I do not own Harry Potter or much of anything else you see in this fic, and all credit for the concept goes to Rorschach's Blot for his Make A Wish story, which inspired this one. I will not state this again, as once should be enough. Enjoy.

It was something Harry'd been considering for a while now, a plan he'd been mulling over since he spoke to Luna after Sirius' death. It was all becoming too much. The pressure that had began with Cedric's death, before then, even, and just kept building and building was going to kill him if things continued as they were. He needed to get away. Needed time to think. To heal.

Which was why he spoke to his Uncle when he was sure they were far enough away from King's Cross that any stragglers from the Order that may have stayed to keep an eye on him couldn't see him. "You can let me off here, Uncle Vernon." He said, tension in his voice as he warily looked out the window for anybody following them.

Vernon Dursley blinked for a moment, confused as his mind was pulled from his fearful rage at the threats those the Order had levied at him and his family by his unwanted nephew's voice. Then he stopped on the side of an empty side street and turned to look at the teen. "What do you mean, boy? Why would I let you out here. Especially after what you had those freaks say to us?"

Haarry shook his head. "Believe it or not, Uncle Vernon, I had no idea they were going to do that. I'd rather they hadn't." Despite the amusement he'd gotten out of the entire spectacle, he left unsaid, his family thankfully being too thick to register that. "I have no intention of staying with you for the summer after the year I just went through. You let me out, you won't see me again. Ever, if I have my way, though I'll be satisfied with putting it off till next year."

Vernun glanced at his wife, who looked back at him, her lips pursed, before he popped the boot open and turned back to Harry. "Get out."

Harry nodded, satisfied, and proceeded to do just that before he was stopped by the formerly silent Dudley suddenly speaking. "Will you be alright on your own?"

Harry turned to his cousin, shocked by the question. Even Dudley seemed to be surprised that he'd spoken up. Then he said in a slightly wavering voice. "W-well, your friends don't know what you're doing, do they?"

Harry stared for another moment before shaking his head. "They don't. I'll be fine, though. Don't worry about me." He hesitated briefly before speaking again. "Thanks." He told Dudley, before closing the door and moving behind the car after setting Hedwig's cage down to pull his trunk out. Once all his belongings were removed he closed the boot, Vernon promptly beginning to drive away without looking back.

Harry quickly glanced around before letting Hedwig out of her cage, the beautiful owl ruffling her plumage before looking at him with obvious displeasure and giving him an angry bark.

"Don't be like that, Hedwig. I can't exactly take you with me, considering how I'll be travelling. You're better off staying at Hermione's this summer. It'll be good for her to have an easy way to send letters anyway."

Hedwig barked again in reprimand before settling down and letting her human stroke her some more before taking off, winging her way to Hermione's house.

Harry sighed before dragging his things out of sight of the streets and any cameras before quickly shrinking his trunk and Hedwig's cage, putting them in his pocket. Satisfied that he wouldn't be drawing too many looks he began walking, not worried about being tracked for underage magic considering his proximity to his destination, and not really caring regardless. Any respect he had for the Ministry's laws was pretty much dead anyway, at this point.

It took a few minutes, but eventually he made it to the Leaky Cauldron. Putting on a cap that he'd bought off of a nearly vibrating Colin Creevey for a few sickles and pulling it low to hide his face under the brim he made his way into the pub, his eyes darting around warily for anybody that might recognize him.

He was struck by the atmosphere of the usually jovial pub once he was fully inside. Where before it had been full of people talking or relaxing over a drink and a meal, now everybody was tense and wary. Everybody eyed each other suspiciously, and what conversation could be heard was quiet and muted.

When Harry walked in every eye turned to him, making him freeze for a moment, worried they knew who he was despite his flimsy disguise. Once they'd determined he wasn't an obvious Death Eater, however, they all turned back to what they were doing without giving him another thought, letting Harry release a breath of relief.

Quickly he made his way to the back of the pub, where the entrance to Diagon Alley was located, not getting a second glance despite the obvious tension in his frame. Apparently in the current climate that was particularly good camouflage.

Once the entryway had opened Harry quickly made his way to Gringotts, his head down so his hat would hide his face better. Thankfully, however, there wasn't that much traffic in the Alley. A few families here and there with kids he recognized from Hogwarts, stopping by on their way home from Kings' Cross. Otherwise the place was almost deserted, the news of Voldemort's return obviously dampening the atmosphere and keeping people in their homes.

He paused briefly when he saw a storefront hidden by a large, garishly colored tarp, a sign reading 'Coming Soon: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' stamped on it. He blinked slightly, surprised, before a smile curled his lips as he saw that the twins were moving forward with their dream, apparently putting his initial investment to good use.

Eventually he reached Gringotts, finding it much emptier than he was used to upon walking in. Quickly making his way to one of the tellers he pulled out his key, doing his best to not seem suspicious. "I'm here to make a withdrawal, and inquire about any services you might offer." He said quickly, having learned from Bill that being direct and not bothering with pleasantries was the best way to deal with the goblins.

The goblin he was addressing looked up from the gold he was counting. "What sort of services?" He asked curtly.

"I need a muggle passport along with anything else needed for travel, and hopefully some way of making purchases in the muggle world without carrying a large amount of various currencies around on my person."

The goblin eyed him for a few moments before nodding. "That can all be arranged. For a moderate fee, of course. Go make your withdrawal, and afterwards you will be led to the goblin in charge of such requests."

Harry nodded back before following the goblin the teller had called over, quickly getting into the cart and holding on as they quickly thundered to his vault, enjoying the ride while he could. Upon reaching his vault he grabbed a money pouch and hesitated, considering how much he'd need. In the end he decided to err on the side of caution and grab a significant amount. He couldn't know how much he'd need, after all. He wouldn't be surprised if he ended up needing to make an emergency purchase of some kind at some point.

Once he'd scooped more gold than he'd ever had on his person at one time into the pouch he quickly got back onto the cart. After another quick and hectic cart ride he was led by his goblin guide to a small office in which younger seeming goblin sat behind a desk full of various odd items that Harry could only assume were relevant to his job.

"You're the one wanting identification and such for mundane travel, then?" The goblin, who's desk nameplate indicated was Clutchclaw, growled at him.

"Yes." Harry said as he sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs in front of the goblin's desk. "I plan on travelling around the world as much as possible, but I'm not really sure what's needed beyond a passport." He admitted. "Some sort of identification beside that, I imagine. Also, I want something like a debit card that I can use for muggle purchases, if possible, so I'm not carrying half my vault's worth of currency all the time."

"Surprisingly sensible for a young wizard." Clutchclaw grunted. "That can all be provided. Travel papers and identification will be five galleons for each country you wish to visit. For seventy-five, however, we can provide a set of papers that will allow you into any country for up to a year, though if you wish to move to another country permanently that will require other paperwork. And we do indeed have a debit card, though few request it, as not many make large or numerous enough purchases in the non-magical world to require one. It will be a ten galleon fee for that."

"That all sounds perfect." Harry said with a small smile. "Can you take the fees directly from my vault?" At the goblin's nod he sat back. "Right, then I want the seventy-five galleon paper set and the debit card." He tried not to flinch at the predatory smirk of satisfaction on the goblin's face at his words.

What followed was a half hour of paper signing and picture taking as Clutchclaw prepared the papers. Soon Harry had everything he could conceivably need for travelling around the world, identification-wise, at least.

"I do believe that this has been a profitable exchange for both of us." The goblin stated as he efficiently signed a final paper. "Are there any other services you might need?" The glint in the banker's eyes stated he hoped there was.

Harry hesitated before nodding. "Is there any way to keep the Ministry from tracking underage magic?"

Clutchclaw sat back, steepling his fingers in front of himself. "You mean besides reserving casting to areas of high concentration such as Diagon Alley and Hogwarts?" He asked rhetorically. "There is indeed a way to remove the Trace, but it is generally... prohibitively expensive."

"How much?" Harry asked instantly.

"Three hundred galleons." Was the equally quick response.

Harry pursed his lips in thought, but in the end it really wasn't much choice. "Deal."

"Excellent." The goblin said with a large, toothy grin as he got out of his seat. "I'll be back in a minute." He proceeded to leave Harry alone in the office, giving the teen a chance to think.

Harry knew he was committed to his plan now. If nothing else than because he needed to make the expenses he just incurred worth it. Not that he was wavering before that, this just made his decision more concrete.

It took five minutes, but soon enough Clutchclaw was back with a vial full of a greenish potion in hand. He handed it to Harry with a small smirk. "All you need to do is drink this, Mr. Potter. I advise you, however, that I've been told it is… unpleasant."

Harry frowned but took the potion, eyeing it before sighing and downing it in a single gulp. It took a moment before anything happened, but when it did it was definitely noticeable. Harry dropped the vial with a grunt and a gasp, bending over as he felt a brief yet fiery pain all over his body. Even by his own somewhat skewed standards of pain it rated pretty high, but he didn't let out any further sound even as he grit his teeth.

Thankfully the pain was gone as quickly as it had arrived, and Harry stood up straight again, breathing slightly heavily. When he did so he found Clutchclaw looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Usually when one of the pureblood elites get their parents to purchase that potion for them they scream quite heavily, giving me the impression it is extremely painful, especially considering the insults they tend to hurl at me afterwards." The goblin sneered. "I suppose from your own reaction they were just soft."

"Probably." Harry admitted, not having a favorable impression of almost any of what would be called 'elites' in Hogwarts. "I think that's all I need from you today. Now I just need to go buy travel necessities."

Clutchclaw grunted. "I suppose I can inform you that Cassandra's Emporium would be your best option for buying what you may need." He said as he moved back behind his desk. "The proprietor has a special magical skill that should be of good use to you."

Harry eyed the goblin for a moment. "You get a commission if I shop there, don't you?" He asked blandly, getting another toothy grin in response.

"Astute of you. Still, the advice is sound. Even Gringotts directs our human employees to her for things we cannot or will not provide." He said simply.

Harry considered that before nodding. "Alright, I'll give it a try. Thanks." With that he walked out as the goblin waved him away.

Fifteen minutes later Harry stood in front of Cassandra's Emporium, which was the first shop down Knockturn Alley, in the area that people were still willing to be seen in. He remembered spotting it during the summer before his third year, when he explored Diagon Alley for fun. He'd always assumed it was dark simply because it was technically in Knockturn Alley. Now that he was a bit older he realized that was a slightly shortsighted view, though he still kept his guard up.

Walking in he heard a bell chime, followed by a woman's voice coming from the back. "I'll be with you in just a second!"

Harry looked around the store as he waited. It had various odds and ends, including books on various subjects which Harry could tell Hermione would be interested in, wizarding games and toys, appliances such as Wizarding Wireless players, and other such things. It reminded Harry of Borgin and Burkes further down the alley, though nowhere near as dark.

Eventually the proprietor came out from the back of the shop. She was a good looking middle aged woman, with a slim figure, aristocratic face, and long black hair with streaks of white in it. Her most distinguishing feature, however, was her pink eyes, which locked on him as soon as she appeared. "Hello, good sir. I am Cassandra. Welcome to my emporium. What can I help you with today?"

"Clutchclaw from Gringotts recommended me to you." Harry said as he moved closer to the counter Cassandra was standing beside. "I'm planning on doing some travelling and he directed me to you when I mentioned I needed travelling supplies. Said something about you having a skill I might find useful?"

"Indeed?" Cassandra asked, amused. "Usually they don't reveal my ability so blatantly. You must have given them quite a bit of gold." Then she nodded. "I have a particular version of third sight. I cannot tell you the future, or any other form of conventional divination. What I can do is take a look at a person and know what they might find useful in the immediate future, up to approximately a year."

Harry leaned forward, interested. "Really? I haven't heard of something like that before. Could you give an example?"

"I'm not surprised." She admitted. "It's a hereditary skill that my family is careful with. It's rather potent, after all. As an example, I might look at an auror and know that they might find a pocket watch of use. I won't know why or how in the moment, but later it'll turn out that the auror had the watch in their breast pocket when a curse was cast at them, taking the brunt of the attack and saving their life." Cassandra smiled, amused at the look on his face. "It's usually something like that, though it can occasionally be more striaghtforward, such as a water bottle you might need while travelling through a hot area."

Harry, for his part, was astonished. That sounded like an immensely useful skill. He could see why she was surprised Clutchclaw alluded to it, even obliquely. She would be in a lot of danger if Death Eaters found out about it. "I promise not to tell anyone. Though I will bring my friends around to shop from here eventually."

Cassandra smirked. "You'll get no complaints from me. I am running a business, after all."

"Alright, what do you recommend for me, then?" Harry asked, interested.

The woman gave him a sharp, penetrating look with her pink eyes before moving about the shop. She set a knife that reminded Harry painfully of the one he'd broken in the Department of Mysteries down on the counter first. After that came a flask with a leather covering, a set of playing cards, and three books.

Harry picked up the first of the books, reading the title, 'Exploring the Magical World'. Opening it up he saw that it was a guidebook for travelers. The why she selected that was obvious, so he moved onto the next, 'The Battle Mage's Compendium'. He looked at her. "I'm guessing I'll be seeing trouble when I'm on my trip?"

Cassandra shrugged. "Maybe. Like I said, I don't know why you'd find certain things useful, just that you would. Though considering it's you, Mister Potter, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case."

Harry grimaced, he hadn't given his name, and he was still wearing his hat. "How did you know?"

"Trade secret." The shopkeep said, tapping her nose with a smile and a wink. "Let's just say you could use a better disguise."

Harry sighed before looking at the other book, blinking when he took in the title. "A Grimoire for White Mages?" He asked, confused.

Cassandra chuckled. "It was written by a muggleborn with a liking for video games. It's a rather rare book on healing magic. Some of the spells are pretty esoteric and a proper St Mungo's healer would likely turn their nose up at them, but British magicals really only have a passing acquaintance with common sense in any case.."

Harry groaned lightly. "Yep, trouble seems more and more likely in my future…" He said as he set the book down with the rest of his likely purchases. Then he looked back up at Cassandra. "Anything else?"

The woman nodded before reaching under the counter and fiddling around for ten seconds before standing back up, a slim piece of silver in her hand. "This, though you might be leery of buying it."

Harry eyed it. "Why? Is it dangerous?"

Cassandra instantly shook her head. "No, just expensive. This is a universal translator. It costs a hundred and ten galleons, but it will let you speak, read and write any human language. This is the only one I have."

Harry eyed it with interest. "Really? I didn't know these kinds of things existed. You'd think I'd stop being surprised by magic at some point."

"Well, they are pretty rare, because the languages need to be individually programmed into each one." Cassandra admitted. "You hear of Barty Crouch? It's said that he bought a more expensive version of one of these, which is why he could speak so many human and non-human languages. Not that he ever admitted it before he went missing."

"I see…" Harry said slowly before pulling his money pouch off his belt. "How much for the lot?"

Cassandra smiled, pleased that he wasn't going to be a customer who fought her on her recommendations over cost or pride. "That'll be a hundred and fifty galleons, six sickles and two knuts."

Harry handed the appropriate amount to the woman, glad he'd decided to draw as much money as he had. Then he picked up the translator. "Alright, now how do I use this?"

"Simply set it on your tongue. It'll do the rest on its own." Was the instruction he was given.

Shrugging to himself he did as told, setting the small bit of silver on his tongue. Almost immediately he felt it melt, the cold metal moving to completely cover his tongue before sinking into the flesh. It was an odd and unpleasant sensation that lingered even after it was over. "Did it work?" Harry asked as he licked the inside of his mouth and smacked his lips in a futile attempt to get rid of the phantom sensation.

"You tell me." Cassandra said in Italian. Harry blinked as he understood precisely what she said, even though he could also distinctly tell it wasn't English. It was quite an interesting experience.

"Seems so…" He replied experimentally in the same language, finding the way his mouth moved with the unfamiliar words odd, though not unpleasant.

"Excellent." Cassandra responded in German this time. "Soon enough it'll be second nature and you won't even notice it."

"I'll take your word for it." Harry said slowly, obviously still getting used to the oddity.

The shopkeep bagged the rest of his purchases before handing them to him to put in his trunk. "Need anything else? You don't just need to buy what I recommend, after all."

"Unless you sell muggle electronics then no, sorry." Harry said as he reshrunk his trunk.

Cassandra leaned on the counter. "Muggle electronics, eh? Wanting a laptop to use while you commute, I'm guessing?"

Harry nodded, surprised not only that she guessed right, but that she knew what a laptop was. "Yeah. I plan on travelling the muggle way as much as possible. Less chance of Voldemort or Dumbledore tracking me that way."

To Cassandra's credit she only flinched slightly at Voldemort's name. "Makes sense. I doubt most wizards could even read the train schedule at King's Cross, much less Heathrow."

"Right, and as much as I like a good book, I don't want to spend all my time reading." Harry said.

"Well, you're right that I don't have any I could sell you, but I can still help you out." Cassandra said with a smile.

"Really?" Harry asked, surprised.

The woman nodded. "My best friend's daughter is a squib. She never let it get her down, though. She's doing really well in secondary school and plans to study engineering in university." She said, obviously pleased to talk about someone she cared about. "She's working as a sales assistant in a computer and entertainment shop not too far from the Leaky Cauldron. I generally direct any magicals needing electronics to her. She'll get a commision off of anything you buy, but I doubt you'll complain. She's not the type to cheat you, though she'll probably try to upsell you a bit."

Harry considered the offer. "Well, unlike most magicals I'm not completely helpless in the muggle world. That said, the help of someone who actually knows what they're talking about would definitely be helpful." He ended up nodding his agreement to the idea as Cassandra smiled before proceeding to give him directions.

Ten minutes after leaving Cassandra's, and the Alley itself, behind, Harry walked into the shop the seer had directed him to. The inside was full of computers, televisions, game systems and mobile phones on display. Movies were being shown on the televisions as music played from overhead speakers. Harry had to take a moment to take it all in, having never really had the opportunity to go to a similar establishment.

A pretty brown haired and eyed girl a couple of years older than he was in the uniform of a sales assistant approached him with a professional smile on her face. "Hi!" She chirped perkily. "Can I help you with anything?"

Harry turned his attention from a nearby TV showing an action movie heavy on special effects to look at her. "Hello. I'm looking for Calliope Kane?"

The girl blinked, thrown for a moment, before an amused smile appeared on her lips. "Aunt Cassie send you to me?" At his nod she clapped her hands. "Great! Well, you have my name. Can I have yours?"

Harry hesitated for a moment before deciding he'd likely be long gone before she was able to tell anyone. "Harry Potter."

Calliope's eyes widened for a moment before her eyes flicked to his forehead, Harry obligingly taking his hat off briefly to let her see the scar before putting it back on. "Oh wow. It's an honor, Mr. Potter. Just so you know, I never believed the Ministry's bullshite. As a squib I know better than to take those elitist arsehole's at their word."

Harry's lips quirked up briefly. "Thanks, that's nice to hear. Call me Harry."

She smiled back. "Callie." She said. Then she clapped her hands again. "Alright, now that introductions are out of the way, what were you looking for, Harry? I take it from the fact that you don't look like a flobberworm that got smacked in the face with a trout that you have some idea?"

Harry nodded. "I'm going to be travelling some this summer, mostly by muggle means. I was hoping for something for entertainment. Probably a laptop that I can use to watch movies or play the occasional game on."

Callie was nodding before he'd even finished. "Alright, if you're hoping to play some good games it's going to be a bit pricey. Will that be a problem?"

Harry took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm going to be honest, Callie. I've had an absolutely shit year, and what with Voldemort running around… Well, let's just say I'm not thinking too much on being fiscally responsible. I'm not going to go completely nuts, but…" He shrugged.

Callie nodded solemnly after the obligatory Voldemort flinch. "I understand. Well, let me show you our slightly higher end options, then we can discuss games and videos you can use it for."

In the end Harry spent longer in that store than he'd expected. Callie helped him choose a nice computer that would let him run powerful games with minimal trouble. It was expensive as stated before, but Harry believed he'd be able to get plenty of use out of it.

Then they'd proceeded to discuss media. He was surprised that she was not when he told her he had basically no clue when it came to the latest in pop culture beyond his entry into Hogwarts, and even before that he was spotty. Of course, Callie pointed out that most of the people Cassandra sent her way barely even knew what a movie was, so she was used to it.

In the end she convinced him to buy several Blu-Rays, get Netflix and Spotify subscriptions, and set up a Steam account before adding several games Callie swore by to his wishlist. She told him he could experiment from there.

Last on the list was a mobile phone. Callie was surprised that he'd want one, but when Harry gave his reasons she saw the sense in it, along with the fact that Harry had obviously been thinking ahead. Quickly enough they chose one of the latest models with high storage capacity, set up his account and a plan with international roaming, and before everything was done several applications and games Callie recommended were downloading to it.

With his phone in his pocket and his new laptop in an equally new laptop holding backpack Callie led him out of the store, the girl herself feeling good about helping him out while getting a substantial commission sale in the process. "Feel free to call me if you need more tech advice or want more recommendations on media." She told him with a smile, having added her number to his phone. And no, she was not going to brag to her few magically aware friends that she'd given Harry Potter her number. Not at all.

Harry nodded with a smile. "I will. Thanks a lot. You and Cassandra have been a big help."

Callie shrugged, her smile turning teasing. "Well, it wasn't all altruistic, you know. We both got money out of you."

Harry chuckled and nodded again. "Alright, I need to get going. Still have a few more purchases to make before I'm done."

Callie waved as Harry began walking away. "Don't be a stranger!"

Harry waved back before turning the corner and leaving her sight.

Another hour of shopping led to Harry having a new wardrobe that actually fit him. He'd decided that if he was going to travel the world, he wasn't going to do so looking like a homeless person. Soon enough he was walking back into King's Cross Station dressed in black jeans, black leather boots, and a crimson t-shirt with the golden image of a lion's head with a crown on top of it's mane that showed off his slender, lightly muscled body to great effect. At least, that's what he'd been told by the sales associate. All of that combined with new glasses with slimmer and more oval frames made him almost unrecognizable.

Buying a ticket for the next train leaving for the first destination he'd selected, Harry made his way through the throngs of people, heart hammering in his chest. Knowing his luck, this was the point at which his plans would go bad, with either a Death Eater or an Order Member seeing him and trying to capture him. Honestly, at this point he wasn't sure which option would be worse.

He was vaguely surprised when he took his seat in the first class section of the train, a kind attendant helping him get situated. He was sipping a drink when the train began to move, and he looked out at the crowds of people beginning to pass by with more and more speed. It was only when the train finally left London that he managed to relax, a smile appearing on his face.

Pulling out his phone he hesitated, glancing at the number he'd pre-programmed into it. Then, biting the bullet, he pressed the call button. The line rang three times before a man answered.

"Hello, this is Harry Potter. Could I speak to Hermione, please?"

Welcome, one and all, to the winner of the New Story Patron Poll, Finding Healing!

Of the options I gave for which new story would at the least get a first chapter, this came in first with 15 votes. The other options each got 9, 3, and 0. So it seems people really wanted to see this.

So, as I've stated before and is otherwise obvious, this story was inspired by Make A Wish, by Rorschach's Blot. If you haven't read it, it is old, written before HBP came out, but still excellent. And before anybody asks, I did indeed send him a PM asking for permission to use his idea and certain elements from it, which he graciously gave.

This story is going to be a bit different, however. Whereas MaW was primarily a comedy with occasionally serious moments, this is going to play the idea of Harry getting the hell out of England to get his head on straight (mostly) straight. Absurd situations are still going to happen to him, because seriously, this is Harry we're talking about, but they won't be quite so comedic.

Another difference is the fact that I'm not nearly as well travelled as RB at least made the appearance of being. I've only ever been three places in the world, if we don't count the airports I stopped at on the way to each of those. So most of my knowledge of the places Harry'll be going will be coming from Google. Thus I offer my most sincere apologies for any mistakes I make, or any offence incurred by citizens of those locations.

Yet another difference is the time period. Much like Brightest in Shadow, this takes place in current day. Summer of 2019, basically. At least insofar as things such as pop culture go. I'm going to avoid mentioning political issues such as Bexit and various other clusterfucks throughout the world as much as possible. Hell, maybe I'll say the referendum never got proposed in this reality because a wizard with common sense Imperioused David Cameron out of it. I don't know. I just don't want to deal with politics if I can help it.

In any case, I hope this satisfied as setup for the globetrotting that will be going on. Next chapter will be everyone discovering and dealing with Harry's vanishing act as he begins enjoying himself.

Don't forget that I have a Pat A Ron at dotcom /athanmortis, where you get a vote count equal to your donation you can choose to vote for which of my stories I update. Finding Healing is not on the poll for September because I hadn't finished the first chapter before I posted it, but it'll be an option for October. In the meantime, feel free to vote for any of the other options.

I think that's all there is to say. Till next time!