The Price Of Power.
When Starscream and the other two finally exited the recharge chamber, they found a reception committee waiting for them. Optimus, Megatron, Elita and Ratchet had gathered and were sat waiting.
"What is it?" asked Starscream.
"We've been thinking," Optimus said. "At the moment, there are three distinct groups of Cybertronians. There is you and yours, because although I could invite you to join us and become Autobots, I'm not convinced you would accept, and in fact a separeate, autonomous group of your own could be an advantage to us all. There are, of course, us Autobots, and then there is Soundwave's group. I was thinking, we could put together a council of sorts, to exchange news of relevance to us all."
Megatron spoke next. turning to look at Starscream.
"Optimus would represent the Autobots, Soundwave could represent the colonists, you could represent those new arrivals who do not wish to belong to either of the other groups. We only ask you one thing: please try to stop members of your group from rampaging and causing general damage: the humans would retaliate, and we can't say we'd blame them."
"A council, and you want me to represent the Decepticons of Earth?" Starscream asked.
"Well, as I am now the Prime's protector, and the Decepticon cause of universal conquest is pretty unobtainable, I imagine there will be a fair few Decepticons who will get here and not know what to do with themselves," Megatron stated. "You could give them somewhere to go, where they do not have to ally with Autobots, or go to a colony they may not wish to go to. We can help you gain links with humans, and you can retain diplomatic links with us, by which we can ensure your base gains any supplies it may need, but remain autonomous. The choice, Starscream, is yours and your trine's."
"I…I accept," he said, a bit stunned. "For now, at least. I would need to see how this would work before committing fully. I need to find an appropriate location for a base, I may need to return for refuelling."
"That's fine," said Optimus. "Thank you, you will help solve the problem of rogue Decepticons causing mischief due to a lack of leadership. I am sure a noble Seeker like yourself can keep them under control."
Starscream couldn't help but preen at the praise.
Elita stepped forward.
"Starscream, I have decided that I will give you the chance to court me, as you asked. I would like to get to know you as a prospective lover, rather than as an enemy."
Starscream stopped preening and nodded, smiling and extending a hand, which Elita took. He carefully drew her to him.
"May I suggest then, Lady Elita, that I take you for a flight, hold you in my arms, and share with you as much as I can the glory of the sky." He smiled. "This time without wrist restraints."
Elita chuckled.
"That sounds a lovely idea, Councillor Starscream." she said. Starscream pulled a face.
"Just Starscream please. Titles such as 'councillor', or as on Cybertron, 'Senator', were part of what began our original world's problems in the first place. I will merely represent my group and give them a leader to give direction. Otherwise, can we not be equal?"
"Well, in that case, drop the 'lady'. We will just be Starscream and Elita." she said.
Starscream nodded. He moved his hand towards the door. "Then shall we? We can at least find out if it is a good day for flying?"
"Mild winds, sunny, and temperate." she said. "Mirage just gave me a weather update."
"Perfect, then. Let's go."
As the two walked out of the medical bay, hand in hand, Optimus and Megatron watched them leave, smiling.