Well, here it is, folks: The End. I hope you like the tidbit I gave you guys. :)

Rapunzel huffed as she lifted a particularly heavy box. Luckily, it was one of the last ones. Of course, there was still the process of actually unpacking them, which was what she really dreaded. But Alison would be there to help them, so it wouldn't be too bad.

She walked– well, waddled– over across the threshold before setting down the box with a thud. She wiped a few beads of sweat (it was a particularly hot summer that year) off of her forehead and squeaked in pain when something sharp dragged across her forehead. She looked down at her hand at the ring that still took her by surprise. Eugene had only proposed a week ago, so the engagement ring– and the concept of being engaged– was something she was still getting used to.

"Honey, stop admiring your bling and help me with this monster," Alison's voice said from behind a rather large box. Rapunzel sheepishly hurried over and assisted her friend; between the two of them, they managed to get the box into the empty living room without injury or damage.

Just as Rapunzel was about to say something, they heard a grunt near the door. "Coming through!" Eugene said as he carried a large, rather unwieldy box in and set it down next to theirs.

"Well, that's the last of it," he said with a note of proud finality.

"Yeah, now we just have to unpack everything," Rapunzel lamented.

"I don't envy you that task, but I just signed up to help you move everything, not unpack. On that note, then, I will leave the two of you to it." She gave Rapunzel a hug, Pascal a nuzzle, and Eugene a punch to the arm, then left. "I'd better be the first person you two invite to the housewarming party!" she called over her shoulder.

Rapunzel waved. "We'll have to make sure to invite John and Teresa too, since they did help us pack everything up."

"Your mom too?" he asked, a little apprehensively.

"Yeah, Mom too," Rapunzel agreed. "Besides, she's finally started to come around to you. I mean, we had dinner with her and she didn't say anything mean."

"True." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders; smiling, she leaned her head back against his chest and hung her hands on his arms.

"Isn't it weird to think we'll be living together?" she asked him.

He considered it for a moment. "Not really," he answered. "I mean, I've had roommates before, and besides, it's not like we haven't basically been living together for the past four years. This is just more official." He kissed the top of her head. "And I decided a long time ago that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

She smiled and twisted around in his hold so that she could face him, and therefore kiss him more easily. When they broke apart, she slid her arms around him and hugged him. "I love you," she said, her voice a little muffled by his shirt.

He smiled. "I love you too."

You are the best thing that's ever been mine

D'aw! Aren't they cute? Sorry if the ending seemed kind of sudden, it was the best I could come up with.

I'm so thankful that you all have been patient with my hectic schedule and have stuck with this story until the end! I rather like it, I'm glad you all like it too. Your glowing reviews have been little lights at the end of my supremely dark tunnel of schoolwork, to put it metaphorically. In other words, I love y'all. :D

Last time to say this: REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! I love me some reviews!

Rapunzel, Eugene Fitzherbert, Pascal, Gothel, floating lights, Snuggly Duckling, etc. (c) Disney.
Alison Carraway, etc. (c) Moi.

Thanks, loves!
