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![]() Author has written 30 stories for Star Wars, Stargate: Atlantis, and Stargate: SG-1. Started as a writer here on fanfiction.net...now a full time professional author. Who'd have thought? Website: w w w . aerkijyr . c o m Twitter: @aerkijyr Knights of the Old Republic: 1. Luke Skywalker- Last of the old Jedi, first of the new. Trained by Obi-wan and Yoda. 2. Aer-ki Jyr- trained by proxy as an Old Republic style Jedi. 3. Revan- oldest Jedi ever recorded, over 4,000 years and counting. 4. The Exile- one of Revan's Generals during the Mandalorian war who lost her connection to the Force, recovered it, and reestablished the Jedi order from the ashes of the war against the Sith. 2nd oldest Jedi, a few years younger than Revan. Star Wars Galaxy 700 years after the Battle of Endor... Major Powers(8): Corellian Alliance: Noteable systems:Corellia, Kashyyyk, Telos, Onderon Jedi-Appreciative Star Destroyers, Ties Chiss Concordat: Unknown Regions Jedi-Tolerant Modified Star Destroyer designs, Clawcraft Rim League: Mon Calamari, Gand, Colorban, Almania Pro-Jedi Mon Calamari Cruisers, A-wing, B-wing, Torch Selnir: Unknown Regions (Arachnid) Very Anti-Jedi Only one ship design(800 meter multi-tasking destroyer) Brekk Commonwealth: Kuat, Borleias, Fondor, Duro, Selonia Jedi-Neutral Original Y-shaped heavy capital ships, Modified Y-wing bomber, Boomerang fighter "C-wing" Republic of Independent Systems: Naboo, Thyferra, Sullust, Lok, Bothawui Anti-Jedi Royal starships(Naboo, Ion weaponry only), N-type starfighter Hutt Confederation: Nar Shaddaa, Trandosha, Kothlis, Kamino, Gamorr Anti-Jedi Custom, crude, and generic hull designs, Lance starfighter Free Trade Alliance: Collection of minor, independent systems across galaxy, Myrkr, Ord Mantell, Nkllon Jedi-Neutral Small, droid controlled warships, droid starfighters Hidden from the galaxy. Galactic Empire(located in Rishi Maze, Isolationist) Upgraded Empire tech. 1000 meter long Victory-class Star Destroyer. 2500 meter long Devastator-class Star Destroyer. 5000 meter long Restoration-class Star Destroyer. Tie Sentinel, Tie Tri-Bomber Jedi-Resistant Shadow Alliance: 2000 systems strong secret alliance created by Jedi Aer-ki Jyr to combat the future threat to the galaxy looming on the edge of his senses. Cruiser- 1052 meter long modular warship. Not landing capable. Destroyer- 473 meter long modular warship. Not landing capable. Frigate- 351 meter long modular warship. Not landing capable. Gunship- 82 meter long multi-tasking assault ship. Landing capable. Aurora-class shuttle- 20 meter long, 28 meter wide modular, hyperspace capable transport. Raptor-class fighters. 17 meter long Bomber, 10 meter long fighter, 10 meter long drone. No hyperdrive. Assault Ship(ground assault)- 3072 meter long donut-shaped warship/carrier/troop transport. Based on ancient Trade Federation designs, the assault ship has been reconfigured into the Shadow Alliance's answer to mobilized mass troop/fighter transport. Jedi Order Jedi Temples: Mon Calamari (Public Temple) Endor Borleias Wayland Thyferra Dagobah Midichlorian Counts: (at time of Jyr's arrival on Endor) Master Luke Skywalker: 32,500 Master Kas Mati: 15,500 Master Rata Lesere: 14,000 Master Zak Massa: 14,000 Master Arynn Teor: 13,500 Knight Ios Yelar: 13,000 Master Bes-no Korra: 12,500 Master Isi Nes: 11,500 Knight Juri Sasso: 11,500 (Aer-ki Jyr: 41,000) (After 3 years of training at Jyr's facility) Aer-ki Jyr: 41,500 Luke Skywalker: 37,500 (After Avenger training at Jyr's facility) Kas Mati: 17,500 Rata Lesere: 16,000 Ios Yelar: 15,500 (At departure from Nathon) Revan: 23,000 The Exile: 21,500 (Siley Utrel: 7,500) (After trainingdetox at Jyr's facility) The Exile: 72,000 (Needed for Force Echo reflection) Short range(a few klicks): 3,000 Medium range(100 klicks): 5,000 Long range(1,000 klicks): 10,000 Force sensitive: 2,000 (Non-Force sensitive) Below 2,000...cannot influence the Force therefore they cannot train with the Force to raise their Midichlorian levels. Individuals at or near 2,000 may still experience flashes of insight or an unconscious Force connection that manifests itself in a "natural" proficiency for a certain skill set. Galactic average: 550 Jedi Code A Jedi is always in motion. A Jedi lives in the moment. A Jedi is forever training. x A Padawan is a beginner who learns to feel the Lightside. A Knight is proficient with the Lightside, and feels it flowing through him. A Master is the Lightside incarnate, and feels it flowing from him. x A Jedi seeks the truth. A Jedi pierces illusion. A Jedi’s mind is free of delusion. x Faith is not blind. Faith is not proof. Faith is trust. x A Jedi defends the defenseless. A Jedi shields the just. A Jedi fights alongside the honorable. x One Master, One Padawan. One Master, One Apprentice. One Jedi, Many Bonds. x Do or do not, there is no try. Try or try not, do not waver. Choose or choose not, never defer to others. x A Jedi does not attach himself to others. A Jedi does not attach himself to possessions. A Jedi bonds without endangering his individuality. x A Jedi quests for greater ability. A Jedi trains toward self-sufficiency. A Jedi seeks to become one with the Lightside of the Force. x Emotion is not to be suppressed. Emotion is not to be embraced. Emotion is to be refined. x A Jedi’s emotion flows from within, not to be influenced or controlled externally. A Jedi is not in conflict with his emotions, a Jedi is one with his emotions. A Jedi wields his emotions as he wields a blade…skillfully. x A Jedi’s first priority is not saving lives…it is not betraying life, including oneself. A Jedi has to do…nothing. A Jedi will do…much. x The truest test takes place when one doesn’t know they are being tested. Trials do not make a Jedi, they merely confirm the ascension. A Jedi’s life is a hard life, but in the end, you will know who you are. Revised Ranking Structure Grand Master x Blade Master, Weapon Master, Battle Master, Flight Master, Scout Master, Range Master, Infiltrator, War Master, Arbiter, Warden, Empath (Gold saber) x Jedi Master x Jedi Knight x Padawan x Youngling Classes Guardian (Blue) Scout (Orange) Consular (Green) Sentinel (Yellow) Jedi Counsel Format Tier 1 Counselors- Highest ranking Jedi. Automatically the top 25 Jedi with at least Master status. Also any Grand Masters or special appointments by the Council. Tier 2 Counselors-Second level. Automatically 26-200 Jedi with at least Master status. Also any Prestige Ranks or special appointments by the Council. Tier 3 Counselors- Lowest level on Council. All other Jedi Masters. Three Tier 1 council members, ten Tier 2 council members, and four Tier 3 council members are tasked with scheduled Jedi Council duties. The Tier 1 members alternate every three days, with each individual on call each day while the other two are nearby, yet not on duty. Tier 2 council members rotate every two days, with five on, five off. Tier 3 council members also rotate every two days, two on, two off. This gives the Jedi Council a minimum of 8 members present every day to deal with whatever matters need to be brought before the Council. On their off days during the rotation, the Members can sit in on Council meetings if a special subject matter is of interest to them, but usually their time is to be spent training or dealing with other matters within the temple. The maximum time allowed per year on Council for Tier 1 Jedi is 6 months, followed by a mandatory absence for at least another 6 months to be spent in the field or in training. Tier 2 Jedi are limited to a 2 month tenure, followed by a mandatory absence of at least another 2 months F/T. Tier 2 can only serve a maximum of 4 months per year. Tier 3 Jedi are on Council for only a single month, followed by an absence of at least 2 months F/T. They are only allowed a maximum of 3 months per year on the Council. Serving on the Council is on a voluntary basis. Jedi request service and are schedule according to available openings. Council service is not required of Jedi. Situation Room duty is grouped into four-hour blocks, in which at least one Tier 3 or higher Jedi on call in the temple at all hours of the day to render assistance to those in the field or to call the Council into session if an emergency arises. SR duty is also voluntary, and is scheduled according to available openings. If a significant emergency arises or an issue affecting the Order, all Tier 1 Jedi can be summoned to discuss the situation. In this case the Tier 2 and Tier 3 Jedi on Council duty at that time are superseded and their seats filled by the Tier 1's in attendance or by remote holo link. There are typically 16 seats in the Council chamber, filled by the 8 Jedi on duty plus any others wishing to sit in. In special situations additional seats will be added, such as in a Tier 1 Council session. The point of the shared Council duty is that no one Jedi is stuck dealing with administrative matters and stagnates as a result. Training is key to Jedi longevity, and the new Council format has been designed to eliminate the possibility of stagnation while also giving lower ranking Jedi Masters an opportunity to gain Council experience, however brief it might be. Galactic History Overview After the fall of the Republic at the hands of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, the reborn Sith Empire under the guise of the Galactic Empire was decapitated at the hands of a small, yet tenacious rebellion and the actions of Luke Skywalker and his redeemed father Anakin Skywalker. However, without a firm hand controlling the galaxy, regional and planetary factions resisted multiple attempts at reunification and the galaxy fractured into various multi-system coalitions pitted against one another in spirit or in arms. The largest coalition centered around Corellia and brought with it many Core worlds, but not all. The Corellian Alliance was born and kept order with a firm, centralized hand and has boasted the largest military force within the galaxy for over four centuries. The Corellians are looked to as the central, if not ruling authority within the galaxy, and even the other major powers defer to their leadership from time to time. The Corellian Alliance looks on the Jedi with favor, in that they have proven useful over the history of the Alliance, yet they view them as small and insignifcant on a galactic level. The Corellians see themselves as the galactic policy makers and the Jedi as a useful second or third tier organization to co-op with when advantageous. While the Corellian Alliance was consolidating its power and influence around the Core regions, the Chiss Concordat was formed on the border of old Republic space and extends well into the unknown regions. The Chiss rule, but they are not the only species within the Concordat. Instead, they form the core of the Concordat and have extended membership to a number of select systems on or within their borders. They boast the second largest, and argueably the most potent military force within the galaxy. To date, the Concordat and the Corellians have never faced one another in battle, due to the distances involved between them and the fact that the outcome of such a conflict would be in doubt. They keep amicable, yet restricted diplomatic ties, but in general stay out of each other's way. The Rim league is the only other true military power within the galaxy, and is considered a holdover of the Old Republic. Headed up by the Mon Calamari, the Rim league spans a quarter of the explored regions of the galactic rim and is considered by many to be nothing more than a backwater federation of nostalgic idealists who only gain a foothold on the galactic stage through the technological skills of their non-human patrons. In the spirit of the Old Republic, the Rim League is the strongest supporter of the Jedi Order and host to their primary temple. 500 years after the Battle of Endor the Corellian Alliance attempted to absorb the Rim League and suffered their worst defeat in history. The Mon Cal, along with the support of the Jedi, successfully defended the Rim's core worlds and established their mark on the galaxy in the process. In retrospect the Corellians view the loss as a result of a insufficient allocation of resources, while more privately acknowledging their underestimation of the Mon Cals. Though it is entirely contrary to the Mon Cals' nature, the Corellians keep a watchful eye on the Rim League, knowing full well the damage they could cause if they ever chose to invade their Mid Rim territories. The Selnir are the most elusive of the major powers and dominate the Rim in the Unknown Regions. They are methodical, calculating, and patient. They are the bane of the Chiss Concordat, who's fought no less than 18 distinctive conflicts against them. If not for the presence of the Concordat, it is rumored that the Selnir would be pressuring to expand into the core, but the cold blooded Chiss persistently keep them at bay, though the conflict is far from settled. The Brekk Commonwealth was formed of the heavily industrialized worlds in the core that refused to ally themselves with the Corellians. The commonwealth serves as a deterent to invasion and uses its industrial might to create argueably the most sought after warships within the galaxy. Though few in number, the Brekk battleship dominates any and all battlefields and is reputed to be the sole reason the Commonwealth has managed to keep the Corellians at bay. Though they prefer to stay neutral in all other conflicts, the Brekk Commonwealth has partnered with the Republic of Independent Systems twice during campains of mutal defense...one against the Corellians and one against the Hutts. The Republic of Independent Systems is the brainchild of the Naboo, and strictly democratic, so much so that they see the Jedi as being above the law and do not tolerate their presence or interference with any of their worlds. While they have not outright banned their presence, they have made it clear that they are to abide by all rules of the common civilian while within their territory or face the penalty of the law. The RIS fleet is armed primarily with nonlethal weaponry, mostly ion cannon, wherever applicable. The RIS views their fleet as more of a peacekeeping police force than a war machine, and has outfitted their ships accordingly. Most of the wars fought by the RIS have been in defense of individual systems and not a widescale defense of their territories. They have also instigated several campaigns against the Hutts to 'free' several of their worlds. To date, only two such incursions have been successful...Bothawui and Nogal. While existing well before the fall of the Old Republic, the Hutt Confederation grew emboldened in the chaos that followed both the takeover by the Galatic Empire and its subsequent fall. By far, the Hutt Confederation has been the most beligerent of any power in the known regions, surpassed only by the Selnir and their attacks against the Chiss. The Hutts have seen conflict against the Rim League, Corellian Alliance, Brekk Commonwealth, RIS and some smaller conflicts with the FTA and even the Shadow Alliance before their existence was made public knowledge. The Hutts act with seemingly clumbsy actions that prove to have long term implications. While they are not seen to be a major threat in the present, their influence has steadily and stealthily been on the rise for centuries. When and where they will finally make their bid for galactic domination is a continuing topic of conversation along the Rim and the more unseedy territories that the Hutts use to extend their influence throughout the galaxy, often through the backdoors of the galactic powers. The Free Trade Alliance was formed by a coalition of entrepreneurs for the same reason that the Brekk Commonwealth was founded...for mutual protection against the dictatorial predators, both large and small, that are spread throughout the galaxy. Unique to the FTA is their use of a completely droid army, which they pay for rather than to for their martial skills. To date, the FTA fleet has never been used in a nondefensive nature, which has benefitted their reputation for trustworthiness and business acumen. The FTA and RIS have a colored history, due to the labeling of the FTA as an illegal corporate organization and the permanent boycott set in place by the RIS, as well as their interdiction of any FTA vessel that crosses through their territory. 400 years after the Battle of Endor, the Corellian Alliance, the Rim League, the then Axion Federation and the Chiss Imperium allied together to make one final push against the remnants of the Galactic Empire. They succeed in wiping their scurge from the galaxy, but in the process the Axion federation, centered on Telos, was weakened considerably and subsequently absorbed by the Corellian Alliance, with some systems fleeing to the Rim League and the Chiss Imperium which was reborn 50 years later as the Chiss Concordat, adding parts of former Axion territory and Imperial space into their holdings. Thought to be defeated once and for all, the core of the Empire successfully escaped to the Rishi Maze, one of two satellite galaxies beyond the galactic rim, neither of which have been explored, let alone mapped, by any civilization within the galaxy. The surviving elements of the Empire rebuilt in anonymity and swore to a life of isolation, forsaking their mandate to reconquer the galaxy in exchange for dominion over the Rishi Maze. The Dumar Expanse, the other satellite galaxy, is completely unknown to civilization due to the fact that it currently orbits outside the unknown regions, far from the reach of any galactic power. The only way to reach the Dumar Expanse would be to launch a mapping expedition and search out new hyperspace routes along the way. To date, no one has ever attempted to do this due to the excessive effort required coupled with the high probability of failure in charting new hyperspace routes. |