Living with Autobots.

Summary: Sam thought that once Barricade and Starscream had repaid their debts, his problems were over. Then he finds out Optimus Prime also feels he owes him...A sequel to "From The Bottom Up" which is itself a sequel to "Code Of Honour."

Rating: M for safety

Disclaimer: Transformers belongs to Hasbro/Paramount, not me.

Continuity: Movieverse.

Living with Autobots.

When a large flame-patterned semi truck pulled up on the side of the road outside their house, Ron and Judy Witwicky were a little mystified. When the driver got out, they assumed he was after directions. When said driver assisted their sole son (who had one arm in a sling) out of the cab, they gave up wondering and headed to the front door, intending to ask.

"Mom, Dad, hi, meet Op, he'll kinda be staying with us, if you're still willing to take a lodger? Or I can stay with him? Is that okay?" Sam babbled before either Ron or Judy could say a word. Both the older Witwickys looked at the rugged-looking truck driver, who nodded in acknowledgement, and then at each other. Both knew that when Sam spouted off like that, he was hiding something.

"I think we need to all go inside and talk, Sam, and I don't want anything left out. I want the truth from you Sam, there's been too much secrecy around you recently, and don't fob me off with 'National Security!'" Ron said.

Sam had opened his mouth, about to use this point exactly, and shut it again, suddenly lost for words. It was then that the truck driver spoke. "Sam, I think they are right. They deserve to know the truth as your Creators, and as your position could put them at risk."

Optimus' voice as a holoform was the same as his usual voice, and both Ron and Judy appeared stunned into silence by the rich tones. Judy was openly staring in admiration, while Ron was looking surprised at a trucker having the voice of a public speaker. Even Sam was staring at Optimus' holoform, but more in horror than amazement, because he thought he knew where Optimus was going, and the middle of the street was the wrong place for what would inevitably need to follow – proof.

"Op, no, not here!" he begged. Optimus looked around and nodded.

"Your son is correct, but you need to know. What you will hear and see is a secret, one your country does wish to preserve, but you do have a right to be informed. Please get into your vehicle and follow me, and then all your questions will be answered." At their uncertain look, he said "Please, Mr and Mrs Witwicky, trust me, and if you cannot trust me, trust your son."

"Mom, Dad, honestly, it'll be safe enough, and I think he's right, you need to know about everything. I'm sick of lying to you because the Government say you mustn't know. I'm sick of having to make excuses to you. Come with us to the Lookout and I'll give you the whole scoop, no holds barred, and so will Op."

"Well, this had better be good," Ron said as he dug in his pocket for the keys to his Porsche. "We'll just follow you, right?" he asked Optimus.

"It might be easier if your son accompanies you in your car. With one of his arms damaged, getting in and out of my cab could be awkward. Plus he knows the way if we get separated. With the increased traffic after the recent earthquake, that could happen."

Sam nodded, and went with Ron and Judy. Once they were in the car, Ron said "What's this all about son?" Sam sighed.

"Please, just wait till we get to the Lookout, it'll only take ten minutes. That way, I can prove what we'll be telling you." Ron sighed.

"Okay, we'll do it your way, son, but this had better be worth it."

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Sam's parents, because of Mission City and Bumblebee's changed appearance, knew the basics about Mission City and the Autobot -Decepticon conflict, but Bumblebee was the only Autobot they had actually met, and they had only seen him the once in robot form. Sam had to admit that Optimus had taken the right attitude with his parents.

As they got out of the car, and Ron asked Sam "Okay, Son, you promised us an explanation," Sam heard a familiar sound, and with practiced nonchalance indicated with his thumb over his shoulder at where Optimus was mid-way through transforming.

Sam's parents stood there with their mouths gaping open as they watched a semi-truck turn into twenty-eight foot of imposing Autobot leader. As he had when first meeting Sam, Optimus sank to his hands and knees to bring his head down to their level.

"Greetings, Mr and Mrs Witwicky, I am Optimus Prime. I apologise for the inconvenience, but your son and I have a matter which we must settle. Your son has saved my life one more time than I have saved his, and for this reason, I must repay him. It is a debt of honour laid upon me, as I took an oath promising to do this long before our war began."

"" Ron said in mild shock as Judy realised her mouth was hanging open and closed it with an audible click. She did not shift her eyes from the Prime's noble visage, mesmerised by his captivating blue optics and that wonderful, rich voice.

"You know that incident with the cops? And the one when I was removed on a matter of National Security?" Sam said, breaking into the muddled thoughts of both parents. "Well, that's all connected with the situation I'm now in..."

As Ron and Judy listened, Optimus and Sam took turns to tell Ron and Judy all about the Code Of Cybertron, how it had already impacted on Sam, the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, the Mission City fight, and how that fight meant that the Autobot Leader was now honour-bound to return the favour Sam had done.

The telling took Sam and Optimus several hours, but once they had finished, Ron and Judy looked a bit dazed. Then Judy shook her head and said "Well, it could be worse, it could be another one of those Decepticon characters." She looked at Optimus and said "Well, I see one issue with the lodger idea, you won't fit in our house."

"My holoform can, my natural body can stay in truck form, parked by the side of the road. I can move it if it gets in the way." He nodded to her. "I would be grateful if you would allow it, that way we can explain my presence to your neighbours, and I can learn about humans by living with your family."

Judy sighed, and looked at her husband, and said "Well, Ron, it looks like we've got ourselves a new lodger."