B/N: This included the following: a regular morning at the Brennan-Booth household, a religious discussion and Booth surprises Brennan...and of course a happy ending.
Booth gently ran a hand up and down Brennan's arm before kissing her head, she opened her eyes and blinked a few times before looking at him.
"Merry Christmas Bones, we have both a holiday and birthday to celebrate."
She turned over and checked her watch, finding it was only eight in the morning. "It's only eight, I'm sleeping for another hour."
"Nope, we have gifts to wrap and breakfast to make…believe me, Christmas with kids is always early. Parker will no doubt come in here any minute and beg us to get up because he wants to open presents."
They had moved into a house not far from the Jeffersonian and upon moving into the house, Parker insisted he wanted to live with his father and step-mother, Rebecca saw that he had more stability with Booth and Brennan then he did with her so she allowed it. Now the couple had an eleven year old and a one year old under their roof.
Brennan groaned and got up against her wish to do so, going to the bathroom. Booth headed downstairs after checking on Parker, who was surprisingly still asleep and Amy, who was playing in her crib.
He began making breakfast when Brennan came in the kitchen, she poured herself a cup of coffee and began helping. She took over eventually and Booth went to wrap gifts, allowing two things to be done at once.
Booth finished and placed the gifts under the tree before joining Brennan in the kitchen. He placed his hands on her arms and kissed her neck, running a hand down to her belly…they had just found out she was pregnant again.
It was a bit crazy or so Angela had said, she had told them they needed birth control but neither believed in it. Booth didn't believe it was right to use birth control because children were a gift from God and if they were meant to be born, they would be. Brennan insisted that children were meant to be born, it was nature's way of continuing through evolution and no one had the right to control when and how they come about.
"I love you."
"If you love me, you'll leave me to make breakfast without interruptions."
Knowing it was her hormones talking, Booth kissed her head and left to get the children up. He went to Parker's room first and woke him up before going to Amy's room, she smiled at her father.
"Dada." She stood in the crib, holding onto the railing.
"Yeah, Daddy's here…happy birthday Amy" He picked her up and went about the morning routine, changing and dressing her. "Today you are one years old, can you believe it because I can't…I remember how small you were when you were born."
He and Amy joined Parker and Brennan downstairs in the kitchen, He placed Amy in her highchair and sat down as Brennan placed pancakes on the table before the men.
"Parker, you do know you're spending tonight and tomorrow with your mother right?" Booth looked at his son and the eleven year old nodded. "After we do gifts, you'll pack a bag."
"Mom already did," Parker and Booth both looked at Brennan, "when she did the laundry last night."
"Oh, well okay." Booth looked at Brennan as she sat cutting up Amy's pancake into tiny pieces. "Honey, do you want to tell Parker the good news or should I?"
"You can tell him." She looked up, her face calm but tired. "I'm sorry, I'm just really tired."
Booth nodded and looked at Parker, "you're gonna have another brother or sister in a few months, Mom is three months pregnant."
Parker looked at them, "I was talking to the priest, since I'm going to be an alter boy and he asked about my family and I told him. He said Mom is going to hell because she's Atheist and because you aren't married, any kids you have are going to hell too. Is he right or wrong because I don't want my brothers and sisters and Mom to go to hell."
Booth was quiet and so was Brennan, they'd never really expected that type of question to come from Parker. Finally Booth spoke, "Parker, you and I believe one thing and Mom believes another but that's okay because people are entitled to their own beliefs. Mom believes in science and we have faith and when Amy and the baby are old enough...they'll get to choose whether they want to be Roman Catholic or Atheist or whatever they want to believe."
"But is he right or wrong?"
"I think the question is what do you believe, do you believe that I'll go to hell or do you believe I'll go to heaven or neither...only you can decide that. The priest can only inform you of the boundaries of Catholicism not make the decision for you. Isn't that what God gave you...free choice, he doesn't make decisions for you?"
"Yeah, so it's up to what I believe?" Booth and Brennan both nodded, "I believe that you aren't evil and I was told that God gave us science so if you believe in science and he gave it to us, then you can't be faulted."
"That's what matters Bub, what you believe...the moment someone makes you believe something, it's no longer your beliefs."
"Okay." He went back to his breakfast and Booth and Brennan looked at each other, this was the first issue of religion that had entered their home.
After breakfast, they all gathered in the living room and presents were tore into, Booth helped Amy open her gifts. She was interested in the wrapping paper more then her gifts. Amy received four more gifts then Parker but only because it was her birthday...Angela had held a birthday party for Amy a week before at Wong Fu's and Sid had made Amy a birthday cake.
"Cool, a chemistry set."
Brennan smiled and as Parker hugged her, "I know you wanted it, you have something to go with it, look in the box."
He opened the box under the tree to find his own lab coat, his name embroided in it. Booth watched as Parker tried it on, the coat had been tailored to fit him. "Dad, look at me...I'm a squint."
They all laughed and Brennan took a picture, she looked under the tree to see one final gift. "Someone left something under the tree."
Parker got it and read the tag, "it's for you Mom."
Booth and Parker watched as Brennan opened the box to find a small velvet box inside. Upon opening the box she found a diamond ring. Booth took it from her and gently took her hand.
"Temperance Joy Brennan, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
"Yes." She smiled and kissed him after he slid the ring on her finger. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"And I love you three."
They both laughed as Parker hugged them. They were a family, a family of four soon to be five.
The future was looked upon as being bright...and it was, when Seeley Joseph Booth Jr. entered the world on June 12, 2012 to Temperance Brennan-Booth and Seeley Booth who were married on Valentine's Day at the Jeffersonian in the exact spot they met eight years before.