


The chorus of Angels, ordinarily harmonious, turned into a cacophony of contempt. These sounds had become his lullaby for the past three days. He knew what he had done. He will accept their judgement, even if it is as apocryphal as the names in which they branded onto him. Ironic isn't it? He, Uriel, the Light of God and Keeper of Truth is being judged for heresy against his heavenly father.

In front of him sat the other nine seraphs whom guarded over their heavenly father. His brothers and sisters. Michael kept a stern expression. Much like their creator, he was expected to be unbiased and fair. Raphael tried to muster a slight smile. The others kept their faces passive. Only Remiel scowled towards him. They were to be his final adjudicators.

"Order! Order!" Metatron slammed his gavel against the table. He raised his scroll and read out loud Uriel's indictment. "We are proceeding with the final trial of our brother, whom is accused of treason. He was seen fraternizing the Devils and the Fallen, and in multiple instances, assisting them in their conflict against our heavenly father. There are self-evident instances in which he has directly informed the enemy of our actions. He has also endeavored to mislead our righteous forces, causing innumerable casualties among our forces; as such, the Council of Seraphs have decided to assemble and come to a final decision as to his penance"

Raguel, who sat to the immediate left of Michael, Followed, "We are here to listen to your final statement in defense of your actions and decide upon your fate."

Uriel openly chuckled. What a joke. It took six Seraphs to banish any Angel from Heaven apart from falling. And he was the Angel of Truth. He knew that six of them had already condemned him from their home. Three had objected. But their objections were useless. He was to be cast out anyways. "I maintain that I have done no wrong, especially towards our father."

Remiel scowled at accused. "You dare to say that your actions hold no sins? You helped the Devils escape our ambush at the Plains of Regil. You allowed the Fallen to penetrate into the first ring of Heaven, not to mention the reports that you agreed to appease the Devils and bless Hell! Such blatant acts of immorality and you still maintain your innocence?"

"I committed to such actions in order to protect the order in which our father had maintained for the past eternity."

"Liar!" Rage swelled within Uriel. It was an unfamiliar feeling. The light of god rarely needed to be angry, but hearing his brother accuse him, the Seraph of Truth, of deception, is an insult that he could not bare. He returned the glare upon the dais.

"Remiel!" Raguel forced his way into the quarrel, "Let our brother speak. Despite your differences, he deserves to defend himself in front of us. Please continue brother."

Uriel clenched his jaw. He was grateful towards the Angel of Justice, but there were more to contend here than just pleasantries. "Our war with the other factions has taken a heavy toll on everyone. We have lost eight legions of our brothers and sisters. At this rate, our numbers will be unrecoverable in two years, and the last of us will disappear in three. Look at your brothers and sisters around you! In thirty-nine cycles, every one of us will be gone!"

He took a slight pause as he glanced around him. The angels in attendance fell silent. No longer did they chant insults towards him. They had felt the cost of war upon their shoulders, and more upon those they had lost. Satisfied with their attention, Uriel turned his towards the seraphs on the dais. . Raguel and Raphael gave him nods of approval, Raziel even smiled wistfully. Remiel retained his glare while the last three mimicked Michael and chose not to show their emotions. Uriel proceeded, "And as much as you would are willing to sacrifice in order to rid the world of all that you view as vile and sinful, we can't. Our father created them for a reason. The current order is designed so that everything has a place. We are the heralds of the saints, guardians of paradise. The devils maintain the souls of the damned, and the Watchers guard over the living, securing what little grace of our father that remains in the humans."

The Angel of Truth wished for his siblings to realize their own imperfections. The massive number of casualties had shaken heaven to its foundation. Angels were lost not just by death, but by falling. War brings the worst of everyone. Anger, grief, fear. He knew of the dangers that faced the heavenly forces, even the ones that his fellow seraphs could not bare to accept. They had been blinded by their faith in their father. Uriel loved their creator dearly, but he was the keeper of Truth, and he was forced to accept their own flaws. "We are not the only ones that are on the brink of annihilation. The Fallen had lost three of their six legions. Even the devils have lost forty of their seventy-two pillars."

Uriel's defiant tone softened. He lowered his head when he remembered what he saw. The memories of the carnage that spread through the battles he fought. A devil holding her dying father in her own arms, begging him to stay. A fallen weeping over a lost lover. "I did what was right. I wanted peace. To restore to the system our father had built."

He lifted his face defiantly back towards his arbiters, seeing no change in the dais' reaction, he lost all hope. There had been a part of him that knew this was to be, but to witness it still shook him to his core. His siblings had placed order before truth, even at the cost of everyone else. Unemotionally, he continued, "And so, I aided our enemies. I saved the Devils at Regil so more can live in peace. I let the fallen into our realm so they would not have to suffer in damnation."

There was a brief silence. Then Remiel continued his tirade, "How dare you!? Even after your admission to your own treachery, you still do not repent? How far have you truly fallen?" Uriel ignored his brother's tantrum. This was only a publicity exercise. There was no point. His siblings had already condemned him, they are only here so every other angel can see it.

"That is enough Remiel" Michael finally spoke up. He was second only to their father and ultimately, he kept the armies of heaven in God's stead. There is little that others could do against his wishes. "My brother, do you have anymore to say?"

Uriel kept his silence, choosing to maintain his gaze upon his beloved sister. Michael continued, "If you are done, then we shall proceed to your judgement. I will start."

The Archangel took a deep breath. "I vote aye. Metatron?"















All turned their attention towards the last seraph. Uriel held his breath. Even when he knows the truth, he still prayed that his sister might save him. And in what felt like forever, Gabriel finally looked up from the table. She refused to turn her gaze towards the accused. Instead, looking squarely at Michael, in a tone barely audible to those around her, "Aye."

And thus, the heavens came crashing down. A torrent of emotions crashed into him, betrayal, anguish, anger. Knowledge and experience are truly different it seems. He let go of that breath in which he held for what felt like an eternity, and in a sigh, fell to his knees. His beloved siblings had chose to cast him out.

"I am sorry my brother." Raziel looked at him knowingly. The keeper of secrets and the principle of truth had a lot of conversations about the current status of the war, and they both knew what the others ignored.

Metatron slammed his gavel back down, "The 'Ayes' have it! Principles, escort him to the gates!"

"No…" Uriel suddenly ignited his holy sword, his visage barely containing his grief. He did not raise his head, instead he raised his weapon. The Principles around raised their lances against him, in nervous anticipation of his next move. "You have said enough. It is your will that I am to be exiled. But I, I will leave by my own hand."

And to the horror of all around him, he brought his sword down onto his own back. First came the pain, then numbness. By will alone, Uriel held back his agony. Blood and feathers had splattered over the marble floor as his ivory wings fell. As soon as they touch the ground, all six pairs of wings disintegrated into a shower of gold. The blood however, fell through the clouds. And along with it, him.


Issei slammed his hand onto the alarm, crushing it in an instant. He pulled his arm back under the sheets and prepared to go back to sleep. "Oi! Wake up! You have now, remember?" A voice boomed in his head. It was his partner. A gift from an old friend. An old friend that he wouldn't mind burying right about now

"Ugh…" The boy gingerly pulled himself out of bed, rustled his hair and dragged himself into the bathroom. "Fuck that lazy bum. Fuck him for not doing his own job."

He peered into the mirror at his own reflection, His brown hair stood in a mess on top of his head. 7 in the fucking morning, and he was expected to go to school, apparently because Azazel could not keep his subordinates in line. Because the governor of the fallen angels wanted to jack off and lock himself in his room researching his precious sacred gears, Issei was saddled with the job of protecting two devil heiresses from the dickhead's own fucking minions. He usually didn't curse so much, but this is a special occasion.

"Ok, Ok. We all know you are not a morning person, but you have to clean yourself up either way." Ddraig had become Issei's partner, because Azazel thought it would be interesting to saddle the poor guy with a horny, rage inducing, breast obsessed flying reptile that got locked away because he disliked the color white. "sigh, how did I become your babysitter?"

Ok, that was a lie by every stretch of the imagination. Issei was the one who had stop Ddraig each time the dragon wanted to say something perverted in public. "Shut up, I am the one that has to put up with your antics. And even you have to agree that Azazel is a complete jackass for not taking care of this his own."

"He can't do this. Him in a devils territory, not to mention within a mile of the sisters of not one, but two Satans, would probably end the three realms at once." That is a point that Issei had to concede to Ddraig. The Devils, the Angels and the Fallen had a tenuous truce. Not really peace, more like a lull in the fighting where no one had enough people to fight each other. "A human would draw much less attention

"Yes, the holder of the Red Dragon definitely draws less attention." Issei quipped sarcastically. He turned on the tap and lowered his face into it. He rubbed the bar of soap on his left hand and cleaned his face. After that, he dunked his entire head into it, washing his hair. He continued after he lifted his head back up, splashing water all over the bathroom floor. "And also, that doesn't ignore the fact that he can just stop his minions from doing stupid in the first place."

"sigh, yeah, I can't argue with that point." Issei walked out of the bathroom while drying his hair with a towel. He tossed the towel into a laundry basket when he reached the staircase. He slapped his face a couple of times to make sure that he is fulling awake.

He made scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast, simple and fast. The boy had always enjoyed cooking. It kept his mind busy as he worked rhythmically, recounting each step of the recipe. Food was truly the best remedy for a bad morning. Sadly, it did not last.

Half an hour later, Issei walked out of the front door. Azazel had given him a small house to accommodate him during his stay in this town. A little house, but fairly comfortable, not to mention close to the school. He straightened his tie before heading out of his yard. He had to be at least presentable in school, no matter how monotonous the uniform is. Brown on brown, someone clearly lacked any semblance of imagination.

He walked quickly down the street. There was more than enough time, but he rather be earlier, so that he can familiarize himself with the new environment. The school apparently turned co-ed a year back, so Azazel snatched this opportunity to put him close to the little sisters of two Satans.

When he approached the school gate, Issei was greeted by a dark-haired girl with glasses and a bob-cut. "You must be the new student. Welcome to Kuoh Academy." She put a hand on her hip and fixed her glasses with the other, "I am the President of the Student Council, Souna Shitori. If you need any help, you can ask me or Vice President Shinra. We would gladly give you a tour of the school if you wanted." She pointed to the long-haired girl standing behind her.

"Thank you very much." So this is the sister of Leviathan. Issei bowed slightly. Quite well-mannered. Thought she would be more stuck up. "I will be in your care."

Meh, this one is too plain, especially the chest department. The one behind her is ok though. Of course, Ddraig immediately focused on what he thought was important. She not bad, a bit uptight, but quite pretty overall. The Sitri, unknowing of their conversation, nodded, and Issei continued towards the school building.

As he got closer, he felt something staring at him. He slowly turned his gaze towards the right. Two girls were observing him for a balcony overlooking the courtyard. One had raven hair tied into a pony tail, the other's was crimson. Long vermillion hair flowing down to her knees. Gremory.

Holy SHIT! Have I told you how much I love God? Thank him so much for creating such wonderful Oppai! The half-breed is already wonderful, but that redhead, she is perfect! Her hair! Her Breasts! Her Thighs! Everything about her is PERFECTION!

Oh Holy Father, why did you allow such a perverted dragon to exist in the first place?

Issei! You haven't had a woman in what?...Ever? She would be a great first experience. I promise, you will love it.


Ok, I understand that Penemue is not your type exactly. A seventeen-year-old sleeping with a five-thousand-year old is a bit messed up. But this one is perfect! She is the same age as you! Seventeen!

Should I inform Penemue about your opinion of her age?

Let's not worry her with the small things…

"Who is he?" Rias felt quite intrigued in the new student among them. His aura was unlike anything that she had felt before. Something permeated from him, yet she wasn't dreadful of him. She had trembled when she approached the church in the far side of the town, but this boy does not illicit the same type of fear within her.

"Issei Hyoudou, transfer student from Osaka. Why, is our beloved kaichou finally interested in a boy?" Rias blushed instantly. She turned indignantly around to face her best friend.

"No! What would make you say that?"

Akeno acted innocently, even lifting a finger to her cheek as she looked away, "I don't know. Maybe it's just that you have never really cared about any one of the other gender."

"I told you that I have no interest in boys! They are all a bunch of perverts!"

His meeting with the headmistress of the school was rather uneventful. She looked like an adult version of the Gremory he saw in the courtyard. Probably her mother. They had quite a nice conversation about his family and his childhood. After the first bell rang, he made his way to his classroom. He waited outside as the teacher prepared to call him in for the introduction.

"Ok class, we have a new student joining us today. Let us welcome him with open arms!" That was his cue. Issei slid open the door and walked in. He turned toward the blackboard and wrote his name on it.

"Hello everyone, my name is Issei Hyoudou. I will be in your care. Hopefully, we will have a wonderful year together!"

Instantly someone raised their hand, "Issei-kun, where are you from?"

"I am from Osaka. I moved here recently because I thought it would be nice to leave the city for a while. My parents just to happen to have a house here." A cover story Azazel had made up. It was kinda flimsy, but it was better than nothing.

"Ooh, how is Osaka like?" another girl asked, "Is it pretty there?"

"It is quite pretty during early spring, especially the when the cherry blossoms bloom."

Then a boy with glasses shot up from his seat, "Issei! Do you like Oppai?" Next to him, a bald guy nodded eagerly.

"Motohama! That is extremely inappropriate!" The teacher yelled.

Issei chuckled. I guess you found two kindred spirits, Ddraig.

Shut up. I am way more dignified than these two shameless monkeys.

Hehe. Hello pot, meet the kettles.

"I don't mind. To answer your question. I do find breasts attractive, but I prefer a girl who wants to be free, to living life to the fullest." Issei gave his best dreamy stare at the ceiling. Yes, and be like you, a troll to everyone you meet.

"Ok, that is enough! Issei, please take a seat." Issei walked towards an empty seat in the middle of the classroom. As he walked forward, he took notice the girl who sat behind him. She had glasses and messy brown hair tied in two braids, but what was more interested was that she stared at him with a smirk. Well, not at his face, but somewhere lower. Issei smiled slightly, and before he sat down, he spoke quietly, "Like what you see?"

The girl's smirk widened, "Eh, its not the biggest I have seen."

"Haha." This year is going to be quite enjoyable it seems. Maybe he will let Azazel go on this one.

Ok, no. Azazel will not be let off. In fact, Issei will make sure he suffers for this atrocity. He should probably destroy the governor's porn collection for this. The class had been boring as all hell. Issei had known everything being taught, he had learned all of it quite a while ago. What is with this backwater school? He was forced to past the time doodling in his notebook. Drawing random pictures of places that he had visited. Osaka Castle, Mount Hiei, the Vatican. After hours of boredom, and attempts to hide it, class was finally dismissed.

Walking home had been a silent affair. Ddraig had fallen asleep sometimes in the middle of math class and hasn't woke up. As he reached the little river next to his house, he was greeted by a girl who wore a different school uniform than his.

"Hi! Are you Issei Hyoudou?" Fallen. Probably one of the stupids that I need to babysit.

Issei gave her his best smile, "Yes, and who might you be?"

The girl nervously held out a piece of paper, "My name is Yuuma Amano. Will you go out with me?"

Wow, I didn't think she was actually this stupid.

You and me both, Ddraig.

Despite their previous thoughts, Issei kept his smile, "I would love to. How does this Sunday at Kusaki's Café sound?"

"Great! See you then!"

Sunday took forever to come around. Mainly because of how bored Issei was each day. School had been so monotonous, he became eager for his date with 'Yuuma Amano'. Issei had kept constant tabs on the two heiresses, but that doesn't mean it was any less dreadful. There had been nothing exciting for the entire week. But finally, Sunday's here, and Issei is definitely not one to complain about that.

On his way to the meeting his date, a girl in a maid costume came up to him and offered him a flyer about some psychic reading nonsense. Issei had recognized the markings as the seal of the Gremory clan. Probably a summoning trinket. Then again, the Gremory Heiress probably knew of his date with the fallen, considering how her little cat had been following her for the entire week. Koneko Toujou, if Issei remembered correctly. Issei decided to accept it anyways.

The fallen had been waiting for him in front of the coffee shop when he arrived. She wore a pink sundress. Quite pretty if Issei had to admit, but then, this is all probably a lie. A lie to kill him and steal his sacred gear, like fallen are prone to do. Too bad it wasn't to last. Ignorance is bliss.

"Hey there. Wow, you look amazing." Yuuma blushed at the complement. She pulled on her dress shyly and shifted her feet.


Heh, her acting is pretty good. Roleplaying isn't really my thing. But hey, I don't judge.

Why are you always thinking about sex? She is planning to kill me.

My ex is still trying to kill me, and I don't even have a physical body. You might as well as get ahead when you can.

That sounds like a personal problem.

The date when pretty smoothly. Then had some cake and coffee in the café, then they went to the mall. The movie they watched was pretty entertaining, even if the plot made less sense the more you think about it. The two of them even had a cheesy moment in one of those photobooths. At last, they decided to spend the last moments of the day in the park. Children played around. A little boy even shyly walked up to Yuuma to tell her how pretty she was. Overall the day was much better than the week that preceded it.

Huh, I probably should do this more often. It is pretty fun.

You know what is even more fun. Banging a chick or two. Hey, most of my previous hosts had harems.

I thought a couple of them died at the hands of their lovers.


Issei decided to end the date at the fountain. It was cliché, but still classy. They sat on the fountain ledge and watched as the sun set, igniting the sky in shades of vermillion.

"Today was really fun Issei!" Yuuma rose from where she sat and turned to face the boy. Issei did not missed the clear lack of people around them. Probably driven away by subliminal influence, Fallen aren't ones to make barriers. "I really enjoyed our date! Sadly…"

In shower of feathers, Yuuma revealed her wings and shed her dress. She transformed in to a more mature woman. One who wore leather BDSM straps for clothing…

Damn, and I thought you were out there, Ddraig…

"You will be dead soon." She formed a light spear in her hand before launching it at Issei.

As it turns out, she is worse than you.

Screw you too.

Issei casually grabbed the light spear with his right hand and waved it around, "Wow, ok. This is how you end your dates? Even after I paid for you movie ticket and your coffee?"

Yuuma's eyes widened in shock. "WHA!? How? You are a mere human!"

Issei sighed, "You really are stupid…"

"No matter. Either way, you are still human." Yuuma reaffirmed herself and dashed towards the boy, another spear in hand.

Wow, she never stops to amaze me.

Seeing she is not going to stop, Issei rushed to meet her. The fallen jabbed her weapon downwards, aiming for his heart. But it never reached. Knocked the spear away with the one in his hand and slammed his other hand into her chest. The girl fell, gasping for breath. She coughed hard when she landed. Before she could get up, Issei grabbed her by the neck and pulled her up.

"Little bird should fly back home to mommy bird. Before a big bad…" Before he could finish his sentence, a red summoning circle appeared behind him. FUCK. Out rushed four people. Issei and Yuuma snapped their heads around. Issei recognized the group It was Rias and her peerage. Akeno stood right next to Rias in a miko outfit. In front of them stood Kiba Yuuto, wielding a sword. Issei only knew his name because a bunch of the girls crooned when he walked past their classroom, calling him 'The Prince of Kuoh'. Apparently, Rias and Akeno were the Great Ladies and Koneko was the mascot. Either way, here they stood.

"Fallen, how dare you…" Rias was half way through her sentence before she realized that Issei was not dead, instead, holding a light spear. The entire group was shocked at what they saw. "What?"

Issei sighed. He gingerly let go of his captive. Yuuma fell back to the ground. The then boy raised his hand above his head to show that he meant no harm. Then summoned his gauntlet, "Does this make more sense?"

Apparently, none of them weren't in a shocked state before, because they are now all mute

"You are the Red Dragon Emperor!?" Yuuma was the first to recover enough for speech.

"Yes. And you are stupid."

"What is going on here?" Rias finally found his voice again, but not her wits it seems.

Issei crushed the light spear before turning his body towards the fallen. "Well Germory-san, Ms. Stupid here thought preying in devil territory is a good idea."

Yumma shifted uncomfortably when everyone turned their attention towards her. She realized the humongous shitshow she just jumped into.

"I shall deal with the Fallen." Rias steeled her gaze at Yuuma, "But the question still remains. "What are you doing here? You knew she was planning to kill you."

"I rather you not…deal with her, Gremory-san. As much as you have the right to eliminate Yuuma here, I doubt you want to risk another Great War over this little incident." Issei changed the subject to dodge a question that he didn't want to answer.

There was a bit of a silence, "You suggest I just let her go?"

"How about this, you let this little bird go, she will go back to where she came from, and I will owe you a favor." Oh, Issei is going to regret this. But then again, he doesn't have much of a choice. Devils often made deals with other species to gain wealth or power, but when you give them a blank check…Well, let's say that greed was not uncommon among their species.

Rias thought about it for a moment. A moment in which Issei waited and Yuuma held her breath. She knew that she could not fight all four devils at once, and she definitely could not against the Red Dragon Emperor. She had thought he had a simple twice critical, but as it turns out, she was sorely mistaken.

"Fine." Rias finally agreed, "I want you to join my peerage."

"Wow, that was fast. Aren't you afraid that I would turn on you? You literally just met me."

"You won't be able to go against me if you join my peerage, lest you want to become a stray devil." Rias smirked. And it probably meant a bigger headache for Issei. "That would mean you will be hunted down and eliminated. But don't worry, I am a Gremory, and I guarantee on my family's name that you will be well treated."

I told you, SHE IS PERFECT! Resourceful and Beautiful.

"Yeah. No." Issei immediately shut down the proposal.

"Ara, ara. Not much of a favor, now is it." Akeno smiled twitched ever so lightly.

"What about..." He eyed the fallen. "Nah, bad idea…"

Issei racked his mind for a solution to this problem he had thrown himself into. "Yuuma! Or whatever your name is."

The fallen immediately stood in attention, fearing what might happen next. "Are there any other targets you were eyeing."

Yuuma shifted uncomfortably in her outfit, "Well, there was this nun. She has Twilight Healing…"

"Good enough." Issei turned back to the devils, "How about that, you can have the nun, and as icing on the cake, I still owe you a favor. If you let Yuuma go."

Rias finally relented. "That…is agreeable."

"Ok then." Issei cheerily raised his hands, "Since that is over, why don't we all go home and take a break? It has been nice seeing you guys. Yuuma, I hope you are not even stupider as I think you are…"


"…Just go back to the Grigori."

"Gremory-san, find me whenever you are ready to cash in that favor."

And then back to school. Boredom never ceased to amaze Issei. It only took a week for Issei to fill up his notebook. After a while, he decided it would be better if he spent the time doing something productive. So, he casted a spell onto his notebook, turning it into more like an electronic tablet. He copied several old scriptures into it. The ones he had were mostly from the Apocrypha. They weren't the most reliable, but some of the information on different devils and demons are useful nonetheless.

He had also forwarded his emails onto the notebook, so he could reply to them anytime without being called out by the teacher. Azazel had sent him some information on what had happened. According to Amano, or Raynare, Kokabiel had sent them there to start trouble. The girl they were supposed to collect was an exiled nun that was casted out because she had healed a devil. That would be a slight problem. She probably would be opposed to becoming a devil.

Issei had been fully absorbed in his notebook when the bell rang. He usually stayed in the classroom during breaks, so he did not even bother to look up from his book when everyone started to pack up for lunch.

Then someone tapped his shoulder.

That someone was rather unfortunate. Because as soon as the first tap landed, Issei grabbed the offending wrist and snapped it around. Issei stopped himself immediately after he noticed who it was. And thankfully for Kiba, Issei did not bend his arm fully backwards. Even with his devil strength and healing, Kiba would be quite injured from what Issei was about to do.

"Sorry about that." Issei immediately let go of Kiba's hand and smiled sheepishly, "You surprised me there."

"Haha, I was quite surprised too." Kiba laughed too, rubbing his wrist. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have startled you like that, Hyoudou-san."

"No worries."

Issei took a quick scan of their classmates. Most were still in shock at what happened, but some of the girls instantly went back to gushing at the 'prince' in front of them. There were a couple that whispered in the corner. Then there was Aika…

"My, my. that was pretty forward, Ise-kun." The girl with glasses walked closer to the two boys with a Cheshire grin, "holding hands with Yuuto-Kun in public."

"Kiryuu-san, I…" Kiba calmly tried to deny it.

"Sigh, it seems I really can't get anything past you, Can I Aika?" Issei smirked back. Oh yes, finally something entertaining. Issei is not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. And if said horse wants to tango on top of a devil, Issei will tango on top of a devil.
"Issei, please." Kiba kept his prince charming smile. It seems the Prince of Kuoh had far thicker skin than Issei thought. "Kiryuu-san, Hyoudou-san and I do not have that type of relationship."

"What are you saying, Yuuto?" Issei came up behind Kiba and wrapped his arms around the boy's chest. "Even after our date in the park last weekend? You even fought off the raven that was attacking me! I think it is time we admit to everyone our feelings for each other."

Instantly the class became silent. All the girls blushed at their conversation. Soon, whispers popped up everywhere. Hehe, that one is going to spread like wildfire. I want to see how Gremory and Sitri are going to react to this.

Kiba's face finally turned serious. "Hyoudou-kun. Please stop joking around. People will think that you are being serious."

"Boo. You are no fun." Issei pouted and Aika openly let out her laughter.

"Hyoudou-kun, I am here because Gremory-san wanted to invite you to the Occult Research Club. If you are interested, please come to the old school building after school." Kiba walked out of the room the second he finished his sentence. He did not bother to wait for a reply.

Issei raised his fist, and Aika bumped it.

Walking to the old school building was quite interesting. It was located away from the main school complex. Surrounded by woods, the building was almost overgrown with vines. But the building looked relatively intact. Slowly, Issei pushed open the door to the building. Inside was dark, but not as damp or run down as Issei would've have imagined it to be. It was very well kept in fact. The Victorian décor fit very well with the occult setting.

The boy soon found the room he was supposed to be. He carefully slid open the door, still tentative on the soundness of the wood. Inside, he found Koneko sitting in a couch, knees to her chest, nibbling at a Taiyaki from the bag next to her. In the couch across from her sat Akeno. Kiba stood next to a window, peering outwards.

The student council were next to them. Most stood, but the Sitri sat on the couch next to Akeno's, sipping a cup of tea.

"Welcome, Hyoudou-Kun. Rias-Kaichou will be with us shortly." Issei just noticed the sound of a shower running.

"Sorry about earlier, Kiba-san." Issei smiled at the boy. "No hard feelings?"

Several of the girls from the Sitri's peerage giggled. Apparently they had heard the rumors about the prince and his lover.

Yuuto smiled back lightly. It appears that he did not mind the incident too much. "It's fine Hyoudou-san. But please don't do that again. I rather not have people gossiping about me."


The splashing of water soon ended and was followed be a rustle and soon the door to the far side of the room slid open. Out came a puff of steam and soon followed by Rias wearing only a towel.

Don't say anything, Ddraig.

HEY!...I didn't say anything.

She is doing this on purpose. Thank god I am not you.

Shut up!

"I am glad that you can join us, Hyoudou-Kun. May we address you as Ise?" Rias snapped her finger and her hair fell gracefully downwards, drying themselves. Her towel also dissipated and was immediately replaced with her school uniform. Ok, that was definitely on purpose. No way she needed to do that in front of us.

"Sure." Issei smiled back, maintaining eye contact. "May I call you by your first names too?"

"Of course. Please, have a seat"

Rias sat down next to Koneko, while Kiba moved behind them, leaving Issei to sit in the spot next to Akeno. That girl's made Issei shiver. Good or bad? Unsure yet. Akeno poured some tea for him as he sat down next to her. Technically, they surrounded him…And he could not really hurt them. This is really getting annoying.

"Thank you. Himejima-san." Issei carefully blew on his drink before taking a sip.

"Please, call me Akeno."

Issei nodded in response before turning his attention back to the redhead across from him. "So, Rias, what did you want to talk about? Or do you want to cash in that favor already?"

"We are here to talk about you. Hyoudou-san." Sona interjected before Rias could respond. Simple and straight to the point. "You are obviously familiar supernatural, considering what had happened yesterday. So, let me ask you, who are you?"

"I am the Red Dragon Emperor." Issei took another sip before putting the cup back onto the coffee table. Steam rose slowly upwards.

"That much we know, but what faction do you belong to? What is your purpose of being here?" Sitri did not let the Gremory talk at all. She kept the conversation strictly on course.

"Would you believe if I say that I am here because I wanted a change of scenery?" Silence. The school council president stared at him blankly, as if saying that he could do better. "I thought so. Well, I was sent here to prevent a war."


Issei sighed. He had expected more of the Sitri. He did not expect the princesses be so naïve. "Let's say that there are some unsavory people whom are trying to reignite the great war."

The devils had mixed reactions towards that comment. The two kings furrowed the eye brows, some of the others were shocked at the comment, several were confused as to what they were talking about. No doubt they are new to this.

"And the best place to start this is the territory controlled by the siblings of two Satans." Sitri finished his sentence. At least she can connect those two dots. "That still doesn't answer the question, who sent you?"

Well, time to have some revenge. "Azazel sent me."

Issei felt some static next to him. The air suddenly turned tense. The smell of ozone permeated through out the room.

"So, you are with the fallen?" Rias finally spoke up.

Issei laughed. Him, what that a-hole? What a joke. "No, I just owe that lazy bum a million favors, sadly."

"Then who are you with?" Sitri immediately followed.

"No one. Well, that is incorrect. I guess with anyone who doesn't want this world to turn into a burning wreck. Any other questions?"

Rias nodded. "Issei, how strong are you?"

"Rias, are you sure about this?" Sitri broke her serious demeanor. She looked towards the redhead with sincere worry.

The boy was slightly surprised by the question. But he maintained his composure. Issei smirked. "I can take your brother in a fight."

Everyone in the room went back into a tense state. Sirzechs Lucifer is one of the leaders of the devils for a reason. He is insanely strong, arguably almost as strong as the original Satans. Issei had expected that reaction, but he was intrigued. Everyone had some sort of fear emanating from them, besides the Gremory. She seemed relieved. "I want to use that favor."

"Rias." Sona tried to interject again.

"Sona, I am running out of options."

"But we still don't know his true allegiances."

Rias sighed. "This may be my only chance. I am not letting this go."

Issei looked expectantly at the heiress.

"Issei." Rias looked the boy in the eye. "I need you to get me out of my marriage."

First DXD story. Mainly writing this because of all of the terrible writing in this IP. I like the general universe for DXD, it is a really interesting concept of combining the different religions despite being a "plot" focused series. I have not watched Hero, am not planning to watch hero, I am pretty much done with the anime/manga series, just taking what I remember from the series and writing a AU for it. Anyways, this is a less crack then most other DXD fics. I will not be writing smut in this. I just can't bear to write something like that. If you have suggestions or questions, feel free to comment or PM me.