![]() Author has written 5 stories for Naruto, Twilight, Legend of Zelda, Harry Potter, and Final Fantasy VII. Real Name: CJ Location: Montana Gender: Male Favorite Color: Black And Red Favorite Animals: Snakes, Foxes, And Ravens Favorite Movies / Series: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Stargate SG1 / Atlantis / Universe Star wars 1-6 Harry potter Favorite Anime: Naruto Inuyasha Full Metal Alchemist Hellsing Favorite Games: The Final Fantasy Series Shadow Hearts: Covenant Devil May Cry (1,2,3,&4) Favorite Books: Twilight series Harry Potter Eragon Favorite Pairings: Naruto Naruto x Kurenai Naruto x FemHaku Naruto x Anko Naruto x FemKyuubi Twilight Alice x Bella Harry Potter Harry x Bellatrix Harry x Tonks Harry x Hermione Harry x Narcissa Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent that aren't, copy this, put it in you profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Tsuyu Mikazuki, Weasel Chick, Revenant666, dragonsroar, foxdude33, FallenLex, Soelle, Akihiro Asamoto, Corvin, 9tail_Naruto, FlameKaiser, NoNameNeeded, Kyuuki-sama, Seraph of Shadows, Uncle Joe, Setske of the Kitsune Clan If you have ever stayed up for over 40 hours continuously just because you frickin' COULD, copy this into your profile. |