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Joined 08-11-12, id: 4190747, Profile Updated: 07-18-15
Author has written 9 stories for Mass Effect, Star Wars, and Transformers/Beast Wars.

Gender: Male.

Favorite Games

Mass Effect 2: My favorite story and characters of any game I've ever played. Though Witcher 3 is dangerously close. If only it had a Mordin Loyalty Mission equivalent.

KotOR: What do I really need to say to explain why KotOR is one of my favorite games? It's the best Star Wars game ever made, and it's likely none will ever compete.

Devil May Cry 3: The best of the franchise to date, especially compared to the dumbing down of the reboot, or the bullshit of Nero in 4.

Transformers Fall of Cybertron. The best Transformers game ever made, nothing else even comes close.

Metroid Fusion.

Legend of Zelda, a Link to the past w/ Four Swords.

Mass Effect

Devil May Cry

The Witcher 3: One of the best stories in a game to date, and the gameplay is a massive improvement over Witcher 2.

The Witcher 2: Another one of the best stories in a game.

Shadow Warrior 2013: Just a fucking fun game, with a surprisingly decent story.

Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor: It's like assassin's creed if it were set in Middle Earth, and good.

Saints Row IV: It's fucking crazy, and glorious because of how crazy it is.

Call of Duty IV: Just a damn good shooter, before the series got turned to garbage.

Favorite Books

The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.

The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini.

The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.

Treasure Island.

Robin Hood.

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain.

Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.

Current Projects

Mass Effect Meus Mundus: Back to being written. Expect updates every one to two weeks.

Mass Effect Crucible Effect: Also back to being written, expect updates on a similar timeframe to Meus Mundus.

Beyond the Light and the Dark: Will be (hopefully) updated once every week or two, but that will depend on real life.

Future Projects

Commander Shepard Vs. the Galaxy: Cynthia Shepard has to defeat Miranda Lawson's seven deadly mistakes to get her heart.

Mass Effect Meus Mundus- Ante Bellum. Set before the reapers back when Humanity was preparing for colonizing another galaxy, and shows the events leading up to the discovery of what the Leviathans are doing. Will probably end with agreement on the Reaper Plan. But may go a bit further. It will focus on Jonathan Rakdos, and reveal a few surprising things about him. (I'll not spoil it for you guys. But it'll be surprising.) Several events that I have planned include the Birth of the First Butcher, and some exploration. The story would probably be ten chapters at most.

Don't have any other ideas for fics now. But, START LEAVING REVIEWS ON THE ONES THAT ARE ALREADY PUBLISHED! Seriously, no reviews, means chances are little issues will escape my notice. Or I'll get sad and quit writing. : )

Random Ramblings.

Alright, this is a little thing I'm going to be occasionally adding to my profile. Basically, I occasionally have stuff that's just stuck on my mind, and I'll put an essay-esque rambling on it. Anyways, first off, my thoughts on Mass Effect 3, the entire thing.

Mass Effect 3 is a mechanically excellent game. It has a few glitches, like the grabs having no warning, even when shooting the enemies that have tat ability. I have spent hundreds of hours playing the multiplayer, but Mass Effect 3 is not a good game in my opinion. It is a poorly written game for Bioware, especially the infamous ending. But, I, while offended by the ending, am not as offended by it as I am by the rest of the game.

Now, to explain why I'm offended by all of ME3, I'll need to give a bit of a background on why I started playing the Mass Effect franchise. I skipped over the original ME game when it first came out because I was not too interested in games that told stories. Then, I tried out the second game a while after it came out, and instantly fell in love with it. When I heard that there were changes I could make to the game world by playing the previous game, so I went back and played the original game, and really liked it.

Anyway, back on to ME3, I am offended by it because of the way it treated Mass Effect 2, especially its characters. When I saw how little screen time that my favorites got, I was hurt. I was even more hurt when two of them were given unavoidable deaths. My three favorites were, in order from top to bottom, Mordin, Miri, and Legion. The fact that I could not do much with those characters had me hurt, but I was willing to overlook it for the gameplay. Until the ending, which we'll get to later. After Mordin and Legion died, I was not crying, I was raging about it. Then, came Thessia, the third most offensive part of the game to me.

After Thessia, my Shep, who had been a complete bitch to Liara the entire series, was more upset about it than when earth got fucked up. After that, I had to take a break to keep myself from snapping my controller in half, stealing a plane, and crashing it into Casey Hudson's house, and then shoving my controller up Mac Walters' ass.

Then, after Sanctuary, the most offensive moment to me, came the infamous ending, which made me quit overlooking the issues. When it ended, I was shocked to see end credits. I expected to get an epilogue where I saw my Shep get to be happy with Miri after the war. But, I got nothing. My Shep was killed because she wasn't allowed to argue with the stupid glowing eight year old. I wasn't willing to hold back after that.

Now for the most offensive part. Sanctuary. My Shep was romancing Miri, and was less worried about her than she was about Thessia before the mission started. I am sorry, but you should be more worried about the person who you're head over heels in love with than a bunch of strangers that you think are in the uncanny valley. Then, afterwords, I found out that Tali has selective amnesia if you saved Miri, a sign that those motherfuckers writing ME3 wanted to kill her off. Again, had to take a break to prevent myself from losing it.

Now, ME3 is the most disappointing game I've ever played. For me, it is, in the words of Yahtzee, a shit game for twats. But, what is the core of the problem? I believe it is that it is where Bioware sold out to modern military shooters. Starting with the very cover of the game. A soldier holding a gun while looking out of the case angrily. Look at any recent call of duty or battlefield game and it will be shockingly similar. In it, they put gameplay over narrative. I know, you're probably calling me a liar, or a moron, but keep that to yourself. Also, it wasn't given enough time. With what ME2's ending was, it needed three, no four, years of development time. That way they could take what happened into account, and make it a satisfying conclusion. And, saddest of all, this is the game that killed the ENORMOUS amount of goodwill Bioware had from me. DA2 was bad as a DA game, but kinda fun, it just didn't fit the DA universe. And ME3 is a fun game, but it doesn't work as an ME game. For example if a few changes were made and it was turned into a Star Trek game I'd absolutely love it. But, that didn't happen.

Explanation of some of the stupid stuff in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. But not all of it.

This is my explanation of some of the nonsensical things in ROTF, but not everything. So, let's get started.

In the beginning, things are fine, until the Fallen says that only a Prime can defeat him. While the Fallen is insanely powerful, it is not just a Prime that can defeat him. The only logical explanation I could come to is that the Fallen and Jetfire were talking in metaphor. That only one as powerful as a Prime can defeat him, and there are a minimal number of those. Or, that the old Primes (all twelve of the ones other than the Fallen, not six) used some of their semi-mystical powers to create a seal on him that would only break when the last of their descendants was deceased. As he breaks those pipes(which look kinda like life support) off of himself after Optimus dies.

Next, Sam's visions of the stuff regarding Cybertronian glyphs and the like. The question of "WHY WOULD IT BE THE EXACT THING THEY NEEDED TO KNOW TO SAVE THE WORLD?!?!?!?!!?" This will require a bit of back story into the Transformers multiversal lore. First of all, let's talk about the Allspark. As Optimus says in Transformers Prime, "Before the beginning, there was Primus..." Primus is the creator-deity of the Transformers race, and his body is Cybertron. And, his spark(the life-essence of all Cybertronian-style life) is the Allspark. It has been shown before that the Allspark has at least a part of the mind of Primus. So, if we put two and two together, one can assume that the mind of Primus is trying to guide Sam to finding the Matrix. But, why would he want him to find that? Because, the Matrix of Leadership is a whole hell of a lot more than just a key. It holds the combined wisdom of the Primes, and is the only known artifact with the power to destroy Unicron, Primus's evil, universe destroying twin. So, he wants it to get to Optimus, so that if Unicron returns, there will be a tool to use against the world destroyer.

Third, this is the big one. Sam going to robot heaven. This one will also require a look into the lore of the Transformers multiverse. In the lore of 99.9% of everything Transformers, the concept of "Becoming one with the Allspark." When a Cybertronian dies, their spark rejoins with the Allspark, like they're returning to their creator. Now, the Fallen said that the Allspark had joined with Sam's mind. So, as he has the entirity of the Allspark inside his head(not impossible in the Transformers Multiverse. Highly improbable, yes.) so it could be that when he 'died' the Primes' sparks in the Allspark used it as a means to contact him directly. They explained the things, and then restore him. (The matrix of leadership being earned not found isn't just a stupid Bayverse thing. You have to earn the right to carry the Matrix by having a spark that is pure, and then you become a prime.) And, then as the Matrix reforms, it also takes the Allspark out of Sam's head and stores it in the crystal.(hence the weird visions never happen again, it wasn't just forgotten. In fact, in the novelization they mention that he doesn't have the problem any more.)

And, as proven in Transformer Prime Beast Hunters Predacons Rising, the Matrix can contain the allspark.

Oh, and why the Fallen lost so quickly? It's really expensive to do all that CG, so if they had made it longer they'd have gone over budget. That's my reasoning. That, and he was facing OPTIMUS MOTHERFUCKING PRIME. An autobot so badass that he has been fatally wounded SIXTEEN TIMES and is still out there kicking ass.

So, in conclusion, Yeah, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen is really silly, but several of the sillier things do hold up when you look at the entirety of the transformers Multiverse.

Trivia About My Stories.

Mass Effect: Meus Mundus.

1: This actually started out with a very very different idea of what it was going to be. Originally it was literally just going to be the Mass Effect trilogy as following canon with a lot more Miranda. (and a bit of Liara hate.) Oh, also suicide ramming runs at FTL to stop the Reapers.

2: It originally had several more smut scenes than it ended up with. The reasons for this are twofold. One they weren't very good. And two, I wanted it to be about so much more than sex. That is why there is the occasional sex bit, but it's not very common. I wanted it to be about the story, and like in the Mass Effect games have the sex bits be a nice little bonus.

3: Originally the death scene for Liara was going to be much, much, much more brutal. However I had calmed down from my rage at ME3 fucking up my Miranda romance and switching the flags so it thought I'd romanced Liara.

4: The amount of crazy ideas for this story that I have scrapped because they don't fit is much harder than the crazy shit I did put in. To name three examples. First off, I had at one point considered putting in a character that only had the purpose of teaching Shepard how to be a super magical badass. This later evolved into the Butcher story-arc. Where instead of super broken magic, it's just kinda broken and not really magic.
Second, I had planned a scene where Harbinger and the other Reapers are found drinking that orange goo people get turned into. Don't know why, it was just a weird idea.
Third. This one I still kinda think would be fun to put into a story sometime. But have the Reapers basically be an armor shell for the Leviathans, and every now and then they have to replace the old shell. Hence the cycles and such. You know, make Leviathans immortal by putting them in safe armor.

Mass Effect the Crucible Effect.

1: This started out as a mole in the back of my mind that I just couldn't get rid. Hell, one reason that the initial quality was so shit(other than my newness to this whole writing thing.) was that I really wanted to just focus on Meus Mundus. Hell, I do enjoy it, but something about it has just never clicked as much with me personally as Meus Mundus or Beyond the Light and the Dark.

2: This is the first story where I have played with the idea of Shepard being just completely, irreparably, broken in a world where she has no hope of getting Miranda back after losing her. Though I do plan to toy with this idea a bit more later on.

Beyond the Light and the Dark.

1: This was actually inspired by one scene that needed a lot of background to make work. So much so that we actually haven't reached the scene that it was inspired by yet.

2: When I started this, I had no idea that Meetra was going to be so sarcastic/womanizing.(Does it still count as womanizing if you're a woman?)

The Prime Effect.

1: Want to know why this damn thing exists? I thought it would have been a fun thing to make a mod of, but I have no goddamn clue how to create a mod like this. So, I did what I know, and I wrote what I imagined would happen if Prime showed up in ME3. And I know that Jack Darby was horribly characterized. That I did not do him justice. The thing about it was I needed someone to act as essentially a narrator to explain Mass Effect shit to the Transformers people who didn't know ME, and the Transformers shit to the ME people who don't really know Transformers.

Beyond the Darkness.

1: There is actually another version of this I created on my PC's hard drive. It has some cut content that I removed as while editing, I felt that it didn't really fit the characters that well and was just me experimenting with describing different things. I toyed with it for a while, trying to see if there were any way to make it work, but found that there wasn't really a way to make it function properly.

Mass Effect Post Bellum.

1: I thought it would be hilarious if Shepard was left seemingly dead because of a minor oversight.

2: I don't know, but this made me think, "What would Miranda do if she lost Shep forever?" and all I could think of is that she'd get like a hundred pet dogs.

Another Light and Another Darkness.

1: One of the major questions that led me to the creation of this is what would happen if there were a draft in the near to distant future.

2: Another of the major questions that crossed my mind was, regarding the cliche of people being saved by love. I personally hate that cliche, and whenever I see it creep its filthy head into my work, I crush it. I wondered what would be a scientific way to have something that looks like that fucking stupid cliche while not being that. (Also, I don't dislike the idea of someone being saved from something like say, the dark side of the Force[also do you capitalize Dark Side or do you leave it lower case?] what I dislike is the idea of love saving someone from something like a fifty caliber bullet through the torso. Love is great for the mind, but it's not exactly a healing potion for a lethal physical injury. Also fuck the whole, "She lost her will to live" bullshit from Episode 3.)

3: And lastly that I can think of at the moment, I had Carth and Revan be close friends because I just thought it would be hilarious to see a backyard barbecue with all the KotOR characters dressed like normal people and having just a normal bbq.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Bringer Of Destruction by AlexisBlade reviews
Stephanie Shepard. First human Spectre. Survivor of Akuze. Hero of the Blitz. Butcher of Torfan. Saviour of the Citadel. An enigma capable of bloody violence and heartfelt compassion. Her records begin at sixteen on Mindoir but who or what came before?
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 42 - Words: 200,098 - Reviews: 466 - Favs: 477 - Follows: 552 - Updated: 1/14/2017 - Published: 12/16/2011 - J. Garson, Miranda L.
The One and Only by bexaday reviews
Miranda always loved Shepard even when she was meat and tubes, but Miranda thinks she knows Shepard and has got her all figured out, but when she awakens she isn't what she seems and all that research is a waste of time, setting Miranda back to square 1. May change to M for later Chapters.
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 116,161 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 120 - Follows: 88 - Updated: 12/29/2012 - Published: 8/18/2012 - J. Garson, Miranda L. - Complete
Blood from a Stone by sisirongana reviews
Shepard's used to bad odds, but Saren was a pushover compared to the situation with Harbinger. Especially upon discovery of two things: that Harbinger can possess more than just the Collectors, and that she's kind of in love with Miranda Lawson.
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 53,856 - Reviews: 173 - Favs: 214 - Follows: 272 - Updated: 5/1/2012 - Published: 12/29/2010 - Miranda L., J. Garson
Ramen and Cherry Lambrini by DoubleMMia reviews
Shepard learns the way of art, friendship, heartbreak, revenge and love through three simple things. Kasumi, ramen and cherry lambrini. FemShep/Kasumi, FemShep/Miranda FEMSLASH
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 18 - Words: 94,490 - Reviews: 154 - Favs: 155 - Follows: 113 - Updated: 3/5/2012 - Published: 5/15/2011 - J. Garson, Miranda L. - Complete
Tu sei il mio tutto by AlexisBlade reviews
Miranda wasn't sure if she should be furious or swooning over Eli's latest debacle. That infuriating woman had shot Niket before she had the chance, twice in fact. One shot in the groin and the other in the head. Yet she comes to a startling realization.
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,272 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 6 - Published: 1/27/2012 - J. Garson, Miranda L. - Complete
Recovery by drwells123 reviews
The Lazarus project is interrupted, leaving Miranda Lawson to nurse Kate Shepard back to health on a distant world. AU. H/c hurt courtesy of Bioware . Pure fluff. Mature content. Reviews much appreciated. Thank you for reading!
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 24,915 - Reviews: 209 - Favs: 376 - Follows: 320 - Updated: 8/11/2011 - Published: 2/2/2011 - Miranda L., J. Garson
Damn Space Monkeys by deejaymcknight reviews
She isn't afraid of them. She just doesn't see the reason for their existence. ONE-SHOT
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,632 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/4/2010 - J. Garson, Miranda L. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Beyond the Light and the Dark reviews
It is a time of war. The mandalorians have attacked the Republic. The Jedi Council has dictated that no Jedi are to go out to fight. Though Revan may oppose it, she has her own reason to delay joining the war, Bastila. Though she may not be willing to admit that's why she's delaying. Meanwhile, there are powerful forces working behind the scenes, pushing both sides to destruction
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 48 - Words: 268,844 - Reviews: 164 - Favs: 151 - Follows: 160 - Updated: 11/25/2016 - Published: 3/30/2013 - [Revan, Bastila S.] Exile/Meetra Surik
Mass Effect: Meus Mundus reviews
Commander Jessica Shepard- N7 Combat Engineer, Hero of the Blitz, Butcher of Torfan, Sole Survivor of Akuze- thought she had seen it all. That she'd lost everything that she could, that nothing could surprise her. But, when she goes into an alley on the wards in the Citadel to save a quarian, Someone else there proves her wrong.
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Romance - Chapters: 100 - Words: 416,947 - Reviews: 125 - Favs: 114 - Follows: 131 - Updated: 9/26/2016 - Published: 8/17/2012 - [J. Garson, Miranda L.]
Mass Effect: The Crucible Effect reviews
When Shepard meets the Catalyst, she finds the options it gives her to be monstrous. She instead attempts to sabotage the Crucible. However, her choice leads to the Crucible firing, creating a massive distortion, in space and time which sends her mind into her own past. Using her knowledge she plans to fix her mistakes, and defeat the reapers on her terms, not theirs. On Hiatus
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 40 - Words: 139,565 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 128 - Updated: 3/16/2016 - Published: 11/3/2012 - [J. Garson, Miranda L.]
Excidium Umbra
A... different take on the finale of the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC. Kinda silly/kinda serious/kinda Shepard getting trolled by the Normandy crew.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,465 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 5 - Published: 12/25/2014 - [J. Garson, Miranda L.]
Mulier Qui Oblitus Nomine
One of several ideas I have about some of the events of KotOR. Particularly a different take on the relationship between not-Revan and Bastila.
Star Wars - Rated: M - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,968 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/25/2014 - [Revan, Bastila S.]
Beyond the Darkness reviews
Just a decently long oneshot about a different take on what happened after the Mandalorian War and led to the Jedi Civil War. Does contain adult content, so if you are under eighteen don't read. Or are offended by adult content.
Star Wars - Rated: M - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 22,201 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 11 - Published: 12/14/2014 - [Revan, Bastila S.] - Complete
Mass Effect Post Bellum reviews
After the defeat of the reapers, Shepard's body is recovered by the Alliance. Seeking to again restore the person who saved the galaxy, they turn to the woman who restored her the first time. Please read and review.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,084 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 4 - Published: 4/30/2014 - [J. Garson, Miranda L.] Oriana L. - Complete
Another Light and Another Darkness reviews
FRevan/Bastila romance set in an AU universe where they're on earth and World War III is raging. Please read and review.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,076 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Published: 4/15/2014 - [Bastila S., Revan] - Complete
The Prime Effect reviews
TF Prime Beast Hunters/Mass Effect crossover with a variety of features including Optimus Prime fighting Harbinger, and Grimlock. It'll make more sense when reading. Please read and review, the actual story's really good, unlike this summary.
Crossover - Transformers/Beast Wars & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,455 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 8 - Published: 7/14/2013 - Optimus Prime, Jack D., J. Garson, Miranda L. - Complete