Original idea: Three Days by Fiyeraba

I read the story by Fiyeraba and knew immediately that I wanted to do another version. I enjoyed the story so much I wanted to write it. So this is the first chapter of the story. Expect several more. Thank you for reading this.

"Bones!" Seeley Booth called as he walked into the lab at the Jeffersonian. The place was devoid of people except for the security staff, just as Angela had told him, "Don't let her spend Christmas alone Booth." He didn't want to admit but Angela was right, but he knew it would be tricky to get Bones out of the place.

"Booth, what are you doing here?" Temperance Brennan looked up from the bone she was holding, confused. Loose strands of her creamy brown hair hard fallen and were gently framing her face. Her azure eyes flashed with mild annoyance and something else that he didn't recognize, "Do we have a case? What about Parker?"

"No, Bones, no case. Parker is waiting patiently at Rebecca's for me to pick him up. I think the better question is what are you doing here?" He asked as he climbed the steps to her.

"Do not start with the Christmas speeches again. I have several stacks of bones in my office that need to be identified." She said rolling her eyes and returning to the bone in her hand. Booth sighed; this really wasn't going to be easy.

"Fine but at least take the night off. Its Christmas Eve, you should be spending it with loved ones." Booth immediately regretted the mention of loved ones. He could almost kick himself for mentioning her dysfunctional family. "Come on; spend the evening with me and Parker."

"What? No! You've got your family stuff; I will only be in the way. I have work to do here." She looked up at him, eyes wide in surprise.

"No, no you won't Bones. Come on, please? I already told Parker you were coming and you'd hate to make a liar out of me wouldn't you?" He said throwing in a charming smile. She regarded him and he knew that he'd managed to win her over. His smile broadened for a moment and she sagged a bit in defeat.

"Alright, I have to put these away. You go ahead I'll be there before 8." She said with a light smile. She had already moved to begin placing the bones back into their container. She seemed to dismiss him with this movement and booth could almost laugh to himself.

"Great, just don't ditch me last minute." Booth said and returned to his car. Parker was delighted to hear that the good doctor would be joining them when he was picked up; they returned to Booth's apartment to setting in for a night of Christmas TV.

8:17. Booth stared at his watch. Where the hell was Bones? His phone rang and took him from his thoughts to reality. Charlie Brown Christmas was just starting and Parker was focused on the dancing. He smiled and answered the ringing annoyance, expecting to hear Bones explaining why she was late.

"Booth." He said but heard sobbing on the other end of the line. "Bones? Are you alright?"

"Its Angela." The sobbing said and Booth's heart froze. He stood and moved from the living room to the bedroom. He didn't want parker to overhear.

"Angela? What's wrong? Is Hodgen's alright? Are you alright?"

"No.. its.. its T-T-Temp-" she dissolved into sobs again and Booth knew immediately. "Tempe.."

"Where?" He could feel his temper rising Angela informed him which hospital she was at which took nearly two minutes for her to get the name out since she was crying so hard.

"Hurry Booth." She said and he hung up his phone. He stood in the darkness of the bedroom for a moment, just stood. If he had had any conscious control of the beating of his heart or the ability to breathe those functions would have stopped. Temperance Brennan was in the hospital and Angela was telling him to hurry. Something was wrong; he could feel the sickening feeling growing inside. Time felt as if it was stopping, as if he couldn't think of what to do next, as if he was stuck in a nightmare where he just couldn't get traction to run from the demons.

Suddenly he snapped out of his trance state and gathered up Parker. He had to get to the hospital, and thankfully Rebecca's was on the way to the hospital she had been taken too. He stood on the stoop of her building, pleading with his ex.

"Rebecca please."

"I don't understand Seeley. You have a case on Christmas Eve?" She looked at him disapprovingly.

"No. Bones is in the hospital." He said shortly, Parker stood between them, he looked hurt and confused. Booth hugged his son and tried to sound as calm as possible, "Dr. Brennan is very sick and in the hospital. I have to go help her, I will see you soon okay?"

Booth turned on his heel and raced for his car, Rebecca called out as he left, "Be careful Seeley! I'll say a prayer for her."

Booth gave a short wave but did not stop. He started his car, sirens on, and drove like a maniac to the hospital. His heart was racing and all he could think about was Bones. Only the long straightaway right before reaching the hospital Booth whispered a prayer and crossed himself. Please don't take her away. We will all be lost without her. I will be lost without her. I need her.

He had a horrible sinking feeling but he kept shaking it off, he couldn't allow it to take hold or he might just lose it. He strode into the hospital, past the waiting room and towards the first nurse he could find, "Brennan.. Temperance. Where is she?"

"Booth!" Angela's voice called out and he turned to the sound of it. He strode to her, she was still crying but seemed to have some control of herself. "She's with doctors."

"What happened?"

"She was hit by a car. A hit and run."

Booth pulled the distraught woman into a hug and she burst into sob's again, "Where is Hodgen's?"

"He's on his way, they all are." She managed between sobs. Time began to pass so slowly. Booth felt as if hours were passing, while it was only seconds. He looked at his watch, expecting weeks to have passed every time. It wasn't long before the others arrived, and the normally talkative bunch was nothing but quiet. Booth felt as if his heart was being torn from his chest. Eventually a doctor came looking for the group.

"Are you all here for Temperance Brennan?" And they all nodded in response. "We tried very hard but unfortunately-"

He was cut off but the screamed sobs of Angela into Hodgen's shoulder. Everyone dissolved into tears except for Booth who cut off the doctor. "I want to see her."

"Family are the-"

"I'm FBI and her partner and we are the only family she has right at the moment and you will let me see her or I will force my way in there." Booth said in an eerie calm voice as he stood up. The doctor seemed to rethink his objections and showed him the way.

"I will let you have a few moments." And the doctor left him at the door.

Booth entered the room, and found his temperance lying on a cold bed. Her clothes were torn and hung in shreds. Her perfect and beautiful body had been destroyed by the accident. His heart roared in his chest as he approached her. They had torn her clothes, but had cleaned up from their procedure's. He body held little evidence, save long lines of stitches, of the rescue attempts made on her. She was still warm, but he could feel the warmth fading from her as he touched her hand.

"Bones" he said in a whisper and then cleared his through before saying again louder, "Bones."

She did not stir and his heart groaned. He smoothed nonexistent hairs out of her face and leaned down. He gently kissed her lips, wishing that she would stir from her silence. As if he was lucky enough for this to be a dream, or a prank.. or might even get a Christmas miracle. When she didn't he began to lose it.

"Oh god. Temperance. I'm so sorry. Oh god you're dead. You're really dead. I had so many things.. so many things to tell you. That I… that I'm glad you didn't leave with Sully. That I think every guy is wrong for you. That no one deserves you. That I love you. That I'm lost without you. That this world isn't worth it if I can't hear you laugh, or argue with you, or see you smile. I love you. I love you I love you." He dissolved into tears and clutched her hand in his, holding it next to his face as he sat beside her. "Why didn't I tell you before? I'm such a fool. I'm so sorry. Please .. please don't leave me."

There was a knock at the door and Booth could see it was the doctor, letting him know his time was up. Booth kissed her hand one last time and then placed it back on the cold bed, her warmth was almost completely gone now. He felt as cold as she did. Tears had stopped running but only because he felt dead inside. He left the room and walked back towards the group, they looked to him and he made no movement to rejoin them.

"Seeley.." Cam said in a comforting tone. He looked at her with wild eyes. She attempted to approach but when she saw his expression she stopped. He didn't look himself, he looked wild and dangerous. The doctor was leading the rest of the group down the hallway, Cam watched as Booth turned and strode out of the hospital.

Booth left his car, he needed to walk. He didn't know where he was going, all he knew was he needed to get away from where he was. The world was cold and dark and Seeley Booth wandered for three hours before his shivering made him stumble outside of a church. He glared up at it. The church was beautiful, peaceful. It looked like a warm and inviting happy place. His anger leapt to a new height, how dare god or anyone be happy.


Tears streamed down her face. His screams dissolved into just angry wordless yelling.

"Stop feeling guilty Seeley." A calm and warm voice said from behind him. Booth jumped and turned. Surprised that someone had managed to sneak up behind him. He fell backward away from the voice. A tall dark haired man stood there. His white sweater and slacks looked like not enough protection from the frozen air, but the man did not look cold. He had an odd light upon him as well.


"Come inside the church, You can yell all you want but her might hear you better inside." The man helped the stunned Booth up and led him towards the door of the church. Booth came to his sense and resisted.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Leave me alone."

"I'm just trying to get you into a warm Church. I'm a concerned citizen." The man said gently as he stepped into the building, "You know… its not your fault about Temperance. I doubt she would want you to throw your life away."

"How do you know her name?!" Booth roared and followed the man inside. He confronted him, grabbing the man's soft sweater by the collar.

"I am an angel, and I come bearing a Christmas miracle." He said calmly to Booth.


"I will take you back three days. You will have three days with your beloved Temperance Brennan. You must use those three day's wisely, because I will return and take her from you again."

"I've lost my mind." Booth said and let go of the man. He stumbled backwards and fell onto the floor, his back against a wall.

"No, you haven't. I can assure you this is very real. Temperance is very important and so are you, but neither of you were able to express your feelings for each other before her time was up. Because of His love for you, it has been decided that you, Seeley Booth, will be given three days to prove that you love her."

"Right. Right. What if I don't let you take her. What-" Booth said sarcastically but was cut off.

"There is no way to stop her from her fate. One way or another she will die at 7:34pm on Christmas Eve. Its three more days Booth, and most people never get this chance. I suggest you take what we are offering you." The man held out his hand to Booth.

"Yeah," booth said laughing as he took the man's hand, "Yeah crazy Angel man, I accept."