AUTHOR: Elizabeth E. Carter
TITLE: Dance Lessons
SERIES: Dragon Age Inquisition
PAIRING: Ellana Lavellan / Cassandra – established
CATEGORY: humor / romance
RATING: M for mature
SUMMARY: Small one shots of the Inquisitor as she is instructed on how to dance and perform before the Grand Masquerade at the Winter Palace
DISCLAIMER: Bioware owns the concept of Dragon Age and all of its characters. This fanfic is for entertainment and no profit what-so-ever
"What are you doing?" Cassandra asked her lover in an amused voice. She stood with her arms folded over her chest watching as the ever courageous Herald of Andraste, the persevering brave Inquisitor hide in the darkened corner of the armory near the staked barrels behind Cassandra's shield, which she had given to the smiths for repairs after that last battle with a dragon in the Western Approach.
Lavellen's small elven body was nearly completely concealed which was aided by the use of a tarp. Had the Seeker not seen the small shadow dart between the barrels she would never have known anyone was there at all. She highly doubted the smiths knew the diminutive Inquisitor was hiding within their midst.
"What does it look like?" came a very hushed whisper, as if it wasn't already painfully obvious.
"It looks like you're hiding." the Seeker cocked an eyebrow.
"I prefer to call it finding strategic cover." Lavellan corrected.
The Navarran smiled, took three steps closer and knelt beside the woman she loved. "And why would you need to do such a thing, Liebling?"
"Because they are all evil harpies!"
"Who are?"
"Oh… you know the pretty one in gold, the pretty scary one in purple and the uptty poncey one in white, well two uppity ones in white."
"Pretty ones?" was there a hint of jealousy or hurt in the Seeker's question. She knew there was nothing between her lover and Dorian despite the heavy flirting between the two. After all both preferred and desired only the company of their own gender when it came to romance. The flirting was nothing more than a harmless game the two played.
"Du bist schön." the Dalish elf said in near flawless Navarin. Lavellan had studied first with Josephine in order to impress the stalwart Seeker and then later she had taken the language lessons from the woman she loved herself. The awards of course for getting the correct inflection and pronunciations had…certain incentives that the Antivian Ambassador never employed. Kisses were so much better then 'Very good Inquisitor, again'.
"And deadly, but… you're not evil."
Cassandra smiled softly. "Josephine, Liliana are the ones in gold and purple….and I'm guessing the ones in white are Vivienne and….surely not Dorian?"
"The very ones!"
Now Cassandra was beside herself in mirth. She could make a guess as to why her lover had accused the listed as evil harpies. Still she wanted to hear it for herself. "And why are they so very evil, my love?"
"A dress! Vivienne...uhg." the Dalish woman groaned. In prefect mimicry of the First Enchanter to the Orlesian Imperial Court she said. "Darling, wearing your armor simply will not do. Nor will traditional Dalish garb. Not to disparage your heritage my dear but it isn't the proper attire for the Court. We (she meant me of course) must make a good impression, darling."
Cassandra, who had been doing a fine job of not laughing, burst out in belly chuckles gaining of course a deep scowl from the slender rouge and stares from the smiths.
"Oh laugh it up Seeker, see if you get any tonight." Lavellan pouted from behind the shield making her look all the more child-like. "And...I'm not her darling I'm yours." a 'you kicked my puppy' scowl appeared on the young face. "I wish she'd stop saying that."
The Seeker took pity on her lover. "She says 'my dear' or 'darling' to everyone. It's how she plays the Game. To tell the truth I'm not particularly found of it either. I find it best to ignore it, much like the stench of horse manure when going near the stables or being around Blackwall for that matter."
"Pft. well someone ought to tell her high and mighty mageness this isn't the Imperial Court! There are no Games here. Here we are honest!"
The shout got the attention of the smiths who turned to look at the voices coming from the supply barrels. With a sharp look from the Seeker they went back to the anvil and forge.
Blue eyes sparkled with an idea just conceived. "I could make it a rule, right? No Gaming stuff?"
"I think it may be misinterpreted, Liebling."
"I didn't mean chess or wicked grace or diamond back. Those types can stay of course. We're not tight asses like the Qun or anything. Oh and no…dancing. I mean the ballroom stuff not the actual fun stuff. You know real dancing for real people. Not that 'Dancing they call the Great Game either."
"You are beginning to sound like Sera."
"I didn't end my sentence in 'yeah' or 'init'." Lavellan pointed out. "And I actually like being an elf. Makes me naturally dexterous and flexible. The Dalish dance...well more like frolicking, but dancing too...just not the shem'len way. The way you're people dance doesn't make any sense to me."
"My love you will have to learn the dances of the Court however distasteful they are. I agree with you it is a waste of time. And if those 'evil harpies' insist on putting you in a dress more the fools they are. It will never work."
"Clearly." the redhead nodded vigorously.
"So what is Dorian's part in all of this?"
"Dance partner. You know because he's all noble. Actively noble I mean not like you. You're more actively Seekerish...I mean do noble things on the battlefield all the time..." the last word was a mumble.
Her fumbling of words earned her a quick kiss from the taller woman. "I know what you meant. Is this why they did not ask me to help you to learn the steps of the dances?" Cassandra was still cupping her lover's cheek.
"Liliana said you don't dance when Josie first suggested you help me. Dorian heard and stepped up knowing I wouldn't dance with Vivy. Besides he knows both parts-the woman's side as well as the male's, guess he's danced both. They said I'll have to learn both parts too.
"Then Josie started in on what I should wear. Talked about silks, satins and something called crin-o-line, corsets and shoes. That's when our Nightingale jumped in. Liliana went on and on and on about shoes. I swear she has an obsession! And then Vivienne started in about the sort of mask I should have and..."
"That's when you made a run for it."
"Escaped. Yes."
"And now you are hiding?"
A tiny mousey voice answered. "Strategic concealment. But um...Yes."
"You faced down the Corypheus and his archdemon, brought down an entire mountain without flinching. Nearly died of hypothermia trying to reach killed at least three maybe four dragons, who knows how many demons, scores of red templars and mages both renegades and Venitori and dozens of bandits and all manner of beasts but this has you terrified?"
"Of course it does!" another shout that got more attention from the smithies. Quieter Lavellan said. "Demons, dragons, horrors, bandits, red templars, freaking Venitori all easy. You see-you kill. Element against element. Ice for Venitori though lightening is really good to. Fire against red templars and beasts and bandits too. Why do you think I have Dagna help us enchant our weapons with enchants against the corrupted, demons and the like?
"With dragons just figure out what they spit and use the opposite element. All of them are weak against Sprit powers and Vivienne's magic blades. And we do well enough with our own blades and arrows. Same with giants just don't be where they stomp and throw rocks. End of story.
"But these nobles…and their Game? How I stand, walk, talk, dance all of it will be heavily scrutinized, judged. Let them see who I am. I will not pretend to be any but what I am. Those nobles will only ever see an upstart heretical knife ear...a rabbit. They care not a wit that Andraste chose a Dalish elf to do her will! Just like she chose Shartan."
"Is that how you think they see you?" there was a deep tenderness in Cassandra's voice.
"Please, just the other day in Val Royeaux a few of those so called nobles 'fainted' in the streets at the sight of me walking around free in full master-crafted Dalish hunting armor and heavily armed with enchanted daggers. I am no slave carefully concealed in a watered down word like 'serf.' They cannot fathom to see a free rabbit or one so well armed. At best I am barely tolerated because they dare not test the truth that their Holy Bride truly anointed me."
"I think they are far more confused by you Liebling. And they are intimidated of who you are and what you represent. Not wild savagery but that you are indeed Chosen of Andraste." Cassandra leaned in and brushed her lips to the elf's. "You are my chosen. They need the Herald. I need you."
Lavellan looked away "I'm not that person. I'm not a hero, I'm just me. I'm the Inquisitor because I have to be."
"That's what makes you that person, Liebling. I'm sure Warden Commander Maharial felt much the same way as you do now. She was a Gray Warden just doing her duty because it had to be done. Perhaps for many of the same reasons you do. To help your people. The Blight was a danger to all. Just like you, she suffered a terrible accident. One that marked her. You know the story: she was marked with the Blight and the only way to save her was to become a Gray Warden.
"Maharial did not think of herself as the Hero of Ferldon even as she slew the Archdemon. I dare say even Hawke did not consider herself a hero even when she became the Champion of Kirkwall. She stopped the horde of rampaging qunari to save her home. She battled the Arishok one on one to save her friend.
"And she stood against the madness of Meredith and Anders to protect those caught in the crossfire. She fought for innocent mages like her sister and her lover cum wife for they do not deserve the malice that was brought to them by the madness of the Kirkwall Templars or the evilness of the malificarum. You are doing no less than those two women have done, Liebling. I will be by your side." Cassandra said.
She knew the true reason for the Inquisitor's fear lay more in being surrounded by a world she never understood. For a Dalish it was more than daunting. Almost half year ago…hell it seemed like an Age ago when Lavellan first stepped into Val Royeaux, the Dalish hunter was awe struck and absolutely terrified. To be so completely surrounded by stone walls and humans who thought her only a wild savage unsettled the young woman to her very core.
Even now Lavellan had a strong distaste for the Crown Jewel of the Orlesian Empire. The only time she had ever gone to the capital city without Cassandra present was when she had bought special candles and flowers during their courtship. In fact Lavellan had specifically gone there alone to do so. When Cassandra found what out Ellana had done (though she'd never admit to such) she had indeed swooned over the idea.
For the Dalish elf to go to the Crossroads or Redcliff alone was one thing. Hell Redcliff had a statue dedicated to the Hero of Ferldon another Dalish elf. They respected the Dalish greatly in the village. Maharial had prepped the city against the undead hordes and stood with them when the monsters ransacked the city. The Warden stopped the desire demon that had possessed the boy who was stupid enough to summon it by ending the boy's life. Though to be fair it was Lady Isolde's' blade that put the boy Conner to his final rest. Maharial had then gone on to not only find the Sacred Ashes of Andraste but she brought back a pinch of the holy dust to save Arl Eamon's life. To Redcliffe, the Hero of Ferldon was their patron saint.
And for all Lavellan had done for the refugees of the Hinterlands she too was much beloved in the small hamlet of the Crossroads. But going to Val Royeaux had been all together quite another event. A Dalish elf on her own was a prime target. Even Sera thought it a bad idea for Inky to go to the City of Lights alone. Yet she had and all for Cassandra who longed for the ideal romance.
Now it was time for Cassandra to be the ideal lover. She leaned in close and took her beloved's lips with her own. The Seeker felt her heart thump hard against her chest, as the kiss deepened. She had to remind herself they were not on her old quarters upstairs or the in the privacy of their now shared quarters within the Keep proper. "I will always be at your side, my love." Cass said softly into the kiss.
"As my protector and my lover." Lavellan finished the words Cass had spoken after their first night of lovemaking. She deepened the kiss ignoring the stillness in the armory's forge.
"Always." Cass pressed her forehead against the elf's, drawing in her scent, the sight of her, her touch-suddenly she wanted to be in a very private place. She pulled in her desires before she allowed her more rash nature take hold of her senses. "Come; let us get this training over with."
"I'd prefer to go to our chambers." the Inquisitor had a very sly mischievous look burring behind her eyes. "Perhaps perform a little dance of our own. The sort that doesn't need any instruction."
Cass snickered. "I should say not. And though I prefer your suggestion it will not help at the Winter Place."
"You never know I hear bored Orlesians go in for all sort of strange things."
Lavellan received a disgusted noise in the form of an answer.
"Fine, fine." the elf crawled out of her hidey-hole. "Let's get this over with."
"My sentiments exactly." the Navarin said.
The courtly training was arduous. It was week into it and Lavellan was hoping to be called away for some mission or another, even if it were out in the sand dunes of the Hissing Wastes. Anything but this...
"NO your Worship! You must not say such a thing." Josephine chastised Lavellan albeit politely. "You must not say Halamshiral the land of ghosts and blood of massacred elves."
"Oh now that would be something to see." Dorian gave a chuckle of mischievous delight, which was quickly muffled with a glare from Viviane.
"Why not? It's the truth." came a heated and defiant retort from the Inquisitor. "The Orlesians stole that land from Dalish after three centuries just because we would not bow to their god. They seemingly or conventionally forgot that long ago Andraste called Shartan 'brother" And they took him out of Her chant. The one She wrote. They all but erased him from history!
"If the Chantey keeps changing the Chant to suit their needs then it isn't Andraste's true voice anymore is it? No wonder your Maker turned his back on you, you keep screwing with His Bride's holy words. He doesn't even recognize them anymore.
"Andraste favours the elves, why else would she allow the Hero of Ferldon to find Her ashes and touch them, much less take them?! Or why did she pick me, of all the lives at the Conclave? Because she's is telling the shemlin something they don't want to hear! 'That elves are not beneath you, we are equal'" Lavellan glowered, the anger swelled in her so quickly that mark on her hand responded—glowing ever more emerald ready to unleash it's barely contained power
"When we were at Dirth, Vivienne had the audacity to brag how anyone who was anybody in Orlais owns chateaus and estates there. That land renamed Exulted Planes for the slaughter of my people, as if she was proud of the near total genocide of the Dalish. That land belongs to the Elvhen, by rights! Highborn Orlesians build homes of pure vanity with foundations of the bones and blood of the Dalish. Those homes are not but revelry for their debauchery!
"If the Empress asks me what I think of Halamshiral she is only doing it to slap me in the face and flaunt the stolen Dalish lands. She is doing it in the front of all her minions as a show that she is above Andraste's own Herald. I will not keep my tongue! I will not be subjugated!"
Leliana and Cassandra exchanged a worried glance. The former let out a knowing sigh for she had gone through the same ordeal with Maharial when they first came to Orlais to meet the then Mother Dorathea.
Cassandra placed a comforting hand upon her lover's shoulders, the act it self stilled the rising anger in the younger woman. And her hand seemed to respond as well to the calming touch as it no longer pulsed as it had.
Dorian had nothing to say but looked rather uncomfortable. After all Tevinter had thousands of elven slaves. He viewed the Inquisitor as his best friend and he respected her. He had no desire to turn her ire on him for his homeland's treatment of the elven people. Vivienne, for once did not hold the expression of superiority and Josephine was grasping for the right words to sooth the vexed Dalish woman.
"I cannot fathom what you must feel when you walked the lands of the Ex...of Dirth. The anger you must feel and justifiably so. But within the Great Game it matters not what you feel, but what you say that counts." the Ambassador said at last.
"However much the Great Game is distasteful, Josephine is right my love. It will go very poorly for the Inquisition if you alienate us." Cass said softly.
"If you wish to be honest, then be vague." Liliana suggested. "Tell her Majesty that you have no words to properly describe the splendour you see before you. This can mean anything. To the right ears it will make you seem humble and do you credit. And the Court will approve of the twisting of words and you are playing the Game. Something they will not expect you to do well or at all."
Here Dorian stepped up and added his own thoughts. "My friend, however unpleasant it is and however much it tastes of acid in the mouth to speak such words, you must be complementary to Empress Celene. Once we stop the assassination you will be in a greater position to make a few demands on the behalf of your people. Just think about the objective.
"If they are carefully worded, it is possible to do so." Josephine quickly added. "I will gladly undertake the negotiations your Worship. Especially considering who...the elven Ambassador is to her. A history we can make work to our advantage if...played right."
"And if you can somehow finagle a way to have Ambassador Barilla in your debt all the better." Dorian added. "Just imagine the stir it will create if the Ambassador became a noble? A Dalish elf raised up as the Inquisitor, and a city-elf raised as a noble. It'll shake the whole Empire...and the rest of Thadas as well."
Lavellan sighed then nodded knowing there was little more she could do. Power she was told many times by her Keeper was always dangerous. 'Power draws the worst and claims the best. Be weary if you wield it; be weary of those who possess it.' The worst...why were her eyes drawn to Vivienne? The best, her eyes came first to Cassandra then fell upon Josephine and Dorian. Liliana was always in-between—like a shadow: born of darkness but needed the light to live.
"I will do what is necessary." The Inquisitor said finally.
"As you always do my love." Cass gave the shorter woman's shoulder an affectionate squeeze.
For the past several hours Lavellan's tutorage in the finer courtly etiquettes progressed well. Eating was not an issue as the elf reasoned you used the utensils outward and moved in. Though she thought it absolutely ridiculous to use so many when all anyone needed as a single fork, spoon and a knife. Cassandra was quick to agree, it was many of the aspects of her noble life she was glad to leave behind.
It was a definite no on the mask and the dress. There was an appeasement that came in the form of a dress uniform. An illustration of it drawn by Josephine passed inspection by the Inquisitor. The red and gold and a blue sash was fetching, she also noted it would be far more fetching on the dark haired Seeker. The elf couldn't wait to see Cassandra dressed in it just so she could tear it off of her and ravage the Seeker on the spot. Lavellan wasn't so keen on the high ridding boots, however but Liliana assured her they would not pinch or squeak as she walked or danced.
It would take a few more days for Lavellan to settle into a passable routine for the Grand Masquerade. At least in speech and act. The dance steps took a bit longer as Lavellan continued to count her steps and look down at her feet to make sure doing them correctly. Only to stumble because she was not watching exactly where she was going. After the third day however she executed the various dances she might be required to perform flawlessly.
As dusk fell and seeped into night, Cassandra found her lover sitting upon the balustrade on the northern baloney of their quarters. Her blue-lilac eyes drawn to the mountains in which Skyhold was nestled. More specifically Lavellan watched as two hawks—a mated pair danced upon the wind.
"The hawks are sacred to Andruil; they are her eyes from the heaven." the elf said as Cassandra wrapped her arms around the much smaller woman.
"I thought only the halla were sacred to your people." Cass said softly. Admittedly she knew very little of the Dalish people and enjoyed the moments when she learned more.
"The halla are our friends. Equal to us."
"Like the mabari to the Fereldans." The Seeker concluded.
"I suspect so." Ellana leaned into the embrace enjoying the warmth.
"We respect the animals favoured by our gods. The hawk, the hare, owl, the hart..." her voice trailed off. When she spoke again, it was wistful. "Theirs is a far better dance then what is expected of me in the Winter Palace." she meant of course the hawks as they circled each other almost playfully.
"You will do well." Cassandra placed a tender kiss on the elf's cheek "I have every faith in you."
Ellana turned a little so that Cass could stand between her legs, when she did the Inquisitor loosely wrapped them around the human's hips. "You know that 'other' dance we spoke about in the about we play that out?"
Cass's lips pulled into a devilish smile. "Now that is an excellent suggestion." she took possession of the elf's lips. Her mouth hot and demanding, dominating as she slipped her hands along side Ellana's waist, hoisting her up off the balcony. Almost instantly the Inquisitor's legs tightened around the human's waist as Cass carried her in a forward piggy-back style to their four-poster bed.
Once they became a couple, Lavellan had asked Josephine to order a Free-Marcher style four poster bed from Val Royeaux, using her own money not the funds of the Inquisition for the purchase. The bed was soft, warm and very large. Cass laid her precious cargo down and in the same movement she crawled on top of her. Her lips never losing contact with those she had claimed. She deepened the kiss, her tongue seeking entrance into Ellana's mouth: probing and explorative.
Her fingers equally explorative and worshipful as she removed her lover's tunic, breaches and small cloths. Ellana made swift work to remove the cloth barriers that prevented her from touching her lover's skin. Of course Cass didn't wear underpants, which made things much easier. Lips and fingers traded places. Lips eager to taste flesh, fingers eager to feel, flesh yearning to be stroked and caressed. Love eager to give of itself. Adoration eager to worship the body.
Cass trialed kisses down her lover's fit abs to her bellybutton, the little divot of flesh always turned the Seeker on. She loved to dip her tongue into the dimple as she plunged her fingers deep into the wet warmth of her elf. Her own center crying out for attention, she rocked against Ellana's thigh, her wetness streaking along the muscled length. She hissed a soft moan of want. Ellana was only too happy to comply to the call. Her hand slipped along Cass's leg her tickled the Seeker's warm entrance before slipping within.
"Please…I need you …" Cassandra begged, her kisses became more demanding, dominating and passionate. Her need, her lust pooled into the elf's being, wanting more. Dainty long elven fingers slipped into the depths, curling and stroking deep, pushing withdrawing only to push in again. Matching the human's strokes.
The passionate call of her beloved excited Lavellan beyond comprehension. Words became lost and needless. Ellana took hold of Cass claiming her, holding her fast to her own body.
Cass nuzzled Ellana's neck, her tongue darted out tasting the delicate flesh. She knew just how incredibly sensitive the tips of elven ears were. Ellana was particularly sensitive along tapered ends. Her lips abandoned the lush soft mouth to trail down tender, luxurious tanned skin to trail kisses along her beloved's collarbone to her beautiful, petite breasts.
Cass pressed her lips against Ellana's stomach, trailing lower to her inner thighs. Her lips and tongue tasted and traced their way across satiny smooth skin. Ellana cried out when she felt her beloved's tongue slip into the depths of her core. With agonizing slowness Cass explored every sensitive inch of Ellana's center with delicate tormenting worship. Each long slow caresses or flick teasing the little bud brought wondrous waves of pleasure. Delicate long fingers moved into the ebony locks holding the human in place where the pleaser was greatest. When Cassandra stroked her fingers along the delicate membrane of pink, Ellana cried out her lover's name, her body bucked.
Ellana's orgasm roared as loud as ocean tides against the reef, creating an equal burst of release from Cassandra. Caught in the tides and eddies of their release, the lovers allowed themselves to float in the ether of their desires
Eager to give Cassandra as much joy as her own pleasures, Ellana spun her human so she was now on her back. The elf sought out the luscious ruby lips, tasting herself upon them brought a smile to her own. The love she felt for her ma vhenan poured from her like a fountain, bathing the human in its glow. Ellana always made Cass's heart beat faster. A touch, a kiss and they had each other aroused.
Soft pink lips nibbled, tasted, and kissed creamy flesh. Fine-bones fingers caressed each nerve-point causing Cass to shudder and moan in sexual euphoria. Paying particular attention to Cassandra's neck, Ellana straddled her lover's hips. Knowing hands penetrated the warm passion and slick depths of the Seeker's core. Still soaring from their mutual climax, it would not take long before Cass reached such heights again.
The Seeker titled her head back calling out Ellana's name, her body shuddered—quaking as she came. Her hands held firmly against the elf's waist with such strength she was sure to leave bruises as surely as the rouge had left scratch marks on Cass's shoulders. They settled in the afterglow of their bliss, comfortably melting in each other's arms.
After a fashion when their bodies began to cool from their heated embrace and impassioned lovemaking, Ellana shifted a fraction causing Cass to lift her head where once it was pillowed on the soft swell of the elf's breast.
"This is a much better dance." Ellana cooed gingerly causing Cass to actually chuckle.
Navarin lexicon:
Du bist schön = you are gorgeous
Liebling = beloved / darling
Elvin lexicon
Ma vhenan = my heart
Shem = elven slur for human
Shemlin = quickling / quick-child / human (not necessarily a slur)