Disclaimer: See chapter 1. Reviews are always welcomed. Flames are not. The author note is at the end of this chapter.
Chapter 16
In a glen deep in the Forbidden Forest, as a distant church tower was sounding the midnight hour, a hunter's horn sounded. In a moment, another horn faintly answered, echoing through the mist.
The baying of hunting hounds broke through the cold night air as the thunder of horses galloped down the forest path.
Suddenly, the glen was filled with several riders with white hounds with red ears, the Cŵn Annwn*. The Headless Hunt with their pack of Hounds had come to Hogwarts.
The headless riders milled around, wondering who had summoned them.
A larger mount walked into a path of moonlight. The rider, clad in black, scowled as his mount pawed the ground as steam erupted from its muzzle.
"Dunlang! Why have you summoned us? You are far from your normal hunting grounds!"
The Dunlang held up its decapitated head and spoke: "Lady Magicke has called you for a special hunt. She has a prey that has escaped Her Justice for far too long. The one called himself a 'dark lord' has become an abomination to Magic and to Nature. We are to deliver him to Her Judgment. What say ye?"
The sound that erupted from that glen sent all those in the forest to ground, hiding in fear. Even the centaurs stayed close to their village and fire rings that night.
In another clearing, the Dunlang that had visited the castle was speaking to the elven couple.
"So, it has become this, then?" the tall, dark-haired elf asked, removing his mask as the sounds of the Wild Hunt reverberated through the trees.
"Yes, Maethorion. It has. Before dawn breaks on the morrow, your dark lord problem will be no more. The broken prophesy will be fulfilled this night. The one who broke it will lose his magic at morning's light."
"Lord Dunlang?" Lithôniel asked, as she was joined by Luna and Hermione, as well as the fairies riding on their shoulders. "Would you like to join us in paying respect to Maethorion's parents? The midnight hour is upon us."
"It would be my pleasure." The Dunlang gave a slight bow as his pooka pawed the ground as it bobbed its head.
In a decrepit old manor house's ballroom, a very unusual court was being held. Shadows danced on the floors and walls from many multi-candled candelabras and sconces.
A bald, nose-less being was sitting on a gaudy make-shift throne in a ruined ballroom. To call him a man or even human would be a misnomer and would be an insult to humans. Kneeling in front of him were his masked and robed followers.
It was the anniversary of the night of his downfall to a toddler still in diapers, and he had plans for this night.
The sound of hunting hounds baying in the distance did not register or even hint to what was happening in front of him.
"My faithful Death Eaters. Tonight, we will let the world know that I have returned! Tonight, we will eat death once more!"
Instead of a roaring cheer, a loud Hunter's Horn sounded just outside a pair of dark French Doors. The horn was followed by the now very loud baying of hounds.
"Who dares…!?" Lord Voldemort stood pulling out his wand in anger.
The French doors leading out to what was once a manicured garden burst open as a headless rider galloped in. Once it cleared the doors, several more headless riders as well as a pack of white and red-eared dogs.
"YOU DARE. . .! Avada Kedavra!" Lord Voldemort a.k.a. Tom Riddle fired off the first of many Killing Curses.
The Death Eaters started to fire spell after spell at the riders, only for them to bounce off. They didn't fully comprehend that the Killing Curse is wasted on the already dead.
The white hounds milled around the chamber, nipping at everyone's heels, spoiling the Death Eaters' aims, causing several deaths from 'friendly fire.'
The Dunlang pulled out his black whip and started to snap it and its tip wrapped around the Dark Lord's neck. With a mighty pull, the most feared dark lord of this century was dragged off his throne and across the floor. Several followers tried to sever the leather cord to free their choking leader, only to be rebuffed by the surrounding mayhem.
The pooka reared, pawing at the air, driving back many Death Eaters, as the others of the wild hunt also snared their own prey, among them being Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy and Warden McNair, to name a few.
Severus Snape luckily avoided the whips and hounds by port-keying out of the manor. He wanted no part of the Wild Hunt. The last thing he saw as he ported away was the Dark Lord being dragged out of the broken French doors, shouting and kicking as he was swallowed by the night.
As the light of dawn started to return color into the world, a cock crowed, only to be answered by another.
Wizards and witches woke to an ominous feeling. Almost three-quarters of the UK Wizarding World woke without their magic, just as it had been announced.
Many had scoffed and sneered that the Old Ways were dead, and good riddance. A few, who didn't follow the Old Ways, held a private ritual during the night to celebrate Samhain, hoping it would be enough to stay their sentencing. It worked, slightly. One night of rituals wasn't enough for them to keep their most of their magic, but it was enough to show that they realized that Lady Magicke meant business.
The students woke and made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Only Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, Madam Pince, and Severus Snape were present.
Professor Sprout stood and walked over to the podium and cleared her throat. "All classes are canceled until further notice. The Messenger last night delivered a chilling decree, and it has come to pass. Today, you all will be sent home to your families. Those who follow the Old Ways may thank the Lady Magicke for Her Mercy. Those who do not, I suggest you search your libraries for instructions on how to commence. Your magic depends on it.
"After breakfast, you may return to your dorms and pack. The Hogwarts Express will be here soon to take you back to London, where you will be met." She turned and walked back to her seat as students sat frozen in their seats.
Hermione looked over at the Weasleys. Ginny told her that she knew that they didn't follow the Old Ways, as her mother was a fanatical follower of the headmaster, who scoffed at them. Ginny mentioned that her older brothers who had left home did follow the Old Ways. Bill had urged her to not forsake it, despite what her mother had said.
Ron sighed, as he looked over his half-eaten plate. He had no love for the Old Ways, as there were too many rituals and practices that interfered with his eating.
No one noticed that Harry hadn't arrived at breakfast. They hadn't him seen since yesterday, or at the Ball, as he was paying homage to his parents on the anniversary of their deaths.
In the infirmary, Madam Pomfrey was overseeing several of Hogwarts' staff, including Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall. Rubeus Hagrid was in serious condition, as he followed the headmaster religiously, and being a half-giant, his human side was struggling to keep his magical side alive. If Madam Pomfrey couldn't find an answer, Hagrid would not live the week out.
She had been at the ball when the Dunlang appeared. Yes, she recognized it for what and who he was. She was a secret practitioner of the Old Ways, as many of her colleagues were. She had to keep it a secret from the headmaster, as the old fool didn't believe and would've fired her.
She sighed as she checked the pulse of Albus Dumbledore. The aged wizard was fighting for his life. Without his magic, his human body was too old to be viable. She fed him many potions and tonics to keep his heart going, but she knew, it was a lost cause.
Minerva was also without her magic. Poppy sighed as she went to get another tonic for the Scottish witch. Minerva was also too old to live without her magic. The transfiguration professor had been a faithful follower of Albus, and now she was paying the price of her blind devotion.
'What a waste,' she sighed again. 'Lady Magicke have mercy on their souls.'
Severus Snape sat in his chambers, nursing a bottle of Ogden's Finest. He thanked his late mother for teaching him the Old Ways. She was very adamant that he knew the rituals and ways.
'Lady Magicke must be honored, Severus. She gave us magic and She can take it away if we offend Her,' she would warn him.
'Oh, how right she was.' He offered a small offering of thanks that he had convinced Albus years ago to allow him to have Halloween off. Of course, it was believed he was mourning the death of his beloved Lily Evans. 'What Albus didn't know saved me,' he mused.
In the Death Chambers, as the morning sun was just peeking over the horizon, the four Dunlangs made their way back. Each Dunlang dragged a prisoner, including the one known as Dark Lord Voldemort, behind him. It was unknown what happened to the rest that had been taken.
Several grey-hooded figures were waiting for them.
"Is there any way to lift this curse?" one asked, stepping forward to block the quartet.
The lead pooka reared causing the other three to prance nervously behind it.
"You know what to do, wizard," the leader told them. "Bring back the Old Ways and fulfill your duties to Lady Magicke. Teach those who do not know them. Lady Magicke has not taken all magic from these lands, for now. She could have taken it all. The young will be the making or breaking of you. Heed this warning."
"What about...?"
"Let us pass, wizards," spoke another one. "We have presents to deliver."
The Unspeakables stepped aside. The missing Death Eaters will remain a mystery, after all.
The four headless horsemen spurred their mounts onward, dragging their prizes behind them, disappearing into the Veil.
The next night, Maethorion and Lithôniel plus a friend emerged from the portal with Glenndaugion coming out behind them. They were met by Seamus, Muldoon, and Mary at the stone circle.
"We aren't too late for the Naming?" Maethorion asked, as he helped
Lithôniel, as Glenndaugion helped the guest, to step out of the circle.
"You have a few more days, yet. So how did it go? And who this?"
"About as expected. This is Luna Lovegood, a friend of ours," came the answer, as Maethorion released the solitary fairies from his bag.
"She was a help. A very friendly girl and so knowledgeable of magical creatures," Lithôniel added. "I quite enjoyed her company. So, I asked if she would like to meet my parents and take her Underhill for a visit."
Maethorion agreed. Luna kept his beloved company while he was in the castle.
The blonde Ravenclaw smiled as she looked around. It was good to have friends. She just wished her daddy was here.
The Naming Ceremony took place in the stone circle on the Winter Solstice. Small ground flowers peaked through the bits of snow that covered the ground, belying the fact it was only a few days before Christmas.
Fairies, gnomes, will o' the wisps, and other magical creatures encircled the stones. Several human-sized figures rested on the nearby slopes. A warming ward had been woven into the stones to keep everyone attending from freezing in the cold.
Inside the stone circle, the Grand Banshee, who was also human size, held the white bundle in her arms with a smile. Jack and Kathleen stood before the regal fairy as she spoke:
"Children are the Blessing of Mother Nature, and this child is doubled Blessed, as she is also a child of Lady Magicke. She will grow strong, much loved, and Blessed. Who are the parents of this child?"
"We are, Jack and Kathleen Woods," Jack answered, giving his wife a very loving but proud look.
A/N: This is the last chapter of this story. It came to a natural ending and I just couldn't figure out how to do an epilogue that didn't sound cheesy or over-done. There will be no sequel. Those that asked:
One Dunlang went to the Wizengamot, one went to the goblins, one went to the castle and the other went with Harry and Lithôniel to visit his parents' grave.
Also, Those students under the age of majority, have time as they are under age. And yes, just in the UK was this judgment.
Until next time. – GF and a very special thanks to Miriam for her editing skills.
Cŵn Annwn – Welsh spectral hounds of Annwn. They were associated with a form of the Wild Hunt. They are huge white dogs with red ears and glowing red eyes.
melda heru/melda heri – beloved lord/lady