Well it's been awhile hasn't it? If you could please spare me a moment before proceeding with the chapter...

I've focused on The Forge fic for most of 2017 since many seemed to prefer having that updated over this one (from the messages and reviews at least).
For the readers of The Forge, expect an update within the week. It's done, just polishing out that one annoying fight scene I keep failing at.

Haven't been able to write much this 2018 however (last update was January for The Forge).
Having to shoulder medical bills and tuition fees meant that I needed to really put in more hours at work, and unfortunately that meant I had to put writing on the back-burner. I really love to write... but lack of time that I can dedicate to writing though part of it is burn-out from work really makes it hard.

Recently, an RL friend of mine had suggested I try makin treon for my stories. She also pointed out that I could try and get a reader base on my original works (which is a single novel and a few shorts).

Since I didn't have much to lose and since it seemed like it would be the perfect answer if it actually succeeded (would let me indulge in writing, would let me meet financial obligations, and would let me meet the expectations of my readers), I decided to take a shot at it.

Hence, I've made a blog that will host my original stories. The first of which is PLAYER/KILLER which you can check out at nukokon_word press_com.

The P a treon page (P a treon_com (slash) Nukoko) will be based around this story and the fanfics that I already have.
It is, of course, perfectly optional. I'll keep coming back to write regardless though it would certainly help a great deal.

This will be the last author's notes. I'll be saving the notes for when I do status updates on the blog or the p a treon page.

Note: Former chapters have been given minor edits. All thoughts, extras, omakes, and answer to review sections were removed.
These sections will be transferred to the blog so that this fic will only show the main story itself.

Now, let's begin the first chapter of the new arc!

===[Beyond the Answer]===

===[The Beautiful Fantasy – Kuoh Shopping District]===

Compared to the serene and calm parts of the town, the market district was bustling and full of energy.

Before the sun had even graced the skies, shutters were already opening to show the varied wares of the many shops located in the district.

Among the many shoppers however, was a unique sight. A tall, dark-skinned man with a build that tore away the eyes of the housewives from the fresh ingredients they would use for breakfast.

Lovingly grabbing the man's arm was a black-haired woman.

If the two were to be put in an anime, cute little hearts would have been flying around to punctuate the sweet atmosphere that they exuded. The couple seemed like a match made in heaven, and the way they looked at each other seem like they would never allow anything to separate them.

Most would find the display of affection nauseating or at the very least, those that have found themselves unfortunate enough to not have a significant other would have burned in jealousy. However, what made the shouts and thoughts of envy and jealousy from the crowd into almost a mindless and collective cooing was the figure of the little girl that was accompanying the couple.

The little girl had snow white complexion and jet black hair long enough to reach the ground. She was dressed in the cutest black sailor uniform that made her look like a doll. The way she squeezed herself in between the two adults and the way she tightly gripped the hem of their clothes was a display of weapon grade cuteness.

The many shoopkeeps couldn't help but smile at the site of this young family.


The quiet and demure way the little girl would look and plead to her father, the way her father would smile wryly, as if disapproving yet still acquiescing to the silent plea as he picks up the little girl and carries her in his arms, all while the wife there was nothing more in the world she could want, effectively melted the hearts of everyone watching.

From some discreet questions and inquiries of the more curious shop keepers, they found out that the father had just returned from his work overseas and the family had only been reunited recently. They had just moved in, excited to finally have the start of their cute little family.

The shop keepers, most of them past their 40s and with families of their own, couldn't help but smile, looking at a truly happy family. Most would always offer discount or an add-on every time the couple would make a purchase. The family would always put on an awkward smile, trying to refuse, but they would always insist.

After all, a family so happy to be together, a family that was clearly bound by love, almost deliriously happy together was such a rare sight to see in modern times that everyone wanted to fully support the family's happiness.

For the past two weeks, this has become the common sight in the shopping district.

===[Beyond the Answer]===

===[The Unfortunate Reality – Base of Operations]===

After exiting the shopping district, the 'young family' made their way through the street of the town of Kuoh.

Instead of going through the main roads, they discreetly went through a series of alleyways that eventually lead to a two storey building. The building itself was conveniently placed near the famed Kuoh Academy and the shopping district. It wasn't hidden but it was at least obscured and difficult to observe from afar.

Reaching the door, Emiya Shirou, the supposed father of the family bound by love, took out the keys from his pocket and opened the door to the apartment.

It was a studio-type apartment with a western feel. From the small hallway, they proceeded into the main room that served as a combination of the living room, dining room, and the kitchen. The respective areas were determined by the difference in flooring and had no dividers, with the living room being carpeted while the kitchen and dining room having laminated floors.

The three of them were all carrying groceries and placed them on the counter.

Taking their respective seats at the round dining table, the sweet family atmosphere that they exuded had suddenly disappeared, like it was just an illusion.

"Shirou, what's our status in terms of supplies?"

"Adequate. Considering the budget you've given me, we could sustain ourselves without any problems for the next month. The discounts and freebies we've received from the shop keepers have increased since we've enacted operation 'Loving family'."

Rin Tohsaka, the supposed love-struck wife, assumed a cold and frightening smile at his report.

[Operation: Loving Family] was something Rin had proposed in order to maximize their ability to procure supplies and basic necessities while minimizing our monetary expenditure.

The plan was simple. The three of them would play the roles of a sickeningly sweet and loving young family without a slightly dramatic yet believable background when they were out exploring the town.

He would play the stoic yet gentle father who just returned from overseas. Rin would be the loving and expressive wife. Ophis would be shy daughter. Together, they would convince the shopping district and the town that they were a simple family doing their best to live as together as a family and struggling to do so.

It was a plan that took advantage of the kindness of people and their willingness to help and it was by all rights a horrible thing to do, however aside from the fact that he had no qualms with the morality of the plan itself, he signed off on the plan due to two reasons.

The primary reason was that it was extremely practical. Being able to gain more resources while minimizing the usage of their limited budget was ideal and the act would help establish the three of them within the community.

The latter was especially important as Rin had made clear they would stay here for an extended amount of time. In those situations, it was better to establish a decent image to the civilian populace to avoid unnecessary problems in the future. It was inevitable that he would have to move together with Ophis in the future and he would rather not have to deal with the unfortunate implications that that would have.

The second reason was that Rin clearly prepared the situation in advance. In his long experience of dealing with her, he knew that simply going with the flow and adapting as necessary was the best course of action.

There was also the fact that the plan perfectly satisfied Rin's almost compulsive need to put a perfect public persona, though that wasn't something he had any intention on pointing out unless he was given the perfect opportunity.

"Ophis-chan, did you manage to confirm our local dragon?"

"Yes. I, have confirmed Ddraig's existence. I, have also confirmed that he had been turned into a devil."

This time, Rin turned towards Ophis, who had already devoured an entire box of donuts in the time we had sat around the dinner table and I finished speaking. Rin reached out to wipe the crumbs on her face while nodding and turning towards me to continue the report.

"Hyoudou Issei. Spiky brown hair, average height, hopeless pervert. Can often be seen doing standard grunt devil grunt work, delivering pamphlets and answering requests while traveling with a bicycle."

Every time he had encountered the boy since entering the town, he had found him involved in some kind of trouble due to his perversion. From what the small glimpses he had of the boy however, it seemed that there was some kindness inside the thick layer of idiocy and perversion he wore.

"Good! We're on schedule then. We'll be having a meeting with Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri, the devil princesses that are governing the area tomorrow. We'll discuss how that's supposed to go in the morning, for now, let's have some snacks!"

With a clap of her hands, Rin ended the short meeting, but before she could stand to start arranging the groceries, he decided it was about time to address the topic she'd been avoiding since their little reunion.

"Rin. You've avoided the question enough. Why are we here? What do you mean by saving me?"

Among the extensively long list of questions he wanted her to answer, that was the most important one. The only one that really mattered.

The smile on her face disappeared and she gave him a serious look.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she let out a sigh before shaking her head and letting out a rueful smile.

"Well this I guess this is as good as time as any… Would you mind if we discussed this while eating?"

===[Beyond the Answer]===

"The thing with Parallel worlds is that when you go into one, you'll find a world that was is largely the same from the world you come from but with a few key differences."

Popping a dumpling in her mouth, Rin reclined her back onto Shirou as she sat between his legs. On her lap, Ophis was munching on some convenience store melon bread.

It seemed like this was her preferred position.

"Eventually, after you cross enough, the amount of differences keep on stacking, until you find worlds that have diverged so far from your original world that you'd find its history completely different."

She raised her left hand facing the palm upwards. With the index finger of her right hand, she traced a horizontal line perpendicular to the fingers of her left hand.

"Of course, the major details are retained. Things like Physics and Mathematics are pretty consistent. To truly find a world where even those laws have become distorted, you probably have to cross through millions upon millions of parallel worlds-"

She paused to take a drink from the PET bottle.

"Now, let's talk about the Throne of Heroes. The throne itself exists within the Root, hence it is beyond the constraints of time. This means that no matter what world you're in, even if you go to a world that's extremely different from our original, that particular world would still access the same Throne."

Hence, even in the current world they were in, one where humanlike Devils and Angels existed, one where the phantasmal beasts were prolific, and one where a Shirou Emiya had likely never existed; he could still be summoned.

"That in mind, you can technically summon any Heroic Spirit as a Servant in any kind of world, though doing so in a world where their history doesn't exist would pretty much be borderline impossible as there would be nothing to connect the servant to that world."

He brought his mind back to the crimson pendant that had connected the two of them across different dimensions. It had been enough to be summoned by another Rin Tohsaka across many parallel worlds.

"Now, in order to ascend to the throne, there are only two known methods."

Rin continued, raising two fingers in the air.

Ophis, who had finished her snacks, had decided to rest her head on Rin's stomach.

"The first is observation and recognition. Simply put, those are two factors that contribute to the sublimation of a being into a standard heroic spirit. In your case, being the idiot that you are, you took the second path of forging a contract."

Proper Heroic Spirits were beings that performed deeds that no other could do. To possess qualities that no other could hold. Beings whose identity, whose actions, and whose achievements, were observed and recognized.

That was what could be considered the 'proper' method of ascension.

"That contract turned you into a Heroic Spirit without the recognition or worship but it also turned you into a puppet that enacted the will of Alaya. The goal here is to remove you from that position by making ascending you with the proper method."

Which meant that she planned on him matching the deeds that other heroes of legend had achieved. A feat of heroism or villainy that would be so great that it would be spoken of as a myth or a legend in countless years to come.

It was a completely stupid idea.

"Rin, that's absurd…. Even if I achieve anything of note here, it'll be completely pointless. I'm a Servant, nothing but another instance, a copy of the original Shirou Emiya that's still in the Throne. How you think this will work—"

"A Servant Shirou? What gave you that idea?"

That question made him stop cold.

Rin shifted her position, enough that she was sitting sideways relative to him.

Her eyes met his own as his mind raced to put the pieces together. He could see determination in those blue eyes. Determination mixed with a hint of madness.

"How can the 'main body' of a Heroic Spirit be summoned Shirou?"

"… The World. Only the World itself supposedly has the ability to summon our 'main body'."

There was a bit of hesitation in his answer as pieces started falling into place.

Rin smiled as she patted Ophis' head, who was using Rin's stomach as a pillow.

"Did you know Shirou? The Swirl of the Root, the so called Akashic records, is actually a placeholder name used to refer to Nothingness? It's rather difficult to explain… but I guess Ophis-chan here would know better… after all she was born from Nothingness."

He grimaced as the last detail became apparent.

A being born from 'Nothingness' of infinity. One who can be said to hold the origin of 'Nothingness'.

An existence that was not only the personification of the will of the earth but also likely holds a direct connection to the Root.

He could only imagine what kind of power Ophis actually held.

"Isn't it interesting Emiya-kun? For someone this adorable to hold so much significance. I searched so many worlds… explored so many possibilities… until eventually, I happened upon Ophis-chan."

He could only imagine what it took for Rin to find this world. A dimensions that not only held all the elements needed for her to succeed in her goal but also a dimensions where those elements were in the correct combination and order she needed to succeed.

"Will it work? Being perfectly honest, it's pretty unlikely. It's something that required a lot of liberty in interpreting the mechanics of how Heroic Spirits are deified and not something that can actually be tested in a laboratory. However, among every possibility I've studied, this is the only one with a sliver of a chance…"

It was likely that the Rin's plan wouldn't work. In fact, it was likely that her plan hinged on something that would require several miracles to occur.

However, what truly silenced him was that she had found the one method that had something beyond absolute zero.

===[Beyond the Answer]===

==[The Starting Point – Rin Tohsaka]==

The meeting with the devils was thankfully scheduled in the afternoon, right after lunch time.

One of the things I've come to realize as I lived a life far longer than the average human being was that if you weren't a morning person, you will never be a morning person.

Hence, with very strict instructions, I had Shirou and Ophis-chan wake me up at 6 o'clock sharp so I can start my morning recovery period earlier.

The coffee that Shirou brewed was expertly done and had helped in my transformation from 'zombie that just walked out of the grave' to 'stunningly beautiful girl' in the time it took to finish the drink.

Whoever it was that invented coffee needs to be given some kind of distinction. The thing was borderline True Magic in my book.

"A bounded field."

Shirou commented as he walked beside me, with Ophis-chan happily sitting on his shoulders. He was more solemn than usual, having already entered a state of alertness you'd see in a soldier that was prepared for a battle.

From my peripheral vision, I could see him observing every aspect of the surroundings, identifying possible points of attacks and points of escape.

He was wearing a black button down sleeveless shirt, black skinny jeans, and leather shoes. I made sure to pat his hear down, to make him a bit less intimidating. Image was important to a Hero after all.

His attire also complimented my own set of red blouse, black pencil skirt, and heels. Your standard classy office attire.

With Ophis wearing her sailor uniform, we looked like a married couple straight out of the office, escorting their kids to school.

"This should be the place."

I stopped in front of the large black gate of the school.

From the needlessly elaborate fountain that marked the centre of the campus to the fact that every single building was so clean and pristine that they looked new, I could only consider it one of the more lavish schools I've seen.

The place was rather empty due to the fact that it was a weekend, though there were quite a few people busy with doing general cleaning and maintenance.

"Good day. You must be Tohsaka-san?"

Right after entering the premises of the school, we were greeted by a very stacked black haired beauty. I'd like to stress the very stacked part, because she possessed proportions that you'd only really find common in teenage fantasies.

Himejima Akeno. Fallen Angel turned devil. The 'Queen' piece. Specialized in lightning based magic and serves as the second in command of her peerage. A pervert.

She greeted us with a gentle smile as she looked at each of us but it was easy to see from her body language that she was being cautious.

"Yes, the two beside me are my bodyguards, Emiya Shirou and Ophis. You must be Himejima-san, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Giving my best business smile, I approached the former fallen angel and shook her hand.

I had no intention to really hide either of their identities since it was pointless for the most part.

Shirou's name was going to be spread far and wide sooner or later so hiding it was counter-productive.

Ophis-chan's name and appearance on the other hand, was only really known by the higher authorities of the respective factions in the world. Anyone who would actually be able to recognize her would know enough not to get in the way unless they want to provoke a reaction from a Dragon God.

"It's a pleasure as well! Please follow me, my King, Rias Gremory is waiting for you. Another King, Sona Sitri, and her Queen, Tsubaki Shinra are also at the meeting place already as well."

We were guided through the campus, with playing the part of a playful tour guide.

Just as Shirou was likely busy searching for the ideal paths for escapes and infiltration, I was taking stock of the bounded fields and enchantments I could detect.

There were quite a few, though most seemed to be focused on detection, alert, and preservation. There weren't traps, which was expected from an area frequented by a large amount of normal human beings and non-humans not aligned with the devils.

It was perfectly fine for an area that was at peace. From the perspective of the devils governing the area, any threat could likely be handled by their own abilities and it was unlikely that the place would be subjected to some kind of large scale attack.

Too bad that peace time wouldn't be lasting at all.

"We're here. It's quite old but the Old Schoolhouse will be serve as the place for our meeting."

It was a three storey building, with the third serving as a small clock tower. Its location was actually quite a ways off from the main campus, with a veritable forest surrounding its premises.

Himejima entered the building, waving us in casually, and lead us into what seemed to be clubroom that looked like it was decorated by someone from born in 19th century Europe.

"Hmmm, welcome!"

Sitting on one of the Victorian styled chairs with a cheerful smile, was yet another unreasonably stacked red haired beauty. Rias Gremory. The 'King' of her peerage. Bears the infamous 'Power of Destruction'. The younger sister of the current Lucifer.

She showed a mature and amicable persona. The dependable senior and caring older sister type character.

"Yes. Welcome to Kuoh Academy. As you may know, I'm Sona Sitri, beside me is my Queen, Tsubaki."

"A pleasure to meet you."

In contrast to Gremory, Sitri and her Queen were far more strict and professional. In stark contrast to the two sitting beside them, both Sitri and Tsubaki had proportions that were within the realm of reality and appearances that actually made them look like Japanese natives.

"Tohsaka Rin. A magician."

With an amicable business smile myself, I took a seat.

Shirou, as per our morning meeting, stood silently beside me, mirroring the Queens of the devil peerage. Ophis-chan in contrast, sat on snugly on my lap.

Right, it was time we finally get this show started.

===[Beyond the Answer]===

===[The Holy Maiden – Asia Argento]===

"You knew didn't you?"

As she sat with her back to the tree, sitting on one of its roots, her saviour had decided to ask her a question while the little girl with black hair handed her a bowl of soup.

Her saviour's appearance and accent told her that they weren't native to the country. They seemed to be travellers though she had yet to ask properly.


She tilted her in confusion. She had been called sheltered and was sure that there were a lot of things she needed to learn.

"That he wasn't human."

It had been two weeks since she had joined the pair in their travels. Two weeks after she was excommunicated.

Two weeks after they had saved her from the devil she had healed, the same one that attempted to have his way with her.

She nodded her head in response.

"Yes. I was able to determine that he wasn't human."

"Why heal him then?"

"Because he was hurt."

She didn't particularly understand why her saviour seemed curious about her reasons.

She had found someone that was injured and she had the ability to heal.

It was a power that had been given to her by God so it was only normal that she would use it to help heal anyone in need.

"The injury on that devil was self-inflicted. A ploy orchestrated specifically to remove you from the good graces of the Church and take you for himself. Had you known that, would you have healed him still?"


The answer left her lips without hesitation.

For her, there was no need to question the situation that had caused the injury.

She always believed she was born so she could ease the pain of others.

"Is that so…"

"Asia... Asia. It's time to go."


Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she opened her eyes to find herself inside a stone chapel, sitting on a wooden bench.

It had been a while since she last dreamed of her time with her savior.

It's been over a month since they had parted ways.

"Ah… I apologize Miss Xenovia!"

"Calm down, there's no harm done. We travelled quite far on foot and though you had been trained under that woman as well, you still need a bit more until you can match my pace."

Her blue haired friend and fellow exorcist gave her a small smile.

Though she was being comforted and she knew it was true, she still felt a sense of shame. When her saviour had left her in the care of Sir Gesualdo and Lady Quarta, she was intent on making sure that she could fulfil her responsibilities.

"Oh, Miss Xenovia, could that be the Excalibur?"

Taking notice of the large case beside her friend, she immediately realized its contents.

"The Excalibur of Destruction. It's a bit more difficult to carry compared to your Excalibur of Mimicry, but it packs quite a bit of power."

"Does this mean we will finally make our way to the land of Japan?"

"You seem excited, any reason for that?"

"Yes! Lady Quatra had told me that Sir Emiya is there. I would like to show him and Miss Ophis how far I've come!"

She couldn't help but sound excited at the prospect.

It had been a while since she had gotten to see her saviour, Sir Emiya and her first friend, Miss Dragon. She had wanted to be able to show the progress she's made since their parting.

"Well we still have a few things to take care of. We need to gather and validated some of the information before we can make a move… I'm not particularly good with that stuff so I'll rely on you for that."

"Of course! Shall we go then?"

Standing up, she reached for the cross hanging from her neck out of instinct.

She held the cross and clenched it for a moment, saying a short prayer in her mind.

A prayer for safe travel and a prayer for a happy reunion.

===[Beyond the Answer]===

===[Chapter End]===

Your standard arc starter chapter. Indulged in a bit of humor

Thank you for reading and leave a review if you have time!