Author has written 123 stories for Pokémon, Doctor Who, Transformers, Transformers/Beast Wars, Dinotopia, and Jurassic Park. Hi, 31/10/28 Hapoy Halloween! Here’s a very quick, if overdue, update. Health: Seizures: Still unstable and unpredictable. Arteriovenous malformation: Stable. Hystectomy: done, ovaries left in, the rest taken out. Best decision I ever made. Writing status: Not on fire like a few years ago but on a roll with current stories (particularly “Soundwave’s Greatest Hits.”) More details later. Thank you. 24/04/16 Well, health issues are back and are annoying, I will write what and when I can, but between being put into temporary but sudden menopause by medical means to get me ready for a hysterectomy, (which I have now had and am recovering from in hospital) I may not have a great deal of time to squeeze in actual writing. One thing I have found is I am so. Very. Tired. ALL. The Time. Plus they want to investigate the arteriovenous malformation an MRI picked up in my brain. Good news: if they are stable(which mine appears to be) they usually stay stable and cause few issues. Bad news: They can destabilise and cause a bleed and the older a person gets, the greater the risk. I have now had an angiogram to find out if it is stable enough to leave it alone, or whether I'll need surgery or other methods to deal with it if it is not. I get to see the neurosurgeon for the verdict on that in June. Please forgive me. For me, the news that the biopsy came back clear of cancer is very good news and a weight off my mind. Just a heads up: I have several stories in progress, but can only write so many at the same time. Here's a list of what's being written and what is planned. In progress (meaning the writing of the next chapter has actually progressed past one page.) "Persephone" (Sequel to "Betrayal,") first eight chapters up, chapters 9 and 10 complete, chapter 11 in progress. The Beginning Of The End Of The War - Cracky bunny adopted from the TFBunny farm - first and second chapters are up. Third chapter has yet to be started. For The Race - Protection - First five chapters posted, next chapter written but not yet published. For The Race - Queen Bee - First four chapters are now up, chapter five written and waiting to go up. Life: Interrupted -first few chapters up but currently stalled, but hopefully not for long. When Seekers Protect: First five chapters up, Sixth soon to be started. Reincarnation: First few chapters up, currently stalled. Bumblebee: A Mech Out Of His Time - Chapter 7 has now been added, but this story is now on hiatus for a time till the next chapter is written, which may take some time, Seekers In Training - (Sequel to "Seeker In Crisis) - Chapter Five added, but this story is now on hiatus until another chapter is written. Ultimatum -Started but not yet posted. All's Fair In Love And War - Request/gift fic for Rian Moeru - Barricade fic previously untitled - Now back in progress, first four chapters are up. Currently stalled. Titleless OC and Barricade fic (no sexual relationship) -Started but not published. Continuation of "Lifesource" - Two new chapters posted, one new chapter in progress. Planned but not written: Expansion of the last two of Sam's Snippets into full stories due to popular request. Continuation of "Taking Liberties" due to an over-abrupt cut-off and requests for more Megatron-as-femme request fic - First chapter in progress. Hope this clarifies what I am and am not dealing with right now. I have read some stuff recently about the Review Revolution on here, which means that if you read something on here you leave at least one review. I don't read a lot, but that has always been my philosophy, so I guess I joined it, without knowing, years ago. So here I am, publicly stating it. If I read your story, I will always leave at least one review. Well, my Muse is well and truly back, hopefully for a long time. Thank you to everyone who is following me, my stories, or favouriting my stories, and of course, last but not least, reviews are wonderful. Everyone, you rock! On the subject of reviews, they act like fuel for me for my writing, it encourages me to keep writing, And I love to write. So for those of you who favourite, follow, or review, a thousand thank yous, you are wonderful people! 26/09/2015 Well, after battling health issues of my own and other issues in my life (both ongoing battles) I've put up a new story (one shot) for the first time in ages. I have one little request: if you like something of mine enough to favourite it, a review for feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to ask questions and make fic requests, I also battle writer's block, and such things help! The good news is that my mum has now been in remission from her cancer for 5 years. 4/4/13 Between my own health problems, my family's issues, my boyfriend's problems, and receiving confirmation that one of my 'friends' is actually talking about me behind my back,I've not got much writing done at all. I've started one or two new stories, and a crossover fic, but found no inspiration for some of my as yet uncompleted fics. I promse to try, but in the last few days discovered that one of my friends who had several problems and no professional support felt unable to cope with living any more and took her own life. My thoughts are with her family. Not oly do I have female health issues, but my thyroid's decided to join in the 'fun' and now I can't get my other issues sorted till the doctors find out what's wrong with that. Over the last three years I've seen way more than I ever wanted to of the insides of various hospitals -Norwich University Hospital, Whipps Cross, Newham General, and St Bart's to be precise. Ah well, such is life, I guess... You know me here as LittleMewLugia, but I am also known online as Lugianna, Juliearticuno and Amber the velociraptor. On Deviantart I am Adenine-Thymine. Stories ETC: Am finding with some of my stories I seem to be getting little or no inspiration for them ("Life: interrupted" and "Scientific Method" spring to mind.) The other stories are going slowly, although writer’s block is getting in the way…grr! I also have to point out one of my biggest bugbears: favoriting without reviewing. If I read a story I like enough to favorite, I will always leave at least one review. I don't ask for a review every chapter, especially on some of my longer fics, but when I open my inbox and find a list of favorited alerts and not one review, it's a little disappointing. If you like it enough to favorite it, isn't it worth one little comment, even if it's just to say you liked it? Or even to say that you're partway through it and have faved it to find again? Please? As Dancinglemur and other people have succinctly pointed out, as TF’s are a non-biological entity, the concept of ‘gender’ as we know it doesn’t make a lot of sense. However, as I am lazy and in some ways an incurable romantic, I usually have TF’s with gender. Also I write slash and femslash, but with most of my stories there will be a warning either at the beginning or somewhere further in. I have also written stories with multiple partners in.. though if you've read many of my stories, you'll know that already. Love is love, who cares what gender (or number) are involved, especially where robots are concerned? Be aware that yes, I write fluff, smut, slash, het and pretty much everything in between. I also, especially if your request spawns a bunny that bites me hard enough, take requests. Just be aware I do not write excessive violence, protracted torture, alternate universes featuring evil Autobots, or non-con. I dislike writing ongoing angst and am a bit of a bugger for happy endings. A general guide would be to send me a PM and ask: the worst that will happen is that I'll say no, and if I say no I'll always explain why. I am more likely to say yes. There are also certain pairings (in a sexual context) I am reluctant to do except as crack pairings as without a crack element I cannot see them being consensual. These would include (but would not neccesarily be restricted to) SamxStarscream, BumblebeexStarscream, MikaelaxMegatron, and similar such pairings. This does not mean you can't ASK for these pairings, just that you may not get them, or may not get them with a sexual element, or there may be a sexual element, but the story would be crack (an example would be “A Favour For A Favour.”) Non-sexual pairings are different: "Delta Angel" involves Starscream and Annabelle Lennox but is innocent. Similarly, my Barricade/Annabelle Lennox is innocent, if leaving ‘Cade stressed out. I like writing fluff, but don't get many ideas. If you want a fluff pairing, go right ahead and ask! I have received (thankfully not recently, and only a couple of) reviews and PM's that have quite rudely told me to hurry up with the frequency of my updates. Here's the situation. Not only do I have real life issues and concerns which occasionally bites me on the aft hard enough to keep me away from my writing for weeks at a time, no matter how hard the plot bunnies bite, but both I and my Muses have off days, and we both like to have breaks and holidays. Please respect this, and do not chivvy me or pester me if I haven't written for a while. Asking if I'll be updating this or that story any time soon is acceptable: telling me to hurry up or scolding me for not updating quickly enough for your tastes is not. Also, being rude about it anonymously is just bad manners. Thanks very much to my readers: Favorites and author alerts make me very happy, and to all those who take the time to review me, here's a big THANK YOU to you all: you make my day! Thanks for kind comments, additional bunny ideas (credit will ALWAYS be given for this) and for pointing out errors, in either plot, spelling, or just dumbaft mistakes (or mistakes that I, as a Brit, make about America or American systems.) ConCrit is good, and sometimes a writer's best friend. Over 9 years ago, I found I have Asperger's Syndrome. So if you find some of my stuff strange or off the wall-that's probably why! And Aspies tend to have obsessions. My latest and current greatest is the 2007/2009 Transformers movies. I am currently archiving a LOT (make that only) of Transformers movieverse-based fan-fic, so if that's your thing, take a gander at my stories! Be aware that yes, I write fluff, smut, slash, het and pretty much everything in between. If you have a LiveJournal account, you might want to take a visit to the Transformers Movie community TF2007fun. On Livejournal I am known as Lugianna. I am female, 5ft1, and I like to think of myself as friendly. My eyes are green and my hair is brown, beginning to show flecks of silver. The rest is subject to change. Want to know anything else? Want to ask me a question? Please feel free to PM me. |
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