New Note: - The Main character - "K.C Foster", has had a name change because I never liked her name. - She is now Mackenzie Mason. or "Mac"

As of June 2014, I am in the process of revising the earlier chapters, and making edits and changes. However, thus far I've only done the name change, as I really dont want to keep you guys waiting any longer for updates. - Let me know if you see any mistakes with the name change.

Author's Note: I have noticed that there is not a whole lot of female lone wanderer stories out there, and those that are out there, involve romancing ghouls. No offense to the zombie-like bastards, but the idea of doing anything romantic with one... makes my skin crawl.

I went with a interesting style for this story. You will very quickly notice that the POV changes often. The story is told from the eyes of an older Lone Wanderer, years after the events in the game in the form of journal entries and a first person pov. The second point of view is a third person, showing Mac's adventures as they happen more-or-less.

A warning: This story will contain female x female romantic and/or sexual relations. In other words. Lesbians. Not just any lesbians, lesbians with guns. Which makes them hot lesbians. So if you do not like hot lesbians with guns, I suggest you find another story to read.

Secondary Warning: Really, considering this is a Fallout 3 fanfic, I shouldn't even put this here. But just in case.. This story will contain drugs, booze, sex, mature themes, violence, and all that is awesome in Fallout.

Disclaimer: Fallout 3, the Captain Wasteland, Related lore, symbols and characters are owned by, and are rights of Bethesda Softworks. I do not own Fallout 3 nor anything related to it. I do however claim rights to Mackenzie Mason and any original characters that might come about in this story.

Revised: 6/16/2014

Entry 1:

August 21st, 2283

Sarah suggested that I tell my story, she thinks having a written account of my experiences might help not only me, but others. Plus she said that history is important to humanity. I think she is full of shit, but I am going along with it just to please her.

My story. My story begins really twenty-four years ago, but the events that lead me here, to sitting in the Citadel began only five years ago.

August 17th, 2277 - 09:00am

"-ake up, come on, you got to wake up!"

The words penetrated Mac's sleep filled mind, ending the pleasant dream she had been having. It took a few moments for her sleepy hazel-green eyes to focus on the face of her best friend – and girlfriend - Amata.

Even though the expression on the Hispanic girl's face was frantic and worried, the drowsy could not help but give a cheeky little smile at seeing her, here, in her bedroom.

"How strange, I was just dreaming about you."

The words dripped with suggestion over exactly what the older girl had been dreaming about. Causing Amata's nose to wrinkle and a blush to stain her light brown complexion.

"Arg, now is not the time Mac! My father's men are looking for you, its you-your...'Kenzie!"

Mackenzie pulled off her blankets, and swung her legs outwards until her bare feet touched the floor as Amata spoke, with no mind that she was very under-dressed, dressed only in black boxer-briefs and sports bra. It was not until Amata exclaimed her name and she noticed how her girlfriend's cheeks were glowing red and her pretty blue eyes averted, that Mac realized her state of undress and had the good grace to mumble an apology as she hurriedly pulled on her jumpsuit and boots.

"Now what were you saying? Your father's men are looking for me why?"

Amata jolted out of her examination of the older teen's figure at the question, eyes snapping upwards to look into the hazel hued eyes of her childhood friend. "Its your father, hes... he's left the Vault, my father's men are looking for you.. they—they" She covered her mouth, clearly horrified by her father's actions "They killed Jonas! And now they are looking for you! But.. but I got a plan"

There was a long pause, Mac's hand stilled in the middle of fixing her short dark red hair as she processed what was being said. When her brain caught up with what Amata was saying, that her father had escaped, that Jonas was dead.. that the overseer was coming for her next. There was only one thing the nineteen year old girl could say.


My escape from Vault 101, was a blur of sight, sound, and sensation. Amata had gone on to explain her plan to get me out of the vault - the secret route through her father's office - before she handed over a 10mm pistol. I had grabbed everything I could, shoving this and that into a bag I had used during my school days before I moved out of my room. I had paused, just inside of the door leading into the halls, staring down at the picture frame containing the bible passage my father had always said was my mother's favorite. I don't know why, but I pulled it out of it's frame, folding it carefully, before sticking it into my bag – along with a nearby framed photo of my parents. After that, I left, creeping down the now violent halls of my home.

I'd managed to slip past Kendall, who was attacked by radroaches seconds after he tried attacking me, and had quickly made my way through the darkened corridors until, in a ironic twist of fate Butch came running up to me, begging for help.

I had almost taken his head off with the bat in my hand when he had sprinted around the corner suddenly. And while he pleaded for me to save his mother from radroaches, I had been so tempted to turn and leave the poor drunk to her fate. It was a mix of Butch's pleading eyes and his mom's cries for help that did me in. The radroaches were quickly dealt with by a few pot-shots from my old BB gun.

I still can not believe he gave me his Tunnel Snake jacket for that.

Afterwards, I had found the body of Grandma Taylor being gnawed on by 'roaches, I killed them in an fit of rage. The old woman had always been kind to me, if not a bit touched in the head at times from her advanced age. To see her like that...

Further down the hall I ran into Officer Gomez, who had given me a sad smile, and told me to get going, and that he never saw me. The man was a saint I swear.

I remember making my way to my father's office, and running into old man Stanley, 101's handy-man, and Andy, the Mr Handy robot. I aided Andy in killing the 'roaches that were near by, before I ransacked my father's office.

It continued like that for I don't know how long, down this hall, then that hall, kill 'roaches, avoid security. Rinse and repeat, and then I entered the Atrium.

"Come on Mary, we have to escape!"

Mac recognized the sound of Tom Holden's voice before she caught sight of him and his wife Mary. The recently married couple was standing in the Atrium, eying the way to the vault's main exit. Before she fully entered the room however, Tom took off, yelling at who ever was guarding the exit not to shoot, and to let him through.

They fired, the sound loud and ringing off the metal walls and floors of the vault. Mary screamed, and took off running after her husband. More shots, and then all was silent.

Mackenzie stared, rooted to her spot. She could hear nothing over the frantic beating of her heart, and breath coming out in great heaves as if she was winded. Hazel eyes were fixed on the corridor that Mary and Tom had run down, the echo of Mary's screams and the sound of gunfire repeating in her mind over and over.

She moved before she even thought about it, with even steps. Her stride carrying her quickly across the atrium. Her hand pulling the 10mm pistol from the holster on her hip, without conscious thought; barely sparing a a moment to think about the promise she had made to Amata.

Mackenzie raised her gun as she stepped around the corner, fury darkening her gaze as she turned her attention down the short corridor to the two security officers that had barricaded the door out of the vault. From this distance, she couldn't see their faces behind the plastic face shield of their helmets. She noted the two officers raised their guns as they noticed her with a dull, detached sort of feeling. However, it was too late for them.

She fired, her first shots aimed true, hammering into the plastic face shield of one officer, his body crumpling as she turned and fired on the second one. He fired back, his aim wild after Mac had taken down his fellow officer. His shots missed, but hers did not. The first one caught him in the shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain, the second, the hip, the last put him out of his misery.

Placing her gun back into its holster, she walked to the bodies of Tom and Mary, keeling, she brought her hand to their faces, fingertips brush over their eyes closing them, so they did not stare lifelessly at the ceiling with that fearful empty gaze.

The youth stood once more, walking over to the bodies of the two officers she had just... killed. She stared at them for the longest time, before she turned and threw up.

It had been the first time I had ever killed anyone. Taking pot-shots at radroaches and killing them with a BB gun is one thing, but taking another human life was a reality I had never considered. I had just killed two men. Two men I had known my whole life, who I had seen every day in the vault. It had been so easy, point and shoot. Aim, bang, dead.

After I had emptied my stomach and regained my sense of self, I looted their bodies. I do not know why I did so, what had compelled me to loot the two men I had just killed. Perhaps it was some inbred, genetic instinct dating back to the times of our most ancient ancestors. Humans were scavengers, and so I scavenged what I could off their bodies before leaving their ransacked corpses there without looking back.

I made my way up to the higher levels of the Atrium, moving slowly and with caution through the shadows, in a low crouch. As I did, it was another case of rinse and repeat as I ran into more 'roaches. I did not bother wasting the ammo of the 10mm gun, instead I quickly dispatched them using the BB gun my father had given me for my tenth birthday.

I did not get very far before I was spotted by Allan Mack, the father of Wally – one of Butch's friends and fellow Tunnel Snake - Susie – the royal bitch she was at the time- and Officer Steve Mack -the one who killed Jonas – Allan started yelling, banging on the window, shouting at me how the current state of the Vault was the fault of my father and me. The noise he was making was enough to grab the attention of the near-by Chief Hannon.

The fight was surprisingly short lived. The moment Hannon appeared, gun drawn, I had dropped, crouched low, pulling my pistol and taking aim and firing as soon as I got a clear shot. The death of the Chief of Security brought silence to the upper levels of the Atrium, Allan Mack staring at me with hate filled eyes as I walked over to the body of the late Chief and proceeded to relieve him of anything of use and value.

Looking back, I do have to wonder if it was my anger over being blamed and hunted for my father deciding to leave – a course of action I had known nothing about before Amata had informed me that morning – But I had turned, walked over to the window, and stared at the father of the bastard that murdered Jonas, and spat on the glass, right where his face was, before flipping him the bird and walking away.

As I had made my way closer to the Overseer's office, I had stumbled -quite literally- into the body of Floyd Lewis, an engineer who I had always gotten along with because of our similar sense of humor, and pleasure in making wise cracks, and suggestive comments.

Like Grandma Taylor, his body was being feasted upon by radrouches, who soon joined their brothers and sisters in death as I smashed them with my baseball bat. Afterwards I had knelt, carefully removing the tinted glasses that Floyd had worn nearly constantly and brushed his eyes closed, tucking the glasses into the breast pocket of my jumpsuit.

The sound of voices coming from the direction of the security office had caused me to turn, and once more crouching low, I resumed my cautious journey towards the overseer's office.

"Come now Amata, this is hard on me, tell me where your little friend is, and we can end this"

The sound of the Overseer's voice caused Mackenzie to tense, her hand reaching for the pistol on her hip as she inched her way closer to the window that looked into the security office. The door was open just enough to allow the short haired girl to hear clearly what was being said.

"-Shes my best friend, and I love her!"

"Enough of this foolishness Amata! - Officer Mack, again if you would please"

Though Amata's words had caused Mackenzie's heart to swell with warmth – They had never gotten around to saying those three words to each other, they had in fact, only been officially dating for a few months. - The mention of Steve Mack, and the sound of repeating flesh on flesh contact, and Amata's cries for the abuse to end, as well as her sobs had Mac forgoing any further pretense of stealth.

Drawing the gun from it's holster she slipped to the other side of the door, getting a better view of what was going on before she stood, the tomboy-ish girl entering the room with the gun raised, pointed first at the Overseer, then Officer Mack

"Amata, get out of here now"

Mac didn't even give the two men in the room time to speak, waiting until she was sure Amata was clear of the room before she pulled the trigger.

Steve Mack crumpled, blood quickly pooling under his head from the bullet hole that Mac had put there. Overseer Alphonse Almodovar stared at the body of his most loyal officer before looking at Mac, and down the barrel of the 10mm pistol she held tightly gripped in her hands, aimed at him.

"I had hoped that you had come here to surrender peacefully so we can put a end to this foolishness, but I see you are hell bent on destroying this vault like your fath-"

"Oh quit the crap Alphonse. You don't like me, I don't like you, we have put up with each other cause of Amata. But apparently, that co-existence is no longer going to work"

As she spoke, she slowly stepped further into the room, keeping her eyes and gun trained on the Overseer. Her finger itched to press down on the trigger, if not because he ruined her life, but because he was a monster who gave the order to have Jonas beaten to death, to send his men after her, and who had allowed and watched his own daughter be beaten.

Alphonse opened his mouth to say something, to respond to -in his mind- the foolish girl's words, when Mackenzie suddenly seem to leap across the room in a few quick strides, the cold metal of a gun's muzzle pressed against the underside of his chin, as he was brutally slammed back against the wall.

"If you ever, ever hurt Amata again, I will happily put a bullet in your brain Alphonse. She is the only reason why you are even still alive"

The Overseer gulped, loudly, the cold press of metal against his skin and the very angry young woman in front of him made him reconsider whatever it was he was thinking of saying. Though he would never admit it to anyone, a small part of him, the part that was a caring, loving father, was pleased that Mac was protective of his little Amata, but that part was quickly silence.

"Give me the keys to your office and computer password, and I will leave, and you'll never have to see me again, how does that sound hm?"

Mac had backed up, keeping her gun trained on the Overseer as they locked eyes in a battle of wills. It was he who broke first, reaching into his pocket to pull out the key to his office.

"The password is Amata, just.. go"

Mac reached out and took the key, holstering her pistol, before turning to the bank of lockers and ransacking them for ammo, ignoring the Overseer's eyes that were trained to her back. Before she left the security office she paused, staring at the father of the girl she loved for a long moment before she nodded, to the unspoken communication before she quickly ducked out of the room.

The redhead moved quickly, feeling there was little need for stealth now that she had confronted the Overseer. She rushed through the rooms quickly until she came upon the body of Jonas. She knelt by him, biting her lip as she struggled to contain the tears that welled in her eyes at seeing how badly he had truly been beaten.

His face was almost unrecognizable, his glasses laid broken near by, lab coat stained with blood and torn here and there. Clearly, Steve Mack had been given a quicker death then he deserved. She had been about to stand, when she noticed something in the inside pocket of Jonas' lab coat. Mac reached forward with a trembling hand, and pulled out a holotape, blinking at the familiar hand writing of her father written hastily across a strip of masking tap with her name on it.

Mackenzie hesitated, desiring to listen to it now, and yet knowing it would be best to wait. And so she slipped it away into a pocket of her jumpsuit and moved on.

She turned a corner, moving onwards until she reached the open door of the Overseer's quarters. Inside she could hear Amata's sobs, and as she entered the dark quarters she quickly fallowed the sound to Amata, whom she quickly swept up into a hug, that was desperately returned.

It took a number of minuets for Amata's breathing to return to normal, as the younger girl regained some control over herself.

"My father?"

"He lives"

"Thank you.. I-"

Mackenzie shook her head, and kissed Amata's forehead softly, then her nose, and then finally her lips, the two teenagers exchanging a soft, but short sweet kiss. They stood like that for a little longer before Amata pushed Mac away. "You need to get going. I'll meet you down there if I can.."

The red-haired teen nodded, watching Amata leave, likely to go check on her father the overseer, while the soon to be escapee of Vault 101 went through the overseer's things, finding, to her surprise a large stash of 10mm ammo which she takes before making her way to the Overseer's office.

The door opened with the key she had been given, and the computer unlocked with Amata's name. Going through the files she found, she was interested to note a number of files pertaining to the outside world, including a near by settlement called 'Megaton' With a few keystrokes, she downloaded the files onto her Pipboy, before giving the commend to open the secret tunnel and logging off.

The sound of hydraulics and gears moving had Mac turning around, hand reaching for her pistol in what was becoming a thoughtless action that seemed nearly automatic at this point as her eyes searched for danger, only to find the Overseer's desk rising from the floor, revealing the hidden path.

"Holy shit, its like something out of a pre-war spy movie!"

The words were out of her mouth before she could even consider them, the thought had brought some humor back into her eyes, and a upturned cork of her lips before she sobered, moving down the stairs that had appeared, and through the door at the bottom.

From there, it had been a short journey, Mac placing one foot in front of the other, until she stood before the massive cog shaped door that lead out into the surface world. Taking a deep breath, she reached forward, placing her hand on the lever control, and pulling it down. A number of red lights started flashing, and a loud alarm sounded. Gears screamed and screeched and protested as the heavy massive door of the vault began to move back, and to the side.

Vault 101 was open.

" did it!"

Amata's voice had Mackenzie turning quickly, a small, sad smile coming to her face at the sight of the hispanic girl's shocked and amazed face.

"I couldn't had done it with out you..."

She paused, staring hard, then to the door and back again.

"Come with me Amata"

Amata's clear blue eyes soften, as she looked at her best friend/girlfriend before they misted, with unleashed tears, the younger girl shaking her head, stepping back away from Mac

"I-I can't 'Kenzie, my place is here. I'm the only one who has a chance at talking some sense into my Dad..Besides.. if anyone can survive out there, it'll be touch girl like you"

Mac felt her heart twist a little at Amata's rejection, but hid it under a strain smile at the other girl's attempt at humor. Not really wanting to prolong this any further, she stepped forward, intent on at least properly saying good by, but Amata simply stepped back once more, shaking her head, hugging herself as she did so.

"I can't 'Kenzie, it's too.."

Silently, the redhead nodded, understanding without words, what Amata was trying to say. Looking towards the open vault door, to hide her tears, Mac drew the tinted glasses she had gotten from Floyd's body out of her jumpsuit and put them on.

"See you around Amata"

With out looking back, Mac quickly descended the short stairs and to the great cog shaped opening, pulling out the holotape she had found on Jonas' body, as she pass through the door, she put it into her pipboy and pressed play

"Mackenzie, by the time you hear this-"

She listened to her father's message, with out really hearing it as she walked through the massive vault door and deeper into the tunnel, the light she could see at the end growing brighter. In her mind, she heard her father's voice, reciting different words, and so with each foot step that she took closer to the outside world. She spoke them out loud.

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end-..."

Back at the controls inside of Vault 101, Amata looked on, tears running down her face.

"No you wont Mackenzie, you wont see me around... good bye... my love"

Reaching forward, she pushed the lever up, alarms blaring, lights flashing, the massive cog door began to close.

"I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. "

As Mac spoke these words, the door to Vault 101, closed with a resounding bang, as she pushed open the weather beaten wooden door, the light of the sun blinding her as she stepped into the surface world for the first time.

My first look at the Captain Wasteland had left me shell shocked, as I stared out across the vast ruins of this post apocalyptic world we live in.

I was nineteen years old, and my whole world had been completely shattered, and at that moment, I felt incredibility small, and so very lost in this blasted, all to bright ruin of a world.

The only thing I knew, was that I had to find my Dad, for he had to be out there, some where, and so with no time to morn for what I had lost, I took my first steps into the waste, with only one goal in mind, to find my father James.

How was I supposed to know where those foot steps would lead me.

-Star Paladin Mackenzie Mason

End Entry.