Reviews for Off by a Single Degree: Part I
FreakingLEM chapter 9 . 7/16
In all honesty, I wish this was the seasons of Vampire Diares. It sounds a lot better than the original TVD series. No offense to those who like the original TVD series, but this? It's utterly perfect! I mean, Damon has a chance to be friends with her and Elena doesn't sound like a bitch with the world revolved around her.
Foxgirl14 chapter 13 . 6/30
This is my favorite chapter so far! I loved the Damon and Elena scenes in this one, but the mayor is making me mad. Great chapter!
Kriz03 chapter 11 . 5/20
Another great chapter! the only thing I found non-canon was Elena's and Damon's Birthdays. I thought Elena was June 22nd and Damon June 18th. But thats a minor detail and doesn't take away from the story.
Kriz03 chapter 13 . 5/20
My favorite chapter. Steamy and well-written! They got it bad for each other, as much as I wanted it to go further I’m glad it’s a slow burn
DPTTrocks chapter 8 . 5/1
Isn't Elena on vervain? How is Damon able to drink her blood?
thepriceyoupay chapter 13 . 4/16
I am loving this. I can't put it down.
HPuni101 chapter 1 . 3/12
Always a joy to read.
three-cats-in-a-trenchcoat chapter 20 . 12/29/2019
Ok i have spent the past five chapters thinking this was unfinished and in absolute dread of the ending and when i found out this thing had a sequel the wave of relief and joy that swept over me can only be conpared to crack cocaine
Thank you so much ily
Jenndifurry chapter 17 . 11/1/2019
They were turned by Kol good thing they died before Jeremy killed him.
Jenndifurry chapter 15 . 11/1/2019
The sixties were a funny color because Damon turned off his humanity because of Enzo and having to leave him with the Augustine society.
tdetwilightlover chapter 18 . 7/23/2019
Dammit the one time tanners actually a decent human and he gets killedwhy couldn’t he have gotten killed before he seems decent
tdetwilightlover chapter 14 . 7/22/2019
God dammit Jeremy just stfu and sit down your a kid chill
tdetwilightlover chapter 8 . 7/21/2019
Fuck Steffan
tdetwilightlover chapter 3 . 7/20/2019
Trying to give your story a go because tbh TVD just writing out all parents is a major plot hole, but damn Maybe the Gilbert’s were better off missing from the story Elena’s never gonna grow up and take care of herself now
AriRina chapter 20 . 5/17/2019
Wow...I love your writing style and the humour, especially the Delena banter is simply a treat to read! I really like how the story is going so far you make it really engaging and plotty and that's very impressive imo. I was a bit sceptical how things will go with Elenas parents being alive and all, but Grayson has grown on me and is becoming one of my faves in this story now haha. I really enjoyed reading, thank you for writing!
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