Author has written 21 stories for Mass Effect, Star Wars, Elder Scroll series, Fallout, Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed, and StarTrek: Voyager. I've been writing fanfic for a while and belong to several yahoo groups but only recently started uploading fiction to fanfic. Pairings I write or read Liara - fem Shepard = Mass Effect ( fem Shepard - Liara ) Silk Fox, Heavenly Lilly - Wu the Lotus Blossom or Jen Wi = Jade Empire Bastila - Fem Revan / fem Reven- or fem Revan / Juhuni = KOTOR Fem Exile - Visaus / Fem Exile / friendship Handmaiden = KOTOR II Sam - Janet = Stargate SG1 B'Elanna - Seven of Nine or Seven / Janeway = Voyager I enjoy several fanfic works, as you can see I'm into gaming, fantasy and sci-fi. Guess that is all that is really relevant I'll update this as more ideas come into mind. Music I like to add in back ground noise for fics as if a character is listening to it is mostly sound tracks or stuff very much like it. But I don't do song-fics... The things about some games I don't like is the hero's cannonish guy LI is usually a whinny sob that flips from ranting and flirting and whose charterer is so cardboard it's pathetic IE: Carth / Kadien / Anders / Ferris / Tom Paris you get the idea. ewww... But that is what fanfic is for creating what we want or wished to have happened. Besides with the exception of one story I write femslash. Period. Anyway that's the profile for now. Eli (pronounced Elly) Oh and you can see some of my artwork on deviateart. Its easier to search my name eecarter333 then shift through the thousands of things for Mass effect. |
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