

Harry Potter


Blind Fury


Chapter Ten





Note: If Zatoichi confuses you, it was the inspiration for Blind Fury. I have placed Zatoichi taking place in the 60s and 70s instead of the 1830s and 1840s while Blind Fury takes place after Vietnam and just before the movie came out. As for this story the movie has taken place and Nick has travelled to Japan to learn more martial arts and to get his magic under control since he hasn't been able to do any since his injury. I have Zatoichi as a blind samurai-mage who uses his swords as his wands and he's teaching Nick how to do the same. This is just an idea be free to use it if you wish. Paring I can see would be Harry and Padma Patil or Luna as a claw in this. How does Dumbledore handle a blind Harry? Draco? Or even the git Ron?

"Hello." English

"Hello." Japanese .

"Hello" Spell

Hello = from book

PS.. Due to my arthritis my writing has really suffered. It took a month to do this chapter, writing longer then 10 minutes leaves my hands burning but i am trying. Mon






Harry had to laugh as Padma told him about Weasley having to scrub the Gryffindor tables for his detention. It served him right for just grabbing food that he didn't know what it was and stuffing it in his face. Padma had been walking by him and Filch heading for the dorms and overheard Filch telling him what his detention was. By the time she reached the door to the common room she had been laughing so long that it took her several minutes to answer the riddle so she could enter.

They had finished what homework that had been assigned and Padma asked Harry to play his Yamaha flute and so he pulled it out and started playing Dance of Life. The soft tones of the flute floated through the common room and before Harry and Padma knew it. Everyone in the tower was sitting in the common room listing as the relaxing music seemed to rip away the tension and stress.

Once Harry finished, he was surprised by the amount of people in the common room and he blushed as they clapped for him.

"Mr. Potter take twenty points for a well played song," Professor Flitwick said as he stood by the door clapping.

"Thank you, Sir," Harry replied as he cast a cleaning charm on the flute and disassembled it, placing it back in the case.

"Whoever taught you, taught you well. I hope to hear more in the future. Now its nine o'clock and it's time for all first and second year students to head to bed," Flitwick ordered as he headed out the door to the younger kids complaining about going to bed so early.

Harry bid goodnight to Padma and Sue Li and picked up his case and headed up to his room. He had a private room which caused some tensions between the rest of the first year boys but when explained that he was a Lord and that he had privileged paperwork that had to be secured, they understood.




Voldemort was fuming in his quarters. He still had no idea as to how to get into the forbidden corridor, so he could get to the stone. Quirrell was of no use either, as he couldn't perform legilimens worth a shit. Even he had problems as great as he was at the arts because unless he took full control of Quirrell he couldn't scan anyone. He had even tried a passive response against Potter and all he got for his efforts was a headache and a dark room. How he seethed in anger that the boy lived still but he hoped to end the Potter and Gryffindor line for once when he recovered his body. He just needed a plan and one thing he knew was that he would win in the end.




Potion master Severus Snape leaned back in his chair and was thinking on the information his godson had just given him about the Wolpertingers that he had discovered on the train with the brat Potter. They were not on the prescribe list for pets and he knew of several potions that would benefit from their slaughter into potion ingredients. He just needed a plan to get them, and he was the head of house of the house of cunning. By reading Draco's mind he had seen the images of the two creatures. It was too bad their horns had shed but by the size of the creatures they would bring in a lot of galleons and cause pain to Potter. How it irked him that he had survived but his beautiful Lily hadn't.




Albus Dumbledore sat behind his desk, his plans for young Harry gone up in smoke as he couldn't have him browbeaten by Severus to make him compliant. Damn those Dursleys for what they did. The boy had been out of their control for four years and he was fiercely independent. With him blind he wondered how that would affect him being manipulated. He was also well trained in what he found out was the martial arts and in Japanese manners and customs including those that could get people killed which was something he didn't want. He knew that Lucius would be coming to the school once he received his son's letter that he was sure to receive in the morning.

He had his agents digging into the Parkers who supposedly had adopted Harry. He had no idea who they were; but he had to get the boy back under control and with the Dursleys, but he didn't know how. He only idea was have him delivered to the Dursleys at the end of the year but was afraid of what the boy would do to them with those swords. He had tried to confiscate them but the boy refused to hand them over and even Minerva had gone behind him and allowed them. She had told him they were his foci's but Ollivander had said he had a wand too but he hadn't seen the wand at all. He was losing control and didn't know what else to do but at least Quirrell wasn't making a shot at the third floor… yet.




After speaking with his Godfather, Draco headed to the owlery and looked for his eagle owl. Tying off the letter he sent the owl off as he snarked to his two bodyguards that his father would deal with Potter and seek restitution for his attack against him. Turning he led his two henchmen back to the Slytherin dorms where he took his place in his chair by the fireplace. He knew the only reason he had this chair was because of his father's power and the plebeians in the house wouldn't dare to rise up against him. Pulling in his followers and his future bride Pansy Parkinson they began planning on what to demand from the half-blood bastard.

Draco never noticed the scorn sent his way by Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis. Both girls knew that what Draco had planned as they over heard him ranting to his bodyguards after they were released by the nurse. They couldn't believe how stupid Draco was by not remembering that the House of Malfoy was a foreign house while the Ancient and Noble House of Potter well out ranked them even if the mistress of the house was a former Black.




Nine PM found a tired Ron Weasley heading up to the Gryffindor tower after scrubbing all four tables and benches. His stomach was still upset and he had to make half dozen trips to the loo as he had burning diarrhea and nausea. Filch wouldn't let him go to the hospital wing, just to the loo and back. It was professor McGonagall who brought him a potion that soothed the diarrhea and the burning but she told him that the rest of the symptoms just had to work their way out of his body. It was all bloody Potter's fault. If he hadn't been sorted in to Ravenclaw he would have been sitting beside him and the rest of the boys from Gryffindor. The letter he had received from his mother wasn't pleasant as well but at least it wasn't a howler. She was extremely disappointed he wasn't friends with the git but how was he supposed to know that he didn't look like the pictures. He just needed a plan to work his way into the friendship with Potter. He sent a letter to his mother asking how he could do it and asked for some cheesecake. As he approached the Fat Lady's painting he wondered if there was in food in the common room he could eat. The night before there were several bowls of fruit that he had eaten.




The next morning Harry looked up as the owls flooded into the Great Hall delivering the mail and the morning Daily Prophet to everyone. Turning back to his meal of steamed rice, miso soup, a slice of grilled fish, and various side dishes he started eating. He had the familiar side dishes from home which included tsukemono, nori or dried seaweed, natto or fermented soybeans along with picked vegetables called kobachi and a small green salad. His drink was ryokucha or green tea that he had come to love in his time in Japan. Harry didn't know it but one of the temple elves was sent by his adopted grandfather to prepare his food.

He was about to take a sip of his hot tea when Padma gasped out.

"What's wrong, Pads?" he asked as he turned his head to his best friend.

"You're in the paper. Gringotts has served notice on the publishers and profiteers of the Harry Potter books and items that they have been selling here," Padma said as her eyes kept reading.

"Good, now that … ahhh, I think it's 'bullshit' in English … can die," Harry stated as he turned back to his meal.

Harry never noticed the glare he was getting from Dumbledore and Snape as they read the paper. Later he would find that both of them lost a lot of money for their involvement in the sale of Harry Potter paraphernalia.

Everyone was about finished with their meals when the main doors to the hall burst open, and Lucius Malfoy stormed into the hall with several men and women behind him. His eyes were searching for the Potter brat and he planned to put him in his place. Movement caught his eyes and he looked at his son who pointed to the Ravenclaw table.

"Lord Malfoy, what do we owe the pleasure of your company," Dumbledore asked as he stood up.

"I am here to expel one of your students for assault," Lucius snarled as he turned to the Ravenclaw table and found his target.

Before Dumbledore could say anything Lucius Malfoy and the Hogwarts board walked quickly towards the Ravenclaw table.

"Stand up you mudblood son of a bitch," Lucius snarled as he came to a stop behind the boy who humiliated his son.

Harry picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth before standing up and looking at the man.

"What did you call my mother?" Harry asked as he gripped his swords.

"I called her a mudblood as that is what she was before the Dark Lord killed her," Lucius said with a snarl, "As of this day you are expelled from this school. Hand over your wand to be snapped."

Harry looked at the man in surprise, and then started laughing.

Fury came to Lucius's face and he snapped out, "What are you laughing about you half-blood."

It took several minutes for Harry to stop laughing but when he did he straightened up and replied, "You cannot expel me."

Shocked Lucius snapped out once more, "And why can't we expel you."

With a smirk, Harry held up his right fist and replied, "I am a founder's heir. You cannot expel me."

Lucius went pale as his eyes locked on the ring and his mind went blank on what to say. Being a governor of the school still didn't outrank an heir of one of the founders. His mind kicked into gear and he sneered, "I doubt that is real."

Harry smirked as he replied, "Oh, it's real. There were three heirs, myself, the Hufflepuff heir and Tom Riddle also known as Voldemort for the Slytherin heir. Now there are only two and one is me. The other I know, but will not say his or her name; and no, Smith it's not you."

Harry was watching the puff and saw him puff his chest out to crow like a rooster.

"But my family is related to Helga…"

Harry looked at Zachary Smith over at the Hufflepuff table and replied, "Doesn't mean you're the heir. Don't believe me go Gringotts and have an heir's test," turning back to Malfoy he said, "Now leave."

Lucius stumbled back at the hate coming from the child and his mind was racing on a new plan, "I'll be back," Lucius snarled and turned and left the room his fellow members of the board following him.

Harry smirked and sat down to finish his breakfast while everyone started talking about what just happened. Using the dragons on his robes he watched as Dumbledore headed for the professor's entrance near the head table.

Over at the Gryffindor table, Hermione Granger frowned at Potter's actions to the adults. She was glad he wasn't expelled but his attitude to the teachers was so wrong and she planned on telling him that when she could get him alone.

The school settled down and the days started flying by. Harry played the flute more for his housemates on a few more nights. The first year claws had set up a study group and with the help of Harry and Padma's library trunks the course work flew by. The only problem the wand teachers had was Harry, Padma and Parvati learning to cast spells in Japanese and Hindu. They tried to get them to use Latin and English which they did but after mastering the spell in those languages they would switch off.

One of the biggest hits for his house was the TV and movies in Harry's trunk. Every Friday night, Harry would invite the first years to his room and down into the trunk where they would watch two movies, eat snacks and drink soda. During this time, Snape basically left him alone until October 30th rolled around and Snape showed up with Dumbledore to the Ravenclaw tower.

Harry had just finished playing his flute when the door to the common room opened and Snape slipped in with Dumbledore following. Not sure what was going on but seeing Snape looking around and then heading for Padma.

"Patil, hand that creature over to be disposed of. It's not allowed here at Hogwarts," Snape sneered out as he reached for Fu Manchew.

Harry dropped the flute and stood up, "Touch my familiar and you'll be making potions with one hand."

"Harry, my boy; that is an unauthorized creature, and very dangerous. It must be removed from the school," Dumbledore said.

Harry turned slightly and replied, "Fu Manchew and Lo Pan are bonded to me. Familiars are allowed, no matter what species of animal they are and it's Lord Potter to you."

Harry was about to say more but Snape started screaming as he had grabbed Fu Manchew and went into protection mode as he shocked the potion professor and it made him drop Fu Manchew and the electrical discharge hurled the potion master across the room. The kids in the common room watched as small bolts of electricity went from the stubs of each of the horns that had started growing back. Fu Manchew was now on his hind legs and his teeth were bared and they were very sharp looking.

"Down, Fu," Harry said to his familiar, as Snape climbed up the wall to stand on shaking legs.

Fu dropped to his belly, looked at his master and purred.

"Harry we're going to have to confiscate them. They attacked Professor Snape," Dumbledore said.

"He attacked after Snape grabbed him. So, no you won't, and it's Lord Potter to you, too," Harry replied.

Dumbledore was getting frustrated at the boy's words and how he kept countering him. He was about to respond when Filius came into the common room and looked at him in annoyance. With a huff he grabbed Severus' arm and dragged him out of the tower.

The next morning rolled in and Harry went into depression mode, as it was the anniversary of the day his parents were murdered. Padma knew what was wrong and stuck with him as the school celebrated the day. Harry just knew that the day would be a bad day for him, and later that night he would be proven right.




Edited By TeNderLoin





Harry Potter™ is a registered trademark and copyright (©) of J.K. Rowlings and all that crap. The only thing mine is the idea and several characters. Everything else is hers including all the money... Blind Fury is owned by Interscope Communications and Zatoichi is owned by Chikashi Makiura… Damn wish they'd share.