her hair had always been a dull silver that was nearly white, she had always been pale, and she always looked tired, which considering how she didn't need to sleep since she was a ghost was just plain rude. The only thing that had changed was her clothes. Instead of her school uniform, she was stuck wearing a loose white robe that seemed hellbent on exposing her cleavage. Not that anybody could see her.

All things considered she looked like a pretty cute ghost.

Again since no one could see her but herself it was a weird thing to take pride in.

Half yawning Reiko made her way through the office building, using her ghost like abilities to cause just a bit of mischief, and a bit of helpfulness, for every shoe lace she untied or button she undid, she refilled the coffee pot, or pushed two love birds just that slightest bit together.

Setting people up, was kind of like a video game, she got to nudge people towards one another and watch their lives progress in new and exciting ways. Even with her ability to see the red string of fate that bound people together it wasn't easy. She had to untangle the knots and figure out how to get them to actually talk. But other times all she had to do was knock a few paper out of peoples hands or send an umbrella flying and they took care of the rest.

"Let's see what you're up to today, Keji." She hummed, flying through the office to her favorite worker. He was a young man, desperately heads over heels for the gorgeous secretary that didn't even know his name. His red string of fate went across the street to a quiet girl that went to school with him.

Love life aside, she liked him mostly because he had good taste in memes.

It was the small things that made her unlife that much more exciting.

After a healthy breakfast of vague chuckles and making sure that the office bimbo tripped in the exact same spot for the twentieth time in a row. She went out to do her true calling in life. Hero work. If she could call it that. She couldn't do much, move objects, make animals freak out. But, it still made her home that much safer.

And it was what she had wanted to do before she died. Apparently, her quirk being called poltergeist was more accurate than most people thought. And she could do more stuff as a ghost.

With a humm, she passed through the window, the heavy rain passing right through her without so much as a bother, she didn't even feel cold. She hadn't felt much of anything in a long time. But she was like that as a teenager so it was normal. She ran thrummed Keji's red string of fate, watching as it twanged despite never feeling the string.

It was a bit like pulling at heartstrings, only less sad sounding.

With a yawn she meandered her way down to the ground level, it was easier to find crime that way, and it felt weird just flying over everybody like that. Even if most of the crowd had already dispersed, but not completely the city was always in motion, even with the rain.

She paused at the crosswalk for a moment. An old habit that was really hard to shake. Before shrugging on making her way across the road, despite the oncoming traffic.

"Woah!" She heard someone say from behind her.

Then something unexpected happened. She felt something. A warm hand grabbing hers and pulling her back towards the side of a road as a bus drove by, her face was half submerged into it for a moment before she was pulled back even further.

She came face to face with him. Forest green hair, and green eyes that almost glowed like ectoplasm. He was wearing a U.A. uniform and his umbrella was tossed to the side. And he was looking right at her.

"That was close!" He said softly, letting out a sigh a relief and placing a hand onto her shoulders. "You're okay right? You look like the bus didn't even hit you. You really should be more careful you know, you could have died."

She blinked, staring at him. She could feel him. He was touching her. His hands were wet, warm, dry, and cold all at once. More feeling than she had felt in a long time. "Are you talking to me?"

"I don't see anybody else that almost walked in front of a bus do you?" He laughed shaking his head and raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you okay? Do I need to take you to a hospital?"

Reiko looked at the crowd that was now giving them a wide breadth as they resumed their daily lives. None of them were looking at her, instead they were all looking at this boy. "You can see me? You can hear me? You can touch me?"

"Yes? Why wouldn't I?" He looked genuinely confused. "Are you ok-"

Excitement rushed through her, and she felt her heart begin to beat again. Well not really, but the sensation was there! She let out a laugh and grabbed him pulling up into the sky. "You can see me! You can see me!"

"Huh? Wait What? What's going on?" She ignored his screams of shock and terror as she flew through the air, taking her with him along for the ride. She flew through the building, taking him with her.

Wait. That wasn't a good idea was it.


Izuku slammed into the hard concrete wall of one of the office buildings. Hard. It wasn't the first time he had been force fed concrete this week, but those other times he had been prepared for it. He did not expect to get picked up and literally flown into the side of building on his way back to U.A.

Part of him was missing his bed back in the dorms already.

"Oh," he heard that weird white haired girl say, her head poking out from the wall in a similar way to how Mirio would. She extended her hand out towards him, it was still the same smooth, sensation as before, but now there was a bit of warmth to it. Despite her petite size she held him up easily. "You can't go through buildings can you?"

"Not normally no." He groaned as she pulled him up to the top of the building. Apparently he didn't need to save her from the bus. But was this her quirk? How could she fly, and move through walls. Was she a hero? Her pure white Kimono could be a costume. Even if it did expose a lot of cleavage.

Man she was kind of bouncy.

"So how can you see me?" She muttered dragging him to the roof of the building, perfect so he could get rained on. "Is it your quirk? Do you see others? Oh, are you dead too?"

"Dead? No? What are you talking about. Can't other people see you? And can we have this talk somewhere less wet?" This was his last clean uniform. Mostly because someone broke the washer back at the dorms but also because he had been away on his internship since then.

"Oh, you can feel that huh? I guess you're not dead like me." She looked up as though just now realizing that it was raining. Her feet weren't even touching the ground. She snapped her fingers and he stopped getting rained on, instead the water was just pushed to either side of him. He was still soaked however.

"Dead? What are you talking about?" Was this one of those cases where someone's quirk consumed them so they thought they were their quirk? It was common with animal quirks especially in rural areas.

And speaking of her quirk it was incredible, not only was the rain just passing right through her, but unlike Mirio she seemed to have no trouble breathing or doing anything while she was using it. And she could fly, and apparently make force fields with the snap of her fingers.

"Oh, I'm a ghost." She held up her hands in front of her chest striking that cartoonish zombie pose. "Boo."

"Are you sure that's not just your quirk?" He asked trying not to leap to any conclusions. Maybe her quirk was that she was a ghost?

"Well, it is, my quirk was that when I die I turned into a ghost." She floated over to him and pressed her hand into his chest. His bare chest, through his jacket and shirt pressing into skin. Her hand was just cold enough to make him shiver. "Weird, I can touch you. And you can see and hear me. This is the best thing to happen in a long time."

She clapped her hands in front of her mouth and wiggled. She looked way to cute, but also slightly creepy. "Now I can watch all the shows I want without freaking someone out."

"So, normally people can't see or hear you? How long has it been like that." It sounded like a terrible quirk. He still didn't believe that she was actually a ghost, but she did. "It sounds really lonely."

"It is," She sighed then moved over to grab his hands. "But Now I have you. Oh wait, what's your name? I'm Reiko, Reiko Yanagi."

"Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you?" This was by far the weirdest way he became friends with someone. Maybe there were others that could see her at U.A? Maybe if he got Eraser to use his quirk on her they'd be able to figure something out. "Why don't you come to U.A. with me?"

"Can I watch Netflix there and have you browse the internet for me? I want to look at Memes." She assumed that usual zombie like pose again that made her chest bounce.

"Uhh, sure? I can probably set that up for you."

She clapped her hands in front of her face and gave a soft smile that was downright cute. "Yay."

Then she grabbed his hand again. "You said U.A. right? Let's go."

He was dragged into the air with great speed, leaving his umbrella behind and the rain slammed him in the face. By the time he got to U.A. he was going to be even more drenched.

AN: Starting my Halloween fic early in hopes of actually finishing it! Hope you all enjoy this story. Reiko didn't have a lot of personality, so I infused a bit of Miku from that quintuplet anima I love.

See you all next time!


