Deep Cover.
Summary: In the early years of the war, the Autobots sent a deep-cover spy to infiltrate the Decepticons, an attempt that was successful. But now the Autobots need to get him back.
Rating: T for safety. May rise.
Disclaimer: I don't own it. That privilege is owned by Hasbro and DreamWorks/Paramount.
Deep Cover.
Kaon, Cybertron, a very long time before the present.
He came online with his processors aching. He could not remember how he came to be here in downtown Kaon…then he remembered The fight. The inevitable result. He looked down at his claws, for a moment confused. Claws…yes that was right, he had managed to better the other mech, managing to catch a major energon line. That explained the energon streaking his fingers and hands.
Faster and faster his memories returned and he sprang to his feet. He had the feeling he was being watched, but when he turned, there was nothing. He moved on, mindful that he might run into trouble. He flexed his claws: he was ready for trouble.
"Halt! You there! What are you doing trespassing on Decepticon held territory?"
He turned to view the speaker dispassionately.
"I come looking to join the Lord High Protector's army, and pledge myself to his cause." he said.
"Oh you do, do you? What makes you think that the Lord Megatron would want anything of your support? What do you have to offer him?" the other mech - an arrogant green glitch who was taller by a few feet - asked.
"I offer him my loyalty, my support and my skills." he said.
"What skills would those be?" asked the green mech.
"I can work with others, even those I dislike, if we are working to the same goal. I obey orders. I can sneak, and I can fight." He said the last word almost challengingly, baring his sharp-pointed teeth.
"Oh you can, can you?" the green one said, and waved two of his patrol forward almost dismissively. "Prove it." To the two men the green mech said "Fight him. To the death." The two mechs started edging towards their opponent, and the first screeched as he was suddenly leaped on with a power belied by the other mech's bulky frame. A roar sounded as teeth and claws dug deep into plating, tearing into delicate wiring below. Then the second mech was trying to defend himself from an attack which was so fast and so fierce he feared for his Spark.
"Enough! You've proved you can fight. Stop this." came the voice of the green one.
He proved his earlier statement that he could take orders, rolling off his opponent and to his feet in one smooth movement, the green mech moving over to check the two.
"You didn't kill this one." he said, nudging the first opponent with his foot. "Why not? No stomach for killing?" he mocked. The other shook his spiky head.
"He can still be used. I abhor waste. That way you do not just switch one mech for another." The second mech was getting to his feet, and the green one aimed his cannon at the first.
"No." said the other. "With repairs, he can be useful again."
"He has lost in a battle. He is severely damaged. He could not stand against you, he forfeits his right to live." Green said.
"Resources are valuable and scarce. Do not waste where there is no need." He hoisted the mech up roughly. "He will learn from his error in underestimating me, or he will die by repeating it. Either way, let him live or die fighting our enemies rather than our own."
The green mech nodded.
"You speak sense. I am Venomslash but you will address me as 'Sir.' What is your designation?"
"I am designated…Barricade, sir," he replied.
"Follow me, Barricade, you're recruited. We finish patrol, then return to base."
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Several metres away, Mirage activated his disrupter with a heavy Spark as he moved away, back to a safer area. He knew that the next time he saw his friend, he would not know him as such, not as Ratchet had removed all his memory chips and replaced them with a false set of memories, mindset and beliefs. Even his body was unrecognisable from what it had been, even his vocal processor had been removed and replaced, and this was all by his own suggestion. When they next met him, he would be actively trying to kill them.
He reached an area he knew was communication-secure and opened a channel.
"Mirage reporting in sir." he said.
"Report." Optimus said.
"The plan worked, sir, he's gone with them, he's been recruited." He sighed through his vents and spoke again.
"Repeat, plan successful, Prowl is in."