Well, the poll is in. I will stick to the canon pairings. Harry will be a member of the original cast. Maybe I'll right a spin-off story later about having a new team. But I'm sorry to say, the idea I have in mind will be different that what everyone has been suggesting. Hint: the character Harry will replace will NOT be Jaune. I know he could easily be replaced. The problem is I've seen it in other RWBY crossovers. I wanted to try someone different.
But don't worry. The character Harry will replace will still be in the story. Just in a different angle.
P.S. I don't own the songs used in this chapter.
It had been several years since Harry took a test using a number two pencil and 8x10 paper. He gotten so used to using a quill and parchment. It had also been a while since he sat in a chair with a single desk and staring an old-fashioned blackboard. One that used laser pointers, markers, and had a projector.
He's was at Signal, taking the admissions test for a fourth-year student. He had been busy for the past hour and had only been through half the questions. He was being tested so far on Geography, History, and Dust Applications. Most of the questions were multiple choice, so he at least had a chance to get the questions right. Some were fill-in-the-blank, which gave him a small difficulty most times.
His eyes were beginning to hurt, so he placed the pencil down and rubbed them.
"You okay, Mr. Potter?"
Harry looked towards the front to see his teacher, Miss Honeydew. She was the plant and science teacher at Signal. She was also a retired Huntress, whose evidence was shown by the scars on her arms from claws. Ruby and Yang said she was a student favorite.
"Eyes are just hurting," said Harry.
"You can take a break if you need to. This test isn't timed," she added kindly.
"I'm fine. I can still continue." He sat back down and looked over his paper.
Now he was onto Grimm. It was just a several questions of the most common monsters around the Vale kingdom and how to combat them.
Both Ruby and Yang spent most of last night helping Harry with his studying. Yang told him what she learned over her fourth-year while Ruby helped with what she learned so far. They also looked over notes they took in classes but didn't have any of their old tests or homework. Once they got them back and their father looked over their grades, the girls trashed them. Never to be reminded again.
Harry sighed and continued working.
An hour later, Harry had a chance to break for lunch and met with the girls on outside steps of the science building. Harry had to remain on campus, so the girls brought him lunch to eat outside.
"My brain feels like it's about to melt," Harry commented as he ate.
"I know the feeling," Yang replied.
"The day is half over," Ruby said, rubbing his shoulder in sympathy. "Hang in there."
"Thanks." Harry looked over his meal, only half finished. He covered the rest with the Styrofoam lid. "Better not eat all of this. Don't want to throw up on the obstacle course."
"Ready for it?" asked Yang.
Harry would soon be in the gym where months earlier, he remembered the rock walls, fake trees, and buildings would be to test his endurance, agility, and flexibility. He seen kids earlier jumping around them like professional gymnastics. It looked difficult.
"I think so," Harry answered. "Just need to keep focused."
"You'll be fine," said Ruby.
It was difficult. Taiyang placed flags over all the obstacles for Harry to grab. This time, he was timed and had to grab the flags in a certain order. His strength gave him an edge in jumping, but he wasn't flexible enough to swing around limbs or do fancy flips like he saw the other teens do. Harry tried to remember those spars he had with Qrow where he was agile and flexible enough to do those kinds of moves. However, it seems like Harry could only tap into that ability when he thought his life was in danger. He wondered why.
Next was the sparing ring. A different teacher, Alfred Gray, was his opponent. Since he lived with Taiyang and his daughters, Taiyang couldn't give any other tests to Harry for fear of favoritism. First, there was unarmed combat spar, with Harry landing only a few blows and blocking others. Some with his face.
Second, was the weapons spar.
Harry spent most of yesterday training with Ember Rose. The only new adjustment he had to make was his sword was now a single edge blade. Other than that, Harry's new sword was a marvel. Ruby and Yang didn't spare any expense. Perfectly sharp, well balanced, and seemed to move with ease. The sword reminded him the first time he rode his Firebolt. Ember Rose seemed to obey his mind instead of his touch.
His spar with Alfred Gray was evenly matched. Gray used a sword as well, but could barely keep with Harry once the boy found his groove. The two traded blows in near perfect synch when Gray overstepped and Harry used a disabling move Qrow taught him to knock the weapon out of the older man's hands. A flash of silver later and Harry's sword was at Gray's neck.
Those watching applauded. Ruby and Yang were cheering like nuts. Gray just smiled and shook Harry's hand.
Next was the shooting range. Yesterday, while he trained, it took a while for Harry to remember everything Ruby taught him about using a rifle. But after firing a few shots, it all came back to him. He used the shooting range from his first visit, scoring several 9-rings and a few bullseyes. Then, Harry finally found out what the room with the stairs was for. It was used for multiple targets the size of dinner plates. One target would flip up and Harry would only have a few seconds to shoot it before it flipped down.
Sometimes several targets would pop up. Some of the targets even moved in a horizontal direction.
Harry felt he did well here, even if he missed a few during the first seconds.
And finally…
"Ready to hunt some Grimm!" Yang said as she punched her fists together.
She, Ruby, Harry and several other students were called on by the village watch to hunt a pack of Beowolves that were spotted on the outskirts of town. Alfred and Taiyang accompanied them to see none of the students got hurt. They were also there to evaluate Harry's Grimm combat abilities.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Harry replied. Ember Rose rested on his back instead of his hip. The rifle modifications to the scabbard made it heavier than normal and caused Harry's belt to sink on his left side. On his back, the sword rested evenly. Harry had to learn how to draw the sword over his shoulder and how quickly use the rifle mode by grabbing the scabbard as well.
"Keep your mind on the task at hand everyone," Taiyang called out. "Always keep your guard up."
"Yes, sir!" everyone replied.
A few minutes later, they found the pack. Harry had taken the lead and was using his semblance to find the Grimm. He could sense the direction they were in but was having trouble determining the distance.
Then he froze.
"They're here," he told the others.
The more than a dozen Grimm burst from the tree line and charged the students. Harry reached over his shoulder and quickly withdrew his sword. Just in time to slash the head off a Beowolf who ambushed him.
Weapons clanged and guns fired as everyone engaged the Grimm. Over the noise, he could here Yang's shotguns and Ruby's sniper. Harry dodged another Beowolf only to slice it in half at the waist. Using momentum, he kicked another one in the face, shattering the bone mask and killing it with his strength.
'There's that strength and agility, right when I need it,' he thought.
"Help!" a voice cried.
Harry turned to see a boy pinned to the ground by a Beowolf. He had his staff to block the monster, but its teeth were snapping closer at the guy's neck. Harry pulled off his scabbard and locked the sword in rifle mode. Taking aim, he shot the Beowolf in the side where the heart was. The monster jerked, then disappeared in smoke.
"Thanks, man," said the guy as he got up.
"Anytime," Harry replied. He turned back to the battle. "Keep pushing them. We're gaining ground!"
"Right," said Ruby. She just used a spin move to kill three Beowolves at once. "Don't give up."
To everyone's surprise, an Alpha Beowolf emerged from the trees. This one stood over 10-feet tall, covered in bony armor and several spikes. Harry gripped his sword tighter, pointing the tip right at the monster's eyes.
"I'll fight him," he called out. "Finish off the others, then help when you can!"
"Be careful, Harry!" Ruby called out.
Harry charged forward, moving the sword at his side so he could give a strong swing. The Alpha roared and met Harry's charge. The Grimm struck first as it raised a large claw and swiped at Harry's head. He ducked, then brought his sword in an upward swing. It met the Beowolf's bony armor and clanged off it. He was able to chip a piece off, but that was it.
Harry gritted his teeth. Even with his strength and new sword, it was still difficult to cut through stronger Grimm's bone armor. Creeps, Beowolves, and some Ursa could take damage to their armor, but not Alphas or Majors. Harry would have to go for the weak points like the neck, or stomach.
The Alpha swiped at Harry again. He jumped back to avoid the claws, but one caught in the leg. He grunted as the pain raced up his leg, but his aura was able to protect him. When he landed, he quickly circled the Grimm, hoping to find an opening near the creature's spine. The Grimm followed him and lounged at Harry. He rolled out of the way and quickly got back to his feet. The Alpha straightened just as quickly and lounged again.
But there was a gunshot that hit the Grimm right in the face. It stopped it's charged and raised it paws to block another shot. Then there was a separate shot, then a shotgun blast.
Harry saw that his friends had finished off the other Beowolves and were now focusing their fire on the Alpha. The monster felt the bullets, but they didn't cause any harm. Everyone began surrounding the Alpha, firing their weapons at it. It was distracted, so Harry could finish it off.
"Yang give me a boost!" he yelled.
"You got it!" she said.
Yang cupped her hands together and Harry ran towards her. He stepped into her hands just as she launched him into the air. He flew high, higher than he would jumping. When he began to descend, he focused his Phoenix Fire into his hands. Into the handle of Ember Rose. Into the Dust crystal in the pommel.
The fire dust boosted his Phoenix Fire like it was poured with gasoline. Instead of a flame-edged sword, Ember Rose had become a raging inferno.
Harry raised his sword over his head, then slashed it down on the Alpha's skull. It carved cleanly through as easy as paper. He kept slicing through the body until he landed on the ground. The Alpha stood still for a moment before bursting into gold sand.
There was a moment of silence before everyone started cheering. Harry was rushed by the other students, who ruffled his hair and patted his shoulder. He smiled sheepishly at them all.
"Well done, everyone," Taiyang said as he approached them. "That was excellent teamwork."
"Harry's the real hero though," said Yang.
"Yeah, he took that thing head on with no hesitation," said one student.
"We all did it," said Harry. "I couldn't use that fire unless everyone distracted it and gave me time."
"Regardless, you should all be proud of yourselves," said Alfred Gray. "And I think you guys need to be rewarded for such efforts."
Everyone toasted their glasses together. Some were fill with soda, others with mild ginger beer available to over sixteen-year-olds.
There was an assortment of people at the bar. Harry, Yang, Ruby, Taiyang, Alfred, the students who fought the Grimm, and several of Yang and Rubies friends. The bar in question was available to all Huntsman, Huntresses, and In-Training cadets. It served drinks, BBQ, steaks, hamburgers and any side you wanted. Taiyang came here once a week to catch up with his fellow teachers and friends. Yang and Ruby sometimes went with him to have fun on karaoke night.
That's where Yang was now: on stage, wailing her head off and busting out eardrums. He recognized the song from Yang's song collection.
Harry was at a table with Tai, Ruby, one her friends named Jewel, and Gray.
"Congratulations, Harry!" said Taiyang over Yang's screeching. "Welcome to Signal!"
"Thanks," Harry said loudly. He was enjoying deep-fried fish with fries (he got weird looks when he said fish and chips) and a ginger beer. It tasted mild, but was good.
He just got his results an hour ago. He passed the written exam with a 75%, well enough to be accepted as a fourth-year. His combat abilities ranked at 93%. Not exactly the strongest on campus, but definitely in the top ten. In just over a week, he and Ruby will be attending Signal.
"Are you looking forward to attending?" asked Gray.
"You bet," answered Harry. And he was.
"Just watch, Harry will be kicking butt and taking names in no time," Ruby added.
"Ruby," Taiyang warned with a scowl.
"Well, he will," she added meekly. Everybody at the table laughed as Yang finished her set.
"Alright! Who's next?!" Yang said into the microphone. All her friends raised their hands and some other patrons raised theirs. She gazed over the crowd for a few seconds. "Harry! About you?"
Harry wasn't paying attention, mostly his taking a bite out of fish. When she said his name, he choked and started beating his chest to clear his airway. Taiyang slapped him on the back a couple of times.
"What did she say?" he croaked once he could breathe again.
"Come on!" Yang encouraged. Her friends egged him on as well.
"Give it a try," said Taiyang, smiling.
"No. I don't know how to sing," Harry protested.
"You think Yang can? I've heard cats yowl better than her. It's just for fun."
"You can do it," said Jewel.
"Please Harry?" asked Ruby. Her lip pouted and her eyes seem to shimmer with tears.
"Ummm….hughh! Fine," Harry relented. Ruby's begging face could be a weapon. "But don't ever use those eyes on me again."
Harry walked to the stage and everyone applauded. Yang handed him the microphone and led Harry to the screen where you can select the song. Harry thumbed through them, not recognizing any song he knew. He said that to Yang.
"The words are on the screen," Yang said. "You just have to read and sing them."
"I'd feel better knowing a song I knew," he answered.
Yang thought for a moment. Then smiled. "Why don't you sing a song from Earth?"
Harry thought about it. There were plenty of Earth songs he knew. You couldn't learn a few lyrics without Aunt Petunia's radio blasting in the kitchen or Dudley's horrible singing to rock songs in his room. There were also a few Wizard songs he knew as well.
"But I don't have any music. I haven't heard anything that could match the songs back on Earth."
"Just close your eyes and pretend there is," Yang said, then she hopped off the stage to join her dad and sister.
Everyone in the bar was now focused on him. Harry began to sweat a little.
Give me Death Eaters, Grimm, Voldemort, or a dragon any day, he thought
Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes. There was one song that could always cheer him up. It was from one his Aunt's favorite bands. She may not have been the best relative, but she had great taste in music. Pretending a guitar was playing Harry started.
"Yesterday….All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Suddenly….I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hangin' over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly."
Harry kept his closed as he sung. He didn't want to see the look of horror on everyone's faces at his horrible voice. But it was his song, one he couldn't help but sing along when he heard it. The Beatles were always a favorite of his, too.
"Oh, I believe in yesterday," Harry finished. He couldn't help but feel his heart lift at finishing. A second later, he opened his eyes.
Everyone in the bar was silent. Every jaw was dropped to the floor. The only sound was the sizzling of meat on the grill. The cook was staring at him while a beef patty was smoking. Harry could see a few people's eyes beginning to mist.
"Umm…I'll just leave this here," he said and placed the microphone on the ground, wincing as the feedback echoed in the bar.
He hurried out the door and into the sunset of Signal Bay. He walked for a few moments before he heard the doors slam open. Harry turned to see Ruby and Yang run out the door. Ruby used her speed and tackled Harry into a hug.
"Harry, where are you going?" she asked.
"Home. I feel like I kind of ruined the night."
"Harry, that song was beautiful. Why didn't you tell us you could sing?" asked Yang.
"Because I can't," said Harry, confused. "You mean I sounded good?"
"Good? It was amazing. I've never heard anything like that in my life," said Taiyang as he joined them. "And I've heard a lot of good songs in my time."
"It was like my heart was swelling in my chest," Ruby said.
"Yeah," Yang agreed. "Like it made me feel stronger, too."
Harry frowned. That was starting to sound like…
"Phoenix Song," said Harry.
"What?" asked everyone.
"I've heard the call of a phoenix three times in my life. The first time I heard it, Fawkes, my headmaster's phoenix, sang it to me when I was fighting the basilisk. It gave me courage and lifted my spirits."
"Exactly how we felt," said Yang.
"But how?" asked Ruby.
"I think it's another side effect from my wand's phoenix core," answered Harry. He frowned. "Makes me wonder what other surprises are in store for me."
"Nothing hurtful I hope," said Taiyang.
"I don't think so."
"Well, then. There's nothing we can do about it now. Let's not worry about it."
Ruby grabbed his arm. "Come on. Sing us another song."
"How about a rock song this time?" asked Yang.
Harry smiled. "I might have one."
Ruby pulled him back into the bar, where everyone was discussing Harry's song. When they saw him, everybody started clapping. Sheepishly, Harry smiled. Yang pushed him back on stage. He picked up the microphone and looked at the crowd.
"With this next song, I might need some help. I need everyone to do this." He put the microphone underneath his armpit. Then he stomped his foot twice and clapped. A second later, he did it again. Everybody soon followed along, keeping the beat in perfect synch.
"All right. Here we go," Harry said and placed the microphone to his lips.
"Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place, singin
We will, we will rock you!"
The next morning, the sun peeked into the bedroom and woke Harry up. He rose up, stretched his arms over his head, and headed to the bathroom. He did his business, then went downstairs to the kitchen to find Ruby and Yang eating breakfast. Yang was eating some healthy oatmeal while Ruby was eating Marshmallow Flakes. Harry smirked at seeing Pyrrha's picture on the cereal box next to Ruby.
"Morning, sleepyhead," said Yang. "Ready for training today?"
The teen trio were going into the woods to do hand-to-hand combat training. Yang wanted to make sure Ruby could take care of herself without Crescent Rose. She also wanted to spend as much time with her sister as she could.
"I guess. You're most likely going to wipe the floor with me," said Harry. Fighting using fists still wasn't his strong suit, even though he learned plenty. Harry looked around. "Where's your dad?"
"Outside," mumbled Ruby through a mouthful of flakes.
"He's taking a call."
On cue, Taiyang walked back into the kitchen from the outside door. He saw the three kids sitting at the table. He focused on Harry.
"You got plans, Harry?"
"I was going with Yang and Ruby to do some training," he answered.
"Well you're going to have to change them."
"Really? Why?"
"Someone from Vale wants to meet with you."
"What for?" asked Ruby.
"Don't know," said Taiyang. He sat down in front of his unfinished breakfast. "But it's from someone pretty important. And it has to be only Harry."
Yang and Ruby looked at Harry, concern marred their faces. Harry was nervous as well. Who would want to see him?
An hour later, Ruby and Yang headed off into the woods for training. Taiyang and Harry remained behind. A pot of tea was boiling on the stove. Harry was trying not to fidget while he sat on the couch. He nervously petted Zwei, who was sitting beside him. Taiyang sat in the armchair, reading a book.
Then there was knock at the door.
Taiyang put down his book, stood up and walked to the door. He opened it.
"Hello, Glynda."
"Good morning, Mr. Xiao Long," said a female voice.
Taiyang chuckled. "I've told you to call me Taiyang."
"Very well. Taiyang."
Taiyang stood back and let the woman step into the living room. She's a beautiful woman, blond, mid-thirties, and a little intimidating. She had a pair of glasses on her nose, which highlighted her lime-green eyes. She was wearing a white blouse, a black-pencil skirt, and heeled boots. Like Ruby, she was wearing a cape, only hers was black and had a tattered style on the bottom fringes. She was carrying a briefcase with her.
Harry stood as she approached. She held out a hand.
"Hello, Mr. Potter. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. I am the Assistant Headmistress of Beacon Academy."
"It's nice to meet you," said Harry and shook her hand.
"Would you like some tea?" asked Taiyang.
"I would love some. Thank you."
Taiyang went into the kitchen as Glynda sat down in the armchair. Zwei, noticing the newcomer, hopped off the couch and padded to her. Glynda lightly scratched his ears with a well-manicured hand. Zwei panted happily, wagging his tail.
Taiyang brought a tray into the living room and placed it on the coffee table. Then he sat beside Harry on the couch and poured the steaming pot into three cups. He handed one to Glynda, Harry and took one for himself.
"I hope you don't mind if I stay," Taiyang said.
"You are Harry's guardian, it would be okay," she answered. "In fact, it might be best."
"And how can I help you Miss Goodwitch?" asked Harry.
She took a sip of tea, then set the cup back onto the tray.
"Mr. Potter, we at Beacon are always on the lookout for students who have potential to be great Huntsmen and Huntresses. There are times we will even set out and search for students in other kingdoms."
"And what does that have to do with me?"
"Well, a certain bird has told us of your abilities."
Harry couldn't help but groan. "Does that drunk pigeon know how to keep a secret?"
Taiyang laughed and Goodwitch slightly smiled. It disappeared quickly though.
"We know about your healing abilities. Professor Ozpin told me about them when he met you and Mr. Branwen at the docks."
"And I can vouch for it as well," said Taiyang. "He healed an injury of mine once."
Goodwitch nodded. "I see. Tell me, how well do your tears work?"
Harry set his cup down and sighed. "During my travels over the summer, I came across a village that had just been attacked by Grimm. One man had an injury to his leg in which the leg was nearly severed. My tears were able to heal the injury and man's leg was able to grow back all the muscle and skin. In mere seconds, the leg was fully formed and undamaged. He was walking within minutes. I also found a woman who was nearly disemboweled by a Grimm. I used my tears again and the damaged organs were healed. They even moved back into the proper place in her abdomen. Seconds later, she was perfectly healthy."
Miss Goodwitch stared at him for a few moments. She had a calculated look on her face. "Forgive me Mr. Potter, but that almost sounds like-"
"Magic," finished Harry.
"Yes," she said slowly. "Very well then. Mr. Branwen has also told us about your semblance as well. Could you explain how it works?"
"I call it Seeker. Basically, I can tell the direction of anybody or object I form in my mind. The more details I have, the further the range I can sense."
"For example?" asked Goodwitch.
Harry stood and closed his eyes. A second later, he pointed behind him. "Ruby and Yang are in that direction." A second later he pointed in the opposite direction. "And Qrow is in that direction."
"You said you need details of the person or object in question?"
"I've spent a lot of time with Ruby, Yang and Qrow. I know of their personalities, their habits, favorite things, and even pet peeves. They're my friends. Because of that strong connection I have with them, I could possibly find them anywhere in Remnant."
"And if I wanted to you to find someone for me?" asked Goodwitch.
"Well, first I need a name. A picture would make the connection stronger, too." Harry took a piece of paper and pencil from a drawer from the stand next to the couch. He drew a vertical stroke, then a horizontal one to form a cross. Then drew arrows on each end of the lines. "My seeking abilities would be basically be searching in this pattern, pointing in one of four directions until I found my goal."
Harry then drew an 'X' over the lines. "The more information I have about the person or object, the precise my abilities become. Instead of four directions, it would become eight."
"What about distance?" Miss Goodwitch asked. "Can you sense distance to what you're looking for?"
"That's where it gets complicated," said Harry. "It could work, but that's when I would need something of importance to that person. If I had for example, Ruby's weapon or a lock of Yang's hair, it would work. But it would work similar to the Ice-Hot game we played as kids. They closer I would be to finding someone, the 'warmer' my abilities would be."
"Do you have complete control over your semblance?" asked Miss Goodwitch.
"I would like to think so."
Miss Goodwitch picked up her tea again and took another sip. When place it back down, she looked back at Harry.
"Very well. I need your services then."
Harry looked at Taiyang, confused. He gave Harry a small nod, encouraging him to accept. "Okay then. How can I help?"
Miss Goodwitch reached into her briefcase and pulled out a coffee mug. It was a white porcelain with two battle axes crossed over each other. "I would like to test your Semblance. I need you to find the owner of this mug."
Harry took the mug. "Who does it belong too?"
"Bartholomew Oobleck." Miss Goodwitch took out her scroll and showed him a picture. It was a tall, thin man with green, messy hair, large glasses, and was wearing a white shirt with a crooked yellow tie. "This is his favorite mug. He loves history, archeology, and coffee. He is Beacon's history and mythology teacher."
Harry nodded, remembering these facts. He gripped the mug with both hands, focusing on the man's image and his likes.
'Where is Bartholomew Oobleck?' he thought.
The compass in his mind immediately swung to the southeast, in the direction of town. And with the mug, he was able to sense the distance as well. It was…actually pretty 'warm'.
Harry opened his eyes. "I've got it. I think he may actually be in town."
Goodwitch stood up and grabbed her briefcase. "Can you show me, Mr. Potter?"
Harry looked at Taiyang, who nodded. He turned back to Goodwitch. "I can."
"Then let us be off."
Harry grabbed Ember Rose and the pair made their way down the dirt road to Signal. The bus wouldn't be available for another two hours, so it would have been quicker to walk. While they walked, Goodwitch mostly kept to herself. She only asked a couple of questions, mostly about Harry's training. Harry asked a few questions as well, but Goodwitch only gave one-answer replies. After a while, he just stopped asking
A half-hour later, they were in town. Harry had to stop only twice to use his semblance before it pointed him to the bistro where Minnie worked. Oobleck wasn't sitting outside, so he went in. There, in the far corner of the building, sat the Oobleck. He was drinking coffee and reading his scroll. When Harry and Goodwitch entered, he looked up and spotted them. In flash, he was standing in front him.
"Ah! Excellent! Excellent, indeed!" the man side excitedly. "Such a remarkable semblance used. Very useful. You must tell me tell the specifics of how you managed to find me so quickly. I mean…I was only here for less than an hour."
This man frightened Harry a little bit. It was like an adult, male version of Ruby with a little bit of Flitwick thrown in. Harry wondered if he had a speed semblance as well.
"I can tell you later, Bart," said Goodwitch.
Harry cleared his throat. "Hello, Professor Oobleck. It's nice to meet you."
Oobleck immediately stuck his face close to Harry's with an annoyed expression. "It's Dr. Oobleck. I didn't spend four years in classrooms to earn my PhD for nothing, after all."
"My apologies, Doctor," Harry said nervously.
"Bart, don't make the boy nervous," said Goodwitch. The man stood back and nodded. Then Goodwitch turned back to Harry. "Very good, Mr. Potter. Now, can you find another individual for me? This time, without a personal object."
She was testing him. Harry didn't know what her game was. But Taiyang trusted her so he could give her the benefit of the doubt. "Who?"
Goodwtich pulled out her Scroll and showed him a picture of an older man with bushy eyebrows and a moustache. He was wearing red jacket with gold buttons.
"This is Peter Port. He is Beacon's Grimm and Military Strategy teacher. He likes hunting, story-telling, and all-you-can-eat buffets. Sadly, he also likes to flirt with younger women and brag about what manly man he his. His biggest fear is mice."
Harry tried to not laugh at the man's fear, but couldn't help but snort a little. Both Oobleck and Goodwitch smiled when he did. Righting himself, he took a deep breath and focused.
'Where is Peter Port?'
His compass immediately pointed to the east. Harry stepped out of bistro and looked in that direction, seeing the ocean in front of him. He could feel the strength in the direction, so there was only one answer.
"He is in Vale," said Harry.
"We have transportation available," Goodwitch said. Harry followed her and Oobleck to the docks where a Bullhead was waiting for them. It must have been Beacon's personal airship.
They boarded and were landing in the dockyards with the hour. Harry stepped off and focused again, sensing the stronger direction. He followed his internal compass, pausing every few blocks to check his semblance and make sure he was going in the right direction since he couldn't sense how close Port was. Goodwitch and Oobleck followed behind him at a distance.
When Harry checked his semblance for the tenth time, he realized he overshot his position and now Mr. Port was in the opposite direction. He backtracked another block and found his compass pointing into the building he passed a few minutes earlier.
Garden View Apartments.
He used his semblance again and it pointed into the building. He also noticed that the arrow seemed to be pointing…up?
"He's here," said Harry to the teachers. He walked up to the door and pulled. It was locked. "How do we get in?"
"Don't worry about that Mr. Potter," said Goodwitch. She pulled out her scroll and called. She waited a moment before she started talking. "Port, you were supposed to be waiting at the Vale Greenery Café. Why are you at Garden View? Yes, we found you here. We're waiting outside."
A second later, Harry heard a window above him open. He could see Port hanging out the third story window. Problem was he wasn't wearing the jacket he saw in the picture. The man's chest was bare, and Harry almost lost his lunch at the man's saggy skin and hairy chest.
"I'll be right down," Port called from window. He ducked back in and shut the window.
Goodwitch growled. "Mr. Potter, please don't misunderstand the situation. We are professional Hunters and teachers. Professor Port is an elite Huntsman. And I will be having words with him."
"I believe you," Harry said.
A few minutes later, Port came out the front door, dressed and having a happy smile on his face.
"Glynda! Barty! How are you today?" he said in a loud voice.
"Port! What are you doing here?" said Goodwitch.
"Peter, you were supposed to be at the café. How did you end up here?" asked Oobleck.
Port looked embarrassed. "Well, I was at the café. I was regaling in tales about my youth hunting Grimm in the Emerald Forrest. I had quite a crowd gathered around me to hear my heroic stories. When I finished, a beautiful and charming lady wanted to hear more tales and invited back to her apartment for tea-"
"Stop," said Goodwitch, holding a hand out. "I don't want to hear anymore. Keep your private life private."
"Why, nothing of the sort happened."
"Peter, you had your jacket off," said Oobleck.
"It was merely warm in the apartment and the charming woman in question didn't have air conditioning."
"Yoo-hoo! Petey!" said a voice above them. All three of them looked up to see a pretty, voluptuous woman in a bathrobe hanging out the window. Harry blushed at cleavage he could see. "Come back anytime you want."
"I will, my dear," Port called up. He chuckled, but quickly stopped when he saw Goodwitch pointing a riding crop close to his face. "Fine. I'll shut up."
"Mr. Potter, I apologize for my colleague's behavior," Oobleck said quietly to Harry.
"It's fine," Harry said back. His answer led to Port focusing on him.
"Oh-ho-ho! This must be lad that's attracted Beacon's attention," Port bolstered loudly. "Yes, fine features indeed. And to be able to locate me using a semblance. He would indeed be a welcomed addition."
"I would?" asked Harry.
"One more test, Mr. Potter and you may be," said Goodwitch. She reached inside her briefcase and withdrew a small, glass amulet the size of a marble. Inside seemed to be miniscule, green light. "I need you to find the owner of this aura."
Harry took the amulet. "This is aura?"
Goodwitch nodded. "It's a special amulet that can hold someone's aura. It will last for a day before it dissipates. This time, this is all I can give you. No information."
Harry placed the amulet between his hands and focused. This was going to be more difficult than the others. It would require patience and focus.
'Where is the owner of this aura?'
His semblance seemed to swirl in different directions for a few seconds before it slowed down. Like a spinning needle, it twirled around in his head. Then, it bounced back in forth, pointing in the east direction.
"That way, I think," said Harry.
"You sure?" asked Goodwitch.
"It's the general direction," answered Harry. "I know aura would be personal item to the individual so it would have a strong connection. But I don't know the individual. So, I can't have a definite direction."
"Can we follow it?" asked Oobleck.
Harry didn't answer right away. He was focused where he sensed the individual. His gaze took him past the city to the cliffs. On top of the cliffs, was Vales CCT tower and Beacon Tower.
"The person is at Beacon, isn't it?" he asked Goodwitch.
She nodded. "Very good. We'll take the Bullhead to the academy."
The four made their way back to the docks and took the airship to Beacon. The landed on one of several large platforms for airships. As Harry stepped off, he got his first real look at Beacon. A stone-paved street lead to several rings of columns and what looked like Roman aqueducts. The street was surrounded by cut grass and maintained trees. When they made it to the amphitheater, there was a large, golden statue of a Huntsman and Huntress posing heroically on top of a Grimm.
The teachers pointed out the dorms, dining halls, classrooms, and ballroom as they walked past them. Soon after, Oobleck and Port excused themselves to finish work they had. Harry's Semblance was leading them to Beacon Tower. The closer they got; the more Harry had an idea of whose aura was in the amulet.
When Harry's Semblance pointed 'up', the two entered the lift. Not waiting for Harry, Goodwitch pushed the button for the top floor. Harry watched the numbers tick as they rose. The lift stopped and the doors opened to reveal one of the most unusual rooms Harry had seen.
The room was circular with a glass floor and ceiling. Both showed clockwork mechanisms that were moving in perfect synch. Half the room had glass windows showing a beautiful view of Beacon. Near the furthest one was a desk and a chair that also had clockwork decorations. And sitting in the chair was Ozpin.
"Welcome, Mr. Potter. I see you've found me," he said.
Harry handed him the amulet. "I'm surprised you were able to put your aura into that amulet, Headmaster."
"Small, but advance technology from a colleague in Atlas," Ozpin answered. He reached for two mugs on the desk and handed one to Harry. "And you were able to find my other colleagues as well."
Harry took a sip and tasted hot chocolate. "Yes, I was. The question is why."
Ozpin sipped his cup. "Did Qrow ever tell you what his mission was?"
"He only told me he was looking for someone who attacked a friend of his."
"I see." Ozpin sat back down at his desk. Goodwitch stood by his chair. "Mr. Potter, do you remember what you said your tears were when we were at the docks two months ago."
"Yes. I said they were magic. I asked if you believed in magic and you said yes."
"I do believe. And Qrow also told me a secret about your origins as well."
Harry swallowed, then scowled. "I wanted that to be kept secret."
Ozpin nodded. "I could understand why. It's not a very believable tale. But I can assure you that I believe you. And besides me and Miss Goodwitch, nobody else knows except the people you've told."
"Is there a way for me to go back?" asked Harry. A small glimmer of hope begun to rise in his chest.
Ozpin sadly shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't have the answers. As headmaster, I have access to many of Remnant's secrets and mysteries. But I'm afraid traveling to another world is not one I have discovered."
Harry's spirit sunk back down. He had adjusted in Remnant, but he always had a small hope that it would be possible to return to Earth.
"So why are you testing me? Is it related to Qrow's mission?"
"In a way," answered Ozpin.
Goodwitch jerked in surprise. "Ozpin!"
Ozpin held up a hand and Goodwitch silenced. "We don't need your help now. But we might need it in the future. And both your healing abilities and semblance will be needed when the time comes."
"Okay. I'll help out any way I can," said Harry. He didn't mind helping. But he hoped he wasn't biting off more than he could chew.
"Excellent," Ozpin reached into his desk and pulled out a sheet of paper. He handed it to Harry. "Then we'll need this back by the end of the week."
Harry took the form. His jaw dropped when he read the headline: Application for Beacon Academy.
"You want me to enroll at Beacon? But I'm just a fourth year in combat school. I've only been a Huntsman-in-training for two months. How could I apply to Beacon?" Harry asked.
"You have some very special talents, Mr. Potter." Ozpin placed his scroll on the desk and surface brightened with a white glow. Several holoscreens formed in thin air. On each screen was a video of Harry fighting: sparring with Qrow, his record punching machine, fighting the Gaze, and now, scenes from him fighting the Alpha Beowolf just yesterday.
Glynda Goodwitch stepped in. "Your academic scores border on average, but it would be enough to apply for Beacon. If you desire, I can arrange for tutors to help you with classwork. Your combat abilities are above average, easily acceptable to Beacon. And finally, Qrow Branwen vouched that you are ready as well."
"I'm especially interested in your ability to control fire," said Ozpin as he focused one screen of Harry using his Phoenix Fire. "Such an interesting power. One that can be put to good use."
Harry focused on the paper in front of him. This was not what he was expecting. He just passed his entrance exam yesterday. Never did he think he would be accepting into an academy so soon. Harry guessed it wasn't an opportunity that came very often.
He took a breath. "Is it okay if I have time to think about this?"
Ozpin nodded. "Of course, Mr. Potter. I must imagine this came as quite a shock to you. Take some time and discuss it with Mr. Xiao Long and his daughters. And if you choose not to accept, I will understand as well."
Harry stood up. "Thank you, Headmaster. And whether I accept or not, I'll still help."
"Thank you. And good day."
"You've got to accept!" said Ruby later that night.
Harry told everyone earlier at dinner of Ozpin's offer. He was shocked that the girls had faced an Ursa Major during their sparing session and was angry he couldn't be there to help. Especially when Yang was hurt in the encounter. The sisters just waved it off and started telling Harry why he should accept Beacon's invite.
Taiyang and Yang were all for it. Ruby was too. She and Harry were in his room, sitting on his bed. Harry had the academy papers in his hand, waiting to be filled out. Ruby sat at the foot of the bed; her legs curled up beneath her. Zwei was laying on her lap.
"What's wrong?" asked Ruby.
"I don't know if I'm ready," admitted Harry. "I mean, I just got accepted to Signal. I haven't been a Huntsman for very long. And the real reason Ozpin wants me there is because he needs me for something secret. I don't know what to think about that."
"Yeah, you're right. That does sound weird," said Ruby.
"And another thing, what about you?"
Ruby looked up, surprised. "Me?"
"If I go to Beacon with Yang, you'll be alone."
"I won't be alone. I've got friends," she said shyly.
"But not me or Yang. I was really looking forward to attending with you."
Ruby's cheeks dusted pinkly. "Thanks. I was hoping for the same. But Harry, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Dozens of Huntsmen and Huntresses would fight a horde of Grimm for an acceptance this early."
"If it was you, would you take it," asked Harry.
"Would you encourage me like Yang and I are encouraging you?"
Harry smiled. "Probably."
"Then take it." She reached her hand and grasped his. "I'll be fine. You and Yang can visit on the weekends in Vale. We'll hit the arcades and eat pizza until we puke."
Harry laughed.
Over the next week, Harry trained and studied as much as he could. He filled out the acceptance form and would go with Yang to Beacon. He kept teasing Ruby about sending his acceptance by changing his mind back and forth. Until Ruby snatched the letter with his papers and stuck in the Post Office drop herself.
By the time opening day arrived, Harry felt more confident in his abilities and studies. His combat skills were growing each day and he learned more as well. Miss Goodwitch did say if he needed a tutor, he would be assigned one. He just hoped it wouldn't come to that.
The day before Initiation, everyone went to Vale. Taiyang rented a hotel room for them to spend the night in. He and Ruby wanted to say goodbye to Yang and Harry the morning they left. Then they would travel back to Signal to catch the rest of the first day of Signal. Taiyang assured them he had teacher's privilege to excuse them.
That night, after they had dinner at a nice restaurant, Harry, Yang, and Taiyang went back to the hotel. Ruby wanted to go to From Dust till Dawn to get the new weapons magazine.
But nearly an hour later, she still had not come back.
"Should we go look for her?" asked Harry. He and Taiyang were sharing a room with two beds with the girls next door. Yang was sitting in an armchair, checking her scroll while Taiyang was brushing his teeth.
"Knowing Ruby, she probably is reading all the magazines in the store and forgot to call," said Yang.
Gurgling and spitting came from the bathroom and Taiyang stepped out. "We'll give her half an hour before we call her. It's not that late."
Then Taiyang's Scroll rang. He picked up and look at the screen.
"Speak of the devil. Hey, Ruby. What's up?" Taiyang listened for a few moments before his eyes bugged. "What?...What!?...WHAT!?"
"Dad, what's wrong?" Yang asked.
"What do you mean you've been arrested!?" yelled Taiyang. A moment later, he got louder. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO BEACON!?"
Bet they weren't expecting that. Hope everyone enjoyed the new chapter. Sorry if the ending was a little rushed. For some reason, I really couldn't focus when I was finishing this chapter.