Disclaimer : I do not own anything of the Harry Potter universe, it all belongs to JK Rowling, I just love writing about the fantastic universe she presented us.

This story is/was posted on my other account, since I had trouble posting a new story on this account. Now that it is all worked out, I'm moving that story here, since that will be easier to manage all of my stories. The story is mostly the same as before, minus some mistakes or typos.

If there are still grammar or spelling mistakes, please let me know. English isn't my native language (plus I have dyslexia), so it is possible that there are still a few mistakes in my stories even though I edit them before I post them. I hope you'll enjoy the story.

The Change - chapter 8

The next month passed very rapidly. The teachers had stopped giving assignments and worked with their students during their lessons to prepare them for their OWL's. A few students had a breakdown and needed a calming draught. The library was full with fifth and seventh year students that were frantically trying to cram knowledge into their heads.

Harry focused that last month to further study his Ancient Runes and practice brewing his potions.

Eventually it was time to make their exams and the Sunday before their OWL's would start, Hermione was completely freaking out, thinking she would fail for every exam. It had taken the combined effort of Harry and Ron to help her calm down, by making her see that she knew her subjects by heart.

They would start with Charms the following day. Harry felt he couldn't do much more to prepare for that exam or he would start to mix things up. So after calming Hermione, he made a little trip to Tonks, where they just talked some, before he revised a little more and he went to bed.

The following morning, after breakfast, they took place at the desks that had appeared in the Great Hall. Harry started with his OWL exam and answered his questions as quick and complete as possible. After two hours, he was finished and handed in his exam, receiving the next one. When the regular time was over, everybody handed in his exam and Harry was led into the small room next to the Great Hall. A desk was standing there with some sandwiches. Harry worked through lunch on his NEWT examination while eating. He was finished half an hour before lunch was done and joined Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table.

"How was it?" Hermione asked, clearly hoping to discuss their exam.

"I believe it went alright, how did your exams went" he asked them.

Ron just answered with three words, while Hermione started going over the entire exam. When lunch disappeared, the fifth and seventh years gathered in the small room where Harry had finished his exam. They waited until they were called into the Great Hall to perform their practical exam.

When Harry was called in and directed to professor Tofty. "Good afternoon" he greeted the wizard.

"Good afternoon Mr. Potter, sorry for asking but you are the Harry Potter?"

"I'm afraid so, I don't know anyone else who carries my name. Nice to meet you" Harry answered, making the examiner raise an eye brow at this exclamation.

"I see on my examining paper that you will do your NEWT exam too if the first one goes alright, should we start?" professor Tofty suggested.

After a nod from Harry, professor Tofty instructed "Could you take this eggcup and make it perform cartwheels please"

Harry took the eggcup and performed the spell silently. The eggcup was making the cartwheels, until professor Tofty made it stop.

"Alright, could you summon that book at the teachers' table?"

Again, Harry just performed the correct wand movements and the book came flying to his hand.

"Very well, now could you give this teacup some legs and make it dance?"

Harry smiled, to make it a bit more interesting, he conjured a second teacup, gave them both legs and made them dance a tango.

"That is incredible, I haven't seen many that could make them do a synchronized dance. Could you now change the color of the teacups from this nice pattern to some red?"

"Any preference for the sort of red?" Harry asked politely.

"Alright, why don't you take Gryffindor red then" professor Tofty suggested.

Harry smiled and performed the color changing charm, making the teacups very Gryffindor.

"Okay, I believe that was your OWL examination, I can tell you, you can proceed with your NEWT examination. You will have to go to the little room again to wait for you next examination, best of luck" professor Tofty told him.

"Thank you professor" and Harry left the great hall.

Outside of the Great Hall, Hermione was waiting for him and when he saw her, he smiled "Sorry Hermione, but I can't stay, I have to return to the waiting room again"

Hermione flew in his neck and hugged him "I knew you would do great"

"Thank you, I'll see you later" Harry said, ending the hug and going back to the waiting room.

Now it was filled with seventh years students and when the Weasley twins saw him they took him aside and asked

"So wat is"

"Ickly Harry Potter"

"Doing here?"

"I'm taking my NEWT in Charms actually" Harry told him.

The twins were for once rendered speechless, so Harry used that time to explain his examination schedule.



"You know that?"

"I know, but I already passed my practical OWL of Charms, so that's already one less to go" Harry said optimistically.

They spent the rest of the time talking about the joke shop they were setting up with the money Harry had given them, until Harry was called into the Great Hall and went to professor Marchbanks.

"Good afternoon Mr. Potter, have a seat" professor Marchbanks greeted him.

"Thank you, good afternoon to you too"

Professor Marchbanks smiled before she said "I have seen parts of you OWL exam and I don't think that this exam should be a problem from what I've seen. If you can please perform the charms non-verbally, alright?"

After a nod from Harry, professor Marchbanks instructed "Could you make me some water?"

"Of course, but plain water is just boring" Harry pointed out, so he made a tea set and poured hot water in the teapot to make tea. "I thought some tea during the exam might be nice"

"Thank you Mr. Potter, you are right. Now could you turn this vinegar into wine?"

"White, red or rose?" Harry simply asked.

Professor Marchbanks looked at him in surprise before she answered "I prefer red wine, so why don't you try that" knowing that red wine was harder than white.

Harry nodded and performed the spell correctly. When professor Marchbanks took a sip, her face changed to delighted. "That is a very well performed charm Mr. Potter"

"Thank you" Harry acknowledge with a little bow of his head.

"Now as last charm, could you animate this figurine?" and she placed a stone figure of a cat in front of him.

Harry concentrated and performed the spell. The moment he had done so the cat began walking around. It started meowing when it didn't get any attention and started purring the moment Harry scratched the cat behind the ears before the curled herself in Harry's hand.

"Yes well, I believe that is a very well executed charm. Thank you and good luck with the rest of your exams" professor Marchbanks told him.

Harry left the Great Hall feeling really optimistic about his first set of exams. He started his way to Tonks' quarters to pay her a visit. He stayed there to decompress with some tea and cookies, before he went back to the Gryffindor Tower to revise for his next exam.

On Tuesday, they had Transfiguration, so after the written exam, where Harry needed all his time to complete both of the exams, they started with the practical examinations.

Harry started this time with professor Marchbanks. "Nice to see you again Mr. Potter, I'm curious how you'll do today"

After that, Harry silently switched a Hedgehog to Pincushion, vanished a pillow, doubled a couple of books and transformed successfully a glass into a dragon.

Then Harry had to wait again in the waiting room before he had to go to professor Waldender.

"Good afternoon, you've managed to pass your practical OWL exam, so we'll continue with the NEWT. Why don't you conjure the chair to sit on before we start" professor Waldender started.

Harry conjured a comfortable wooden chair with gracious wooden carvings before he went to sit.

"That's already a good start Mr. Potter, a very nice chair I have to admit. Now could you transfigure your leg into a wolfs paw?"

Harry nodded and easily changed his left leg so it became fury with claws, before he changed it back.

"It always feel weird when I do that" Harry commented.

Professor Waldended laughed "I know, now could you transfigure me so I'm unrecognizable?"

"I'll try" Harry said with a smile and started changing professor Waldender's face and body. When he was done, he was quite happy with the result. He conjured a full length mirror for the professor so he could admire his work.

Professor Waldended looked in the mirror and instead of the plump looking wizard, professor McGonagall looked back at him in the mirror, his robes and figure adjusted to the witch in question. The professor looked shocked and Harry looked to the back of the Great Hall where he had seen professor McGonagall enter a few minutes before and she gave him a smile.

"It is incredible the amount of details you changed to match perfectly to professor McGonagall" professor Waldended told him.

"I agree, I also believe he managed to do so very well" professor McGonagall said when she had come closer "It's almost as if I'm looking in the mirror. Congratulations Mr. Potter, you did and even better job than when you transfigured me into Albus"

Harry blushed from the praise and professor Waldended spoke "Yes, well if you manage to undo the transfiguration I would say the exam is completed"

Harry only needed a few seconds before professor Waldended looked like himself again. Harry thanked the professor and left the Great Hall, followed by professor McGonagall.

"It was amazing to watch you transfigure professor Waldended" she told him.

Harry smiled "Thank you professor, I hope you don't mind I transfigured him into you?"

"No, I actually feel honored Mr. Potter" professor McGonagall assured him. "I've already heard praise from professor Tofty and Marchbanks about you"

"I'm just doing my exams professor" Harry answered.

Professor McGonagall smiled, which was a rare sight, and said "I hope you'll keep up this standard"

Harry smiled back and said his goodbyes to professor McGonagall and made his way to Tonks' quarters. He knocked and it was opened by a smiling Tonks.

"How was it today?" she asked him.

"Judging from the professors faces and the praise from professor McGonagall just minutes ago, I would have to say good. The theoretical part went fine too, but I did need all of my time" Harry answered.

Tonks smiled even more "I'm glad to hear that, now do you want some tea or something to relax?"

"Some hot chocolate would be nice" Harry replied "Care to do some fun transfigurations"

"Sure, you start" Tonks told him, so Harry started with taking on a morph that Tonks had to copy.

They spend some time like that, putting together the most ridiculous morphs.

"Thanks that I can come here after an exam. Going to the tower and seeing everybody studying isn't really relaxing" Harry pointed out.

Tonks answered "That's no problem, I quite like you company Harry, you should know that by now"

"I just don't want to assume Tonks and I want you to know that I don't take coming here for granted" Harry told her.

She pulled him in a hug and thanked him, before wishing him good luck on his next exam.

On Wednesday, it was time for their Herbology exam. Here Harry had some more difficulty answering the questions on the written exam and again he needed all his time, but he still though he had passed the written examinations.

In the afternoon, he needed to make a Chinese Chomping Cabbage cut a carrot in fine pieces for his OWL examination and for his NEWT, he needed to harvest leaves from the Venomous Tantacula, preferably without being killed or injured. Harry only sustained a small cut and was able to harvest multiple leaves, so he was quite happy with the result.

After his examination, he went back to Tonks' quarters, but here she was waiting for him.

"What are we going to do?" Harry asked while she let him out of her quarters.

"We're going to practice for you exam tomorrow" Tonks answered him and led him to the seventh floor corridor, opening the Room of Requirements.

"Alright, what do I need to do?" he questioned.

"Simple, we're just going to duel a bit" Tonks explained.

Harry smiled "What happens if I win?"

Tonks thought for a moment before she gave her answer "If you win, you can count on an entire day spending with me, the way you want. If I win, you have to help me cleaning my apartment, since I'll have to go back there after the school year"

"Deal, any rules?" Harry asked.

"Nothing that isn't reversible and not aiming to do serious hurt. You win if a person is completely incapacitated" Tonks laid out the ruled.

"Alright, what landscape?"

Tonks answered "You can chose"

Harry nodded and immediately, the scenery changed to a forest.

They got into position and after a bow, the duel started. Harry started with firing two stunners towards Tonks. She had to roll away since she wouldn't be able to block them both that fast. That gave Harry the time to run a bit further.

He waited until Tonks would come by to strike again. The moment he heard something, he shot of a cutting spell, but Tonks had distracted him and stood at the other side. Only narrowly escaping an orange spell from Tonks, Harry started firing back with multiple spells. Tonks had been able to produce a powerful shield this time and stopped his attack.

Tonks shot a bludgeoning spell to a large branch above Harry and he had to run when it came down, being scraped by the little branches on the end of it.

Thinking quickly, Harry shot of a fire conjuring spell, setting the ground around Tonks on fire. With the fire closing in on her, she had to perform a spell to protect her from it, before she ran through the fire. In the meantime, Harry had conjured a wall, where he was hiding behind and he had conjured multiple projectiles.

Once Tonks was through the fire, Harry started firing off the projectiles with a levitation spell. Tonks was able to block them all and performed a powerful blasting spell against Harry's wall. Being knocked away by the blast, Harry performed a general, but strong shield, so he could regain his bearings again.

Going in the attack again, he faced Tonks face to face. They continued like that for a few minutes, shooting spells, ducking or rolling away, conjuring shields before Harry decided to loosely shoot at the left side of Tonks, making her to jump away to the right and being caught by a second spell from Harry, leaving her stunned.

Harry rennervated her and then made the scenery change to a cozy living room. He gave Tonks a hand and pulled her up.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked her.

"Yeah, just some cuts and scrapes and a think a little burn too" Tonks shrugged it off.

Harry smiled "Can I practice my healing spells?"

"Sure, give it a go" Tonks agreed.

Harry concentrated and managed to heal the cuts and scrapes, but he had more trouble with the burn. "Sorry, the burn doesn't seem to go away"

"Try the motion again, but after the upwards motion, you have to rotate your wand a quarter turn to the left" Tonks helped him.

Harry's face showed a lot of concentration and he tried the spell again. The first time, the burn faded a little bit, but the second time, the burn healed entirely.

"Well done, now get out of your shirt, you clearly have multiple cuts on your trunk" Tonks ordered him.

Harry blushed, but opened his shirt, showing his bare chest. Tonks carefully healed the cuts on his trunk while admiring the view. When she was done, Harry scourgified and repaired his shirt before he put it on again.

"I preferred the view without the shirt" Tonks teased him, causing his blush to deepen even more. Tonks knew that it was a really bad blush, since metamorphmagi were normally able to hide them quite well.

"You wish" Harry managed to tease back.

A feint blush appeared on Tonks' face before she said "It appears we missed dinner"

Harry thought for a moment and a dinner table appeared, calling out "Dobby"

Immediately a house elf appeared so Harry asked "Would it be possible to bring us some dinner Dobby? Tonks helped me for my exam tomorrow and we forgot about the time"

"It would be Dobby's honor Harry Potter. Dobby will be right back" and with a snap of his fingers he disappeared again.

"That elf is even more weird than any elf I've encountered" Tonks pointed out.

Harry pulled out a chair for Tonks while he answered "I freed Dobby from the Malfoys in my second year, since then he's a free elf who helps me out sometimes"

Then food appeared on the table and Dobby asked "Is there something else Dobby could help you with Harry Potter sir?"

"Is it possible to bring some pumpkin juice? Then I believe we have all we could ask for, thank you Dobby" Harry said.

"Dobby will be right back, enjoy your meal" Dobby said before bowed and then disappeared.

They took food on their plate and started eating, when two goblets with pumpkin juice appeared.

"You've done really great, I would say you're ready for tomorrow" Tonks said with a soft smile.

"It was luck that I got you with that stunner, I nearly missed you" Harry admitted.

"That may be, but the rest of the duel was really well thought out as well. You showed resourcefulness and creativity and didn't rely on merely jinxes and curses. That might not be what they are expecting from you tomorrow, but it will help you in the field" Tonks complemented.

"Thanks, I believe I got some ideas from a book you let me borrow, that made me thinking that a duel is more than shooting stunners and pulling up shields" Harry said. "After Easter, I started to come and practice more here in the Room of Requirement"

"I'm glad you read those books that well. I'd really like it to duel more with you, it's refreshing and it keeps me sharp, plus, I can use the exercise before I get on active duty again"

Harry quietly looked forward to it, since it would be another excuse to spend time with Tonks "Sure, I'd love to"

"Great, now go back to your tower before your friends report you missing. You'll do great tomorrow" she told him.

Harry hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek "Thanks for all the help"

Tonks' smile multiplied, but Harry didn't see it since he had already turned to leave the Room of Requirements.

The next morning, Harry woke up with a very good feeling. He took a long shower and made his way downstairs whistling. When he arrived that Gryffindor table, Hermione scowled at him "Don't be so chipper on the morning of an exam"

"Sorry Hermione, but I actually look forward to this exam" Harry admitted. "You'll do fine, I'm sure"

A bit calmer, Hermione went back to her breakfast. Harry and Ron talked a bit about the coming exam, until they had to clear the Great Hall so everybody could start with the written exams.

Harry started as usual with his OWL exam and was able to answer all the questions with ease and was sure he had even given more information than they had seen during their OWL year. When he had finished, he started with his NEWT exam and flew through that exam too. He preferred those questions, since they posed a little bit more of a challenge. When Harry handed in, professor Marchbanks looked at him in surprise, since he was finished before most of the other students had finished their one exam.

Relaxed, Harry left the Great Hall and went to wait for his friends. One by one, he saw people from the DA leave the Great Hall, until Ron first came out.

"How was your exam?" Harry asked.

Ron grinned "I thought it was quite easy, I'm sure I'll at least have an Exceeds Expectations"

"Great, mine went fine too. The NEWT exam posed a bit of a challenge, but I think I did well"

"I'm really glad I don't have an exam tomorrow, it will be nice to relax a little bit" Ron told him.

"I'll hopefully be free after lunch" Harry said "But since there isn't a practical exam of Ancient Runes, they'll let me work two full periods on my translations"

"I still don't get why you decided to take on Ancient Runes mate"

"I know, but you were busy with quidditch, winning that trophy, so I had to keep busy, didn't I" Harry pointed out.

Ron started recounting their last match against Ravenclaw in detail until finally Hermione got out of the Great Hall with a bunch of other students who had worked until the very last minute.

During lunch they talked, trying to keep Hermione from going over the exam question to question, until they finally had to go to the waiting room again.

Like the previous exams, Hermione had to go as the first of the trio and when Harry was called in, he got to go to professor Tofty.

"Good afternoon Mr. Potter, good to see you again"

"Nice to see you too professor Tofty, what will you have me do today?" Harry replied.

Professor Tofty started asking multiple jinxes, counterjinxes, curses, shields and defensive spells, which Harry was able to perform with ease.

"I'm already looking forward to seeing you perform on your NEWT examination, there has been a request for a special examination that we couldn't refuse. I hope you don't mind, you'll be tested as the last person" professor Tofty told him before he left the Great Hall.

Harry smiled "Of course not professor, I'm looking forward to it"

"Good to hear, you can wait in the usual waiting room. And please don't tell around you get a different exam, people could say you're favorited"

Harry nodded and left the Great Hall, only to go waiting again in the waiting room next to it. He saw how every seventh year was called in, while he had to wait. The Weasley twins were called in as the last ones and a quart hour later, he was asked to enter the Great Hall.

"Mr. Potter, as I explained to you before, we have a special examination for you. We will follow you towards the Room of Requirement, where you will be tested" professor Tofty told him.

"Alright" Harry told them and he led the four examiners towards the seventh floor. There was already a door there, which made Harry a bit suspicious. He got out his wand and cautiously entered the room.

The room was a ruin of a castle with land next to it and in the middle of the castle, Mad-Eye Moody was waiting for him.

"It looks like he already passed the first stage of the test, good to see you lad" Moody told him.

"Good to see you too professor, but what are you doing here?" Harry questioned.

Moody laughed "I've heard from a few people how gifted you are with this course and when I heard you wanted to take the NEWT exam, I suggested a different way of examining you, namely a duel with me"

Harry smiled "It would be my honor sir"

Harry saw that Tonks and professor McGonagall had joined the four examiners and were placed behind a ward.

"I'm glad to see the others are protected from stray spells" Harry pointed out.

Moody smiled "So you've noticed the ward, good, good. Now about the duel, no unforgivables, for the rest anything goes, until one of the opponents can't fight anymore"

Harry nodded and held his wand ready for a duel. Moody started sending a spell towards Harry, that he easily deflected, before sending two spells of his own back at him. They continued like that in a slow pace for a while, testing their opponent and slowly making their way through the ruins. At the same time, they were thinking about plans to trick the other.

Harry started his plan with performing a powerful water conjouring spell towards Moody. Moody got drenched, but quickly dried himself with a spell while seeking cover behind a wall. Harry went forward towards Moody and started firing spells in his directions at a high speed, forcing Moody to step back and eventually seeking cover again behind a wall. Seeing his opportunity, Harry quickly performed 'Glacius Tria', freezing the ground he had previously soaked with water.

He then continued to shoot spells at the wall Moody was hiding, until he was forced to leave his hiding position because the wall was crumbling. Then Moody performed the same technique Harry had used and pushed Harry back by firing multiple spells at once. Harry carefully stepped back. Moody was still shooting spells, until he slipped on the ice and fell on his back.

Harry took his chance and fired a stunning spell towards Moody, but he managed to roll away just in time, firing his own spell back, giving him time to get up. Moody then quickly led them away from the ice. This time, he conjured four stone figures that he animated and sent towards Harry. Harry quickly blasted the figures away, while using the cover of a piece of rubble to not been hit by Moody.

The duel went like that for a while, using tricks and lists, trying to overpower or outmaneuver the other. Then Harry got a crazy idea. He took cover behind a large standing wall before he thought of every positive thought he had and shouted "Expecto Patronum"

Moody was surprised by the course of action, since the patronus couldn't harm him. Harry led the stag towards him and patted it, glad to feel it very corporeal. He quickly climbed the stag and shot it towards Moody, while performing his strongest shield. He only needed it for two spells before he reached Moody and literally knocked him over. Harry then jumped of his patronus, stunned Moody, summoned his wand and bound him in ropes.

Once finished, Harry was surprised to hear clapping and looked over to the sound, to see the examiners, Tonks and professor McGonagall clapping for him. He had been so absorbed by the duel that he had forgotten that they were there.

Before he went to them, he unbound Moody and revived him.

Moody grumbled "My wand"

"Not before you declare this duel officially over professor, constant vigilance, remember"

Moody started laughing really loud and it was actually scary. "You're right lad, you've won the duel fair and square, now give me my wand"

Harry nodded and tossed it to the ex-auror, who caught it without a problem. Together they made their way towards their spectators.

"That was a marvelous performance Mr. Potter" professor Tofty complemented him.

"I'll second that lad" Moody cut in "Very resourceful, I've seen combinations of spells I hadn't expected"

"Yes, thank you for agreeing to this alternative examination, it was a nice change. Sadly you can't discuss it with people outside of this room, I hope you understand" professor Marchbanks said.

Harry nodded and conjured a chair and went to sit. He lifted the pipe of his leg, revealing a deep cut in his lower leg. He carefully healed it before he addressed the examiners "Sorry, that was irritating me a lot"

"No problem Mr. Potter, I'm surprised you're able to perform that healing spell yourself" professor Tofty said.

"Professor Tonks taught me during the Easter Holiday when we spent some quality time in the infirmary" Harry explained.

When Tonks saw that professor Waldender wasn't following she explained "Both Harry and myself were seriously injured at an incident at the ministry, we spent three weeks in the infirmary, recovering from those injuries"

"Of course, I forgot, I'm sorry" the professor quickly apologized, looking a bit uncomfortably as it was brought up, knowing that it would still be painful for both Harry as Tonks.

"I believe it is time for dinner" professor McGonagall pointed out, changing the subject a little.

So everybody left the Room of Requirement with Tonks accompanying Harry.

"You did great, it was amazing to see you fight"

"Thanks, I never thought I would be able to defeat Moody"

Tonks smiled "I don't think Moody expected it himself. I only managed to defeat him at the ending of his career and of my training, but I don't think I would be able to defeat him if he still had his two legs, you neither, I'm sorry"

"I understand" Harry chuckled "It's a shame I can't tell others about this duel, but I'm really honored he made the time for this"

They had arrived at the Great Hall and before Tonks made her way to the teachers table, she wished him good luck the next day with Ancient Runes.

During dinner, he just vaguely told Ron and Hermione how he thought he had aced both of the practical exams, but luckily they were disturbed constantly by fifth and seventh year member of the DA coming over to thank them for his help during the year.

Harry and Hermione revised as much as they could of Ancient Runes before they went to bed and Harry fell asleep, repeating the duel with Moody in his head.

Friday morning was the first time Harry was actually nervous for an exam. Sadly, Hermione wasn't doing any better, so they were both nervous wrecks when they started with their exam after breakfast.

Harry had to concentrate very hard on his exams. He felt quite well about his OWL examination, but he had needed until thirty minutes before lunch to finish it. Immediately after it, he started working on the NEWT exam, but this time immediately in the little room adjoined to the Great Hall. He barely ate from his sandwiches and sometimes needed to think a long time before he was able to translate the runes given to him. Eventually Harry was done, he had managed to finish the NEWT exam just in time, but his head was buzzing from the effort.

Mindlessly, he made his way towards Tonks' quarters and after being let in, he let himself sag into the coach. Tonks brought him a butterbeer and after a few swigs he said "Making two exams like that directly after each other isn't recommended"

Tonks chuckled and placed herself next to Harry "I can only imagine, how do you think it went?"

"I don't think I botched it up, but I don't know how well I did" Harry said and he threw his head backwards on the edge of the sofa. "I wish I could close my eyes for a moment"

Tonks looked at him and saw him all worked up and she knew that making his OWL's and NEWT's together was taking a larger toll on him than he let everybody see. She took his butterbeer from his hands and laid his head in her lap and ordered him to close his eyes.

Harry was too tired to say no and he did as Tonks had said. He was gone within a few seconds, Tonks stroked through his hair for a while. When after an hour of this Tonks realized, he wouldn't wake up soon, she knew she had to do something.

Thinking quickly, she send out a patronus towards professor McGonagall and a few minutes later, her fire place flared up and professor McGonagall came through.

She went to sit on the armchair opposing the sofa and whispered "I got your patronus Tonks, thank you for informing me"

Tonks smiled and looked at Harry before she answered "I know we could both get into trouble if I just let him sleep like that, but I didn't want to wake him. It seems like he desperately needs the rest"

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry and saw the lines of stress on his face, even though he was quite relaxed for the moment "You're right. I'm sorry for asking, but it seems like this has happened before?"

"Once, after the attack on Arthur. I started teaching Harry Occlumency. He had worked an entire day, organizing his mind and putting up basic defenses. When he was done doing so, he just fell asleep and apparently, shortly afterwards so did I" Tonks explained.

"How comes Molly didn't hex you when she found out?" professor McGonagall enquired.

"Have you heard about the first week and a half after Harry arrived at the headquarters this summer?" Tonks asked.

When professor McGonagall shook her head Tonks told "After we picked him up from his relatives, he and I didn't really got along. After the hearing, I was so sick of it, that I forced him to talk to me about it. For privacy measures and such, I had put up some wards. We found out that we have a lot in common after putting aside our differences and started talking, until I fell asleep on his shoulder. Apparently, he carried me into my bed and tried to leave my room, but couldn't. He slept on the floor that night, not wanting to wake me up. We were lucky Moody was at the headquarters that night and saw how Harry was sleeping on my floor, after scanning the house for him"

"So that time Molly didn't overreact because Moody had already told her where exactly Harry had slept?"

"Exactly, that second time during the Christmas holidays, I knew I would fall asleep, so I removed the wards we usually put up and let my bedroom door half-open. Mrs. Weasley saw us sleeping and even placed a warm meal in my room if we would wake up hungry" Tonks further explained.

Professor McGonagall nodded and said "Let him sleep if you want"

Tonks smiled and stroked through Harry's hair absentmindedly.

"You care about him a lot don't you?" professor McGonagall asked.

"Yes, he's the first person who understands me and he's the only person that knows about my history in Hogwarts" Tonks told her. "He also told me about his past, not leaving anything out"

Professor McGonagall was surprised when she heard that, she knew that Tonks usually didn't talk about that period with anyone and also that Harry had apparently shared that much with her, since he normally didn't talk that easily. That told her a lot about their bond and she said as well. "That does tell me a lot"

It was quiet for a while before professor McGonagall spoke again "I won't judge Tonks, it's clear for me that you care about him and that you won't hurt him. Plus I don't think anything happened between you two, right?"

"Even if he feels the same, I wouldn't do a thing or let him do a thing before we can legally be together. I've seen what can happen while I was still in training, with a ministry official, I won't risk that for myself, but especially not for him. So for the moment we are just really good friends that can count on each other" Tonks answered.

"I'll leave you two then, I still have to prepare some things for the regular exams. You won't get into trouble and I'm glad you're thinking this through Tonks, he can do without extra problems" professor McGonagall told her before she left through the fireplace again.

Tonks first read in a book and then ate some sandwiches brought by a house elf, before she adjusted the sofa a bit, so she would also sleep comfortably and let herself drift away.

The next morning Harry woke up, feeling more relaxed than he had in a long time. When he opened his eyes, he noticed he wasn't in his dorm room and quickly realized that he was still in Tonks' quarters and after quick assessment, he assumed he fell asleep in Tonks' lap. Her arm laid over his chest and he quite reveled in the feeling.

He knew he was in trouble, but decided to ignore it and just enjoy the relaxed feeling he had and the proximity to Tonks. He had by long realized that he liked Tonks more than a friend and lately he started to believe that the feeling was mutual.

Harry moved a little, turning his head so he looked upwards, but the movement woke up Tonks.

She smiled and said "So you finally wake up. I hope you slept well?"

"Actually I did, the best sleep in weeks" Harry admitted.

"Good, now before you think you're in trouble, I cleared it with McGonagall yesterday, so don't worry" Tonks informed him.

Relieve washed over Harry, he wouldn't mind if he was in trouble, but he wouldn't have wanted Tonks to get into trouble.

"Now, you should head to the tower and change clothes before you get some breakfast" Tonks told him.

Harry nodded and got up to a sitting position again. "Thanks Tonks"

"You're welcome, good luck with revising"

Harry smiled and got up to leave Tonks' quarters, giving her one last smile before he headed towards the Gryffindor Tower.

The rest of the weekend, Harry went over his potions material, after explaining to Ron and Hermione why he hadn't come back after his exam. He was determined to do well on that exam, to prove to Snape he could perform well on the exam.