I would like to take this time to apologize to all the people who sent me Private Messages over the years that I never replied to. This week was the first time that I truly logged on to and actually browsed through it instead of just uploading something and logging off soon after.

I did not ignore you; I just never saw your messages.

I would like to thank everyone, and sadly apologize that I will not be able to post anything over the weekend so whatever I post today will be the last until next week.

Warning: There will be some light 'torture' here, nothing much for me but some might find it gruesome. Though like I said; it really is nothing to me. It will not be rape or anything, that I sadly cannot ever see myself writing no matter what.

As you're going to see here, Voldemort is thinking much more ahead and in broader steps than he did in the books. It is not a spoiler to say that this world will be drenched in great darkness if all his plans ever come to fruit.

He's going to make sure the world will suffer in ways in that will make them look at his past deeds with fondness.

But like I said; if his plans succeed.

Disclaimer: Sadly, still do not own any character in this chapter besides The Boy/Loyiso



"What do you mean; I have to come to you?"

Last night had been one of the best of Harry's life, a moment in time he would cherish as long as he lived. He'd gone to bed with smile on his face, only to be woken up early by Hedwig. Said Hedwig then proceeded to lead him out of the dorm room and into the common room.

There of course, he came across the face of Sirius Black peeking out of the fire place with a far too eager grin on his face. If Harry's mind wasn't still shrouded with sleep, he might have told him that the boyish grin made him looked even more demented than he already was.

"Well; when you put it like that it sounds far topo much like a demand. Assure you though, it is not. This is merely me inviting my godson over to my newly reacquired childhood home." Sirius was not fazed in the least, he was far too excited and Harry's mind was still a little groggy.

"We're supposed to leave for holiday tomorrow; Fleur already invited me to her house."
Harry explained.

"And I am all for that; seriously am. Only dating for a couple of weeks now and you're already invited over to her house. All the power to you. But you still need to come here though." Again, Harry feared that Sirius' mind wasn't all there. The man simply did not understand or refused to understand that Harry would rather spend as much time with Fleur as he could.

"I want to see you again, I really do. But…this is Fleur we're talking about. I don't want to miss the opportunity to spend time with her during the holidays." Harry did not mention that he also had a problem that he needed assistance with from m her father.

This wasn't the right time or locale for that subject.

"You'll still get to see her, I only want you to stay here for a week if you insist so much, and after that you can go right back to doing whatever you want." Sirius was not one to be put down so easily; Harry was beginning to worry that he might even come to Hogwarts in person to convince him if that's what it took.

"A week? Then would it be possible for me to spend the first week with Fleur and then the second with you?" Harry tried to curb the glee that welled up inside of him. Where once he had no choice but to spend time at Hogwarts during the Christmas break, now he was negotiating on who got to spend what time with him.

"You're really not doing a very good job at this; are you?" Came the tired voice of Remus Lupin from the fire place, only a few seconds before his head popped out of the fire place as well.

"Hey there Harry." He greeted with a warm smile, looking much less unhinged than Sirius at the moment.

"Hello Remus, could you help me out here. He's being unreasonable isn't he?" He's being unreasonable in wanting me to spend time with him during the holiday. Again Harry did his best to bury that glee inside him.

"Well, we wouldn't be having this problem if he could explain things well to you. Harry, some things have started happening that we cannot tell you over the fire place like this and Dumbledore is too busy looking into. It would be best if you came over here, then we can tell you what we can and you get to spend the last week with your girlfriend." Remus explained in a much more reasonable way than Sirius had been doing.

"Does it have anything to do with Voldemort?" Harry wouldn't be surprised if it was. Everything around him had something to do with Voldemort. Sometimes he feared he'd wake up and realize that even Fleur was just an illusion cast by Voldemort to torment him further.

"Well, we can't really tell you any of that here now can we? But I assure you, we only need you for one week, then you're free to do whatever you want. And yes, I know that telling a young boy that he's free to do whatever he wants isn't very good parenting but this clearly shows our trust in you." Again, Remus made it all so much more reasonable, Sirius had not been doing a good job at all.

Harry had no choice but to consider it. If something really was going on, he had a right to know and he wanted to know. Perhaps he could spend the last week with Fleur, surely she wouldn't mind?

"Alright, but I want it known now that spending the whole holidays away from Fleur is out of the question." He stated with as firm a voice as he could muster. Remus agreed while Sirius smile a dog toothed grin.

"I also want it known now that it was Remus who convinced me, Sirius failed utterly." It was this last statement between them that left Remus laughing while Sirius sputtered indignantly.


Fleur hated goodbyes, even if those good byes were only for a short time. She would much rather spend as much time with her loved ones as possible and could never trust herself to be strong when it came to parting from them.

"It's alright 'Arry, I actually zink zis might be best. Zis way, we spend sze last week togezer and come back school togezer as well." She omitted to tell him that her father would be busy this week anyway and wouldn't have spent enough time at home.

"Are you sure, 'cause I really don't mind blowing them off." He had an apologetic gleam to his eyes that made want to kiss him.

"Yes I'm sure, it I alright." She really hated goodbyes, hated them even mire now that she had to part from him. It scared her that he had become such a constant in her life, such a large routine of her every day.

To be away from him for days would be painful.

"We will 'ave to meet somewhere zough, so we can take you over to France." She figured that she would need to come back to England again to get him and then go to France with him.

She did not mind it much, but she knew that her father would want to be the one to come here by himself instead. She didn't tell Harry that though, he was already nervous about meeting the Delacour patriarch.

"I really do wish it wasn't like this you know. But they said there's some important things that I need to hear and I do not want to put them off." He said, taking her hand in his.

Even now, weeks into their relationship, his touch still made her skin burn even hotter and her nerves burst to life with pleasure. It was shaping to be a very miserable week without him. She almost broke down then and there and begged him to come with her instead. She thought he might actually agree without her begging though, he too seemed to be struggling with his decision.

"My fazer is busy wiz somezing as well; maybe it might even be connected to what you are going to find out?" Her father never told her too much of what went on at work; he always thought it was too dangerous for her to know.

But if it had anything to do with Harry then she would strangle it out of him, no matter how 'confidential' it may be. He was the one who wrote the rules he works by, so he was the one who could break them.

"is it weird that there are dangers lurking in the world and events unfolding around us and I'm only thinking about how much Ill suffer in the days without you?" He asked innocently, that stupid smile on his face made her want to take him back to her room.

She had to settle formerly kissing the breath out of him though, and she refused to let go even as she herself started to hyperventilate from lack of oxygen.

A new bloom of elementals, fellow students being attacked near school grounds, and now both her father and Harry's family had news about dangerous events that were unfolding.

She feared that something bad was coming, and she would be far from ready to fight at Harry's side against it.

Moody/Barty JR.

His master had subverted his expectations once more. His brilliance was truly unmatched; this world was blessed to have one such as he.

The current plan was going smoothly; even Pettigrew was doing his bit under the guidance of their master. And now, things were unfolding that would further their plans while keeping eyes off him. The right eyes anyway.

And now, Dumbledore had been tricked into doing exactly what his master had known he would do, he was calling a secret meeting. Not yet his annoying Order of the Phoenix of course, he did not have yet enough proof for that and as far as he knew, his master was only growing stronger but not yet close to having his full body again.

But still, his closest supporters would be there, and he was among them. He would be part of the secret meeting and would be invited to his secret little safe house. The war hadn't yet truly begun and yet already the Death Eaters would be infiltrating the enemy base.

This was going to be a short one.

He might even use the chancer to once more prod the Potter boy in the right direction. Though that one did not need prodding, he always went head first into the serpents gaping maws. He had a hero complex that served them well.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked the young man following behind him. He was currently wearing his Mad-Eye Moody disguise; there was no need to drop it here. It might even further help the current cause.

"Of course, even in my parts you're rather famous." The youth had a certain way of speaking that made you feel endured to him. He had charisma secreted from his skin and he knew it. He would serve well indeed.

"Though, I'm still a little confused as to why Mad-Eye Moody would choose to take me somewhere secret instead of trying, and filing, to arrest me." The youth shrugged his well-toned shoulders, his brown eyes registering nothing but polite curiosity.

Moody knew better though, knew that this lad was a walking havoc and he'd slowly been unleashing himself upon Europe.

"Is it so hard to contemplate that I might actually like and agree with what you're doing?" He asked the teen. He did not bother to use his Moody voice or mannerisms, this boy would either die here or serve faithfully.

'Here' was the grounds of the old Riddle house, 'here' was them walking towards the mansion where The Boy would meet his master.

"I do not see why. I've been causing trouble wherever I go, injuring people left and right. I've also heard that you're a teacher at Hogwarts now, a bit strange then that you're so fine with me attacking one of your students like that." The Boy spoke his mind freely, he was someone who believed greatly in his abilities and has never met someone who could challenge that.

He would be meeting such a person soon though.

"I believe in your cause greatly, the methodology might be messy but the cause is worthy." That it was, the boy had a gift and he only needed to have it aimed and controlled well.

"I did not know that my cause was so well known in these parts. You Europeans have ignored the signs for centuries and proclaim our beliefs nothing more than savage fairytales." Barty did not tell him that he himself had once believed such stories to be nothing but folktale. But his master had travelled far, and he knew and believed.

So that meant that Barty also now believed.

"I would suggest that you show my master your greatest respect, he was the one who found you and he is the one who will guide you in your future endeavors." The two of them now stood outside the door of the room in which his master waited in his frail body.

The boy was gifted, in his current state his master would be nothing but a mere insect to him. But they had prepared well for this meeting; his master would soon bring him to heel.

"I show respect to those who earn it." The Boy drawled in that way of his. He tried to make it seem like he still had little care in all of this, just someone who was falling along to investigate a clue he was given and sate his curiosity.

But Barty could tell that the boy was alert now, his whole body had suddenly tensed like a spring ready to jump. He would not back out of a fight if it came to it.

"I do not serve Dumbledore, I serve someone better. That should tell you much." With this, Barty opened the door and moved out of the way. It was up to The Boy to move inside now, he had to prove his courage here and walk willingly into the dimly lit room.

The youth stared at him contemplatively, and then stared at his empty hands that did not have his wand in sight. Then he simply walked in. he was brave, but not overly smart or cunning. But that hardly mattered at the moment.

The Boy

He was not afraid, there was no-one in this country that he had to fear. Or rather he knew where all the strong ones where and had done well to avoid them. Yet the infamous Mad-Eye Moody and still found him and brought him here instead of trying to apprehend him.

At first he had feared that he would soon be coming across Albus Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard alive so they say. He was not arrogant enough to believe he could survive that encounter.

Luckily though, he was here to meet someone else and this person he did not know and so he was curious.

The room was nearly too dark to see, but he was not afraid. The dark was no stranger to him. As soon as he walked in, he cast three quick spells to try and detect any wards or hidden persons besides the one on the chair. He sensed nothing.

"Loyiso Mpala." Hissed the little toddler looking monster ion the seat. Its mere image made his skin crawl. This was someone who had been wrecked by magic and was too stubborn to let go. Loyiso felt disgusted.

"Every man should accept their own fates. To cling to life like this…" He was filled with disgust. This was the great master he was meant to meet? Was he supposed to be impressed by this? A near fetus that had obviously been defeated and ow clung to whatever remained of its life?

"Even in the presence of Lord Voldemort you speak your mind. I would commend you were you not so impudent." The toddler monster hissed in rage, and Loyiso was sure that the room grew darer and a chill swept through his bones.

"Voldemort…?" He asked in shock. This he had not expected. It made no sense for why Moody would serve Voldemort of all people. He was not under the Imperious curse, he would have known if he was.

But this was suddenly much more dangerous than he had expected. Voldemort had been a boogeyman even back in South Africa, the whisper of a monster than had once walked their grounds and might one day once more turn his eyes upon them.

"I knew your teacher's teacher, I learned much from him and him from me. You are in the presence of your senior and superior." The hiss was still enraged. Was he always angry?

He knew this well of course, there had been rumors that the mentor of his mentor had been working with a great wizard once, a young man who knew well and boasted much power. When Lord Voldemort was in his height, there had apparently been stories that he used magic similar to that which they used.

But if that was true; then Voldemort had a part in some of the spells that he used. He had great knowledge in the magic that Loyiso had learned form his mentor. Could have predicted that he would search for wards and hidden people, could have known exactly what spells he would call upon.

"It is too late for that, Loyiso Mpala." That hiss said, this time much more pleased with itself and coldly satisfied.

Something wrapped around his in a flash, tightening within seconds to the point he could feel his ribs crack and the all the oxygen in his lungs squeezed out.

When he tried to use his hands to cast a spell, the toddler shot one at him first and it hit him square in the face.

He screamed in agony as he felt spinal cord shatter inside his body. He would have collapsed immediately but the giant snake held him in place.

Another spell hit him, this time his eyes boiled and exploded out of his skull. The agony was unreal. Next his tongue started peeling off until there was nothing left but gushing blood. He began to choke on it, especially when it too started to boil but 'luckily' it evaporated in his mouth and throat and he coughed out in pain.

"I cannot torture you into serving me and I am too weak to make charm you into going along with what I want, but there are there ways. I know of your mission, I was there when your master's master began his search. I know what he knew; I can find what he failed to." The hiss reverberated inside is skull, as though Lord Voldemort had entered his mind.

"It is a shame that I do not own a pensive, this process could have gone much less barbaric.' The hiss said in amusement, and then Loyiso's mind split apart in pain and new images inserted themselves into pieces f his memory where they hadn't been before.

He saw things he had done in the past, things that he would do in the future. He knew that these were not his memories and not his future, but they all made sense. How could he have been so naïve? When his mentor died, he had been lost, he'd spread chaos and tragedy without true direction in belief that he was doing as he was always meant to.

But here was someone who had learned with his master's master and he would guide him. With Lord Voldemort, he would find all the elementals just as he was always destined to do.

What happened after did was all part of the Dark Lord's great future.

And there it goes. I want to warn you all know that there will be 'dark' chapters intermingled with the fairly 'light' ones every now and then. This is so we the readers know that as Harry and co enjoy life, the darkness grows stronger and nearer.

Light always brings with it shadows, even when we choose to ignore them. Sadly, Harry and co are too focused on the shadows they can see to realize that there could possibly be more.

As always, Read and Review.