Author has written 12 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Bones, and Tangled. I just wanted to let you all in on who I am and things that I like. I am very private about my personal life especially around people who I may never know. I am in my 30's, married, with an moderately Autistic child, who keep me very busy! I enjoy reading, writing and on occasion drawing. I watch most Crime dramas with Bones and Criminal Minds my main focus. I also like supernatural shows like Buffy, Angel, and Ghost Whisperer. And the new Knight Rider series. The new Mustang kicks serious A! Oh, and anything talking about History. If it hasn't been noticed yet I am big fan of Disney films from 89-present. Tangled is a hoot to watch and has inspired a few stories of their own! I hope that you all will enjoy my work and be honest with me about my writing, without flaming! For those who are keeping track of my "Shanshu" and "Little Mermaid" stories; I have hit a seriously MAJOR writing block and I am slowly working my out! I have found SEVERAL flaws in each, and I am a perfectionist when it comes to my writing. So, if I do not like the flow, I will NOT post. So, be prepared as they may be deleted and then reposted. Thanks for the reviews and keep them coming! Thanx, Emma |
Akay2901 (5) apckrfan (262) Bonesy Babe (0) crystalix (18) DragonGirl201 (3) elliemuze (50) funvince (26) | hpaich (33) Imagination-Parade (95) Isis FG (21) Isodriel (24) letterfromathief (21) MacKenzie Creations (11) Midnight-sama (44) | SCWLC (112) sheep1215 (6) That Old Black Magic (23) TheLifeILive (35) Widgetmarsh (18) |