![]() Author has written 47 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Supernatural, Angel, Doctor Who, Robin Hood BBC, Vampire Diaries, Thor, and Avengers. Stuff about me: As of May '15, I have a Master of Arts in English Literature and Writing. I love folklore, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and detective fiction (all of which I studied in my Master's, because my program was awesome). I'm a Mormon, and as you might have gathered from my profile pic (which I drew myself), I'm into drawing as well as writing. If you want to look at my artwork, I have the same username over on DeviantArt as I do here. And I've also designed a few nerdy t-shirts over on RedBubble. Same username, again. My Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Season 8": First and foremost, my goal with this story was to capture the spirit of the series. And to add a companion Buffy season to run alongside Angel season five, which seemed sad and lonely. I tried to keep changes to canon to the barest possible minimum, so of Angel S5, you need only disregard mentions of the Scoobies being in Europe or wherever, and the Buffy/The Immortal subplot of supreme stupidness in "The Girl in Question" (those bits struck me as very out of character anyway, so I have no qualms about overwriting them). We all know that a season of Buffy means pain, death, love, angst, humor, friendship, and lots of demon butts getting kicked. Some of the major character arcs I tackled include Buffy becoming "cookies", Xander working through his grief for Anya and moving on, Willow using her post-mass Slayer spell magic to help the Slayers in new ways and figuring out who she really wants to be with, Oz mastering his wolf and using it to fight demons alongside the Slayers, Dawn coming into her own as a character and joining the ranks of the show's other heroes, and Giles getting used to being Watcher over several dozen Slayers at once and restarting the Council from scratch. My Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Season 9": Main characters: Buffy, Angel, Xander, Willow, Dawn, Oz, and Giles. Recurring characters: Renée, Connor, Gunn, Anne, Illyria, Faith, Wood, Alex, Cole, Lorin, Sam, various newbie Slayers and Watchers-in-training, Spike, and Drusilla. This is picking up exactly where "Season 8" left off, and that means Buffy/Angel, Willow/Oz, Xander/Renée, Dawn/Connor, Faith/Wood, and, yes, Spike/Drusilla (and don't spaz, Lorin/Sam and Alex/Cole will be in there as well, since apparently I wrote them well enough that people like them--which is just awesome, considering that they're OCs). Also, I'm pretty much fusing Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel together into one "show" for this, so to follow everything, it would help, in addition to having read "Season 8", to have watched Angel. I will not be writing a "Season 10". Considering how long it's taking me to write "Season 9", you probably wouldn't want to wait around for "Season 10" to get done even if I did decide to write one anyway. "Off By a Single Degree": This is my massive The Vampire Diaries AU, which follows what I think might have happened if a) Damon hadn't compelled Elena to forget their first meeting and b) Grayson and Miranda Gilbert hadn't died. I'm very twitchy about AUs in general, because I feel like you can't just go changing characters' choices all willy-nilly. Therefore, to achieve the setup I wanted, I simply killed Elena's cell phone battery the night of the bonfire. She couldn't call home for a ride, which kept Grayson and Miranda safe, and because no car was going to pull up to interrupt her conversation with Damon, they kept chatting long enough for him to decide he liked her too much to wipe her memory of him. This project has grown much more involved than I ever would have imagined at the outset, but I'm still having a ton of fun with it. I have no idea how long it'll go, but I sort of have an endgame in mind. Update 9/27/18: the motivation to work on this fic is currently nonexistent. Right now, all my muse cares about is Marvel. Favorite male characters: Angel, Prince Zuko, Thor, Loki, Damon Salvatore, Guy of Gisborne, Rory Williams, Castiel, John Thornton, Mr. Darcy, Roy Mustang. Huh. I suppose those all double as my biggest character crushes. And that isn't necessarily how I'd rank them all the time. Favorite female characters: Elizabeth Bennet, Luna Lovegood, Éowyn, Lady Sif, the TARDIS (what?), Riza Hawkeye, Toph, Fluttershy. The first two are my role models. Ships! Okay, now I'll introduce you to my fleet. Most are canonical, but some are wishful thinking, and others are a bit of both. You will notice a complete absence of slash, whether canonical or otherwise, because that just doesn't appeal to me. I am very loyal to these pairings, and downright militant for some of them (usually they'll be among the first to be listed in each fandom). Since there are so many of them, I have divided them into flotillas according to the fandoms they're from. Buffyverse: Buffy/Angel, Willow/Oz, Fred/Wesley, Cordelia/Doyle, Faith/Wood, Spike/Drusilla, Connor/Dawn, Xander/Anya (unless it's post "Chosen", in which case, Xander/Renée), Gunn/Anne, Graham/Vi (random, I know, but I like them both and they are under-appreciated), Riley/Sam, Giles/Jenny (Giles/Joyce is also acceptable, but I'm not terribly outraged with canon for how that didn't develop). I don't mind reading Faith/Spike and Xander/Dawn, but I don't think I'll ever write them. Also, if I were ever to become insane enough to try crossing Dollhouse with the Buffyverse, there would definitely be some Giles/Adelle, though it's entirely possible that having so much dry wit in one relationship would make the universe explode. Potterverse: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Luna/Rolf, Lupin/Tonks, James/Lily, Bill/Fleur, Arthur/Molly, George/Angelina, Neville/Hannah, Draco/Astoria...yeah, I'm pretty much sold on the canonical ships of this fandom. As for the kids: Teddy/Victoire, Rose/Scorpius, and Albus/Alice (the daughter I made up for Neville and Hannah, since JKR has thus far been silent about their kids). And I'd put Albus and Scorpius together in Slytherin, so that Albus won't have to go through Hogwarts in James's shadow and Scorpius can have a good support system in his angsty quest to throw off the stigma of being a Malfoy, as well as giving him an excuse to spend more time with Rose because his best friend happens to be her cousin. As of The Cursed Child: BOOM, Albus and Scorpius are officially in Slytherin while Rose is in Gryffindor. I win. Marvel: Kastle, Pepperony, Steve/Peggy, Thor/Sif, Loki/Valkyrie, Bucky/Nat, Luke/Jessica, Danny/Colleen, Matt/Claire, Fitzsimmons, Deke/Daisy, Mack/Elena, Tyrone/Tandy. The Vampire Diaries: Damon/Elena, Alaric/Jenna, Stefan/Caroline, Stefan/Katherine, Elijah/Katherine, Matt/Rebekah, Tyler/Caroline, Jeremy/Anna, Jeremy/Bonnie. I'm intrigued by Enzo/Bonnie. Over on The Originals, I ship Kol/Davina so hard, and I used to ship Elijah/Hayley, but then Jackson and Gia both had to die to make that one possible, and it soured me on them a bit. Elijah/Gia had some serious chemistry. Rebekah/Marcel is also interesting, but Klaus can drop to the bottom of the ocean for all I care. I loathe Klaus/Caroline almost as much as I loathe Buffy/Spike. Doctor Who: Amy/Rory. Yay for Rose/duplicate Ten and Rose's parents and Martha/Mickey and Donna/that bloke she married, but I never really cared about any of them. The Doctor/River Song is very intriguing and awesome, but I love Amy/Rory to pieces. He guarded her for two thousand years. She chose him over the Doctor. His dream is having a family with her. She can't stand to live in a world that doesn't have him. They actually *got married* and are even more awesome for it. I don't know what I'm going to do when they leave the show and we end up with new companions. Also, they'd better at least be alive and together at the end of S7, or I'm going to write Moffat one very angry letter and then sob hysterically in a corner. Robin Hood: Guy/Meg, Will/Djaq, Much/Eve. I honestly don't care about Robin/Marian. Marian strung Guy along a bit too much for me to root for her with Robin, and the Marian/Robin stuff doesn't interest me nearly as much as the complicated mess that is Marian/Guy. I still don't think I can actually ship them, though. Not as they are in canon. He might have been working for the Sheriff, but his feelings for her were real, and her manipulating them to get information and assistance from him and never willingly telling him the truth was only ever going to end badly. She had no obligation to return his feelings, but Guy might have become a better man because of her (rather than as a result of the guilt he felt after her death), if only she hadn't continuously lied to him. He started out a pretty good kid, as we saw in "Bad Blood", and she might have been able to bring that good kid back. Supernatural: Dean/Lisa! And as far as I'm concerned, Lisa lied when she said Ben wasn't his. Or she just doesn't know who Ben's dad is, so why can't he be Dean? Apart from them, though, and despite how much I love this show, I have a distinct lack of the usual shipping fervor. However, I am definitely a fan of John/Mary (young John was one seriously gorgeous man), Sam/Jess was okay (though I'd be more intrigued by how the story--and, more importantly, Sam--would have changed if she survived than I would be by the actual relationship), and Sam/Sarah would still be awesome if it cropped back up...although, she's dead, so that's not happening. Now, Castiel is easily my favorite character of the show, but I have no ships for him. It just doesn't work in my brain, because a) he's an angel and therefore kind of genderless according to the rules of the Supernatural universe and b) the body he's using is that of a married guy, so it would just be weird, not to mention extremely disrespectful to Jimmy, who sacrificed pretty much everything to be Castiel's vessel, and he did it so that Castiel could use him to do good, not screw around. Fullmetal Alchemist: Edward/Winry (WIN! *squee*), Roy/Riza, Al/May (heavily implied win?), Hohenheim/Trisha, Hughes/Gracia, Sig/Izumi, Lin/Lan Fan, Brosh/Ross. The Lord of the Rings: Faramir/Éowyn, Aragorn/Arwen, Sam/Rosie, Celeborn/Galadriel. Firefly: Simon/Kaylee, Zoe/Wash, Mal/Inara. Pushing Daisies: Ned/Chuck. Saran wrap kisses! Hee! Also, Olive/Randy, Emerson/Simone, and the Aunts with Olive's non-kidnappers. Pride and Prejudice: Darcy/Elizabeth, Bingley/Jane. Of course, these conclusions are nearly two centuries foregone, but who cares? I also don't mind Mary/Mr. Collins, Colonel Fitzwilliam/Charlotte, and Colonel Fitzwilliam/Kitty when they crop up in fanfiction. Colonel Fitzwilliam/Anne and Colonel Fitzwilliam/Georgiana make no sense to me. I know it was fine for first cousins to get hitched back in the Regency era, but why would anyone from the 21st century *want* to write that? EW. Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko/Mai (at first I was perplexed by this, but then their insanely awesome/hilarious dialogue and Mai siding with Zuko and the Gaang in spite of Azula sold them for me). I would have preferred Zuko/Katara and Aang/Toph to Aang/Katara (because yay opposite element couples and the guys being older and taller than the girls—what? I have a thing about that). I don't *hate* Aang/Katara, but I feel like it was a weakness in the show, and any AtLA fanfiction I read will be Zuko/Katara. Avatar: The Legend of Korra: Korra/Mako, General Iroh/Asami, Bolin/Opal. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: Billy/Penny. Duh. Star Trek: Spock/Uhura. The Secret Garden: Mary/Dickon. I don't care about the class difference, they're adorable together. Mary/Colin would just be gross. Not only are they first cousins, but their mothers were IDENTICAL TWINS. Which genetically makes them as good as half-siblings. And I daresay that even people who were cool with marrying their first cousins would have considered a marriage between half-siblings to be incestuous, so I feel even more justified in saying EW about that pairing than I am about Colonel Fitzwilliam/Anne or Colonel Fitzwilliam/Georgiana. EW EW EW EW EW. Star Wars: Han/Leia. No, I do not ship Anakin/Padme. I tolerate it because that's how we got Luke and Leia, but the way the prequels gave it to us, I thought Padme would have been much better off with Obi-Wan. He's responsible, caring, and understanding, just like her. Curse that idiotic Jedi code of celibacy (I mean, seriously, what were they thinking?). And I know virtually nothing of what goes on beyond the films, so yay, I guess, for Luke and that redheaded chick in the books. In the new trilogy, I'm leaning towards Finn/Rey. The Abhorsen Trilogy: Sabriel/Touchstone. So much love. And now that I've finally finished the second and third books, I think I'm gonna go with Lirael/Nicholas, too. |