Author has written 10 stories for Transformers, and Transformers/Beast Wars. A Personal Note to All My Readers: When I first started out, I had readers in just a handful of countries. Australia, America, and Canada being among them. Today, on June 3, 2013, I went and looked at my stats. I have readers in an estimated 55 countries. (I say estimated because I'm not sure if one of them counts as a separate country.) Fifty five countries. Now I'm not bragging. Seriously, I'm not. I'm writing this for one purpose and one purpose only--to express my sincere gratitude to you all. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my stories would be read around the world like this. I wrote down the list of countries and by the time I was finished I had to stop and take a deep breath. This...this is utterly astounding. You blew me away. I started out thinking I would be lucky if people even bothered to read my work, let alone leave a review. Yet, for this month alone, a mere three days, my stories have received 4329 views and 1161 visitors. Antebellum so far has 207 reviews. The rest of my stories have amassed a total collection of 158 reviews. That's over 350 reviews for 9 stories. Far beyond my dreams and expectations. There is a reason that, despite how long it takes to update, I will not abandon my stories. You people thank me for updating, well, you're the reason that I do. Seriously, without your amazing support, there would be NO updates. At all. My pitiful, cliché (according to spellcheck) words fail to express the depth of my gratitude to you, but thank you. A million times over, thank you. Welcome, person, to the randomness and insanity of the realm of the Savvy of the Enigma, she who leaves long and crazy reviews, master of insane babbling, creator of . . . stuffs, mostly consisting of letters forming words strung together to form paragraphs . . . Fear the stupidity of my random spiels which I have posted here! Beware of the Savvy of the Enigma, for she is even more enigmatic and twice as savvy and all-knowing in the art of insanity as before! . . . Yes, I know. I’m crazy. And I honestly have no clue where this came from . . . *confused and slightly disturbed look directed at insane muse, who appears to be disguised as either a mutated tap dancing carrot or an evil smiley face waltzing with a bright pink plot bunny . . .* (don't pay any attention to that. *points upward* really, all it is is some random insane letters that make up some even randomer insaner words that apparently are supposed to mean absolutely nothing.) STORY UPDATE INFORMATION: Stories currently being worked on: Antebellum: In progress... Dynamite and Drabble: In progress...randomly updated Stories currently on hiatus: Mechanic Continued Shadows of a Memory Behind the Mask A Crimson Snowflake Faith to Fly on a Shattered Wing Lessons in Art Completed works: Detours and Secrets PLEASE READ THE NOTICE BELOW! I will not be posting anything until the end of March, as I'm going on a trip and I don't know what kind of internet I'll have. (Plus, my computer wants to die on me.) I recently read a Star Trek:2009 fic. It was the most touching thing I've read on this sight, and it wasn't because of the fic itself, but because of the author. To the Supernova I never knew, Disastorous Logic a.k.a Amathyst, who caused me to cry as if I had lost someone very close, and passed away before her fic could be completed, I dedicate this poem. As a rose petal drops into calm waters, And ripples spread to pool's edge, So was she But unlike a ripple, She left an imprint, Like a petal carved in stone, And a legacy of hope and determination. As a supernova's final blaze, And a brightly burning ember, So was she Here one moment, gone the next, Leaving a lasting mark On those she left behind. A few things about me: I enjoy the outdoors, writing, painting, music, stars, peace, and reading. I like red and black, most animals, and Transformers. Currently, my muses are all Transformers, and I am open to suggestions for stories, should anyone wish to give them. If anyone has a problem with my stories, please don't flame me, but give your honest opinion. I cannot say that I am a fantastic writer, but I do my best. I won't ask for reviews for my own stories, but they are encouraging, so I would like to personally request that those who read other authors stories review them. I'm sure they'd appreciate it. Thank you for reading. I changed my name, and I'll probably change it again to SavvyEnigma instead of SavvyEnigmaxBanditgal. The name Banditgal didn't sound right anymore, sorry for any inconvenience. |