Author has written 2 stories for Dungeons and Dragons, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, and Familiar of Zero. I'm a long time fan of fanfiction, but recently have gotten involved with writing up the D&D adventures that I run so that everyone can be on the same page when we all meet, even if some of the members haven't made it to the previous session. While I only have 4 chapters of 1 story posted, this may change, so if/when something does appear, please give constructive feedback. That having been said, I loathe people who give either flames or comment using misspellings and grossly bad grammar(ie "ur story suxs and you're last chapter runed everything"). Anything that I write will be spell-checked and the grammar reviewed to the best of my limited time and ability, so please do me the courtesy of doing the same to your reviews. Please, most people only write a few sentences for their reviews, it shouldn't be that hard to make sure they are grammatically correct. Personal Rant: I grew up reading fantasy and science fiction novels by the basket load and to this day have an entire wall in a room in my house dedicated to multiple bookshelves packed with various books. One thing they all have in common is that the authors generally attempt to follow the rules and fantasy conventions that they introduce in their various story worlds, i.e. magic follows X rules/formula, or as a result of Y event, the character responds. Thus, when I see books or anime(especially common in anime) where the creator has massive plot holes or retcons certain facts/events/magic powers into a story I get super angry (cough Naruto cough). Prime example: Naruto and all the super weapons introduced for one arc then never again discussed. Why do they always get used by the bad guys and yet not a single leaf ninja ever has one, despite defeating a multitude of said wielders. (ex. the Nidaimes lightning sword, chakra knives from the time travel arc, not taking Zabuza's sword,etc...) Another inconsistency: 1st season sees hands free wireless 2 way radios used to catch Tora on D-Rank mission! Most recent great shinobi war arc, ALL communication is done via super mind reading ninjutsu/bloodline/seals of Yamanaka or from a massive special lightning chakra specialist backpack sized radios that require lightning elemental chakra capable chuunin. WTF! AAAAAARRGGHH!!! RETCON!!!! Run for your lives! And lets not even talk about how Harry Potter ended. In comparison, I would recommend reading/watching the Hunter X Hunter anime/manga series. The special power system called Nen in this anime is one of the best, flexible, and logical setups that I have ever seen. Even special exceptions are included in the setup so that a wide variety of unique villain/hero powers can be logically explained and exploited by all the characters. Seriously though, if you want to see super powers done right, it is the best fantasy system I have ever seen outside of a role-playing game. Current Stories Dog of Zero chapter 3 finished and up, chapter 4, finished and up 6/30/13 chapter 5, finished and up 8/13/13 I am currently also working sporadically on several other stories in order to stimulate my muse and will get posted once I have several chapters and the will/time to edit them so they are fit to be read. SAO Therapist 12 ch done Naruto's Guardian Sylvari, outline/concept Bleach with a Brain, concept For those interested in Betaing, I am full up currently, but if you want to be considered for any later stories I may write/publish feel free to send a message. |