Disclaimer: The author of this story owns nothing contained in this story. All rights to the Justice League of America, Justice Society of America, and all related characters and locations belong to DC comics. Danny Phantom, and all related characters and locations belong to Nickelodeon and Butch Hartman. This story is just for fun, not money.

Hey, everyone! This is my first Justice League/Danny Phantom crossover! A few things: This story will be open-ended, and on-going. Unlike my other story, Avengers' Ghost, this has no clear ending, it may be long, or it may be short. I'm not sure. In this story, the JLA hasn't formed yet, and this story starts shortly after Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy.

Days of Justice

By Goliath101


Superhumans. Meta-humans. Heroes. Villains. There were many words to describe these extraordinary people. Regardless of what you call them, these beings shaped the world and each other. These were people with gifts. Or curses. Powers to be used for good, or evil. Some could fly, run at the speed of light, wield magical forces, move mountains, raise the seas, create fire or ice, walk through walls, or control other people's minds, the possibilities are nearly endless.

Some of these people were from right here on Earth. Some, from the stars. Yet others, from other dimensions or parallel worlds. Regardless of where they came from, they are among us. They use their abilities to make this world a better place.

These are people like Superman, the Kryptonian who was sent to Earth by his parents when his home planet exploded; Wonder Woman, the Amazon warrior princess from Greek myth; Hawkman and his wife, Hawkgirl, winged guardians from the planet Thanagar; The Flash, the scarlet speedster, who can move at the speed of light; Dr Fate, master of all magic, who could see the fates of those around him; Power Girl, cousin of Superman, another Kryptonian orphan, with all the power of the Man of Steel in a woman's body; Danny Phantom, half ghost teenager with powers from beyond the grave; Green Lantern, space guardian wielding the power of will itself; among others.

Then there are those without special powers, but still uphold the common good. People like Batman, Caped Crusader for the cause of justice; Green Arrow, the emerald archer with a heart of gold; Huntress, scourge of the criminal underworld; Wildcat, retired heavyweight boxer, who now uses his skills to punish criminals; Stargirl, teen heroine with an unyielding heart. While these heroes are less common, they are every bit as important.

They are here. They are our champions for truth, justice, and peace. They are our watchful protectors. Our beacons of hope. Our guardians, who fight enemies that normal people have no defense against. They are the Justice League of America.

Chapter 1: A Test

Clockwork, ghost master of time, floated staring at his viewing glass, occasionally winding the clock at the end of his staff. As he floated, he switched aged from a toddler to an elderly man and back. For most, time was a string of events, passing by in a straight line. Not for Clockwork. He saw everything. Every possible outcome; every possible decision for every thing that existed. Clockwork existed at all times, in all places. Therefore, he knew everything. Everything that was, is, will be, might have been, and might yet happen.

His lair, a massive cathedral-like clock tower, resided in a dimension called the Ghost Zone. Every room was adorned with clocks from every civilization. He rarely got visitors, save for those he would occasionally work with, for the sake of the time line. And the even rarer select few he called friends. Beings like Dr Fate and the Phantom Stranger. But his attention was not on any of them, but on a newer friend. A young boy, whose future he had a vested interest in.

Danny Fenton, the half ghost hero known as Danny Phantom. He had helped the young boy change his future, for everyone's sake. He saw the boy as a friend, a young ward at times. Presently, the teen hero was facing his arch-nemesis, Vlad Plasmius, in a heated battle. Clockwork smirked. He already knew what the outcome would be, just as he knew of the powerful being who would be appearing in his lair any moment now. The Spectre. The Spirit of Vengeance. The ghostly embodiment of God's vengeance upon those who chose the path of evil, and founding member of the Justice Society of America, a group of superheroes from many years ago.

Spectre said nothing as he floated behind Clockwork, he green hood and cloak billowing around him, obscuring his scowling face. Clockwork sighed. "Please," he teased. "Don't say anything, Spectre, you old jabber jaw."

The Spectre scowled at Clockworks dry humor. He had no patience for levity. "You know the reason for this meeting," Spectre growled.

Clockwork reverted to his toddler form. "Of course I do," he whispered, smirking. "But then, I know everything. You wanted to discuss the matter of young Danny Fenton." Clockwork gestured to a beaten Fenton Thermos on a table nearby that contained the once evil future self of Danny Phantom. "But as you see, he's no longer at risk for turning evil. He made the right choice."

"The boy will always be a risk," Spectre said. "He is young, and easily impressed upon. He may still slip up, and become the force of evil he would have, had you and the Observants not intervened." Spectre's glare at deepened. "He should have been destroyed, as the Observants wished."

Clockwork smiled at Spectre's perpetual pessimism. "Nonsense," he said. "Danny Fenton now has a bright future."

"Huh," Spectre grunted. "Typical. I do not dispute it was the right decision to alter the future, but I am not convinced of the boy's conviction to do what's right."

Clockwork glanced back at the screen. "And what are you suggesting?" he asked.

Spectre flashed a dark grin under his emerald hood. "A test," he said. "To see if he would save the life of his most hated enemy."

This got Clockwork's attention. "If the boy does what is right, he is free to go his own way," continued Spectre. "If he stands by as Plasmius is evicerated, Danny Fenton will forever be in my control. An agent of vengeance, striking down those who have committed evils against the innocent, without conscience, or mercy."

A golden Egyptian Ankh appeared, and Dr Fate stepped through. "I find your habit of gambling with the souls of beings distasteful," Dr Fate said to Spectre. Dr Fate was also a founding member of the JSA. The two know each other well. "But I, like Clockwork, see greatness in the boy," Fate continued. "Within him beats the heart of a hero. One that rivals that of Superman or Batman. So go, test the boy. You will see he is no risk." Spectre vanished. The masters of Time and Fate watched as Danny's battle with Plasmius reached it's climax.

Danny Phantom grunted as he slammed into the pavement, creating a small crater. Floating above him was his arch-nemesis, Vlad Plasmius. Vlad grinned, revealing his fangs. "Oh, Daniel," he said. "When will you except the fact that I am superior to you in every way?" He pointed at Danny, mockingly. "I have years of experience, wealth, power, influence. Yet, you and your mother still defy me! Why? So you can remain a family with your fat idiot of a father?"

Danny got to his feet. He frowned at Vlad. "That's exactly why," he shouted. Danny shot a ghost ray at Vlad, who simply raised a pink energy shield, yawning in fake boredom.

"When will you try something new?" Plasmius questioned the boy. "Really, I grow tired of this charade every time we quarrel." He blasted Danny off his feet, sending him through a wall. Vlad flew to check on his quarry, but was surprised to see nothing there. He looked around, raising an eyebrow. "Running is hardly your style, dear boy," he shouted. "Where are you?"

Behind him, Danny phased through the ground. "You want something new?" he asked. "Try this!" He pulled out a shiny metal belt. The Specter Deflector. He slipped it around Vlad's waist. Locking it into place, Vlad was zapped, yelling in pain. He fell to the ground, reverting back to his human form, that of the billionaire, Vlad Masters.

"Oh, cheese logs!" Vlad shouted. "You little rat! How did I not see that coming?" While wearing the belt, he could not focus his powers, and would remain powerless, until he could find a way to remove it.

Danny chuckled, crossing his arms. "And you say I'm predictable," he said. "Face it, Fruitloop. You should have stayed home with your cat tonight!" Vlad scowled, but before he could say anything, an eerie green mist filled the area. Danny's ghost-sense went off, but it was like nothing he ever felt before. This didn't feel like a regular ghost.

"Vlad Masters..." an unnerving voice came from seemingly everywhere. "Your day of reckoning is at hand." The green mist swirled, and the Spectre himself appeared, floating menacingly before them, green cloak flowing in a non-existent wind. Vlad gasped in fear.

Danny glared at the new-comer. "Hey," he shouted "Who the heck are you?"

Spectre regarded Phantom for a moment before answering, "I am Vengeance. I am the Spectre." He turned back to Masters, who was cowering behind a mailbox. "The time has come for the evil you've wrought to be your undoing. Prepare to be eviscerated." Spectre raised his glowing green hand, reaching for Vlad, who whimpered, trying in vain to remove the belt.

Danny stepped between the two, causing Spectre to lower his hand. "Hey!" Danny exclaimed. "Isn't that a little harsh? I mean, I know he's an evil fruitloop, but wouldn't prison be a better place for him? Or Arkham Asylum?"

Spectre scowled at the young hero. "You would dare to interfere with what must be done?" he questioned. "Why would you stand up for this man?" Spectre gestured to Vlad. "He has caused you nothing but pain. Surely you would rather him be out of your life forever?" Danny looked unsure for a moment. Spectre smiled, and pushed further. "Yes," he growled. "Think about all the sins this man has accumulated. All the lives he has ruined in his selfish life." Danny glanced back at Vlad. "He would gladly kill your father; imagine who else he may have killed. He deserves to be destroyed. All the people he has harmed deserve retribution... They deserve vengeance."

Danny didn't know what to think. Vlad was a menace. That much was certain. But would killing him really bring those he had hurt solace? Would his death be real justice? Danny looked at Vlad. He was trembling in absolute fear. Very unlike the arrogant Vlad Masters he knew. He looked like a normal person, scared for his life. Danny felt a twinge pity for the man. He sighed, before turning back to the Spectre. "No," he said firmly. "His death wouldn't make things better! It would make us no better than him! I won't stand by while you murder a defenseless man!" He raised his glowing fists, ready to fight the Spectre.

Spectre glared at Danny for a moment, making no move, as though he was seeing through Danny's soul. Finally, the Spectre spoke. "As you wish, boy," he glared. "But your leniency with this criminal scum is disappointing. Yet, not surprising. It seems Clockwork's faith in you is justified." He turned back to Vlad. "Make no mistake, Masters," he growled. "You may have been spared for now, but even you cannot outrun the reaper forever. Your day will come." With that, the Spectre vanished.

"What was that all about?" Danny asked to no one in particular. He turned back to Vlad, only to see the man running away down the street, still struggling with the belt. Danny sighed. Knowing Vlad as he did, he wouldn't cause anymore trouble tonight. Danny rubbed his eyes. He needed sleep. He had a lot to think about.

Back in the Ghost Zone, Clockwork smiled at the monitor. "You see?" he asked. "Danny did what was right. Again."

Dr Fate turned to him. "It would seem he is fated for greatness," he quipped. Dr Fate then looked away, lost in thought for a moment. "He would have been an great addition to the Justice Society."

Clockwork smiled at Dr Fate. "No need to be so caught up in the past. Soon, a new generation will come together, united, just as the JSA was."

Dr Fate cocked his helmeted head to the side. "Yes," he said. "Through the helmet of Nabu, I have glimpsed this future. Though, not as clearly as you, old friend." Dr Fate thought back to when he first encountered Clark Kent, later to be known as Superman. He glimpsed a bright future for the man, leading the next generation of heroes. Perhaps this Danny Phantom was part of that future.

"It has been good to see you again, Clockwork," Dr Fate said. "But I must return to my Tower of Fate. Inza has prepared dinner. I would invite you, but I know how busy you are." Clockwork turned into an old man and smiled. "That," he said, jokingly. "And the fact that I don't need to eat. But thank you, none the less." Dr Fate nodded farewell, and departed, leaving Clockwork alone to watch contentedly as time played out before him. Oh, yes. What a bright future lay ahead...